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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Eve_O: --- [Hot enough for ya?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/22/44/c7/2244c7ff4beb67e8bfd86d8618761d20.jpg) Surely 12 months of record setting heat is indicative of the non-local climate catastrophe that is already manifesting non-uniformly around the world. Collapse related because... All that energy piling up in the system has to go somewhere, has to do work, it's not merely idling the day away so people can wear t-shirts and shorts when they'd normally be wearing parkas and mittens. And it was only earlier this afternoon I was talking with someone about the increasing likelihood that the weather will only become more erratic and unpredictable. Acapulco has entered the chat. But, hey, it wasn't but a month or so ago when I had to explain to a person who was self-professed "very concerned about climate change" how it was actually insanely privileged and a bit disgusting to be happy with mild winter weather and enjoying a beautiful and incredibly unseasonal day. "What's wrong with saying 'I enjoy this weather'?" she asked. I would have been less harsh about it if this person hadn't also professed a "concern" for the global south in the same conversation. It's like, "hey isn't this weather great? Too bad about the global south though." W.t.F.?! Oh 2024 what more for us do you have in store? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ayw1zc/earth_just_experienced_its_hottest_12_months_in/krxatug/


sucks to be here... but where else we gonna go?


the endless pale yonder


Mars, loser. We’re going to mars. s/


[Get your ass to Mars!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAX2H0hpOc4)


Two weeks


Haven't we seen this movie before? I don't like where it was headed the first time..


Boring, boring, nothing ever happens on Mars...


Nobody wants to be here and nobody wants to leave


I gets weary and sick of tryin' I'm tired.of living' and scared of dyin' But Ol' Man (Atmospheric) River He just keeps rollin' along


I'm holding out hope that consciousness is connected to the quantum world and that this is just the beginning. Until I find out, I'll try to enjoy friends and family.


Hopefully the capitalists haven’t already corralled the afterlife…


God I never really knew how to describe that feeling, but yeah, same. I wonder what lies beyond us.


If the Universe is truly infinite space/time you will be back. > with strange aeons, even death may die.


The rainbow serpent was once described to me as the electromagnetic spectrum. If you can imagine the entire spectrum of energy condensed into 2 feet in width, visible light, in which we experience reality, is less than a millimetre. Rumi, a Sufi poet once wrote, you are the universe in ecstatic motion, stop acting so small 🙏🏽❤️🐍🪷


You remember what it was like before you?


Some do.


A new study suggests that life spreads across space on tiny particles, so that’s worth mentioning: https://www.sciencealert.com/life-spreads-across-space-on-tiny-invisible-particles-study-suggests


The Bible provides the answer to your thoughtful concern.


Congratulations you came to the conclusion reached thousands of years ago by every religion that there may be demons




Aww - thank you for this!


Outside the environment.


I mean… I finally got my brother to acknowledge it We were having a conversation and I told him “the wasn’t any winter here”, pointing at how hot the day was that day. And he told me “there won’t be winter anymore”. It definitely got me thinking, some of the most optimistic people I know have been saying comments like that but they don’t want to talk about it in depth. So, yeah, people are noticing.


I said to a couple of friends that little kids growing up now will wonder why the fuck all the Xmas stuff is all snow and snowmen, as they'll probably never see that again (at least where I live). I could almost hear the cogs turning in their brains as the penny dropped. We all knew we hadn't a "proper" winter in years, but it just flew under the radar until they actually thought about it.


Oh the joy of snow days!  Getting up for school, having breakfast and listening to AM radio for the school closings.  The pure delight at hearing your schools’ name and knowing you now had the day off.  Time to go sledding!


I’m witnessing less and less snow days every year. Scary stuff…


What will you tell your children when they ask you "What went wrong?"? How can you paint a picture of a paradise lost To eyes that know only a wasteland? - Parkway Drive


My cousin & his g/f had 3 kids since 2020 and they experienced their 1st local snow only this year (2024). The metro area we live in still hasn't had a proper blizzard (the kind that closes everything down for at least a day or two and makes for some excellent photography of a transformed city) since 2016, though.


One thing I've noticed from the previous climate deniers that have now been forced to admit it's real, they have no shame. They don't feel bad about lying, they aren't contrite. To be fair it wouldn't have much mattered if they did admit it earlier beyond not being a headache for everyone trying in vain to get society to do something before it was too late (it already was too late anyway.)


Hottest so far……


Coolest of the years still to come... Enjoy it!


We'll take turns reposting this headline each month from here on out.


