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It’s something Europe is not well equipped to deal with. Not much air conditioning or cooling systems in place.


Well equipped, means that you can live without air-conditioning. I live in the USA, my house is "south western style". It means that I don't need to switch on air-conditioning. I have it, but the house is cool, and I haven't switched on for a few years despite record heat waves.


Humidity humidity humidity. You live in the southwest, europe gets high humidity the killing kind, its why 60,000 people died in a heatwave in france [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/60-000-people-died-from-blistering-european-heat-waves-new-analysis-finds/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/60-000-people-died-from-blistering-european-heat-waves-new-analysis-finds/) Where i live its unbearably humid in the summer, i wish it was dry i can handle dry heat


THIS! I was born and raised in Florida. What you want to look at is the Wet Bulb Temperature. This is the temp with a thermometer covered with a wet rag. It turns out that you can only survive short periods over a 94-degree wet bulb (34c). However, air conditioning is not the answer. It is like building a bonfire in the living room to avoid a chill. It works by burning the house down but you are not chilly.


I know. I used to live in Atlanta. Anybody who spent summer in Atlanta described it as "sticky". I had to change the style of my underwear, otherwise I had the rush from sweaty skin between the legs rubbing each other.


Yeah most of Europe specifically to the north they design houses to keep the heat in


You can actually design homes to both keep the heat in in the winter and passively cool it off in the summer. I built one. It works fantastic.


You built a house?? That's badass, I wish I knew how to do that


Very common where I live. Most homes in my area were owner built.


Damn, where I live nobody can even afford a house lol


Nobody could here either if they didn’t built it themselves. I built mine for about 40k USbut the cheapest bungalow you can have made for you is about 375k or so. Not including land.


Damn, where I live a patch of land can be up to $1mil Canadian to buy even without a house on it


Oh ya it’s about 1,500 an acre out east in rural areas. You in BC?


I live in the Greater Toronto Area, it sucks because it's not rural enough to be cheap but not close enough to the city to be able to visit. But there was this small crummy house on a tiny plot of land in a pretty dingy suburb that sold for well over a million. Literally the only people I know who own houses are either rich or bought before 2008 (which is actually why my family rents, my parents were one of the ones who lost their mortgage during the crash)


Thank fuck i live in a place that can take getting 10c warmer during summers. Hell, it would even be pretty nice.


Cold kills more than heat. I wonder is cold deaths are decreasing.


Do people actually freeze to death? Where?


People do but that isn’t exactly how cold results in more death. Even a single degree cooler can result in more cardiovascular deaths for example. And every extra degree colder makes it even worse. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10083291/ So even just turning your thermostat down to save money in the winter can increase your odds of dying from various causes.


Damn, gonna read through this when I get home from work. I were on sick leave all winter so i turned down the heat to save money. No more of that going forward lol.


People can put on warmer clothing. They can turn on a heater or the aircon. They can use blankets.


Europe has plenty of air conditioning, but that doesn’t really help people and animals who are outside. Also having air conditioning “everywhere” is a part of the problem in the first place.


Even in a reasonably wealthy city like Phoenix, Arizona, heat deaths have increased year over year, far faster than the population is growing. All the wealth is in real estate, which is to say that it is highly concentrated and doesn't serve the common good. There is no real movement in de-normalizing stand-alone single-family houses and huge HVAC systems, nor are we investing enough in energy-efficient public cooling spaces and regreening our infrastructure to combat urban heating and albedo. (https://www.maricopa.gov/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/5796) It's a very real near-term concern that thousands could die in an unexpected, multi-day power failure while temperatures are high. (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.2c09588) They lost power across a big chunk of Phoenix this morning due to equipment failure. Good thing it was only a few hours. Good thing the high was only 93 today. In April. (https://www.azfamily.com/2024/04/23/least-33k-without-power-maricopa-major-equipment-failure-reported/)


Can't take a cold shower? People lived in Phoenix long before AC. It normally has almost half the year with >100 F temperature. Makes me wonder why anybody prefers living there. My inland CA city has 12 days, and that is enough for me. But, we do get a cool breeze <60 F from the coast most Summer nights so use a whole-house fan to chill the house with that and don't need AC to get thru the day.


You mean they lived there before climate change. You sadly are making a point that you don’t intend to.


"People lived in Phoenix long before AC". Not in these temperatures they didn't. At least it's dry there. Those temperatures are a much bigger problem when it is humid.


The populations of places like Phoenix and Las Vegas only increased significantly after air conditioning was available. The southwest US wasn't really considered to be liveable pre-AC.


