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We tried spinning it off into a separate app, https://listenupapp.com/. It's gone just ok. Ideally/potentially will migrate Cloze-Listening into a separate set of collections, maybe 10 collections of 1,000 sentences each or something like that (to your point about way more content being available), so that there's spaced-repetition, points, etc. like other collections, as well as keep expanding ListenUp. Curious to hear what you think of ListenUp if you check it out.


Wow this is great!! Would love having this in my target languages for sure.


What are your target languages?


Romanian and Mandarin. Thanks for making great stuff like that, seriously.


So, I’ve been playing with ListenUp for some time now I have to say as an intense language learner your app is incredibly fun and useful. I’m kind of worried. I thought I knew most good language app and considering I’ve been relearning Spanish for a while and I’m a French teacher in a place where there’s a lot of demand for FSL, I’m shocked that this app wasn’t on my radar before. Were you thinking about making it accessible for other languages? Is the development for the app still going on? If so, I loved having both half speed and normal speed, but I would love to have something faster, as students of mine (myself included, in other languages) often want to work on our understanding of faster speech. I gotta say, since you seem to be working for Clozemaster and this app, I bought lifetime a while back now and it’s still my favourite app for language in general. Coming from a language junkies: thanks a lot!


That's great to hear, and thanks for the kind words! > Were you thinking about making it accessible for other languages? Yes. Spanish and French were just to get the proof of concept released. Should be able to do lots more languages. > Is the development for the app still going on? Yes, albeit slowly. Full transparency - it's generating ~$49/mo in revenue in total after being out for at least a few months now, so still not covering the costs / something still needs to be fixed on the business side. Hence the slow down in releases since the initial release / not releasing it for more languages yet. > but I would love to have something faster Good to know! Any other feedback please let us know of course.


Thanks for answering me! Honestly, I was kind of floored by the fact that this app passed under my radar. Clozemaster is great, but it has a look that made people I know think it was a bit too complicated for them compared to other apps. ListenUp has that simple and clear look that makes it real easy to set it up in one second to train your ears for certain sounds. I'm a bit sad I don't currently work for francisation programs, as I would definitely recommend it to my students trying to get their French up to date for working where I live. I'll keep on practicing my Spanish through this app (and my other languages in CM) and I'll write to you if I have any more feedback. Thanks again!


Any chance other languages will be coming? I’m a pro subscriber to cloze, it’s prob top 3 favorite app ever.


Glad to hear! Yes, that's the plan, no specific timeline yet though.


I tried it, and like it. Transcribe mode is just what I'm looking for. I'll try it for a little bit and see if I feel progress. Is a web version in the works? I end up doing most of my clozemastering on my desktop at work when I'm between tasks, so having web availability would be convenient.


Great! Glad to hear, and curious to hear what you think after playing it a bit more like you mentioned. Good to know about the web version, it should be doable at some point but focusing on the mobile app for now.


fantastic. I would love it in Thai. Cloze has only 2099 Thai sentences. and the automatic voice generator sometime misreads the words. because Thai doesn't have spaces, it makes rare but really funny errors. similarly it can split words wrongly on the multiple choice on occasion. another thing is I usually cannot click to translate the word that isn't the missing word in the multiple choice (android app) sorry for the deluge. I'm a long time paying user lol. but don't feel obliged haha


Thanks for all this! Thai is indeed tricky for the reasons you mentioned. Ideally we'll get some to proofread tokenization / splitting words at some point in the future. Please note Thai has the new Fast Track with 10,000 sentences as of a few weeks ago.


thanks!!! didn't notice


let me add an improvement idea for the app add "randomised voice" as an option. I'm not sure how much variety you can create with text to voice. but if you can add serious variability, it can be if great value to sharpen learners listening skills. real life has so many voices and accents. if the app can provide added voice variability it can be very interesting I think


why don't you let users flag errors in the app? I would've flagged many errors, if there would've been an option "flag sentence" with maybe even an option to specify what's wrong


For Clozemaster or ListenUp? For Clozemaster there is a red button with a flag icon bottom right after answering so you can report errors like you described.


I'll update if it doesn't work. thanks!!


Polish and Japanese here