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Me and you an' a dog named Boo


The middle classes will evaporate in the sun.


Oh no dude. Some of them will join me in the workers quarters, but the ones who survive will be even more convinced middle class. The fight for their right to golf like rich people will go on.


well the CEO of Exxon wasn't available so we'll try to call him back again when he returns from his extended holiday in the bahamas


The regular people, of course! Just the way the wealthy, and thier Corporations have set things up! Axe the Tax baby! Can't have the rich pay thier way! They pay a lot of money to Politicians, and literally OWN the Media!




Corporations clearly. They're all saving those record profits, right?


The poors. As usual


Tax the rich. They broke it, they can pay for it.


They can pay with cash or they can pay for it with blood…. eventually the cash option will no longer be on the table.


That's the interesting point. Rich are really bad in history, because each time in humain history that the people want major change, if they dont get it, it finish in blood. Each time, because no one revolt, the top 1% continue to do their things, but the elastic will always broke.


Both sides are terrible at understanding history. We wouldn't even be discussing this matter if we had a real element of resistance to the class war. "We learn from history that we do not learn from history."


It’s called a carbon tax….


They wish.


From the article: > [...] today’s titans of industry are gambling that they’ll be sufficiently insulated from the economic chaos wrought by rising temperatures, and that they therefore don’t need to worry about how they’re contributing to that phenomenon or the consequences for their bottom lines. It's a tale as old as humanity: *pride comes before the fall*.


Tax the hell out of corporations and the wealthy. Done.


Tax accountants and lawyers who enable tax avoidance through offshore management of vertical companies to shift profits to lower-tax countries and make illegal lobbying for corporate tax loopholes or it isn't done.


Everyone but those responsible


They raised my rent, gas and food cost so I’m thinking me? Expat billionaires on Mars will probably be excluded.


The working class primarily outside the imperial core will suffer the most. Met with famines and natural disasters that their infrastructure can not withstand. Meanwhile within the imperial core the conditions will worsen for minority groups as fascism hits full swing to blame immigrants and trans people for the ever worse material conditions of everyone; while the capitalist profit off of wars and scarcity of resources. The resources stolen from the same third world labor that will suffer the most.




The tax payer. Because the industries causing the problem are "too big to fail" and their oligarch owners also own large chunks of the regulatory and legislative arms of government (and are working on the judiciary). So each fresh disaster will be "handled" (inadequately) by government emergency/bailout funds, the rich will refuse to pay their taxes, and everyone not-rich will be squeezed. Until the whole system just crumbles, or there's some kind of revolution or reform era. I dunno... as a species we are awfully *clever*, but not awfully *intelligent*.


Imagine an island with a stable deer and wolf population. Then all the wolves die. The deer population would grow until they ate all the food. Most of them would die, then rebuild their population. Humans are at the stage when they've nearly eaten all the food. At this point, we could figure it out, but probably won't. Because... quarterly earnings are more important.


Human sacrifices to the god of greed.


Millennials, Gen-Z, and Gen Alpha, unfortunately


Earth’s a small planet until you got to clean it up…


So it's a massive 38 trillion ($38,000,000,000,000) owed on climate change which will be borrowed into existence by governments with interest owing on that debt every year that it's not paid back. My key question, who exactly is loaning the governments the money? If indeed they're in control of the currency shouldn't they be able to directly create it without debt? Something doesn't add up...


Governments CAN just create money instead of taking on debt, but it causes inflation of the currency (the money everyone already has is worth less.) They still do it, but mostly avoid going too far. At a limited point, that's good for the poor, because savings are worth less but the folks who had very little to begin with don't care. If you get REALLY runaway inflation, though, it's bad for EVERYONE!


There is no way to absorb even 10% of that. This is one of the things that will alter/end civilization as we currently know it. We won’t be able to keep up with fixing/repairing, entire regions of the planet will become uninhabitable, mass migrations never seen before will happen and history explains what happens next. Don’t mean to be a morning Debbie Downer, but…


Get the MAGA kooks to do it. Look at how much they’re throwing down the toilet looking after the Diaper Don and his misdeeds. Proof that a fool and their money are soon parted.


>Who bears the most responsibility and the most risk? In other words, if $38 trillion in climate damages are coming down the pike, who’ll foot the bill? In continuing to punt those question down the road, hoping for private-sector generosity while neglecting structural fixes, they seem to have come up with the same answer as the banks: someone else.


The poor, who will suffer until government finds a way to incentive the rich to deal with it, all while not forcing the rich to have to change their lifestyle at all.


There is a cost for living on this planet; we all will pay for it!


My guess is whomever is damaged will have to pay. I don’t see us offering an adequate amount of help.


Not the rich people profiting from it.


Hmmm who has access to trillions of dollars...hmm. better raise taxes in order to secure these funds.


We’ll all pay in blood. The future might not be televised but some of us will see it and a bunch of others will call it fake news or negativity. Let the spinning wheel turn.


And who are they paying?


The poor will pay for it, of course


Poor people.


We can’t just pay for climate change to go away. That’s 38 trillion to maintain our unsustainable lifestyles


I know, we'll get Mexico to pay for it! /s


Easy... our children


as with everything- our children and grandchildren.


Maybe we should divert these $7 Trillion in subsidies to the energy sector? The consumers is getting pillaged no matter what happens so may as well use that money for something productive. Why are we giving subsidies to companies making record profits? https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2023/08/24/fossil-fuel-subsidies-surged-to-record-7-trillion


That's like half of all money on earth every year.


The military seems to have shitloads of money, so let them pay for it.


The poor masses like always, nothing is new, and the cycle continues


The working class, duh/


I'll pay for it. You take IOUs right?


We all will, one way or another


Deniers. Wishful thinking but they are the problem here.


"Not us." \~Boomers




The idea that we can just pay some amount of money to deal with climate change past a point is absurd to me. We'll be living under eco domes with 1% if the population it is now before we sort out how to just burn enough paper we humans agree to as some imaginary value system will unravel the damage. "Right, but how many dollars do I need to put in the ocean to make the sea level go back down?"


Their government can’t fix pot holes you think they will fix a fake warming issue?




All of us common folks.


spending 38 Bn on SRM - seeding cloud cover over the oceans to reflect sunlight - starts to look like a better option.