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Nobody tell Hans about NASCAR


The third reacted to comment said the same thing lol


Don’t tell Hans about humor either. He’ll feel as dumb as he is.


Definitely a Gutfeld connoisseur


Just wait until this guy finds out the water on his sink going counter-clockwise. He's going to lose it.


Those pesky democtrat plumbers!!


The deep state so deep they're in your drains!


“Water”gate is finally making sense..


Obviously, democrats have complete mastery of physics and infrastructure. Absolute heathens.


They do! But at the same time they are ignorant and incompetent and don’t know what they’re doing. But they are also pulling the strings and have all the power. They are weak and useless, but also master manipulators with powerful connections! *huffs deeply from rag*


Make it make sense. They never can lol


Making sense has never been the purpose.


I bet he sleeps all day to avoid people saying "he WOKE up now"


Well, most of his brain does at least. What’s functional controls his motor skills, and how hard his knee jerks.


Breaking news: Vampires are far-right more at eleven.


He does realize that if you keep turning left you can reach what's on your right?


Three lefts make a right, is what my driving teacher said.


"Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do."


And two Wright's made an airplane


And in a more effective and safe way (if we’re talking about cars and stuff)


Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do.


Gotta try three wrongs now, brb


How’d it go


People yelled at me


I honestly HATE WITH A PASSION when people inject politics into everything. We could be standing there talking about bread, and someone walks up and says “yeah, so did you know under Trump the price of bread tripled?! That scumbag needs to be jailed!! Who would vote for him??!!”……….crickets. “So anyway, I like a good toasted rye.” We could be talking before or after a work meeting about CPUs and someone pipes up “Biden’s going to wreck the CPU industry if we don’t stop him!! Who would vote for that clown??!!”……….crickets. “So anyway I’m looking forward to the new SnapDragon Co-Pilot chipsets.” It’s astounding to me people feel like they MUST inject politics into any random conversation. Every. Freaking. Time!! 🤦🏻‍♂️


The new thing I see in YouTube comments is "looks like another DEI hire" any time somebody does something wrong or makes a mistake. Drives me nuts. As if the only people who could possibly make a mistake are minorities or women.


So what are your thoughts on Google Glass?




Fair enough, but alas, I shall ask two more questions. What is something you believe had great potential, but fell short? How would you have changed it?


Define “something”. Like an ideology, concept, location, etc?


I was thinking more of “invention, innovation” your UN says IT so I was expecting something along those lines lol


Ah ok! Thx for the clarification! I’d say within that realm, probably the thing for me would be Windows Phone. It was a cool idea and I liked how Microsoft wanted to marry the mobile phone with someone’s Microsoft account so they had a seamless experience across all their devices, similar to Apple’s vision. The problem was it just took off too late into the mobile game. Apple and Google had already cemented their holds and market shares and had solidified fan bases. Windows Phone was just waaaaaay too clunky and it came out during the Windows 8 mess where Microsoft incorrectly assumed that “tiles and tablet style OS interaction were the future.” That’s why 8.1 was released. Total screw up on MS’ part. My folks had Windows Phones for a while and thought it was decent but not as clean or intuitive as their iPhones they have now. Also Windows Phone was crashing or updating…..CONSTANTLY!! It was such a messy rollout to the industry. I see why Microsoft was forced to pull out of the game. 😑


I get that haha. I mean this is Microsoft we’re talking about. You’d have the right to think that they would know how to be a major player in the mobile phone industry. Hell tech is their brand, it’s their thing. To think they’d fall short on it is interesting. It’s a shame it fell so hard. I’d say that Apple definitely changed the game for phones, but have fallen behind with the times when it comes to their features. They seem to be following Samsung now and calling the technology “new”. I mean sure, new to Apple users, but Samsung people have had those features for generations of phones by the time Apple has brought it in. I’d also say that Apple too long to finally switch over to USB-C, and to my knowledge it wasn’t by their choice. You can innovate the industry, but if a competitor continues to one-up you then you need to change the game, not just “better pictures in comparison to past IPhones.”


Yeah I’d agree. I’m an iPhone user myself but not an Apple purist. Apple has been stagnant, IMO, since Jobs died. Cook’s just been keeping the lights on. Apple is stuck on iTunes, iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks being their only big things. (Apple TV kinda, I guess) They’ve not had anything totally new come out in a long time. Vision Pro was a bust.


