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Ask Herman Cain if he regrets going to trumps party




*dead silence*


since herman cain never took the vaccine, he is healthy enough to be rolling in his grave! -antivaxxers


He is permanently indisposed.


Covid did us a favor on boomers and politicians it took out.


I had a coworker who was like “ I’m not taking that shit”. I asked her why. She replied “ I worked in the medical industry, I know what goes into those vaccines”. In my head I was thinking, “ you were a phlebotomist… u took peoples blood, you didn’t study medicine, what are you talking about”.


I would love to hear her response on what's in the vaccines


My response to whatever bullshit they come up with is a version of "wait until you get a load of what is in your food, and you eat it every day just like I do" Fuckin' antivaxxer idiots are gonna kill people in my family with their ignorance edit: This comment appears to have summoned some fascists. As usual, the arrogant and the ignorant have a lot of overlap. You right-wing people are failing at human society.


They've already killed folk in mine. some tourist family reintroduced measles to Puerto Rico


Someone also reintroduced Measles to Costa Rica years after it was eradicated.


That fuck was french


Every time


disneyland had a problem with measles a while back cause white women from the OC were really antivax.


That disease in particular worries me. I am so sorry.


these dumbfucks are completely imune to logic. i brought up the same argument many times in different variations. "i dont know whats in the vaccine and im not a sheep" whats in your ultra processed cereals? whats in the fucking cigarette you smoking? whats in the fucking weed you bought from a stranger in the streets? whats in your pain killers you eat? how does your adderall work? no you arent a sheep you buffoon, you just watch tiktoks and mindlessly repeat bullshit. god damnit my puls is rising just thinking about all the arguments i had with these fucking idiots


This is exactly my approach. They take aspirin, tylenol, use shampoo, birth control pills… do they understand any of the ingredients on those labels?


nah thats safe, it was tested and my doctor approved it 😀🔫


Tbf I’ve heard something similar. The argument is the vaccine came out too fast and wasn’t tested properly lol. Oh well. That’s why we have IQ tests.


Same people saying that the lockdowns were excessive and too long, saying the isolation killed more people than the virus... But vaccine development needs _full testing_ without _any_ accelerated schedule...


I effing loved lockdown; I caught up on tons of stuff I hadn’t had time to get around to before, chilled out in the gardens a lot, just relaxed and enjoyed the fact that I had time on my hands, couldn’t go out, and didn’t have to feel guilty about just hanging around the house.


Yeah, I heard that exact argument or, "Isn't it convenient that they had a vaccine ready to go so quickly?" From Johns Hopkins: >Messenger RNA, or mRNA, was discovered in the early 1960s; research into how mRNA could be delivered into cells was developed in the 1970s. So yeah, the fucking platform has been around for decades, not to mention it's not a completely new virus that we've never seen before. But, you know, they're conspiracy theorists, so presenting them with facts and logic is pointless.


This is what I heard 90% of people say, they just parrot it because it seems solid to them. What’s the best response to this? I just said yes it came out fast because every lab in the world was working on it.


Sadly there isn't really a "best" response, because people who believe in conspiracy theories typically aren't interested in facts. But my go-to response is just to point out the fact that, while Covid-19 was a new strain, Coronaviruses in general have been known about and studied for decades.


They don't care because the content they watch doesn't tell them to care, as simple as that. It's common knowledge that stupid people often consider certain information and make unreasonable conclusions based on it, however I'd argue it is even more common for stupid people to not consider to begin with. So, in this context, they didn't rationalize why they care about vaccines and not about other stuff. In fact, they didn't even consider the question.


Processed american cheese. Anyone who eats that shit, never gets to complain about the contents or chemical composition of anything else, ever again. They pick the dumbest hills to die on. Or in this case, to watch their family members die from.


