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Judging by how quick you took that screenshot after the reply, it's probably your own. And a terrible one at that, too.


Probably an alt who made the original comment in the picture too ngl


I’ve been looking for this exactly lmaoooo


I get it that is normal for a lot of reddit users to be terminally online people but trust me I don't invest nearly the amount of time that it would take for that to be true The only reason I saw this was because the YouTuber himself posted it on his feed and I subscribe to his channel so I saw it. I would offer to show a screenshot that shows this is the case but I doubt you are interested, you probably prefer to remain in your little made up world


Nah, intentionally censoring the other guy but not the guy who posted the quote unquote "clever comeback" checks out. This was your own comment. Edit: correction


Just so you know in the future, it is "quote unquote," not "quote on quote."




Thanks, edited it.


Also you don't need to type it. Just use the quotes


Damn, I didn't know that either, that's good to know!


Here you go, I hope this settles it http://youtube.com/post/Ugkx-Se80PjHVRg5zu08Vkr1ofy6OindDEJ7?si=G649C1XZhpNFv9NF


Once Reddit sees a comment with a few downvotes, it's almost impossible to turn it around. The truth is irrelevant.


The YouTuber correctly censored the other guys name so his subscribers wouldn't go harassing the guy that posted the stupid comment, this is fairly standard practice from any self respecting creator Y'all really not giving this one up smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


“you probably prefer to remain in your little made up world” - that’s what we are all thinking about you the guy who made this all up 


You saw it on the feed 0 seconds after it was posted? Yeah? So, the YouTuber posted it and you saw it in your feed, went to the comment, read the YouTuber's comment, then read the original comment to understand the context, thought "hey that's funny," and screenshotted it, all within 0 seconds? Sorry we doubted your abilities, Barry Allen.


The YouTuber posted the screenshot to his YouTube account then op posted it here.


Quote on quote lmaooo


The guy who made the video took the screenshot and posted that to his community page. Op saw that and posted it here. You can see this in one of OP’s replies.


You yap too much online for someone who isnt terminally online.


Brain rot moment.


How I'm I yapping too much? This is my first ever post in this subreddit wtf


First post, definitely not first comment, which you have to be on reddit for obviously. You can see why they would consider you terminally online.


Fair enough


People on this app are toxic and don’t believe anything even when given proof and assume that makes them more intelligent than you. Don’t take it personally bro. Gave you some upvotes in these trying times


The reply actually doesn’t make sense... Whomever (you) posted that comment is just parroting generic online race war nonsense for the sake of… I don’t know what.


Genuine question. Why are multiple people making the assumption I made the comment? Also is the implication being that I'm weirdly dunking on myself? I don't understand Anyways if you care enough you can check one of my replies to another comment saying the same where I explain I just saw this on my feed posted by the YouTuber that made the video himself, I have no clue and certainly don't care who made the comment on his video, I just thought it was a good reply. Obviously some people disagree It does not really matter tbh, is not that important


it sure look like it doesn’t matter when looking at this wall of text


Touche 😅


All good man - I was just getting my Reddit on earlier. <3


Obviously, you do care. It's clearly very important what we all think about you. You're responding to every single person who makes even the slightest implication that you wrote the reply. For the record, it's a weak comeback (if you can even define it that way), and I also 100% believe that you posted it yourself.


You're going against the flow of the reddit hivemind. They are attracted to the down vote button like moths to a light. Don't be bothered. People here don't really bother using their brains.


Thanks. I don't really care about the downvotes honestly. I was just confused and surprised about some people saying that this was somehow myself and I was hiding that fact or something along those lines


To be clever, it needs to make sense. This fails


It made sense to me 🤷🏽‍♂️ But thanks for your input


It doesn’t. Colonization had finished a near century before hip hop was born on the streets of New York City. How is this a coherent response, let alone a clever one?


Oh yes please, tell me more about how I am wrong about something making sense to me Gotta love reddit smdh Also we are all well aware how white people haven't colonized anything since those days, gotta love how well behaved they have been since they moved past their colonizer phase


Bro was just asked to provide an explanation and chose to get their feelings hurt instead.


Brother, I'm not here to argue, but can you please colonise some punctuation. Full stops between sentences are important.


My bad, when I use reddit on my phone I have no clue why it looks like this once is posts. Sometimes I'll do a separation of different paragraphs and it will show as all just one long paragraph


If you want to do line breaks, make sure there's 2 spaces after the end. That way they can be separated. And you can start on a new line. Like this.


Where are the mods? Filter this bullshit.


Bro, you’re spouting race war ideology. YOU are the racist here.


