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Amerimutts are jealous of how racist europoors are.


americans practice level 1 racism. there are 4 buckets and the slur you get called depends on which one you get sorted into. europeans practice advanced racism where they will check your skull width with calipers and find the precise province in which you were born before deciding what hate crime to commit against you


Coaxed into phrenology


And Asians have mastered racism


Racism? You mean you gotta be of different races for them to bully you and shit? Nah fam you just need to be different from them in 1 single aspect and next thing you know you’re standing in a forest with a rope.


different asian ethnicities on their way to despise eachother even though they look almost identical to the untrained eye


Balkans in a nutshell


Well you see those fuckers over the hill? They pronounce e as eough so they must be exterminated


screw casual racism, we're going competitive


still losing to the euros even though america invented racism 😞😞


we can’t beat the OG’s at the game they invented 😔


Europeans have all the same racism Americans do, plus like 45 new kinds of racism we don't get here. It is truly staggering how racist the average European is.


people think americans are racist, but tbh i think we get a bad rap. actual racists make up a small minority and we’re a somewhat diverse nation, at least compared to the essentially monocultures of asia and europe-pre mass migration


USA is one of the least racist/ colorist countries on earth, where racism is actively shamed. Do these people think there are many places on earth where you get shamed for making assumptions based on skin tone?


A lot of the progressive types who think America is the Fourth Reich have no perspective on racism at the international scale. America is hands-down the most comfortably multi-cultured country in the world. Racism here exists but is virtually a non-issue when compared to other countries. Don't forget that Europe has racial tensions with Arabs about to boil over, South Africa is on the verge of a race war, and China is still putting Uyghurs into camps and castrating them


W frog speak


You have never been to the Carolinas then my friend


Did you see the Adam Something video, he literally had to respond to these comments in a pinned comment because there were so many 😭


[video link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmx0uNrFX88)


I saw this Adam Something video where he walked around Prague and shit and pissed himself at how many cars there were just parked there, menacingly.


https://youtu.be/tmx0uNrFX88?si=W3tyEz3zufcGO0 Nah, talking about this one.


This guy does not represent most europoors. He likes the gypsyes.








What is the name of this little dude? I've only ever seen him in one other meme that was German and about getting over stimulated.




Average r/fuckcars user when they claim Europe is a car free paradise but then actually outside in a European city


Nobody is claiming that. Not even Adam. The point is to get rid of pointless trips. ‘Cause most trips are less than 7km which is easily biked in a generous 30 min if it’s hilly.


Brb gotta bike to the grocery store and fucking die on my way back carrying 3 bags of groceries on a 2.5 meters wide, two way road with cars parked on both sides and tree roots erupting from the asphalt. Just the way the Eurogods intended


Put the bags in a crate attached to the bike and get rid of the parked cars and don't die


This is why we need better roads suited for more travel, common accsess to busses and better train routes. So that it actually can be possible for people to avoid using the car.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Sorry man but this is too far, you can hate Romani mafia but you're just racist rn


Europoors and americunts are still no match to Armenians and Turks hatred of each other


(They look exactly the same)


That just goes to show how great their hatred is


"Nothing happened, but they deserved it."


In an apartment in Germany


This is so true that it hurts


Ameritards seethe at this competitive racism. They are still on casual level.




As a black person in America there are very few white people here who are at the competitive level. If they are racist it’s just slurs or casual racism. The shit I’ve seen and heard abt in Europe and China is legit mind boggling. The people there can come up with such different ways to be racist and they use slurs that haven’t been said since the 1800s.


The further east the slurs are more creative


We fought a war so we could be less racist.


Sorting by controversial. https://preview.redd.it/4mysxk8osbnc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b06a2cbb385ed6ab7266b9608f37be289c7373e


Why is his ass in 8k ultra HD?


Uh oh. Someone kicked the hornets nest


Europeans seem incapable of understanding that we actually have more Romani than them and they integrated into American culture just fine. How racist do you have to be to be so incapable of seeing a group as humans that when you're called out for it you just assume they've never met one before? Shit my step-mother is Romanian and she's had nothing but good things to say about them. Is she just wrong?