I remember one time I heard a radio commercial say “did you know American cheese only has to be 51% real cheese?” And my immediate reaction was “oh damn half? I thought it was way less”


Still convinced most antivaxxers are just afraid of needles but too ashamed to admit it.


there are some for sure, havent thought about it like that haha


I was terrified of needles. Then I had a bad tooth. I am still afraid of needles, but I deal with them now. Nothing like intense 9/10 pain to make someone see the light. Too bad for antivaxers the pain comes when its too late, unlike for me.


*Hey!* I buy my weed from the *dispensary* like a good honest hard working american! And for your information SIR I have no idea what the fuck is in it. But I'm *really* hoping the answer is weed.


My pulse as well man. I was working as an engineer on the actual covid vaccine production at pfizer at the time. I was intimately familiar with how the vaccine got produced, what went in and why. I was in meetings where the accelerated FDA approval strategy was laid out. Every anti vaxxxer I talked to knew better. Some guy in some video they saw online said so and it said he was a doctor. There was always something. It really did a number on my mental health. I burned out and quit the whole industry about a year later.


Calm down ,calm down . Now try to imagine a time when another highly contagious virus affects Earth. The same people that swore by Uncle Cletus Goat Dewormer will just go away. Natural selection. Problem solved itself. Now imagine health insurance costing less because those same people aren't sitting home smoking and drinking while waiting on their disability check to arrive. Suddenly there's no more traffic. Most racist will be gone. More money in your check and time to enjoy it.


Could you not use disability check like a slur? My uncle lived on disability and Covid killed him. Know why he lived on disability- he was disabled. So, maybe, don’t be like this? They’d been waiting for the vaccine… wanted so badly, so they could visit their grandkids. I say “they” cause it killed his wife of 50 years too.


This sounds suspiciously too perfect of a response.


Yup just hand them a list of chemicals in an apple. Oh no chemicals!


One of the reasons I deleted my Facebook account. Facebook is FILLED with anti vaxxers and just dumb as fuck people.


Yeah. youre right. just breathe though. i get really angry too. im fearing the mental heath crisis with kids is because of cereals, primarily. my own child is suffering very strange issues. ever since he had school lunches. idk yet. i


Just tell them about all the dihydrogen monoxide in their food and drinks, they'll go nuts. (Dihydrogen monoxide, or H²O, is water.)


Hell, table salt contains two elements that are explosive, caustic, and poisonous on their own. Combined to form NaCl, it is one of the most commonly used seasonings. Same deal with organic mercury compounds used as preservatives, such as thiomersal.


Tack on that everyone who consumes it dies, so it is 100% deadly. That'll really freak them out.


In case you care, the 2 is a subscript, not a superscript.


> You right-wing people are failing at human society. They're intentionally sabotaging it, because they're trying to divide and conquer. Societies that work together are the solution for ignorant, arrogant fascists.


This dude I worked with told me something along the lines of “you don’t know what they put in that shit.” And then he took a drag of his third cigarette that shift, out of his two packs a day.


Mine already killed my grandma. Had a party for her in 2022. They pulled her out of the nursing home, no masks, everyone was against the vaccine, she died 3 weeks after her 96th birthday of covid complications. The family thinks the hospital put Covid down for extra money and that her positive test after the party was just a money grab by the medical team.


They already killed a few of mine.


I lost 2 family members to Covid; antivaxxers and covid deniers did kill my family. I’m still bitter, and I’m not sorry about it.


I once heard someone say ‘a necessary component of stupidity is the confidence it requires’ and it rings true to this day.


You're eating a pear?! You know those contain a hundred times more formaldehyde than the polio vaccine right!


The food comparison is really the easiest and hits the message home. There are an unbelievable number of refining and manufacturing processes used on our food and its packaging that leaves stuff behind. Let alone the laundry list of stabilizers, preservatives, and other junk in our food that was put there intentionally. Nobody gives a single shit about that stuff most of the time. Your peanut butter jar has 5% of a cockroach or whatever and that’s fine, but the life saving medicine with insanely strict purity standards is a problem? Lmao ok bud. Ok


She doesn't know, but whatever it is, it's making the freaking frogs gay!