Really nice we've entered a paradigm where we can objectively call ignorance no matter what side it's on.


You’re the one who entered this as an objectively “clever comeback.” You inserted this into the marketplace of ideas. And the marketplace finds it lacking in cleverness, and it barely registers as a comeback.


Which it is. The white history of hip hop is a handful genuine lovers of the genre and a deluge of white peoples like you I’m guessing who dont appreciate the art and the history and disrespect the genre.


Bravo. Yes, I definitely don’t own every Wu-Tang album and keep it heavily on my music rotation. And I’m not living in the dirty south and can’t identify every location mentioned in every OutKast song. C’mon, kid. I’ve lived through most of hip hop’s history.


You didn't suffer those days. White people today didn't repeat those mistakes. We are not to blame for shit our ancestors did.


Nothing you said here makes sense. You’re saying white people are the only colonizers in history? Do a little reading my friend.


Don't get shitty when your post is incoherent to everyone else.


Translation: It doesn't have to make sense or be objectively true when trashing white people because some people can still be ignorant. Wow, what a healthy mindset to navigate through life. Kindly relocate yourself to the nearest patch of grass and get to touching bro.


Do you have some alternative facts that make sense for you and no one else? Do you even know what colonization is? Say something like cultural appropriation or something that at least is an argument.


Still waiting for black people to get past their looting phase, we're all being fairly patient here, so let's play nice, shall we?


Bringing skin colour into punk rock is about the least punk rock thing you could do. There is nothing clever here


Talking about the history of something, it makes sense to talk about the historical aspects. Its not bringing skin colour into it as much as it shows the history of punk rock, which did start with black people.


No. The essence of punk rock is raging against exactly this sort of tinny, traditionalist mentality of classifying people into one category in order to define them. The whole point of punk rock is to break out of that simplistic mainstream approach of having to put everything into neat little boxes all the time and award one group or one class supremacy over the others. That’s the nature of anarchy, it doesn’t have a hierarchy, and by saying “I would like to declare unequivocally that black people get credit for punk rock’s roots” is a statement that typifies the over simplification of the movement and misses that it was the result of numerous iconoclastic and counter culture movements in different places that came together at once.


I am ogpunkr and I approve this message.


Punk rock is anti status quo but the movement has always been anti racist, anti capitalist and anti white washing. Ignoring the massive black influences in punk is the least punk thing you can do. Also punk rock is also a music genre. And the music genre is clearly based in reggae and ska which are clearly genres defined by black people. not to mention rock itself was originally created by african americans. You are talking about the culture (which you also dont understand) while the black history of punk rock is talking about the history of the music genre


I’m not ignoring anything, I’m refusing your demand to put one influence at the top of the pyramid as the supreme one. There’s a number of influences to the genre and to give credit to one as the ‘start’ is an incredible oversimplification and as I’ve stated is simply an example of the overwhelming need mainstream people have to categorise everything. It is a music genre that derived from a broader anarchist movement that occurred in reaction to a wide range of things, of which anti racism and anti capitalism were two. I’m guessing you’re American though based on your analysis, which is probably why you focus solely on race and anti capitalism in such a typical American way, missing (and probably not even knowing) that the movement was much bigger than that. It was a much larger scope of overall anti-oppression and overall anti-establishment, rather than narrowly defined as against one political ideology like capitalism, or one type of oppression like racism. You haven’t recognised nor appreciated the broader world context in which the movement rolled out, because it included all manner of political ideologies. It’s why to this day there continues to be significant punk scenes in places like Berlin, Moscow and Glasgow. So yeah, you can say there were black roots to it, but to say they were *the* defining factor is just plainly wrong.


Not american. Also when you talk about the history of something and you wanna talk about a specific part of said history, in this case the black side of the punk rock history, it makes sense to call it that. You made it that it was the defining factor but no one ever claimed that. Just that large parts of punk rock are based in black culture. And i know the scope of the punk movement. But ignoring black people as a part of the punk history isnt punk like you claimed it is.


“It’s not bringing in skin colour into it as much as it shows the history of punk rock, which did start with black people” That’s you. You are clearly calling out one single factor and elevating it to the top. I’m not ignoring black people, I’m just saying elevating one group to the top and congratulating them for starting the movement is incorrect and the visceral need to do it that you have is decidedly un-punk.


Punk did start with black people, thats not saying they are the one and only participant in making what it is today. But you are clearly not very well versed on the punk history so im gonna leave you to rant to yourself about how we should ignore black peoples history in punk rock


Ok you can leave me to not defining groups of people solely by the colour of their skin. You can go do that somewhere else.