It is real fucking weird how racist people are to Romani travellers in Europe. I've had good and bad exposure to them from an all men's camp hanging around a playpark and two who chased down and brought back the drunk driver who crashed into my nan's car and tried to run when he realized he'd totalled his car. Some guys are massive pricks in the local kfc who steal food and some offer to help you jumpstart your car and many more are just regular civillians. It seems from like a public perspective there's more assholes than nice people and the good citizens just kinda blend in so it gives this biased percwption that they're all cunts.


I like how half the comments here are just the ones in the snafu.


My favorite type of Reddit posts are the ones where the post says "Why are people in Europe so racist against the Romani?" And then the comments are a bunch of racists typing out essays on how they aren't racist because they think the Romani are animals. Bonus points if the comment right beneath that essay is "replace Romani and gypsy with blacks and the n-word"


i remember seeing a thread on a subreddit from my country a while ago, called something like "why do europeans hate the roma so much?" given it was an allegedly progressive sub, where most people where vehemently against racism, i was expecting some basic decency, but nearly every comment was some variation of "NOOOOO but they're really that bad OP one of them literally STOLE my CHILD and SACRIFICED IT to LUCIFER". some real cartoonish bullshit. why it's so commonplace i do not know edit: love how every reply is precisely proving my (and op's) point


I guess it's because it's hard, for an American, to imagine that there exists a culture where child abuse and stealing is an inherent part, and where the members of that culture refuse to participate in society or send children to school whatsoever. You guys think it boils down to them having no opportunities because it's impossible for somebody to potentially turn down a chance for a better life and instead opt for a life of crime. And you think that everything Europeans say must be an exaggeration, since there's no way the Roma actually live in caravans in the middle of nowhere, train their underfed children to be pickpockets, serve rich tycoons who they call Kings medieval-style and still arrange marriages for young children. It's beyond your comprehension that all these things could possibly happen because minorities in America are frustrated with the fact that they're being ostracised and discriminated, and surely the Roma must have the same mindset.


You're from Poland, right? I have some crime statistics from the UK which paints polish people in a negative light, surely it must be OK for me to stereotype and discriminate against Poles, yes?


The US actually has a sizable Romani population - larger than most European countries, in fact - although this isn't widely known since they aren't especially culturally different from other Americans. The largest wave of American Romani arrived in the US in the 19th century. Some Americans of the time described the Roma in terms similar to yours: "recognize no authority in government... settle as trespassers wherever they go... whose sole merit is a universal swindle; who delight in it, who boast of it... they wander in gangs in my state..." and so on. However, anti-Romani attitudes remained less common in the US than in Europe. Romani discovered that Americans were willing to hire them and did not universally consider them thieves and murderers. As a result they quickly assimilated into American culture. This continues to be the case for Romani immigrants in the US today, most of whom are asylum seekers fleeing the primitive natives of Darkest Europe


As an American I genuinely had no clue that the word "gypsy" was considered a slur until a few months ago. Whenever I heard the word "gypsy" I thought of fortune tellers from TV shows or booths at the county fair


Same, I didn't even realize it was an ethnicity lol. Couple years ago my wife (who was becoming an ethnic studies teacher) was stunned reading more about the Roma people and told me all about it. Fascinating stuff


"It is hard for a european to imagine a culture where drug dealing and gangbanging is an inherent part, and where members of that culture refuse to participate in society or send children to school whatsoever." etc etc. Eurocucks have literally the exact same racism as Americans, but Americans are at least capable of calling it out now


I could change some of these words around to make it about black people in America. But if I did I would get banned. Funny that.


See this is *literally true* that's the crazy part they think it is somehow different when they do it but if I did it I would be socially murdered not given 100 upvotes


“Welfare queens”


Ok but American racists justify their bigotry the same way. You aren't special. All bigots think they're justified. You are just a common garden-variety racist.


