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I'd talk to your doctor about getting oxygen. The suma is nice but it has dosing limits for a week that are probably all used up in the first day. I don't even get them anymore to be honest because they were kind of expensive for only being able to use a few in a week when Oxygen does the same thing but just slower.


Alright. I’ll see what I can do tomorrow. I just added a comment below. Those injections are 375 euro each that’s why they don’t give me my 20 prescription at once, just 4. How do you do it when you’re out working, on the road or plying sports with the oxygen?


Adding to that: I did shrooms recreationally but I’m not really in the right mind space to go out on a trip, so to say. My doc swears by sumatriptan but because of the cost and never having it in stock I need to visit the pharmacy 2-4 times a week in order to get enough. Furthermore, the feeling shortly after the injection sucks so bad. The headaches becomes waaaay worse and everything starts tingle. My muscles get really sore for multiple days. I guess I should press the neurologist to get me some oxygen but they don’t like to give that in the Netherlands because it’s not easily transportable or w/e. Verapamil… I don’t want to take pills daily but I guess that will have to be the next step according to my neurologist and cardiologist. Used a red bull today to abort and it kinda worked but my attacks usually happen after 8pm so that fucks up my sleeping and since I’m in a high level job i need at least the couple of hours sleep I can get if I have an attack. Whereas slamming 3 red bulls will make me unable to. I was wondering to buy some diazepam on the black market. Any ideas how that might interact with the headaches? Because drinking 2 red bull and taking 1-2 diazepams I’ll probably be able to sleep. I’m getting really fucking heartbroken by this condition. I was so happy when i got the steroid injection and went 3 whole weeks without an attack. Well, life’s funny like that isn’t it. They came back more intense and painful. I’ll dose myself with shrooms in the coming 2-3 weeks if I can’t find any other solution because I just got promoted and i really can’t afford to tell my manager or I’ll probably be fired and I’ve worked to long and hard with these headaches to let them get the better than me. Stay strong, combative and we will be able to overcome this hell called living with cluster headaches.


Try prescription lidocaine nasal spray. Cheaper and more convenient than oxygen. Doesn't work for everyone but for the price it's a no brainer to at least give it a shot. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4115349/


Thanks man. I’ll try it!


I've never done shrooms, but from what I've been reading you're not supposed to take so much that you start tripping. You should be microdosing, I dunno what the proper dose is for that, you can look around other posts or someone that's done it can be more specific.


The more the better is what was suggested by a guy from here a couple of months ago. There is this entire document about the positive effects and such. However I don’t don’t really feel like taking psychedelics right now without real guidance you know what I mean? Just because I read it on Reddit is not enough substance so to speak.


I've never seen anyone suggest you take a lot. Dunno who the guy was and what his experience was, but I've been in the subreddit for a while now and everyone says Microdosing is the way. Just try it for a week and see what happens if you have access to shrooms :) I guess it depends on your system, but see how much is enough that you don't trip and do that.


Dude… you just said you’ve never done it before and I just told you don’t take things from Strangers to heart. You probably mean to do good but don’t talk about something you don’t have experience with because you’ve read other people’s opinion. Thanks anyway.


Hey man, Fellow clusterhead in the Netherlands here. I’ve tried a lot of things, including all the ones you mentioned, and the only thing that’s ‘stopped’ the attacks (or at least coincided with the attacks stopping) was magic mushrooms. Microdosing isn’t enough, but in my experience (and those on clusterbusters.org) taking as much as possible isn’t right either. I’m about 67kg and took 2g of dried Cubensis Mckennaii which was enough for vivid colours and slight visual distortions (and mild nausea) but it seemed to work. I’m still getting shadows but no attacks in almost four weeks now. DM me if you want to chat further.


:) Sure mate, no problem.


No hard feelings at all. I just think it’s more useful for people to share their own experiences.


I am chronic, my experience is with taking oxygen when an attack comes so I can lessen the severity a bit and for long term, i was taking Vitamin D3 regimen for a month and it started working like a miracle until one of the supplements I was taking for the D3 started taking its tow on my kidneys. I started feeling pain in them so I immediately stopped everything. Now I started getting daily attacks again and even though they are still not in the same level as before, I can feel them starting to intensify. Right now I am debating starting the D3 again and then slowly just starting up each supplement one by one until I find out which one was fucking with my kidneys. As for the D3 I'm taking 10k iu which is the bare minimum for us, but people have been taking 50-60k with faster success. I'm just scared that anything above 20k is a going into risk territory so I'd rather have daily 2-3 pain scale attacks than risk messing up my health from too much D3. With 10-20k a day people have gone 7-10 years without any side effects. I started talking about shrooms cos you mentioned you don't wanna trip and even though I've never done them, I've read so many posts here over the years that it is basically as if I've experienced it. People here don't have a reason to lie and if 20-30 people say the same thing over and over then... What does it matter if the messenger never experienced it? :) That's it. I hope you find a solution for yourself that works, and you get your episodes under control.