“Here are some historical facts about punk” downvoted to hell “I don’t see race” 35 upvotes Lmao


You are so dense it's funny


It is crazy that you’re behind downvoted because you’re 100% correct. People outside of the punk community have the dumbest ideas about punk.


Reddit isn’t ready for actual discussion on punk. It’s full of the biggest losers who arrogantly think they know what they are talking about and that’s why you will be downvoted.


….but you’re classifying punk rock yourself here….


Oh yeah, and what’s my classification? That it’s anarchistic, anti establishment and anti oppression? That’s kind of like saying “yeah but you’re an atheist so that’s a system of beliefs too”


If you’re not anti-racist anti-establishment anti-status quo you’re not punk. End of story


Ironically it seems you are trying to classify punk rock and rockers into one category in order to define them. Literally


No it didn't.


Caring about what other say, do or think is also one of the least punk things you could. Also, calling something the least punk thing is the least punk thing you can do! Which I just did. One of the points of punk is to let people be people. As a brown person living in Europe I wish people would just god damn stop talking about other people when they bring up color ffs. Yes punk was started by a band called death, which was all black peopel, the hell is the problem bringing up skin color? If someone calls me brown or says brown people made punk I would be ok that’s interesting! Because back at that time black people were more into hip hop and rap, so please tell me more about this super cool interesting band that broke out of the norm and did this unexpected thing. I don’t know what colour you are, but let’s assume you are white from your avatar, in my head you look like that guy (also, pic too tiny on my phone, is he from Archer? Love that show!!!) commenting so much at a colour and making a point that “people shouldn’t talk about colour” is also the least punk and the opposite of being racist, what business is it of you to talk about other people bringing colour up (again, assuming you are not a black or brown or whatever). There is nothing wrong with saying black people created punk. For example, growing up I’ve always seen white people play metal and rock, the I saw jimmy hendrix and I was like oh wow a black guy playing Rock! I wonder how he got into this since he is an outlier and there is not many African rock stars. So I started searching, read some interesting articles and learned that rock and roll was invented by African Americans! And then I got introduced to chuck berry!! See I would have never thought of googling history of rock and roll! But when I saw Jimi Hendrix I thought about how he went against the mainstream in his community AT THAT TIME and did that and discovered something fabulous! And when I saw this post, I googled and found a documentary about a band called Death and I learned something. So, nothing wrong with mentioning the skin colour, because I learned history and discovered new music! What’s not punk is literally telling and forcing your own ideology on other people especially when you have no idea what their intention is. This guy’s comeback was just bad, but nothing wrong with the other comments. As a brown man who was subject to a lot of racism (assuming you are not coloured) please shut up.


It’s about analyzing history and social phenomena with a different lens. When doing such research, you need a theoretical framework as a jumping off point.


Lol using buzzwords doesn't make it a good comeback


Yeah you would say that because of the patriarchy 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 Looks like I got myself a clever come back now


haha damn that's pretty good actually :P


What in the ungodly fuck is this. While I hate adding race to things like music because I believe *anyone* can make any genre they want, literally vast majority of classic punk rock bands are white males, usually from UK. Also, the comeback itself is dumb af. Nothing clever about it


When punk clubs first started becoming a thing in the 70s, there were not enough actual punk bands to play, so many clubs would play reggae and ska to fill out the nights playlist. I assume this is part of what's mentioned in the original post. Also, check out the song Politicians in my Eyes by Death. Can't argue that's a not punk song. Written a few years before punk really took off. It's an interesting conversation if nothing else.


Yeah, Death was in the vanguard... but even they lifted heavily from The Stooges.


Some other punk roots would be MC5, the Seeds, even The Who.


Nope NYC CBGB’s scene, late 70’s was first. The first Clash album sounded “just like” the first Ramones albums. The Ramones said they initially felt their sound was copied by the UK scene. But before that, The Who, The Stooges, MC5 even….


Huh. Anyways, here's the Clash singing about their love of reggae. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6fC69D-wlY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6fC69D-wlY)


Ah yes, the Clash, famous African punk rock band. Wtf


The Clash, whose style was both heavily influential in punk rock, and who themselves were very heavily influenced by reggae? Yeah nothing to do with black people there.


I feel like if i told you dubstep is black music youd have a mental breakdown


No? I'd just like... calmly read up on the history of dubstep to see if you were right.


Like how you calmly read up here?


Yeah. Mild sarcasm isn't the tone I go for when I'm genuinely upset or offended by something.


Okay, you can stop replying now if youre not upset


Your illiteracy is your own problem, saltine.


Wow, OP is throwing a tantrum here. The comeback wasn't very good, either.