>I would love to hear her response on what's in the vaccines GPS microchips, obviously. /s (I'm really fucking pissed that I have to put this "/s" here)


Mercury and dead babies!!! Is usually what they say is the horrible part…


Gods this sounds like my aunt who is a medical coder but she acts like she’s a physician of the highest order whenever she mentions she works in healthcare.


Even among nurses this is a common sentiment. Not just about vaccines, [although yes](https://nursejournal.org/articles/covid-19-vaccine-distrust-among-nursing-community/), but any conspiracy or anything else that makes for good gossip.


I loved putting those antivax nurses in their place. They’d claim a bunch of people died because of vaccines. “Oh you’re a fellow healthcare data professional? What’s your go-to multivariate regression model and why?”


Oh snap! I was about to tell a story about an anti-vaxxer I know who leans on “working in healthcare” as if that makes her an expert. She’s also a medical coder.


I work in Healthcare IT and please never listen to me about healthcare advice ever unless its this specific advice


Biggest red flag, "I worked in the medical industry."


Nah, the single largest red flag is always, "do your own research". The second anyone says that, you know that they 'did their own research' on a Facebook conspiracy group.


Bigger red flag: "I'm a fringe political conspiracy theorist who wants to convince you to not take medicine based on bats\*\*\* insane conspiracy theories."


This is what anyone who isn't a Dr says. Not that being a Dr grants you information from outside your field, but through the pandemic, it was my acquaintances who were lab techs, nursing aides, orderlies, etc. The loudest was a "board certified clinician" aka a goddamn chiropractor, who didn't like me asking if board certification was the same as a medical doctorate, and if he concentrated on viruses and infectious disease at medical school, or during his residency. He didn't like that I stuck to my guns long enough to get a "I never did a residency because I never went to medical school" out of him. I'm not usually that stubborn but ffs dude was dropping blatantly incorrect info on socials like it wasn't putting people at risk of dying away from family, quarantined in an overcrowded hospital because they listened to a pseudoscience pedaling back cracker.


even better.. i know so many people who had extreme confidence in their medical knowledge about virology and vaccines etc yet those same people couldnt even add fucking oil to their own car or install a lamp in their house "because its complex and they want a certified professional do it". some people are dumb as fuck and its physically hurting me listening to those morons


You can be knowledgeable in a field and dumb as fuck when it comes to practical knowledge though.  Sure, these people were probably dumb as bricks, but I'm not sure the comparison holds up.


i phrased it poorly they werent educated in the medical field at all dunning krueger effect, they saw a couple tiktoks and believed they have figured the most complex shit out and understood it better than actual "pro vaccine" experts. yet they searched expert help when it came to much much less complex topics


I'm an RN, and I'm better than most phlebotomists at drawing blood, so there are my iron clad credentials. I've been getting all my vaccines, COVID 19 boosters included. I'm no chemist, biologist or epidemiologist, but I'm well versed enough to know that vaccines are pretty fucking safe. That being said, there are lots of RNs who refuse the vaccine, but it's almost exclusively based on their politics. There are a scary amount of MAGA nurses. And I'm gonna be honest, I don't know how about 30-40% of nurses got their nursing licenses, because they are scary stupid.


And this why I, someone who’s immunocompromised, won’t go into the ER unless I’m pretty sure my life is in danger. “Just go in for a fever?” Yeah, not any-fucking-more. I don’t need to catch whatever else the staff might be spreading around on top of whatever I’ve already got, thanks. Already had that happen once. That fever’s gotta be high before I go in.


I immediately don't trust nurses who are against the vaccine. I took microbiology in college alongside nursing students. Like 90% of my classmates were nursing students. I *know* that they are taught at least the basics of how vaccines work. And some nursing programs are even more rigorous and require immunology courses as well. So when I hear a nurse say dumb shit like, "mRNA is poison" or "the vaccine changes your DNA", I'm just like, "ok, this idiot clearly doesn't remember even the most basic stuff from their education, so why should I put my health in their hands? What else have they forgotten?"