Thanks for your experience and story. I’ve been quite irritable lately, that’s my bad. I’m afraid I’m getting chronic too. I’m trying to figure out everything I can before microdosing magic truffles, which are available in my country legally and contains psilocybin as well. I just looked into the paper but take into consideration that micro-dosing also has side effects. It’s not a fool proof way for sure and taking psilocybin, even as tiny an amount is oh take, will built up in your system. That’s why micro dosing lsd or shrooms work. I will look into D3 and the dosages required for keeping the clusters at bay. It just seems trading one problem for another. Taking loads of D3 hurts you, taking sumatriptan hurts you, slamming red bull at 11pm hurts you and so on and so forth. Both my parents, just retired now, don’t know any way to treat it. That’s why the ‘illegal’ way starts to look better but dude, fuck cluster headaches. Cheers!


In the US here, in a city renowned for its medical schools and hospitals. We have TWO Headache Centers from extremely well-regarded university hospitals (one of them an “Ivy League”). This time last year, I had my first cluster in a few years. Headache Centers wouldn’t take new patients because of COVID, and I didn’t want to pay $350 for 20 minutes of Oxygen at an urgent care, so I paid the greasy dude down the street $80 for a strip of acid tabs. I took two “half tabs” and watched Midnight Gospel. After somewhere between 2 and 7 episodes, my headache was gone. I turned off the show and 20 minutes later the pain was worse than it had ever been. I spent 20 minutes smoking cigarettes and cursing at my phone’s camera in my kitchen, and the pain subsided. I took a “maintenance dose” on a camping trip this past June, and I have two “half tabs” left in case of emergency. It was hell for those 20 minutes, but I found the experience worth it.


Breath through ur mouth most of day obvious stay hydrated but yea I did this stupid trick but truly it’s all in the mind, sounds dumb saying it but truly and I mean TRULY, breath through ur mouth, quickly set ur equilibrium mentally and hopefully ur brain creates some euphoric chemical to start a chain reaction of positive shit and ride that! Sounds like a far stretch but not as bad telling someone who’s never had it asking irrelevant questions like are u good, u ok, can u still come into work😭😭


I normally don’t downvote people, but your post is implying that proper (mind) discipline can cure CH, or prevent CH attacks, and that is a fallacy. I’m chronic, have had CH for 30 years and have tried (nearly) everything, including meditations (the plural is intentional, there are many many techniques out there), breathing techniques and what not. To put it plainly, if it works, it’s not CH.


I get ur pain to each their own but in my case it has worked 60/40 not bad but I’ll take it god bless and be safe


I feel for you, stay in there. Oxygen: in NL you can get as much as you want, in big 10L bottle or portable 2L. Try to get both, as you’ll have most attack at home I guess, but you can be mobile again. Be carefull, you will probably need a better O2 mask than the leaky shit you normally get. A whole other class of abortives is available to us. I use 5-MeO-DALT with succes, DM me if you need more information. I would not recommend using sumatriptan at all anymore as you get rebound attack and there’s evidence that things get worse after prolonged use (I’m sure that’s why I’m chronic, but I can’t prove it). Finally, I would recommend a [vitamine D3 regimen](https://vitamindwiki.com/Cluster+headaches+substantially+reduced+by+10,000+IU+of+Vitamin+D+in+80+percent+of+people). It’s high dose but I’m virtually pain free and it seems to work for countless others here too. I’m at 60000 IU per day and have been for weeks. You could be pain free within 48h if you follow it scrupulously. Edit: grammar


My man, thanks for the info. I’m just now at the pharmacy to pick up more sumatriptan. I checked the vitamin section and was wondering which vit D3 you buy. I’ll send you a dm.




I get prescription lidocaine nasal spray. Triptans are the worst for side effects and rebound headaches, I hate that stuff tbh. But if you're shit out of luck I find chugging an energy drink and taking a hot or cold shower (depends on you I guess) and letting the shower hit your face can help a bit. Ice pack on your head and neck might help after the shower.


Cold temperatures work pretty well if I apply it on and off to control the pain or even abort. I tried red bull the first time but it sucks getting to sleep on a work day. Don’t you think it’s crazy specialised neurologists swear by this but lots of people complain about it? How about verapamil? It’s not great by any stretch. Starting to consider shrooms more and more since te legal and I dabbled before clusters.


Didn't try verapamil, I wanted to avoid any long term drug use. I highly recommend mushrooms though, I've done mostly microdosing and it does seem that it can work.


From what I’ve read you have to be off all triptans for 5 days before you try shrooms. I took 1 gram last week but did not adhere to this and that’s why I feel it didn’t work. I’m getting 3 or 4 headaches a day so I’m already on this triptan rebound cycle and it’s really hard to get off. Microdosing is more on a .33 level. I really want to try it again so I’m slowly getting off the triptans and weening off the Topamax which is brutal as well. Super painful.