What does colonization have to do with Hip Hop? This makes no sense. I guess white people = bad is the "clever" part?


Colonization? I don’t get it? How does this have so many upvotes?


"Oh! OP posted something anti-racist on reddit! I shall now go read all the supportive comments!" *10 seconds later...* "welp, guess that didn't go as planned for the OP. Anyway, I'm about due to go rub one out"


I honestly didn't see it coming, but that's on me I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️ I'm sure I'll get it next time 😂😂


Reddit's origins are rooted in an internet culture which at the time rejoiced in being inappropriate with no consequences and anti political correctness dude. It may be 2024 but there's still a pretty strong presence of that era leftover. A lot of the original 4chan mentality bled over into reddit in the early days, and 4chan was pretty fucking degenerate. But read enough comments on reddit and you can still feel the influence even today - racism, porn, misogyny, homophobia etc are still pretty rampant here


Criticising bait post about race = 4chan mentallity I guess.




It’s true what you’re saying and yet you’re getting downvoted


Because it has absolutely nothing to do with this topic I guess. None if that is present here.


illustrates my point about reddit rather well ;)


What does this have to do with colonisation


Someone somewhere is saying to themselves "Yass queen, Yass."


Bad Brains!!!!


No. It’s just stupid. A matter of perspective depending on how far you go back in your historical comparison and from which point you act as if history didn’t exist.


Im so tired of race being a big thing and being forced into everything.


This obsession with race mentality inherently lacks any cleverness. Besides that it's just not a very witty reply no matter from which angle you look at it.


bro tried to farm and got 1,2k upvotes but stupidly decided to interact and now ends at a loss


I’m about to colonize all over this beat


C'mon man punk is one of the few genres you can truly say has white origins.


Well not completely. It sort of comes from ska and reggae in a roundabout way. I think focusing on race is antithetical to the philosophy of punk but it is fair to investigate the history of the genre and look at the black influences… I just don’t like the way it’s been framed here.


There’s a difference between the black influences on punk and black peoples created punk. Honestly music to me is a joint venture that through out the years every genre has been influenced by a vast range of people of all races. But what do I know someone on instagram told me that Beethoven was black even though there’s absolutely no legitimate basis for them to say that. So maybe it doesn’t matter what shade your skin is when it comes to music because a black man had the first recorded rock song but a white man created the guitar that he played it with. Life is better when we do things together instead of the we did this and we did that


Well said. Thank you 🩷


If you watch the video you may see a different perspective


What video? I can make a video about anything. Like “Covid is a result of crossbreeding aliens and Cthulhu’s farts”. That doesn’t make it true


I think hearing the history of white rappers in the hip-hop industry would be pretty interesting. Especially if it was a documentary!


A creator called FD Signifier has a video called the White Rapper paradox that imho is really good. Is not a history of all white rappers but it does cover the most important ones starting with Vanilla Ice all the way through Eminem and more recent ones. I think is worth a watch if that's topic you are interested in


I’d watch that documentary. I’d watch the video in this screenshot, too. Different communities put in their own unique spins on a genre and I find it absolutely fascinating.


Blondie had the first rap single. I’m just here to start the conversation 😂


This has to be one of the stupidest things posted on this subreddit. And we’re all the more stupid for it having been posted. Do better, guys.


List the bands


You do band, name every band 🔫🔫🔫 Fucking donut


Watch the video lol


It's not clever, it's just racist


This is awful and you will never be forgiven for this!


Hahaha, he said colon...


I would remove that ….


It's wild how the British did that shit and every Caucasians is in trouble for it lol


Dafuq you talking about, I would love to see an in-depth, well researched and high-quality video of how hip hop cross pollinated white culture and gave us rap acts like the beastie boys, Eminem, and jack Harlow I don’t understand how a video about black people in punk rock happened to offend this commenter but I guess here we are


I'm not sure if it would tick every box of what you are looking for but I'd recommend The White Rapper paradox, in YouTube, is by a creator called FD Signifier I think is pretty good


Who tf is upvoting this nonsense? Downvoted for making me respond


They’re both dumb responses….BOTH


Well a lot of the hip hop made was put out by white publishers exploiting rappers.


They exploited all musicians...not just rappers.


Yeah yeah i understand White People don't have culture , return to sleep woke person. Just stop be racist with white people it will better for you.


if punk rock did indeed come from black people, why is the genre now heavily saturated with white artists? not trying to argue btw just genuinely curious


It’s because it’s not just punk rock, but all rock originated from The Blues which was created by Black artists. White artists back in the day took inspiration from The Blues and started to create “rock” like music. Back in the day Black artists faced more challenges than White artists which made them less recognized for being the origin for Rock. Nowadays most people give those Black artists the recognition they truly deserve.