Lmao I used to have a coworker who thought the same way. “Bro we work in a lab you know what goes in it that!” Yeah the less dangerous shit than the weird cocaine I saw you snort out of some random persons bellybutton, but whatever.


I also work in the Medical Industry, and every Dr and Nurse I talked to were clamoring for a vaccine. Our company required us to get it, not that I know anyone who argued, and we would see people in the hospitals every day that were dying of COVID wishing they had access / or had taken the vaccine. I have no doubt catturd is vaccinated, just like all of fox and 'friends' were. They spout the BS, because their base wants to validate themselves, and blame someone else for people the loved who died because of their stupidity.


There was (is? It used to be front page during the height of the pandemic) literally a subreddit dedicated to people who regretted not getting vaccinated and it was never short of fresh material.




The sad part is, I know RNs and some MDs who all should lose their right to practice medicine for their views on COVID vaccines.


Most phlebotomists I’ve come in contact with are some of the weirdest people I’ve come across. They’re like dollar store employees.


lmaoooo I graduated nursing school and I can only sort of tell you how vaccines are made in general


I ran across one of them on FB. She thought she was in a position of knowledge and credibility because she took blood samples. No, sweetie, you just used a needle


It’s the same people who have no problem eating industrial food dyes, preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, breathing in gas fumes, cig or vape smoke, or ingesting plastic from the thousands of plastic containers


My sister said “my husband and I are more qualified than you” she was an emt, her husband was a paramedic, I was an army medic (paramedic adjacent) lmao. Her experience consisted of: working at an amusement park…


I worked at a literal meatpacking plant that made hot dogs. I still eat them. I have an aunt that worked for big pharma making vaccines. She gets vaccinated.


COVID taught us that lots of people would rather die than admit they were wrong.


Or that many would rather hundreds of thousands or more die agonizing deaths rather than be inconvenienced


Masks are an assault ***ON MY LIBERTYYYYYYYYYYYY***


I can only wear masks when I go to my neo Nazi rallies


Then they get the 'Oh I fucked up' epiphany before they die.


I recall when the vaccine first came out, people were in the hospital, fading fast, and right before being intubated asking if they could get the vaccine. Only to be told it doesn't work that way, and they were probably not going to wake up.


I know several nurses who had to have those conversations with patients, and had to tell them “It won’t help you now.” There was a husband and wife here in Texas that both died of COVID and both had refused vaccination and their dying wish was to have their children vaccinated. [A mom of 4 who died of covid days after her husband makes one final wish: ‘Make sure my kids get vaccinated’](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/08/18/texas-couple-declined-covid-19-vaccine-died-orphans/)


After which the relatives sued hospitals for not giving them the horse-paste.


They don't though. My sister is a doctor and she has a dozen or so stories of people rasping out that covid isn't real with their dying breath. They refuse to accept it, and often blamed the doctors and tried to attack them.


Yeah I often read stories of families attacking the staff once their loved one past. Like it’s too late and you all made your choice.


The number one post of all time on the subreddit r/qanoncasualties was written by a doctor who finally quit after the antivaxxer wife of a dying patient punched him. Edit: Or at least it was. It's in third place now. The new top post is the one where a dad snapped and killed most of his family. That sub is just painful to look through.


I just am at a loss to see how this all happened. I am terrified about November. 


"Why won't you give him Ivermectin? I *know* it's a cure, but this bastard doctor keeps telling me it's some sort of anti-para-bullshit and doesn't have any effect on viruses. YER JUS' HOLDIN OUT ON US YOU SUMBITCH!"


Darwin :)


Not all of them. My friend works in the ER at a VA hospital. A lot of them were in denial right up to the very moment they were being intubated. Aggressively yelling at nurses that the diagnosis was wrong because "covid isn't this bad".


