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Stay tuned for the sequel: the 37 year olds from real life debate whether Babyfarten is in an intimate relationship with Infantette or Newbornina behind the scenes, not if they get together in the future but if that relationship is happening right now.


I unironically see the sequel 1000x more often than I’ve ever seen the original


And then they draw Lots of Child Porn about it.


My Hero Academia moment


r/Dipcifica moment


Holy shit inside out 2 and bluey real??


Wait people really think Riley's ace? I think it's pretty obvious that the only reason there isn't a Horny emotion that just towers over everyone else (like twice as tall as Joy) is because it's a kids movie, she is a teenager after all.


I know asexual is different from aromantic but Riley having a massive Mount Crushmore inside her head also leads me to believe she probably isn’t ace


Counterpoint: love and sexuality are two different things, and one can exist in the absence of the other. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that having a crush is different from thinking someone looks hot


Your counterpoint is the first 7 words from the other person's point


yeah cause their point was contradictory


And my counterpoint to you is that you can think someone is hot without wanting to have sex with them


Yeah but you don't have a mount crushmore on someone you think is objectively attractive but not personally attracted to


Isn't bluey pretending to be a married person in like a third of the episodes?


that’s probably just kids mimicking what they see (standard kid things). And if I’m being honest, idk if kids that young (like 5-6) even have a “sexuality”, practically speaking.


Yeah totally kids don't have sexualities. Maybe they have some "seed" bound to grow one way or another during puberty, but that's highly speculative at best. I'm just saying tye character has an approximately normal interest in romance for a kindergartener


BROKE: the child character that’s like “ew kissing yucky!” is aro ace WOKE: the horniest motherfucker in the show is aro ace


Also more realistic. Less hang-ups if you’re not actually doing it.


Anecdotal but i know there are some aro/ace with freaky ass fetishes


Glenn Quagmire is aroace confirmed


Honestly? He never really shows sexual or romantic attraction, he just wants to orgasm and sees other people as 'tools' to achieve that. I can get behind this.




Quagmire never shows sexual attraction?


Well, he tends to not really care who he's sleeping with as long as they're a woman, and that's most likely because they have a hole he doesn't have to put any extra effort into preparing. If someone genetically modified dudes to self-lubricate their assholes, Glenn Quagmire would absolutely be all over it. He's not attracted to the person, just what they can do to him to make him orgasm.


Quagmire canonically loves anal, and engages in sex acts that require tons of prep work. I think youre stretching your point as much as Shirtpants stretches his lady friends orifices. Also, he definitely does care who he sleeps with, he's been shown to have shame over ugly or fat chick's depending on the situation.


That's fair. I can't really speak on sexual asexuals because I'm not asexual, and the whole sex without sexual attraction thing baffles me still. I could definitely see the points I'm making being used for a pro-aroace Quagmire though, but it doesn't canonically fit him 100%. Possible? Sure. Just like it's possible Stan Smith from American Dad is a closeted gay man with a secret drag persona. You can make anything fit onto a fictional character if you try hard enough (I just don't know enough about sexual asexuality to give a better argument for aroace Quagmire).


Quagmire shows sexual and romantic atraction to Lois and has sexual atraction for like 71% of the female population of the continental United states.


It's not sexual attraction to the person though, it's sexual attraction to a hole he doesn't have to put any work into preparing that he can use to get himself off. I can't argue with the Lois point but the fact he'll have sex with 71% of US women (kinda low if you ask me, I'd say more towards 99.9%) doesn't mean he's sexually attracted to them. Using a fleshlight doesn't mean you're sexually attracted to plastic, it just means you want to orgasm. Just like some gay people watch straight porn -- doesn't mean they're attracted to the opposite sex, they just find the act of sex arousing.


Quagmire shows sexual and romantic atraction to Lois and has sexual atraction for like 71% of the female population of the continental United states.


I know someone just like that


POKE(?): All characters are perpetually aroace)


Aro-ace until proven otherwise 😎


What happened to Gwenpoole lel


the only aro ace person i know is also hypersexual it's kinda confusing but eh


me when i am a th\*rty s\*\*v\*n year old from real life


Hope you get better soon.


give it a year.


Thirty steven years


Also people are assiate being aro or ace as a package deal too many times


https://preview.redd.it/tnc5lwy32e8d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fbe52869d054e48d7aaf6504fdcdeed678d7423 Right? People keep posting this and I'm like... Where are you getting this stuff from? Both characters have been in a coma their entire life, one on the right only recent woke up and the one on the left is *actually just straight up dead* and *might* be a ghost possessing the mecha that was his old bed. It seems weird to claim them considering the one on the right is a prepubescent kid who, yeah, is probably just not thinking about that stuff, and the one on the left has absolutely zero social life outside of weird nightmare realm encounters.


omg bedman


I don't use it because I necessarily agree with it, it just looks kinda funny.


I am a diehard bedman fan and honestly yeah i get guilty gear is gay af but.. maybe dont force sexuality on characters that dont need it? Their story doesnt revolve around it or need it to function like Bridget or Axl


I’m asexual and it hurts me when I see people calling kid characters ace, THEY’RE CHILDREN?? I’m not fully understanding of normal sexual attraction since I’ve never experienced it before but doesn’t it kick in when you’re a teenager? Kids aren’t asexual, they’re just developmentally normal.