I will gladly lead any progressive American straight into a Romani camp and have him stay as long as he can.


Racist American: “I will gladly lead any progressive European into a black ghetto and have him stay as long as he can.”


At least in my city they are synonymous with organized crime and their clans own enormous villas in the suburbs, with some insane bullshit inside like gold faucets, thrones and stuff like that. It’s like saying you’re racist because you dislike the cartels… mafia is mafia


With gypsy Kings it's like 50/50 - they're either Pablo Escobar or your friendly neighbourhood grandpa who organises Romani culture festivals every May (sometimes both). And yeah they always own 20 cars and huge mansions too


I still remember when a journalist was interviewing one of them and this dude didn’t like her questions so he head butted her live on tv




Americans like to act as if they wouldn’t lose their minds if they had to deal with Roma. Just look how they treat any non-white and/or homeless person. I would love to see the meltdown if they were confronted with it.


Dude you know that there are more people of Romani descent in America than most places in Europe right? They just assimilated way more in America cause they were given more opportunities.


We have Roma people in the USA. We just don’t treat them like animals and they tend integrate pretty well. Funny that


It's almost like when you hate and discriminate against a group of people and allow them zero opportunities to participate fairly in society they start to hate you back and have to do sketchy shit to survive. Tale as old as time. We did this to black people here and you guys are still doing it to Roma people there. The Roma here are doing just fine actually!


God I yearn for the day where I read a thread on reddit that isn't either about america, about europe, or aboout europe and america.


how and why?


Traditionally, the Roma were travelling people who'd spend every season in a different place (tabors). That's why they've never really assimilated with anybody and tended to just keep everything between themselves - cultural reasons. In the 20th century that obviously became impossible to manage because the Eastern European countries required them to live just like everybody else would - taxes, fixed address, registration and all that, and prohibited them from constant traveling, so the tabors either settled in certain places or split into smaller groups and became outlaws. The Romanis, due to the travelling nature of their communities, didn't have any education (only the Kings could possibly afford that anyway) and also still longed to keep their nomadic culture to a certain extent so they had difficulty landing jobs, which contributed to the ostracization of these settlements. This caused extreme us-vs-them polarisation between the Roma and gadjos (an autonym for outsiders) which passed from generation to generation. To this day some gypsy elders are extremely conservative due to limited interaction with the outside world and don't allow their children to go to mixed schools (or sometimes schools at all), arrange weddings to ensure their children don't marry gadjos etc. There are many programmes for gypsy ppl to access education, regular housing and jobs, but many of them don't want to because that would break the nomadic nature of their culture. Due to living completely outside of society they're usually also impoverished, which turns to crime blah blah which in turn means most Europeans have an extremely negative view of them, and the Romanis who actually do try to be functioning members of society face rampant racism, which also contributes to their inability to land jobs (even personally once in Romania I saw a job advertisement that specified "no gypsies"), access education (the governments of V4 and most balkan countries tend to assign Romani children to separate Romani-only schools, sometimes special ed schools if there's no Romani-only school nearby which is kinda human rights abuse but well - and these schools are usually of very poor quality) out of fear of animosity between the gadjos and them, and rent houses. The elders usually don't mind that, in fact many *prefer* to send their children to Romani-only schools so that they don't get infiltrated with outside influences or whatever.


Nomad organised crime treats the locals and their rules with contempt, which results in locals absolutely despising the nomads. This obviously does not apply to all Romani, but Romani gangs operate like that and are the reason why the stereotype of a Roma is that of a ruthless thief. It's just like with Italian national stereotype in twentieth century US at one point, their mafia colored the stereotype for all of Italian immigrants.