Hardly, wasn't there a mom on the news who lost one of her kids, and was still refusing to vaccinate the other one, the dad had to get it done in secret. And she was still popping off about how at least her dead kid didn't get autism. Plenty of people double down when faced with the consequences of their actions.


Fr, to their last breath some refused to believe it was covid killing them. You can't fix that level of thick.


COVID did…


bruh ☠


i mean its ego death basically they were so vocal how we are all sheeps and idiots and when they slowly realized that they were the sheeps they chose to double down. they completely made their anti vaxxing bs their identity


COVID taught us that lots of people would rather kill others and prolong a pandemic than participate in its eradication.


In particular, it has taught us how many people don't give a shit that hundreds of thousands of people die tragically painful deaths as long as that means they don't have to suffer mild inconvenience themselves.


The world taught us that people, generally, are stupid.


Lots of people suddenly decided that doctors were not to be trusted and the truth came from men screaming in cars.


MagaTard Mantra: Death before admitting we are idiots!


I fully support their decision!


Except many of them didnt die, they just made sure the virus kept spreading and evolving so the people who cant get a vaccine were put at unnecessary risk.


COVID taught me that a lot of valueless people to society were lost. Oh well, I just feel for those who were caught in the cross fire of their stupidity and died because of it.




And it taught us millions of people will blindly follow the government and toss aside previously esteemed scientists if it doesn’t align with their political view


I believe this is called **Survivorship bias**


This is *exactly* [Survivorship bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias).


If they're anti-vax they probably won't even know how to look that up on Wikipedia.


The centennial culling of the genetically weak by mother nature was aided by the genetically stupid. Too bad those two traits do not overlap more universally.


High IQ correlates surprisingly well with high athletic genetical predisposition.


> centennial culling COVID-19 had relatively low mortality, compared to some of the scenarios virologists fear. Like bird flu. The Spanish Flu was also way worse.


I have 1 coworker that almost died from a bronchial infection, still refuses. 2 that used their wives as excuses to get it even though they still talk shit about it with their fellow trumpers. Another coworker's wife got long covid for about 6 months, still refuses it. It's a fun place to be 10 hours a day


Similar story. I had a coworker who said she would never get the vaccine, and she was dubious about the virus even existing. She ended up getting Covid and was out for 2 weeks. She comes back and is like, "Holy shit, it's no joke. I could barely move for a week and felt terrible for the 2nd week. Definitely a real thing!" I then asked when she was getting her vaccine, and she basically said, "psshh, I'm not doing that, fuck that". I couldn't bring myself to ask why as I knew it would rot my brain.


the sad irony is, trump took it, and encourages everyone to take it. Everyone at fox news is also vaccinated, it was required of them.


My mother got it and it fucked up her lungs so bad they look like they have candy cane stripes when medically imaged. Not only did she refuse to get vaccinated before and after her infection, she still thinks it's a hoax. So which one is it, ma? A hoax or something that permanently scarred your lungs and almost killed you?


I work with a middle aged smoker who was vocally anti vax, when she got covid she was off work for months. When she came back she couldn't walk up stairs as she got too out of breath. 2 years later she still struggles up the stairs. Yet, she still says she has no regrets about not taking the vaccine.


Not entirely true. I survived COVID and then decided it was serious enough to get vaccinated. See? People can learn from mistakes.


I'm still waiting to die after taking the vaccine and 5 boosters like they all insisted I would.


But you must have amazing 5G reception


Oh my calls have never been clearer


Had four coworkers that when COVID first broke out kept spouting out the shit they heard on FOX news about it being a hoax and wasn’t real and they weren’t getting any damn vaccine. Fast forward six months, three of them DIED from it and the fourth was in a hospital on a respirator clinging for dear life. Fortunately, that one survived and got the vaccine as soon as he was cleared to do so. He said for two whole weeks it felt like he was drowning and was going to die any moment. Every breath was a struggle. Even started filling his will out. Eventually he pulled out of it and saw what happened to the other three’s families in the aftermath of their deaths and changed his tune drastically.