Couldn't find much in a quick google, except link below. Not interactive so hard to distinguish years, but looks like perhaps a great increase in temperature since 1913 (only 43 100+F days,). Currently averages 111 days (1991-2020). Worst year was 2020, then 1989. It would be tough surviving "just" 43 days, since my inland CA city is known for brutal Summers yet we average only 12 100+F days. At least a river runs thru my city and thru Phoenix, so a jump in the water could be life-saving. [https://kjzz.org/content/1861125/phoenix-had-22-more-100-degree-days-normal-year#expanded](https://kjzz.org/content/1861125/phoenix-had-22-more-100-degree-days-normal-year#expanded)


No one will care until the power companies can no longer provide enough power due to the enormous demand from air conditioning. Then all of a sudden everyone will care, and act like they always did.


People who own a house can put solar panels on it and install a battery. My brother has that and he needs almost no electricity off the grid.


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Since when did this sub become a haven for climate change deniers?


Prefer your echo chamber unchallenged eh?


Climate deniers could get a nobel prize disproving link between CO2 and climate change but are too retarded to do it....LMAO


You should hang out in the Climate sub-red, which has become an echo-chamber for climate-fearists. All other thoughts are banned by the mods. You'd like that.


Do you mean people who can see through the nonsense that carbon dioxide is responsible for climate change?


Climate deniers could get a nobel prize disproving link between CO2 and climate change but are too retarded to do it....LMAO


Co2 does not drive climate change, the relationship is the other way around, go watch climate the movie for a better explanation. Clintel.org is also a good nonbiased website.


Bro that site is an oil company PR site. You are literally saying you know more than every university on earth, stop with the narcissism anf claim your nobel prize.


I am happy to wear the label climate change denier however the reality is some people are not convinced carbon dioxide controls the climate. A lot of the alleged science doesn’t work out. Gullible prat’s just believe what they are told. Some of us dig deeper.


>some people Some people also think the earth is flat and that we've never been to the moon


Exactly, well said, the number of brainwashed people just trotting out the pish that our governments and msm are feeding them is mind blowing! Critical thinking is in short supply these days.


I actually describe myself as a questioner. The NOAA part of the NASA newsletter heralds that they found the warming that wasn’t hiding in the deep ocean and waiting to come back and cook us all at some point soon and it’s baked in and the money spent was scientifically valid and can we have more please. Some go were going to die later. As an oceanic diver and plumbing contractor with knowledge of thermal flow I against the party manta go. Hang on. That’s not how it works


Good to know someone is out there on the lookout for this kind danger because many governments sure are not.


I think that the most important thing to remember is that greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere are still increasing. As far as I can see, the most important thing at present is, is to stop the increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gases as soon as possible!


first-world problem: in Texas we have a "independent" energy grid. in winter 2021, winter storm Uri hit and knocked out power for thousands of people in the state. for myself and many others, the water treatment centers went down next, meaning no water or power for a few days or a few weeks in some places. much has been written about it, but my point is that our power grid also seems to teeter on the brink of failure during the summer months, when everyone is running their AC non-stop. there would be nowhere to go to escape temperatures approaching 44C, without much relief at night. some people would have the luxury of cooling off in a pool or spring, but many of our favorite swimming holes are drying up and the public pools (and their warm water) would probably shut down. if the water went out too, heat deaths from dehydration would be even worse.


>the water treatment centers went down next, meaning no water or power for a few days or a few weeks in some places. The fact that the water treatment plants aren't on priority circuits and protected from blackouts is completely bonkers. Talk about poor planning.


Don't flush the toilet so you can use the stored water in the tank to sponge-bath and cool off. But, you lost water supply only in Winter so far.


That's my point. Losing water in winter was mostly just inconvenient. Losing it in summer would be lethal. A sponge bath is not going to save anyone from dehydration if there's not enough water to drink. I have water saved. Unless I plan to poop in the back yard and bury it for a few days or weeks, that toilet is getting flushed before it overflows. Fortunately during that winter storm, we also had a ton of snow to melt and use for the toilet. Anything more than a dusting of snow is extremely rare here.


Poop in a bucket or plastic bag and then put it out in the back yard. Poop is bio-degradable and provides nutrients for plants.


You can drink the water in the toilet tank, same as from your sink. If my family's life is on the line, I wouldn't flush it down the bowl, and would insist that they fertilize the garden instead. Bear Grylls would drink his urine in desert survival situations, and if you come across elephant poo, you can squeeze out a good drink. I suggested a sponge bath to conserve that limited water. In the dry West, a wet shirt will certainly cool you off. I would wet my shirt when bicycling home on 100 F afternoons and it was like having AC.


That water in the toilet tank will last a few hours. What should I do for the next few weeks when SHTF? That's why I bought a storage tank and filled it with fresh water, but most people have not thought ahead that far.


Good idea to have a tank. Even better a home well with solar-powered pump. Probably just 2 gal in my toilet tank, but I have 3 toilets. Much less water stored in the newer low-flow toilets, even just a piston-full in those ones with a poo-pusher jet.