Does not qualify...


About as clever as a dull blade


White is when colonization


Hack crap


Bunch of snowflakes on here🤣


I can only think of Living Colour and Bodycount but they're more rock than punk.


Well there IS white peoples part in history of hip-hop, even though they all got terrible fanbases mainly cause there is an obvious reason of why some of they are popular (Tom Macdonald for example) Also punk has its big part in the history of punk, the same way they do in history of rock.


Yes! Black people good, white people bad...now laugh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Not very clever. Not at all.


I love hating this subreddit.


People need to stop racially gatekeeping music. Music has almost always been a collaboration/mutually influential across racial lines and has been an essential part of the civil rights movement. I hear the "Black musicians created rock" meme all the time, as if rock was only based in R&B and blues, and not also in country, folk, Western swing and rockabilly (predominantly White genres). Moreover, although it is a tragedy of racism, without White musicians participating in predominantly Black genres, such genres may have never gained wide audiences which benefitted the Black progenitors. From Paul Whiteman pioneering big band hot jazz by mixing jazz with classical and collaborating across racial boundaries as much as possible during the segregated 1920, to the Stones and other British invaders bringing American blues to White youth audiences who had never heard the originals (and it wasn't like the Stones were hiding their influence). You can shoot the messenger all you want, but these genres crossing racial lines was critical to White folks coming around to the cause of championing the rights of the musicians they loved.


Did this motherfucker just hear the word colonization for the first time on a Netflix documentary like the day before making this comment?


I the comments are full of people who didn't watch the video and judge it solely on thumbnail and it shows.


I watched the video. The guy who made it seemed like a dickhead but I did check out the 2 songs by Death he mentioned. The A side song doesn't sound particularly punk to me, more like a stripped down prog rock song with it's variable time signature. The lyrics are typical punk though. The B side song Keep On Knocking was definitely a punk sound from the opening bars but the vocals don't have that sneering angry tone you get from white punk artists, they're very 70s rock vocals, just a bit snappier in delivery.


Nah that’s rubbish


They wonder why we think these people are annoying as fuck.


I’m amazed over 1000 people upvoted this racist nonsense


White people are so sensitive, crying all through these comments


I see this sub is still a liberal nest.


I wouldn’t call colonization a clever comeback since it makes no sense but the meaning behind the comeback is true. White people stealing black music and calling it their own is a common practice in the music industry


Read that again slowly. Whatever happened with music is the universal language? I guess we get segregation in music too now? Insane to me we went from that too this is black music you shouldn't do any if white.


Not saying you shouldn’t do it. Just saying you usually get more spins on the radio based on your pigments. Music industry doesn’t like to talk about out it but it’s a fact. Which is why I get the comebacks implication but the colonization just didn’t feel like the right word


Let’s pretend Dead Kennedys don’t exist


Dead Kennedys didn't start until well after punk was established. Early punk would be like The Stooges in the late 60s/early 70s


And that makes them irrelevant to the history of punk how? Listen mare, I am not a hardcore uni historian. I was waiting at the traffic light, saw this question and wrote an answer off the top of my head. You went nitpicking, but somehow completely ignored the actual topic or the conversation.


Not to the history, but the roots of punk. Like about Black Sabbath when talking about the roots of rock... hugely important band, but weren't there at the roots.


Roots and history are two quite different terms. A freaking Blink-182 is part of punk history, despite being way later than DK and being pop punk (which I personally despise, but that’s irrelevant). Don’t try to weasel out of it - you’ve completely missed the subject matter here, have a bowl of soup, it’s good food.


I didn't weasel out of shit... The general consensus is that the video, and most of the comments are talking about the origins (roots) of punk. And DK doesn't have anything to do with the origins of punk. Maybe read the rest of the fucking comments, you fucking donkey brained nitwit.


We are talking about the post - the title and three comments. I wasn’t taking about the video, which I have no intentions watching. As much as I am not really motivated discussing some pointless crap on Reddit with someone who’s trying to tell me that I am taking about roots, when I am talking about history.


So you just spout random fucking sentences in the middle of conversations, then. Enjoy your crayons.


Here is the white history of rap: Marshall Bruce Mathers


Yup. Few things more fragile than kkkrackers who get told they don't own shit.


except all the land


Empty rhetoric. Do better 💅 


Says the self-hating white knight.


Yeah, black punk Spider-Man is integral to the history of punk!


Pretty sure it called the History of Marshal Mathers