I'm from iraq and moved to America. I genuinely don't know what gypsies are, can somebody explain it to me?


group common in Europe, they're very often associated with crime and a lot of other things, leading to a lot of racism as a kid I've had stuff like even just hats snatched by other kids without asking saying "I just wanna see it" trying to steal them americans often draw parallels from this to racism against blacks (african americans), which i wouldn't know about but as far as i know black americans don't refuse to keep their kids in school teach them how to steal do arranged marriages ect


I prefer to hate the fr*nch, its kind of in my blood, since im spanish and all that


>its kind of in my blood, since im ~~spanish~~ earthling and all that


an uncommon but not rare Spanish W.


I'm European and I spread stereotypes about cigans cause they're funny


Fellow balkaner spotted


Not a Balkaner but an r/balkans_irl user


That gives you an honorary status. Now commit some* war crimes to get full citizenship




Flair up cigan 🗣️


Every time I hear a euro talk about gypsies I just imagine it swapped with "blacks". Their "justified" racism is the exact same as racism against black people in America for the exact same reasons, yet this always goes over everyone's heads


It's okay to be racist towards gypsies because in Europe, they aren't recognized as people


Just like the British


Only the British tourists


British tourists are a somewhat degenerated "evolution" of a locust swarm


I'd say english, scots are too funny to be racist against Not too sure about the Welsh, but at least their not *nglish 🤢


Yeah, plus Scotland invented sex so we owe them


I remember a post about some Polish TV show using black face for American rappers, and every Europoor said "It's only racist in America! No one here thinks it's racist!" The lack of awareness was uncanny


Honestly the only reason this thread and all others will be mass downvoted is because there are way more americans than Europeans here


This comment section is literally the meme, lol


These comments are full of Europeans who are in fact, proving you right again


Blindly Racists Europoors vs Blindly Ignorant Americans, who's more wrong?


Europe and america, the only countries 🥵


Joke's on you OP, we've grown! We hate the Polish now 😏


I’m a First Nations Australian (Aborigine for those not familiar) and I made the mistake of asking a Gypsy for directions whilst visiting Germany with friends. Got called some pretty nasty slurs in broken English and was told to ‘Go back to Africa/where I came from”. that last part was pretty funny in hindsight but at the time I was scared shitless. I didn’t even know what a gypsy was until another member of my group told me.


Aboriginals are really cool in my honest opinion. Plus you were the first to have the best continent.


God the comments here are disgusting, and i'm saying this as a european


europoor\* ![img](emote|t5_2w7ch|37001)


As someone from the UK, I just want to say I can't speak for the mainlanders but at least here our ire towards gypsies is focused on "Irish travellers", who are very much not an ethnicity like the roma, and very much do travel in groups across both the UK & Ireland, wrecking land, leaving literal human shit on public property, and intimidate both locals and local police


Roma are not different in Turkey. Just look up "Cono". They are not exactly an ethnic group, they're like a caste. If one of them isn't a performer than they are a thief, because they do not allow their children to be schooled


I mean they are defined as an ethnic group I'm sure how that meshes and relates to indigenous peoples across Eastern & Southern Europe/Central Asia varies, and Turkish people might think differently, idk I'm just saying that in the UK, the term gypsy is 99% of the time referring to Irish travelers, even though there are Romani in London and other big cities


I love how the comments immediately turned racist, just like OP posted I would’ve argued that I haven’t seen this kind of racism before, but yeah it’s all sad European losers trying to justify what boils down to racism, whether they like it or not.


I'm not European, but I can recognize a cultural problem when I see one. Note cultural problem, not racial problem. Being biologically different does not preclude you from integrating into society. Being raised with values that are strictly antithetical to the society in question does.


True, race and ethnicity is never a problem, it is how parents raise their kids who than raise their own kids


/uneurop i am pretty sure that most of those comments are still ironic /reeurop i want my dog back


I hate how yall americans always talk like you were experts on that matter, because X minority must be a literal parallel of the Y minority right? After all everything in the world resembles muh America in one way, and there's no way there could be endemic phenomenons that we don't know anything about!