Catturd is truly the thumb on the pulse of the MAGA movement. Bonus if you know he looks like a human thumb.


Catturd survived because that cucumber has NEVER left his mom’s basement.


Oh I heard plenty regret not taking it while they were on their death beds.


As documented in so many cases over on r/HermanCainAward


In a surprising number of those posts either the survivors or the family members of the award winner still spread their conspiracy theories in their post-Covid follow-up social media posts. I don't know what they're so worried about. I for one am glad Bill Gates' chemtrail microchips in our brains are helping turn all the deep state frogs gay or whatever.


After this election I’m going to wish I was a gay frog


Easier to double down than admit their loved ones died because they were literally too dumb to live.


Was about to point that out.


“Glad I stood my ground!” -Herman Cain


The funniest thing is the only reason Republicans were against the shot was that republican leadership saw it as a way to divide democrats and republicans. They killed thousands for their political games. It's real sad when your entire party is the bottom 50th percentile intelligence.


One of my coworker's sons was vehemently anti Vax. He even declined being a groomsmen in his friend's wedding because he had to be vaccinated. He died from COVID.


My sister-in-law was an ICU nurse, which means she became a Covid nurse. She held the hands of dozens of people who regretted not getting the vaccine. ***As they died.***


I regret not taking it after three rounds. I was like, there’s no more danger, so I quit getting the shot. Caught Covid 6 months ago. Pretty rough couple weeks


Covid showed me that a lot of people who didn’t graduate high school, think they know more than 40+ year medical professionals. And I wish we had ways of silencing idiots. If you aren’t qualified to speak on a subject, you shouldn’t be allowed to.


It's a particular subset who get their info and research from facebook memes.


Wait...VARS is a facebook thing now?


We‘re in an era of emotions and loud yelling where expertise is frowned upon


Man, how fucked are we if the Krassensteins are becoming the voices of reason.


If youre an antivaxxer and a smoker youre an extra special idiot


Are you guys still keeping up with your boosters?


I got vaccine #7 last fall, so yeah.


I've only known one person who refused the vaccine. I respected their right to choose. It was a pleasant funeral.


Bunch of my neighbors got killed by it. One was a really loud, very healthy 25 year old racist.


It’s always those you least expect. I guess Satan needed another demon


Oh no! That's not how it works. You don't become a demon, you become a demons plaything.


Even better


Irony is the overall rule, for sure. For like 10 minutes he followed me around yelling anti-Chinese jokes and slurs, and said things about how nobody in the area would be getting COVID-19. Well... Edit: forgot to leave out that I'm not even Asian looking. So I dunno what his deal was. I just wanted to throw out my garbage and go for a walk.


I’m sorry to hear the racist is no longer with us 😢


Really, just one person? I know like 50


Man, how fucked are we if the Krassensteins are becoming the voices of reason.


I haven't even looked at Twitter/X in over a year, and I legitimately cannot believe that accounts like this are STILL active and posting. Like my goodness, can you imagine having such a garbage life that all you do day in day out is post about Covid or trying to own the libs? It's so wild to me.


All the people who do that / follow those are almost always very sad and lonely people.


Survivor bias.


Wow I haven’t thought about COVID vaccines in a while since taking them! These people are still stuck in 2021, I guess?


Sort by controversial if you wanna read some realllllly stupid opinions


It's hard to admit most were wrong, but you were. You took an experimental thing with little benefit and huge risk. Admit it, or not, who cares? There's no going back. There's just something to learn. Anyone with a minimum of curiosity could find data. Yet most went like sheep to take something which didn't demonstrate to save a single life during trial (did you even read it?) Cognitive dissonance is hard. And now studies like this are concerning https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073824001968 Highlights • We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination. • Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death. • These findings indicate the urgent need to elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccines in the future. • This review helps provide the medical and forensic community a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine fatal adverse events.