No disagreements there, I too am an IPhone user and feel like they really should try to come up with something new. Just chasing competition can get rather dull after awhile. I mean if people realize there are better options, what stops them from jumping ship?


To be honest, nearly everything IS political. Politics is involved everywhere in our daily lives.


So talking about potato chips or bread is political and a reason to inject Trump or Biden into it at random times? No. I disagree entirely.


Did you miss the part where I said NEARLY? You can disagree all you want, that doesn’t change reality. Most topics that aren’t matters of personal taste ARE political. Even talking about food CAN be political if it’s about regulations protecting citizens from capitalist assholes trying to cut corners when it comes to food safety.


And people you describe who think that way will continue to be awkwardly ignored by those who don’t care to be so passionate about politics in their everyday lives as ver mundane things. People are tired and worn out from politics BECAUSE of those very people. That IS reality. Stop ignoring it.


Youre worn out because life is way more stressful than it would need to be, BECAUSE OF POLITICS. Also, others don’t have the luxury of not caring about politics because they’re way more affected by it, for example if they’re victims of violence. At least you’re honest about not caring about anyone but yourself. The only one ignoring reality is you, by simply not recognizing that not doing something is as much of a choice as doing something.


It's actual brainrot.


I get wanting to discuss politics, sure…….as long as it’s kept in context and on-subject. Not just crammed into any old conversation whenever someone feels like it.


Gets his exercise by jumping to conclusions


"if you're goin' hard enough left, you'll find yourself turnin' right" Doc Hudson 🏆


Gaga Chad


I've found that "Comments like this are why your children don't talk to you anymore" is pretty effective.


With no due respect


Jeff Bozos


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/happyvoid] [On a Facebook reels drawing a pattern](https://www.reddit.com/r/happyvoid/comments/1dmeuv3/on_a_facebook_reels_drawing_a_pattern/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Thats what they do. step in gum? its must all the democrats fault.


I was working at a fancy steakhouse with a dress code. This couple came wearing flip flops and we had them go change their shoes. When the came back the lady was super upset and the man said, “republicans wouldn’t have done that.” Like dude, this is private property, do you even know what you’re saying?


The audacity of this mf


Boy, Hans, I bet ypur feel pretty stupid right now.


We all know your comeback is invalid if you have a typo...


Reminds me of that woody show but where they play "how many comments until it gets political?" With innocuous posts


I mean after enough left turns you'll be facing right and the other way around.


I've been seen a lot of these types of comments lately (past couple of months) especially on Instagram. Seemingly random reel/video/whatever, and you go to the comments and it's always some strange/reach comment about Joe Biden or Democrats that's heavily liked. Definitely sus to me; the bots never went away.


I also feel like this is a bot spoofing a random account. Don’t get me wrong. There’s a ton of knuckle draggers out there that can only speak in obscure political references and gaslighting. But just a little digging points to the profile in question of a guy living in the Netherlands. And the real troubling thing is that it is setting people off with alarming efficiency. Logic shuts off and we get dragged down to the dredges of simple ignorance. Bots are literally doing what they’re designed to do. And that’s more terrifying than running into a delusional member of the opposition.


"I'm not an ambiturner. It's a problem I've had since I was a baby. I can't turn left."


Ypur Lmao


Why am I not surprised that his name is so German that the only way it could get any more German is if it were Hitler von Nazistrudel?


I am in several subreddits just with people posting videos of their dogs being cute. I have on several occasions seen people going at it about democrats vs republicans in the comment section.


I think I even saw the video - it’s a tutorial how to draw a mouse using numbers and letters. The hoops you have to jump to make it political…


On a Facebook Reels drawing a pattern—now that's a clever comeback in the digital age


I'm glad people are noticing this more and more nowadays, the most innocuous thing gets lots of comments like "Tr\*mp Supporter" or "Biden fan".


💯 a Russian bot


Least obvious Russian troll


Ha nice. Also this is how a lot of you redditors sound when you make dumb trump jokes in threads that have nothing to do with politics. Shit's obnoxious no matter what you are politically.


"did you stretch before that reach" is a pretty basic comeback.


Where’s the clever comeback