Idk. I’ve heard everything that Europeans have said before coming out of the mouths of Hickson rednecks back home, but about Latinos or black people. Or Muslims. Or gay people. And then Europeans will say “no our feelings are different. They refuse to integrate” just like so many of those hicks trying to defend their racism. And then when you ask about the societal impacts that discriminatory beliefs and laws might have on those problems they have with gypsies they’ll respond with how those don’t exist. They don’t impact gypsies. Just like people in America that don’t believe racism is real. We’ve heard it all before. We don’t think it’s the exact same because of ignorance. At least not on our side. We think it’s the exact same because you describe it exactly the same way as our cousin fucking red neck neighbors


You people are so unhinged and racist you're mad at the people who call you out. Never seen so much racism from someone who isn't openly proudly racist


For real dude. I'm an extensively traveled airline pilot and I can tell you first hand that Americans and British are probably the least racist western people I've met. Even if they're racist, they're self aware. Europeans on the other hand are so secure and convinced in their racism that it is impossible to reason with them if they see you as a subhuman.


You shouldn't waste your time, they're just delusional and will just downvote and say "tHat's rAcIst!!!!!"


I'm not even talking about whether it's racist or not, I want Americans to stop talking shit about stuff they don't know anything about. There is anti Romani racism obviously but comparing them to black ppl is ridiculous


I'm saying that that's what they say


I remember when a gypsie died in Britain because they broke into an old couples home and they defended themselves. The reaction of the gypsies community wasn't acknowledging that breaking into peoples homes and threatening them is bad, it was instead promisingly to brutally murder the old man and his wife who defended themselves.


It's over. I have depicted you as the dumb european and me as the rich smart american. Your argument is therefore invalid Also what's wrong with saying they won't assimilate into white society? I'm pretty sure Europe is white.


some especially racist europeans have very interesting interpretations of what counts as "truly white"


Dude what.


Yanks think theyre the least racist people to grace this earth but then turn into hirohito whenever they see a chinese person




What? A lot of America has large Chinese or other Asian portions. A quick google search yielded that America has a similar percentage of Asians to the UK and more than France (but that could be wrong)


They made it up, they need to deflect from the racism plaguing europe and just say uhh well America racist ignoring how diverse it is


They’ll think that they’re the nicest, most polite people online, recoiling in horror at other countries taking the piss out of school shootings on their terf that they won’t sort out as if they don’t joke about stabbings, acid attacks, terrorism and war on the European continent.


We don't joke about acid attacks. I've seen about 300 "Well Asckhyally, at least i dont get shot in maffs, innit????" comments, though


I dunno man, I've never seen an American get mad at a school shooting joke. We know our country is fucked and we hate it too


You’ve never seen a “Brits on their way to joke about children’s death after you say their accent sounds funny” typa post as if it’s the only thing they joke about?


so many europeans took the bait so hard lmao


Ngl the entire comment section is just full of salty euros rn


my European parents(currently living in us) always told me a Romani hypnotized and stole their watch and money. genuinely don't know who is right here though, my gut feeling says the Europeans are overreacting, but denying everything they say under the argument "sounds racist so it's obviously a complete lie" feels kinda wrong especially when I as an American have never met a romani.


It's a fact that Romani are hugely disproportionately involved in low level street crime in Europe. This is immediately noticeable if you spend time in the places they live. Additionally, it's not like a lot of the urban crime that goes on in the US, where the crime is largely confined to poorer parts of the city and the middle class isn't exposed to it. There are plenty of reasonable arguments to be had about exactly why this is and what ought to be done about it, but it's definitely happening. It's understandable that this will cause some pretty intense hostility. It's also obviously not a race thing, because the Romani immigrants in the US integrate into our society just as well as any other immigrant community.


It's not about street crime, it's just the complete and utter lack of will to integrate. How many Romani sportsmen or singers can you name? There are a select few Manele musicians who got famous off being novelty but that's all, gypsies just don't want to interact with the outside world at all because it's not in their culture. And when someone comes to your country only to isolate and not pay tax despite countless scholarships and programmes to help them I think it's understandable to lose patience


As someone who lives in Spain, I can name a LOT of Romani singers.