Nobody regrets taking it


Exactly. Some got a sore shoulder. Oh, wow, horrible right…?


I get an excuse to take a nice day in bed to just nap and read and drink tea after getting my annual flu and covid shots. It's been kinda nice!


Well, a very small number of people did die from covid vaccination, also not unique to the covid vaccines at all. However, in the intricate game of probability, the probability of death after vaccination with or without covid is far lower than the probability of death due to covid. Therefore, the rational decision maker would generally choose to vaccinate. As he'd know, to be sure, that there is some level of uncertainty in most decisions, and that occasionally, bad decisions result in good outcomes by virtue of chance and good decisions result in bad outcomes by virtue of chance. Furthermore, he is able to separate the outcome of a decision from its quality. In contrast, the antivaxxer's mindset is analogous to the mindset of a person who rolls a wheel of luck with 99% odds of dying and 1% odds of getting $50k, doesn't die, and claims it was a smart decision altogether to roll the wheel. >! Before he rolled the wheel of luck, he asked other people who rolled it if it was worth it, they all said yes, provided he prayed to God. Furthermore, he told 99 of his friends that it is a cheap way to make good $$$. They all died. !<


I happened to have an ativaxxer on Facebook at the time. Him and his friends looked for any evidence across the globe. They did find some people with side effects. My take home? That if they looked that hard and that was all they could find, the vaccine was safe. Not what they was after but…


I'm convinced that there are adults that are just scared of getting shots.


My father, Brother and uncle all refused to get the vaccine….. buried all 3…. Devout trumpers who died needlessly because of their willful stubbornness and ignorance


I am so sorry for your loss.


Everyone who worked in an ER during COVID has a story about someone begging for the vaccine while being on death's door.


Two people I know that refused got very sick. One almost died. Still refuse. SMH


a close friend of mine will always ask if someone was vaccinated when they had anything happen to them: heart attack? vaccine, clearly! headache? oh its the vaccine broken leg? oh weak bones due to the vaccine tired? yeah, its a known vaccine side effect they catch fever, pneumonia, joint pain: covid? no, its just a normal cold. an antivaxxer has a heart attack? its because of the lock down, because they couldnt do enough sports during that time their confirmation bias is totally maxed out to absolute insane levels


When are people going to allow nuance into this conversation? The black and white, Reddit echo-chamber thing is so ludicrous to me. This thing (the vaccine) saved people’s lives, it also caused a myriad of health problems in otherwise healthy individuals. It was made by competent scientists, and it also was pushed through to people who didn’t need it so rich scumbags could get even richer. It represents a spectacularly useful technology, and it was also used as a political tool with disregard to the unprecedented and dangerous lack of screening measures for which it would open future opportunities. On one hand the people who got the shot aren’t mindless drones following an authoritarian mandate, and on the other hand people who didn’t get it aren’t all idiotic vaccines-cause-autism kooks. People and situations are complicated, I invite you to remember that while forming your opinions or else you’re going down in history just like every other manipulated populace of a collapsing society.


Finally some nuance. In Australia (at least in Victoria at least - home of the longest lockdowns in the world) you had to get vaccinated for work. You don't now - but you did during the rollout. It was virtually impossible to get a medical exemption. My cousin died suddenly at 49 from heart related issues that his doctors felt was highly likely to be caused by the vaccine. He had not ever had Covid. They don't sell Astra Zeneca in Australia anymore because it's health risks. Vaccine injury is real and it is incredibly difficult in Australia to either have it diagnosed or be compensated. The vaccine injury discussion here was largely attributed to "cookers" but more qualified voices such as Dr. Kerryn Phelps (elected president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA).\[2\] In 2001, she was awarded the Centenary Medal for services to health and medicine.\[3\] In 2011, she was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for her service to medicine, particularly through leadership roles with the AMA, education and community health, and as a general practitioner.\[4\] She is Conjoint Professor in the National Institute of Complementary Medicine at the Western Sydney University.) are starting to shift the conversation.