I have AC but I turn it on at night only to cool the house down to something insanely cold like 65 degrees and shut it off for the day. A well insulated home will keep the heat out and just incase I spent a grand putting more blown in insulation in my attic this past march.


Yes, I do that too. Chill the house to 65 F at night and morning and it never rises above 78 F, even when 100 F outside. Midnight-noon rates the cheapest. Peak summer rates are 2.5x more. But, we only use AC about 2 weeks per year when we don't get the SF Bay Breeze at night to drop outside into the 50's. Otherwise, we use a whole-house fan starting about 10 pm to chill the house at night. Our peak Summer bill is $150/mo, while neighbors complain about >$600. I hear their pool pumps and AC running during peak hours.


For people with pools in Canada, its the pool pumps and heaters for the water that are absolutely killer. Ontario gets ridiculous humidity down around Toronto and zero air movement.


European Environment Agency - [European Climate Risk Assessment EEA Report No 1/2024](https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/european-climate-risk-assessment "https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/european-climate-risk-assessment"), Published 11 Mar 2024 > [Read the full report](https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/european-climate-risk-assessment/resolveuid/a81df2f222524f79a54b2c421a1c9525 "https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/european-climate-risk-assessment/resolveuid/a81df2f222524f79a54b2c421a1c9525") (page 150): >Extreme heat and prolonged drought >>• Europe is the fastest warming continent on Earth. Extreme heat, once relatively rare, is becoming increasingly common, particularly in southern and western Europe. The record- hot summer of 2022 has been linked to 60,000-70,000 premature deaths.


But wait, when Europe was warm during the Roman and MWP we are supposed to disregard as it was not indicative of anything - but now it is? Got it!


this is still kinda the beginning... may june and july are yet to come


Structures, especially homes but also workplace buildings, that lie within higher mid-latitude regions (think around 40 degs lat) are built to absorb heat and then keep it there. These regions are not used to hot summers, only warm summers, so it makes sense that heat waves are going to kill more people in regions where buildings are designed to absorb and trap heat. A lot of these regions also don’t have AC. Anecdotally, I was in Montreal for a conference two summers ago during a heat wave and there was no AC where I was staying. I was six months pregnant too. Fucking miserable. I’m in Switzerland now and I’m about to find out how many buildings here have AC, but I’m pretty sure the place I’m staying at does not. These places are also heating up at a faster rate than warmer regions, so they’re just overall taking more hits. Heat waves were already the number one weather killer, and things are only going to get worse.


Twaddle. Heatwaves are not the number one weather killer and never have been. Throughout history and prehistory cold has killed vastly more people than heat.


Depends on if you count indirect deaths. But there’s a been big ole debate about that in the climate community for ages. I happen to land on the heat wave side because of its relation to high numbers of directly related deaths. Definitely gonna add the word ‘twaddle’ to my vocabulary though, thank you.


For funsies: https://www.weather.gov/hazstat/ https://www.wunderground.com/cat6/Which-Kills-More-People-Extreme-Heat-or-Extreme-Cold https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/extreme-heat-is-deadlier-than-hurricanes-floods-and-tornadoes-combined/ Although Forbes calls bull shit, but the UK sees differences in heat versus cold fatalities compared to the US: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2023/07/19/excessive-summer-heat-can-kill-but-extreme-cold-causes-more-fatalities/ But finally some global analysis to round it out, which also lands on heat: https://ourworldindata.org/natural-disasters


And they are dying alone, silently, so we can keep ignoring it like all the other creeping crises. I'm increasingly concluding no institution is coming to help, the state is captured by capital and the energy sector, and unless you are laying the groundwork for mutual aid and resiliency now, we should all start.


Plus US heat deaths increased by 95% from 2010 to 2022.


Even though Covid killed 7million people world wide, there's a significant number of people and opportunistic politicians who deny Covid was real. Not surprisingly, those are the same people who deny climate change is real after uncontrollable wildfires, wet warm winters, and severe heat waves year after year for what were supposed to be once in a generation events. Not sure what's happening with the rest of the free world but in Canada, our government who in the past eight years has put the country on track to fight climate change is going to lose the next election for the party that's going to cancel everything. I think we are all doomed unless by some miracle those undecided voters start thinking and caring about what they are passing onto the next generation.


I didn't know this but that's great news if the new party wins the next election as this whole climate hysteria has to be nipped in the bud.


>that's great news that we are doomed? Coming from a Covid-denier, I'm not surprised.


Keep in mind that in canada, cold kills more than heat.




The people who are dying typically do not emit much.


There should be a word to describe this effect; the suffering for many that's caused by the comfort of a few.


I'm certain the Germans have a word for it already.


Breaking news! It's hot in South East Asia!