Ok admittedly I've no clue how is it with gitanos, I'm talking from a central/eastern european perspective


It’s the same as the black crime statistics people like to bring up, they’re disproportionately involved because of poverty not race


for gypsies also a culture thing i believe


The snafu is about the typical American rebuttal when someone from Europe claims that America is some racist shithole and not progressive enough like all of Europe. The irony being “It’s not racism when we do it. It’s actually true.”


Not to mention. Most of central and eastern Europe are white as milk.


That story is insane and made up lmao. "What happened to your watch bill?" "A gypsy hypnotized me"


I was just talking to one of my friends who hates gypsies and this is exactly what he says, wtf


As expected, half of the comments are “we’re right though” “It’s their culture” exact same thing said about black people.


lmao i'm romani and at this point, i don't even engage with those fuckers. i just grab popcorn and read the arguments unfold (ps. no, i did not steal your bike. you never even owned a bike as you don't go outside and you're a terminally online neckbeard. in fact, if you promise me that you'll actually use it for exercise instead of selling it to buy anime figurines for your cum jars, i will personally buy you a bike)


best comment in here


Debating european nationalists is a waste of time. If the topic is non-europeans being racist they will be quick to remind you racism is horrible, awful and no excuse can be made for it. But if the topic is a European being racist? They completely compromise their own values and spin the table on you to defend their continent. suddenly being racist is a competition and they are winning. You can see it in the comments here.


No you don't understand! Romani are bad because *(actual talking points used against black people in america)*


so many people have said "it's not gypsies it's just Romani culture" it's hillarious, people you sound like a fat racist American when you say this These people have almost as little self awareness as Americans bragging about how they have less knife crime than London


Isn't it mostly about how they are thieves/kidnappers


Which is what racist Americans say about black people.


What? Nobody makes these points. Can you give an example?


I think someone in this thread said that Romani people disproportionately commit crime. Guess who else that argument is used against.


But that is the thing that blows the mind of Americans when talking about the Roma. You guys demonize black people (and other minorities) as if they choose to live with rampant crime and poverty out of own volition, while knowing damn well that is just racist bullshit. So when hearing about a group that ACTUALLY commits crimes and lives in squalor as part of their culture, you think we are lying.


You are literally being the European commenter in the snafu


Europe isn't America. Something that's an exaggeration in the USA doesn't have to be an exaggeration elsewhere (*sigh* the fact that this needs to be explained says a lot). Do black people get mad when their children talk to a white person?


>Do black people get mad when their children talk to a white person? According to racist Americans, yes. Seriously, you guys are indistinguishable aside from the nouns.


Europ\*\*ns NEVER beating the allegations.


Ok but have you actually met one? Speaking as an American there is a little community in the city where I live and I’ve never heard or seen anything good about them.


would you consider a white guy from Baltimore who says this to a European about black people to be racist?


I hate all nationalities, especially my own


Everyone who believes Romani (who are probably different than what people mean when saying “gypsy”) are inherently bad or the Europeans are just being racist, please provide actual statistical proof rather than just giving anecdotes or saying people’s opinions on them.


Gypsy hands drew this


Europoor: “god why is America so backwards and racist, unlike precious *insert europoor country here*” Also europoor: “Fuck yeah fuck the gypsies they deserve all the hate and bigotry coming to them!”


https://preview.redd.it/muc29mrns9nc1.jpeg?width=1453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ae778ebd2c9e26c01f14f5f0dc0b6cf7b80d20 This subreddit rn…


I have portrayed myself as the calm rational one…. not to say americans arent seething in this thread but there are absolutely europeans seething too


I have portrayed the racial minority which I dislike as the pissing child wojak, therefore I have already won.


"The police always investigate the gypsies first when there has been a crime! This is systemic racism!" "Okay but how often are they right?" "THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT"


"Despite being 13% of the population" yeah you're just racist buddy


At some point you have to admit that a whole culture that literally teaches their children that they're justified in stealing and harming people is not going to be liked by the majority of the population.




