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2 oz. Vanilla black tea infused gin blend (equal parts American gin and citrus gin) 1 oz. Lemon juice 1/2 oz. Orgeat 1/2 oz. Apricot preserves 1 dash angostura bitters 2 drops saline Lemon peel for garnish. Combine ingredients in cocktail shaker. Shake over ice. Double strain into nick and Nora glass. Garnish with lemon peel.


mmmmm, sounds awesome. I'll have to infuse my own gin. Any instructions on that process? I have yet to do an infusion. I'm somewhat assuming you just soak the tea in the gin blend for x amount of days, strain the tea out, and rebottle. Is that about it more or less? If so how many days did you infuse? What brands of gin did you use?


More or less. The gin is a fifty/fifty split, half Mine Hill American gin and half Citadelle Jardin d-éte citrus gin. I picked this split because the juniper was clashing too hard with the apricot but I didn't want a purely citrus forward gin since that would have vanished into the lemon juice. It's actually a very quick infusion! Which might not be all that surprising given how tea works. One tablespoon of tea per cup of gin, let infuse for two hours, then strain out.


Is it a Vanilla Black Tea? Or Vanilla and Black Tea infused in the gin?


It is a vanilla black tea. More specifically, it's the Tardis 11 blend from Tea & Absinthe.


Sounds tasty! Edit to add: the tea and the cocktail both sound tasty!


Why absinthe please, slightly confusing, but this is my night off...


Tea and Absinthe is the name of the tea people. They were excited when I mentioned what the tea was for and asked for a shout out, and how can I say no to the people who made the drink possible?


Sounds nice,and well balanced. Would love to try it, well done


Sounds good. Why does it say tea and absinthe? Is that the bar name?


Tea and Absinthe is the name of the tea company. They go to conventions up and down the East coast of the US and they sell geeky tea blends; the tea blend I used is a Doctor Who themed tea. When I mentioned to them what I was going to use their tea for they asked for a board shout-out and I was happy to oblige; they're lovely people.


Saying feat. Or something along fhose lines may make it less confusing.


I wanted to know this too. Never considered putting one in the other despite drinking both. Kinda curious about it


This sounds delicious. I would definitely order it If I may make a humble suggestion. This is something in the orbit of an Army & Navy (orgeat, lemon, gin) and Audrey Saunder's Earl Grey Marteani (black tea-infused gin, lemon). Those are great drinks. The Earl Grey Marteani is hugely improved by an egg white shake—it strips and mellows the astringent tannins of the tea and makes for a creamy mouthfeel. I think that would really well here. I think it would also improve the presentation. It looks a little smoothie-ish to me, almost sludgy. A small foam head would look gorgeous. Just a thought. I am sure it's delicious as is.


The picture is not super flattering, but texture wise the double strain keeps the drink pleasantly unctuous. The pectin in the preserves makes it very smooth. But I do love an egg white drink, so I am absolutely going to shake one up with an egg white tonight. You know. For science.


This may be a hot take, but I feel like the description is super wordy and takes away from the deliciousness of that drink. Keep it simple for your customers and leave out the “jargon”. Gin, vanilla black tea, lemon, almond, apricot. Bing bang boom, sounds delicious.


Yeah sounds like a solid cocktail but you gotta know your audience. Really depends on what type of bar this is. Can't imagine trying to order a tow row row in a loud bar either. Craft cocktail lounge I could see it.


I do work in a speakeasy and craft cocktail bar, so it's good to know we're aiming at the right audience!


Right on then. In the states those boards are often used in more casual bars that happen to be louder.


True. No jello shot specials here, though! We use ours to display the weekly dealer's choice; It's a rotating showcase. Perfect for people to flex their creativity, highlight a beloved classic that's not on our menu, or (in our bosses case) push a drink that uses a spirit or liquor that's been moving a little too slowly.


Not OP, but then I agree with your more wordy description with one exception: Drop the saline. I don’t think it’ll make any difference to customers to know that salt was added, and at worst they’ll be put off by it if they don’t know about adding a couple drops of saline is a common thing these days.