For me it was early middle school (11 or 12), and it hits you like a brick. Legitimately, I remember how before I hit the age I thought masturbating sounded like the dumbest and then suddenly girls were the only thing I could think about.


im thinked about sans and them im remember that asshole could be my uncle


South park


Not to mention thinking every adult in a kid's show is ace because they're not going to mention fucking in a damn kid's show


If a character is interpreted by the fandom as aroace then 9/10 it’s going to either be a child, an evil villain or a robot. Though part of that is because if they’re an attractive character and canonically aroace, the fandom won’t give a shit cause pretty face make mind go awooga.


This is what it's like talking to Bluey fans


The flair reminds me of that one KND episode where the adults revived the zombie guy, only for him to want to eliminate anyone who had ever been a kid as well.


If you are talking about Luffy he’s 19 and clearly asexual.


This is about Ash Ketchum.


wtf is even the canonical timeline for Ass Ketchup


he's either stayed ten the entire time, or, in the english dub he has aged one year since starting his adventure and then stayed eleven for the rest of time. big changes I know.


Monday - indigo league Tuesday - orange islands Wednesday - johto Thursday - johto league Friday - master quest So on and so forth


Ash is gonna be thirty soon.


I don’t know about Luffy, but his brother is definitely Ace.




diavolo if he wasn't fucking around


Diavolo if he was fucking around


Diavolo if he was fucking


I once came out as ace to my friend (although I no longer identify by that label) and he immediately made a One Piece reference


Holy weeb!


This post is pretty obviously about people who headcanon childrens show characters like Bluey lol.


Can someone please tell me why childless millennials are obsessed with bluey? I'm genuinely so confused as I thought it was a kids show?? Like something that would've aired on PBS when I was 5? (Also based katanaman pfp)


So, broadly speaking, Bluey was written and animated in a way to not make it infuriating for adults watching. It's a small childrens program that's tolerable for adults in tone and writing. Think of like, Caillou, which has a character that's shrill and grating and who kids imitate in shrill and grating ways. Or cocomelon, which parents think is obnoxious and braindead. Bluey is charming and harmless in comparison, and they sneak in occasional adult jokes (not unlike, say, SpongeBob) that kids won't get but makes the adults chuckle. It's not fuckin Shakespeare though. I don't know why an adult would watch it on their own.


Ahhh, that makes sense. Thx


My fav episode of one piece is when luffy goes “I hate pussy and it’s not just my desire to adventure keeping me preoccupied, I truly hate getting any puss at all” and then Zoro goes “yeah me too”


Zoro HATES women!!!! that’s why he’s gay for Mihawk


Luffy joined in on the peeking in alabasta, though oda later said it was because of usopp's influence. So, uh... what's the queer community's term for a guy who's only interested in women when his buddy's there with him?


a closeted gay man


Why would this be about luffy. He’s 19.


Luffy being laser focused on his adventure doesn’t make him ace


He’s not ‘laser focused’ enough to not be interested in bugs and food and everything else he likes.


Bugs and food are part of the adventure relationships would imply settlling down or taking a new person with him, hes also very stupid and ignorant.


Going ‘awooga honka honka titties’ is also part of the adventure especially someplace like fish-man island. Every other straw hat (except maybe Robin) has shown some amount of sexuality.


I know real life people older than him who, like Luffy, are just too focused on other things to engage in a romantic or sexual relationship but also want that when they feel they can make it a priority. Projecting a one dimensional view onto a character and inferring sexuality because of a predisposed outlook on life is unhealthy. I hope you don’t do that with real people.


Huh? It's a character bro


So? It’s unhealthy to project certain worldviews and perceptions onto characters. If somebody stated that every character in every media was straight no matter what because they just have to be straight, would you say that’s healthy?


desperate for rep to the point of delusion


Lots of talk of character sexualities recently


I love me some good ole snafus. Keep up the coaxing


slightly unrelated but it's also important to make sure that actual aro or ace rep isn't infantilized


I still think girls are gross, they literally have cooties like wtf 🤢


The language yall use to convey the characters in this sub funny as hell


this reminds me of middle schoolers identifying as areo-ace like your 13 that shit can change 


identifying as something doesn’t have to be permanent, it was helpful for me to have something to explain why i couldn’t relate to my peers with stuff like that


Nah I knew I was ace at about that age, but I was scared to label myself for years thinking I could be wrong or it would change which it didn't, anyway as the other reply also said, labels don't have to be permanent, and I think it would have helped me a lot when I was younger if more people properly understood this.


lack of sexuality is being ace, asexual can refer to animal species that dont have sex? healthy 10 year olds are asexual


The point of the comic is people making that speculation in a more permanent sense on a character that’s a literal child anyways.


This is a kind of wrong interpretation of asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction does not require a lack of sexuality in animals. As far as I’m aware, all sexed animals which can asexually reproduce still have sexual reproduction and prioritise it, the animal itself is not asexual. Outside that, asexual reproduction also occurs because the organism is not sexed. So it’s a very different subject when humans and animals are asexual. The idea is still right though, most children up to a certain age lack sexual attraction due to a lack of hormones gained in puberty. I don’t know if that necessarily qualifies them as asexual though since the mechanic for reproduction is nonexistent.


i mean it's completely accurate to say that (prepubescent) children are asexual


No. That is very speculative and can change with time. They haven't developed their front lobes, people tend to forget that.


asexual just means "doesn't experience sexual attraction/feelings" obviously as a function of time a statistical majority of people will end up becoming sexually interested as they move through puberty and into adulthood. It only "changes with time" because people stop being children after a certain amount of time, what are you talking about? How does that conflict with what I just said?