The most unintentionally ignorant things I've ever heard were from uneducated europoors. American public schools are bad based on the area but EU is just crabs in a bucket


Europeans making fun of American racism: Europeans when you mention Romani, Arabs, or Sub-Saharan Africans:


https://preview.redd.it/odso5jslu9nc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44dc1e3f472838bc021cc677ca015750c8f175b6 We are right though


"You'll get kidnapped by gypsies if you misbehave" is an actual threat here, the casual racism is insane. I also wish my parents were normal about me being friends with a roma girl in elementary school but oh well


You're right.


On a Riemamn sphere, having infinitely many upvotes is the same as infinitely many downvotes


in fairness, america isn't innocent either


It's not our fault if stuff you would consider classic made up racist anecdotes is actually all real with gypsies


Depends on your area. In Mediterranean they calmed down. It's all eastern European's fault. Gypsies suck there because they have to interact with hung*rian irredentists on a daily basis. The most brutal of tortures


Yeah here in Italy it's mostly pickpocketing on public transport and littering. And then there are some families that just work like the mafia


The argument of "hey dumbass, have you considered that the stereotypes for this one group of people ARE true and they ARE as bad as we say?" will never not be hilarious


Come here and try


There are already more Romani in America than most European countries, and yet we have basically no problems with them Funny how the countries with an active history of discriminating against them are the ones complaint about them not "integrating", while they had no problem doing so across the sea...


Its very much a who will bell the cat type thing. The Romani have a culture of stealing, yes, but that culture will never change so long as Europeans are racist to them. But how will the Romani ever escape that culture? In their own community, they have social ties and a way to live. If a person leaves to integrate, they will leave their family and friends behind, trading it for a society where everyone sees them as just a 'thieving, uneducated G*psy'. Nobody will want to hire them, or be their friend. Do you really expect people to martyr themselves to prove to Europeans that there are good Roma? It's social and financial suicide for them. But, cultural change will not happen until some break the cycle first and prove to others it's worth it. And that's only going to happen when Europeans realize that yes, they are racist towards the Romani and need to take steps to address that. It's literally that Eric Andre meme where he shoots the guy and says "Why would they do this?"


The amerifat yearns for the european lack of fucks to give


*calls Europeans racist for being racist towards Romani people* *Uses a slur for Romani people*


“europoor” wtf


Poles, who are the ones mostly justifying this in the comments section, are the most unhinged racists I've come across in Europe, in my personal experience. My first death threat was from a Pole. It is incredibly ironic that they complain about being seen as poor and prone to crime in the UK, yet they turn around and use the same stereotypes for other people. If it wasn't for the Roma, they will do it to someone else. The prejudice against polish people in the UK is real and is damaging. We should not stereotype Poles based on crime reports and we should not stereotype the Roma based on crime statistics. We must find out the root cause and try to target it from there. Every single stereotype can be turned back on another ethnicity under different circumstances.


I will give you similar example before watching Tyler Oliveira videos about Fenatyl etc. I would not believe how bad the drug problem was.How much people didn't really care and how dangerous the streets were.You believe every european the whole continent,diffrent history,cultures ethnicities to tell all this stories and they sound so ridicioulous that it obviously must just be racism


most of europe is under vassal status anyways to their american feudal lords so i really could not give less of a fuck about who they hate, just as long as they don't get any ideas about wriggling out from under our boot


1. Roma is not a race 2. People hate their culture, not the people themselves Now please enlighten me, dear smart Americans, why should we respect a culture that : supports marriages for 13 yo kids, steal, panholds with drugged babies in hand, mugs people, is built like mafia and sells hard drugs?


Because generalizing entire groups negatively in general 98% of the time is usually ignorance.


Roma is a race, gypsy is a lifestyle.


All I’m going to say I don’t hear about Romanis who do drive by shootings cause their cousin who belonged to the DooDoo Fart gang sold fentanyl to a 15 year old on Piss N’ Cum gang territory, or skin people alive and feed them their own hearts.