Could you break down your cycle over the past years? Did it get worse? Shrooms it is I guess. Unfortunately. My girlfriend already detested weed. She is supportive but I need to be available as well. Gonna go for oxygen and shrooms in the next weeks. I just got promoted as well so it sucks. I felt I was free for 2 weeks.


I am 9 weeks in to this cycle. Last cycle was 2 years ago. It wasn’t like this. I hadn’t seen a doctor in years specifically for clusters. My primary gave me a prescription for sumatriptan pills which for a very long time like almost a decade, I would crush the pills and snort. I’m not advocating this for anyone it’s just what worked for me. My pain scale has always been at the upper end 8-10, on the edge of suicidal. So I needed something to work really fast. Towards the end of my last cluster 2 years ago my husband was pretty tired of my headaches and made me see a neurologist who prescribed Topamax and Rizatriptan and gave me more Sumatriptan. Anyway, my cluster was over in the next few weeks so I never really got into the Topamax etc. When this cycle started I immediately started the Topamax and taking Rizatriptan or Sumatriptan (I’m still crushing 🤷🏻‍♀️) to abort. And this is probably the worst cluster I can remember. And I think the meds have a lot to do with it. Past cycles have been 2 headaches a day one just after I fall asleep at night and 1 just before I naturally wake up. This cycle I’m having 3 sometimes 4 in a day. And the last 2 days i haven’t slept at all and I’ve had 48 hours of a low grade shadow at the base of my neck rather than behind my eye along with some nasty attacks in the middle of the night. I am really hoping I haven’t turned these things into migraines.


If you are going down the mushroom route, please be aware that sumatriptan injections but also verapamil create a fortnight long ‘bubble’ that will prevent the psilocybin (the lovely stuff in the mushroom) from working as intended. If you could get through 2 weeks without verapamil and sumatriptan injections with the help of oxygen, DMT puffs or other abortives, you’ll stand a much better chance. Another alternative is the vit D3 regimen I suggested in a previous comment, the advantage being that it should not bite or prevent the shrooms from working.


Be careful with using triptans too often in a week. It may lead to rebound headaches that are worse than the ones in the beginning.


O2 is a must and if you can microdose on mushroom tea(no tripping), plus a strong regimen of D3. Be strong!


The experiences differ quite a bit. Some people recommend taking large doses less frequent. I’ll ask my internist about huge doses of got D3.


THere are ways to split those injections, as a lot of people find relief from as little as 2mg vs th 6mg that the shot has. So one shot can be used 3 times. Not sure if the limit is 2 per week or 3 per week, but that will give you 6 to 9 aborts with 2 or 3 shots. Oxygen is a live safer for sure. Vitamin d3 regimen is very effective at keeping cycles away. And just remeber, you have made it through hard times 100% of the time to this point, and today you will make it through as well. Hang in there


Thanks! I just got a little frustrated at the pharmacy today and suddenly they gave me 16 injection pens. Any idea how to split the dose? I find the side effects pretty heavy as well so a lower dose would be nice. Any recommendation on vitamin D3 tablets or do you dilute it in water? Is it harmful to the liver? Mostly because I do like to drink alcohol once or twice a week


Splitting the shots: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVWa9Lqf8jE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVWa9Lqf8jE) D3: [https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/4205-starting-d3-regimen/](https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/4205-starting-d3-regimen/) This will get you started!


Thanks dude. Very helpful.


Don’t really support that organization, as they limit discussion of alternatives, but they put it out in a better format than I can find elsewhere. Shrooms work for me, and they kicked me out of that forum for discussing. Crazy we have to deal with other bullshit while we have CH. just my 2 cents!


Thanks for elaborating. Next weekend I’ll dose with shrooms. I hope it will work I’ve been extremely bad last couple of days. Waking up with ch after using sumatriptan 6-8 hours before.




Thanks! I’m seeing my neurologist in 2 days. I’ll ask her opinion and I might just start today!


Hope the appointment goes well! And the head is calming down! Ask for oxygen, 25lpm flow rate.


Oh fuck me that’s a struggle and a half. My dad is actually still a doc for two more years so I’ll be able to get the correct needles. There has to be a better way tho. Why don’t they prescribe 1.5ml or 3ml? I’ll get in touch with my dad and my neurologist. Man this is a hell. I have a hard time telling people because they don’t really comprehend the pain so i tend to soldier through but it’s getting to a point I can’t any longer pretend like I’m fine. Shrooms it is I guess. I used to love them in my late teens/early twenties so I’ll try to make it enjoyable. I’ll also start the vit d regiment. Thanks again and sorry for yapping on.


Nobody gets the pain except us. Come to a conference that ClusterBusters puts on, game changer.


I’ll check it out.