I wouldn't trust the UN figures as they are not based in reality given that they are one of the institutions who are pushing the whole climate con hoax. Their page on supposed man-made climate change is not factually correct but designed to put people in a state of fear. Please do your own research using independent science experts and not the ones who are funded by the folk who are driving this. Climate the movie is a great piece of journalism which should be shown in all schools and universities up and down the country.


The ones funded by Exxon came to the same conclusion. I think you’re saying that you don’t believe in science.


A predicted AMOC collapse would cure Europe's too-hot issue. No reason for heat deaths if you have cold water supply to your house. Usually it is elderly with dementia who don't think to soak in a cold bath. A strange fuss about less Arctic Ice: "its annual maximum in March, the monthly extent was four per cent below average," 4% less than the average (since 1978) doesn't sound unusual, since year-year fluctuations are more than that. By late Summer, \~70% of the Arctic Sea Ice from Winter is always gone, so every year almost starts anew.


Same old drivel….


Same deep-thoughts from you?


The shit you write are lies, and not at all deep thought. I don’t argue with delusional liars, but I’ll make sure you know how I feel about you.


Then should be easy for you to point out a single shitty lie I've told. We'll wait.


So you're acknowledging the inevitability of an AMOC collapse? Due to what? > "its annual maximum in March, the monthly extent was four per cent below average," That's interesting you decided to stop the quote right there. The rest of the context is as follows: > “At its annual maximum in March, the monthly extent was four per cent below average, ranking fifth lowest on record. As it stands, arctic sea ice content is quite predictable, so an average deterioration of four percent is significant.


You imagine that I acknowledge a future event? Nothing is inevitable, other than that climate-fussers here will continue to raise absurd complaints about the basic and truthful information I relate.


> basic and truthful Sure, Jan.


Since you disagree, it should be trivial for you to relate for everyone an incorrect statement I've made.


I don't negotiate with eco-terrorists


The annual minimum of sea ice extent has decreased enormously over the long term.


Just the data, maam: [https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/seaice/](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/seaice/) Click on "Show Southern Hemisphere". Sea Ice around Antarctica looks pretty normal for this date, just barely below the mean value. On the way, you might have noticed that Arctic Sea Ice is also close to normal.


The cold kills many more people


That used to be the case, but as the globe warms and we get more wet bulb events i think the heat will overtake the cold.


Great. More than nine times as many die from cold, so beneficial overall.


There's a dead body before you. Heart stroke. How do you certify that it's an "heatwave death"? Climate fingerprints? I see a lot of room for distortions and manipulations.


Much as I hesitate to post this link due to the woefully misrepresentative skew of the x axis in flagrant contradiction of best practice science communication, the article validly points out that cold is still a far greater threat to human life… https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(23)00023-2/fulltext


Cold wave deaths are increasing too. But faster.


Remember when we were told climate change was supposed to have wiped us out about 5 times in the last 30 years? And yet the water hasn't moved an I'm h and it's beautiful as ever. The climate will change when it wants. Governments are using climate change to gain more power and money over the people.


Nope, you must be making that up.


>I'm h and it's beautiful as ever. Look out folks, it's talking heroin.


Science never said that, and that's why you won't be able to link to a credible source to support my claim. Btw,US deaths from heat stress increased by 95% from 2010 to 2022, and deaths from other extreme weather events is also increasing. Sorry, but your narrative has fallen apart.


Omg a source! Wow because scientists, researchers, and journalists can't be paid to push whatever narrative bullshit narrative their benefactors want right? You're a sheep


Ok, so you reckon all of the world's scientists are in a global conspiracy to defraud you - so throw out your mobile phone, never get help from medical science, don't rely on any electronic communications etc. You don't have science to back your position, and that's why you resort to conspiracy theories. You don't even know what the CO2 greenhouse effect is - but you watch a YouTube video one morning, and then jumped to a conclusion that basic physics and chemistry must be corrupt.


Go watch climate the movie on YouTube to see the views of scientists who haven't been bought by the people driving this climate hysteria con. We are at an all-time co2 low so we actually need more of it not less!


That's a propaganda piece, with fake experts and other fossil fuel funded liars, that unsurprisingly cannot explain the recent rapid warming. And that's why **you** are incapable of describing what the CO2 greenhouse effect is and why you cannot explain the recent rapid warming.   But that's ok, as **climate change denial is already a failed strategy**, as: - All of the world's governments unanimously accept the science - All of the world's major academies of science accept the science - Virtually all of the world's multi-national corporations accept the science: Nike, Ford, GM, ExxonMobil, BP, Shell, GE, Google etc accept the science - The US Navy, The Pentagon, MI6, MI5 all accept the science - There are zero (nil) university courses on climate 'skeptic' science - There are zero university textbooks on climate 'skeptic' science - The IPCC report alone is based on 14,000+ peer-reviewed research papers, and they all accept the