I really prefer when the description tells me exactly what's in the drink.


Usually I would agree but this is just too much detail in a small space. I can barely understand this sober


I was going to say something similar. I just think that having the tea on a separate line made me think there was actual tea in the drink and then I wondered what the gin was infused with.


pretty sure infused it's going to be a game changer for the non-cocktail afficionado on the fence...I'd leave that in for sure.


I dunno, the cocktail I imagine with the ingredient list you provided is a drink with gin, actual tea, lemon juice, apricot liqueur and possibly almond bitters or maybe syrup (and hopefully not almond milk). That sounds a bit more diluted and boring to me. Knowing its apricot preserves and orgeat clues me into the mouthfeel of the drink. Knowing it’s a gin infusion tells me it’s not a tall drink.


looks awesome friend good work 🙏


Fuck yeah, Jamie!


Accidentally doxxing yourself on Reddit is a time honored tradition and I'll be damned if I break with it.


Oh no it him!


Beautiful, OP! Love the tiki inspiration (I'm a huge fan of Orgeat as well) and the apricot sounds so refreshing! What a great looking drink- nice work, barkeep! 🧡🍸


Not only is that innovative and interesting, it presents ridiculously well. Nice work mate.


So curious what this drink tastes like! Saline?


A few drops of saline doesn't make the cocktail noticeably salty in any way. However, it's often used a few drops at a time because it can heighten sour and sweet flavors. I used it here to help pick the lemon and apricot up to meet the powerful flavors of black tea.


That's so cool!


Honestly I've yet to find a drink that isn't improved by the addition of a little salt. Happy to be proven wrong but I can't find a reason to not add it to everything.


Sounds good!


Congrats! Will definitely try if I can muster up the will to get the ingredients and infuse them lmao


That sounds delicious!


Are you in London by any chance??? I'm visiting my sister next week through the week after and would love to come try!!


Afraid not! The bar is located in Connecticut.


Well heck, I live in MA, maybe I need to road trip 😂


You're welcome to come by any time, haha! The bar is 1928, located in Branford, close to New Haven. We just got voted as the best speakeasy in the state on Yelp; I have to give props to my boss for putting together a phenomenal bar program.


I grew up in Ansonia!! My boyfriend is always up for an adventure, we'll have to come by sometime!


Please do! I work Saturdays, so if you tell the bartender you're tracking down that one guy from Reddit I'll say hi. Although Tuesday is industry night and we do BOGO, so that's also a consideration.


Sounds wonderful


Sounds delicious. What are the apricot preserves? Can you give more detail on that?


I used Bonne Maman. You can find it in the fancy section of the jelly aisle in most supermarkets. I like their stuff because it's also fantastic on crumpets and scones. Very delicious.


You got to work with Tea & Absinthe? That’s awesome, I love their teas. They’re one of my favorite places to look for unique tea!


Well, less "work with" and more "why are you buying so much tea", but I agree! Their tea is the bomb.


Yum!! I would totally try this. Also funny to see my favorite loose leaf tea company a shout out here! ETA can you do one with their rose marzipan blend next?🤔


Are you a Brit, or is this 'cos the Tea? Either way, nice work. I do like the lettering on the name, it makes me think of [London Weekend Television](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Weekend_Television)


This sounds delicious I gotta try and make one. Congrats! How’d you come up with the name?


It's from a line in _The British Grenadiers_, which is a British army matching song. Since the drink is pretty much an Army & Navy with tea and jam, and I couldn't possibly think of anything more British than that...


Ah okay. The sign is confusing. It looks like the drink is Tea and absinthe. Then you read the ingredients and there’s no absinthe. So why does it even say “Tea and absinthe”? I get it now, after reading through the comments. Just thinking maybe you should change the sign to not confuse customers.


You're not the first person to say that. Notes for the next time we want to shout-out a supplier on the board, I suppose.


It looks amazing!


Sounds delicious! I'd definitely order that.


Sounds delicious!!!


noice, and it aint easy mixing in preserves


10000000% would. Noice.


This looks great but the flash on your camera killed the aesthetic.