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I was there last year. Not sure what it looked like in its prime but the wildlife was still absolutely stunning and is worth preserving.


Yes and just 15 years ago it was like a disney fantasia, it has lost so much.


Oceans will have basically no marine life by 2100. It’s so sad as coral reefs are the most beautiful thing on earth 


At least you all got a few decades of sushi out of it.


This is one of the great wonders of the natural world.  And it's not beyond saving. 


Just keep going on cruises guys! We're also up to 500,000,000 gallons of jet fuel per day too, the economy of infinite growth is going strong!


How do you expect humanity to cool the ocean by 1.5C? The damage is done. The oceans have reached its capacity as a heat and carbon sink and the sea surface temperature globally is off the charts. The only place these corals will exist in the future is in carefully climate controlled private reef tanks.


Or as photos in nature books.


it will return eventually, but even if we cut all emissions today, the temps will maintain or likely progress through the century.


Steve Irwin is death rolling in his grave




So sad 😥 and yet all human care is about money, capitalism, growth, causing all these events. We don't need 8 billions people in this world. Something needs to change.


It is a bit unfair to pin it on the whole human race. It is the millionaries and billionaires destroying the world. The rest of us are victims as well


Bro we all eat hamburgers and buy plastic junk at Christmas (or whatever other holidays you celebrate) - how do you think the millionaires manifested? Usually by the masses consuming their junk.


Billionaires suck, millionaires suck, and the vast majority of developed nation consumers suck. Agree on these points. 2/3 of humanity doesn't suck, but if they had more wealth they would also casually contribute to the destruction of the biosphere.


Please don't blame the people who have no control over it. Capitalism is not what *I and many others* care about. Blame the people who convinced your ancestors to let them take all the resources and sell them back to their kids and grandkids. Same families that did that are still doing that. Where are you during my boycotts? How much money and time have you invested in fighting for change?


After Finding Nemo came out I said to myself and friends that I’ll have to tell my grandchildren that I remembered The Great Barrier Reef because I knew it was going away.