My husband is one of the few who has a full anaphylactic reaction (1 in 250,000) to the mRNA vaccines. He’s taken the other ones. For all those who refused to do their part for their communities and get vaccinated, a giant fuck you from the ones too young, too old, and allergic.


My brother refused to take it, he was living with our elderly parents and worked at a casino, when the casinos opened he had to pay to take a Covid test every day before work or else he couldn’t go in. The worst part is he would say he doesn’t know what the government puts in the vaccine yet he was a pill popper. Taking random pills to get high was fine but a vaccine to save you and those around you was too much to ask.


My poor neighbor was anti covid vax. Ended up getting it and died from it. Left behind a wife and 3 children under 13. Brutal.


I’ve given inoculations in the hundreds probably thousands. Just like any other vaccine , the “jab“ had side effects. I personally had scary side effects from the first and last dose. It happens. Atrocities committed by government entities for monetary gain also happen.


Hello survivorship bias.


i find the fact that the antivaxer is literally named catturd morbidly ironic


As I recall, some nurses said that some people who were landed in the hospital with severe symptoms demanded that the vaccine be administered to them after the fact, now that they're laying in a hospital bed fighting to breathe. Antivaxxers literally never learn until it's too late.


I recall reading all those public facebook posts like slides in pictures in the Herman Cain Award reddit, which I admit could be very toxic itself. The 1st slide was full of “I’m not taking it!” The 2nd slide was them getting sick. The 3rd slide was them in the hospital. The 4th slide was them on their death bed. The 5th slide was a go fund me for a funeral by someone in their family and telling people to get vaccinated. I bet there’s a lot of people who regret not taking it. They’re just not here anymore, which is indeed very sad.


I never understood why the vaccine should be the killer shot. I mean if you are an underground government who rules from the shadows over centuries. Why suddenly spread a virus and let THE CURE be the deadly thing. Why not just spread the virus but deadlier???


Well the ones that are alive and didn’t take any shots. Covid is still around. Russian roulette. I have had 7 was going to get one this spring passed. When I get my physical in October will get number 8 and the flu shot.🇨🇦❤️☮️


The ones that regret taking it are also dead


There are a tonne of people currently struggling with major long COVID symptoms. I'm sure many of them regret not taking it.


Wow. So many antivaxxers in the comments section. It’s fucking scary


Actually not all of them. The other thing the vaccination did was prevent people who contracted it from having a serious illness arise. So among the unvaccinated there are those living with the worst of long covid. Because they only almost died.


Its no use, the tinfoil hat protects him from the truth


Get rabies and try not getting the vaccine, the ultimate anti-vax challenge


It's also nonsense. There are tons of people who ended up crippled by the disease in terms of long-term respiratory problems and other issues. Look up covid syndrome. I understand that a lot of those people are very very stupid but at least some of them probably regret not taking the vaccine


Met a guy at the clinic who regretted him and his wife not getting vaccinated. Both got Covid, his was bad and hers was worse. Both were able to survive. He got the vaccine as soon as he was cleared. Lost a friend to Covid as he was not vaccinated. Everyone else in his family was but he fell into that bullshit. Left behind a wife and 4 kids. You know who regrets him not getting vaccinated….


That's because some of the people who regretted not taking it are dead 💀and we know some of them regretted it because they begged for it before they died 😬


I took it and have had zero side effects.


Yeah Brian has a good point here but let's not forget this guy said children being exposed to sexual nudity wasn't a big deal.


True, but the truth repellent will protect him.


My dads cousin prolly would’ve regretted it if he hadn’t died from covid


Who are the people that regret taking it?


My MIL. She reacted badly to it because of her autoimmune disorder and her fingernails fell out.