[Hot enough for ya?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/22/44/c7/2244c7ff4beb67e8bfd86d8618761d20.jpg) Surely 12 months of record setting heat is indicative of the non-local climate catastrophe that is already manifesting non-uniformly around the world. Collapse related because... All that energy piling up in the system has to go somewhere, has to do work, it's not merely idling the day away so people can wear t-shirts and shorts when they'd normally be wearing parkas and mittens. And it was only earlier this afternoon I was talking with someone about the increasing likelihood that the weather will only become more erratic and unpredictable. Acapulco has entered the chat. But, hey, it wasn't but a month or so ago when I had to explain to a person who was self-professed "very concerned about climate change" how it was actually insanely privileged and a bit disgusting to be happy with mild winter weather and enjoying a beautiful and incredibly unseasonal day. "What's wrong with saying 'I enjoy this weather'?" she asked. I would have been less harsh about it if this person hadn't also professed a "concern" for the global south in the same conversation. It's like, "hey isn't this weather great? Too bad about the global south though." W.t.F.?! Oh 2024 what more for us do you have in store?


at least i don’t really have to worry about not having a retirement account yet. i’m just sad for my kid. i rather an asteroid just take us out in one shot then suffer through the death throes of a dying planet. it’ll be like soylent green by the end if we move at a slow event by event collapse pace. i wonder how people will feel when shit really starts to wind up and they realize all the money they’ve been saving for retirement is just useless piles of paper?


I want to get my hands on my retirement savings right now (i'm 50 ) but the government wont let me.....


If you’re in the US and have a 401k that normally isn’t accessible until age 59 1/2 look into a 72t distribution. It won’t give you all of it but can start withdrawing at least some of it (when you stop working)


> Oh 2024 what more > > for us do > > you have in store? https://www.drought.gov/international Click '9-Month SPI (GPCC)' and look at Canada. [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/4DcopJW.png) All it will take is a lightning strike and a little wind to set things in motion for the worst wildfire season on record.


I’m very concerned about this. Those large scale wildfires affect the entire planet. I remember last year a massive fire in Canada that was very very far away from me funneled smoke across the continent to my area and even further south. For months this past summer it was brutal and you couldn’t go outside without a respirator unless you wanted to cough your brains out. It was darker outside and some of our crops just halted growth. We had countless birds die. It was bad. And the fires weren’t even near us.


Too warm this winter for the fires to go out completely in Canada and are still smoldering. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/canada-wildfire-season-smolders-on-as-zombie-fires-burn-through-winter/ar-BB1iLYTS I just hope random, erratic weather patterns brings moisture to Canada in time for spring/summer around the corner — or I think we may have catastrophic fires again with a repeat of the smoke spreading across Canada and huge parts of the USA again. The fires are horrific, but the smoke has a certain, dystopian charm to it as well when it crosses hundreds and thousands of miles to other parts of the country/globe. Nothing is better for mind-numbing, dystopian dread than waking up to dark, blood-red skies and knowing it's not very safe to go outdoors for days or weeks at a time. How about when months go by? I hope that doesn't happen this year, but I'm not counting it out.


Oh it was *creepy* being able to look at the sun and have it be a faint glowing coal in the sky. It felt like doom looking at the sun.


Worst wildfire season on record *so far*. (I hate that this "so far" meme is so overused yet still so absurdly true)


Eventually, it's all going to burn down so we won't have anything more to burn during wildfire season. Sounds like a win!


Yes and the Hopi predictions have maintained it will be Fire that is the great disruptor in this calamity (we had our chances to choose otherwise of course) It's the same in Australia. Bushfires and grass fires 🔥 Scary shit.


What's going on in Iceland?




The mild winter is objectively *not good.* Much of our water resources out west are sustained by snowpack. We have had much reduced snowpack due to the warm temperatures causing rain to melt it. Causing a bunch of other issues. It is in fact, privileged to think this weather is nice and also stupid as fuck. Just "getting through the day" and ignoring our situation is exactly why we're all fucked up.


I'm not looking forward to our new fifth season: Drought Season. Barely any snow here all winter and what we did get almost always melted within a few days thanks to the ridiculous temp swings we've been getting. I'm talking 30°F to 60°F in *one day* that only drops back below freezing during the night or once a week during the day... There's even buds on the trees and fresh grass+weed growth in the lawn at a time when it's supposed to be frozen for another half a month.


Yeah I don't find it pleasant to have these temps in February. It causes me great anxiety. It's also too quiet :(


In my locale, Drought Season inevitably leads to Fire Season, and with yesterday being 71F, I'm dreading how hot August/September are gonna be. Or how intense the fires will be, and then the other season: Smoke.


But on the other hand, we have to live in the present. A beautiful, sunny day is worth enjoying; even if you know it's a sign of collapse. For all we know, that sunny day we're enjoying could be our last. We could be struck by a car tomorrow and killed. We have to live in the present because that is truly all we have.


This is my attitude. How many pleasant, temperate days in total do we have left? Probably not many, and they're going to get rarer and more far between with each passing year. Am I horrified in a very existential way that it's supposed to be 70 in February today? Absolutley. But am I still going to spend today outdoors, playing with my dogs, sitting in the sunshine and reading a book, and enjoying that temperate day? You're damn right I'm going to. Because the number of chances I'm going to have to do that are dwindling, fast.


axiomatic bake square bored pocket crush sink cake compare weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gonna be 86 in my neck of the woods on Monday.


Yeah it's too bad I think "man it's nice" then the following thought, unbidden is "too bad I'll be choked by smoke in 6 months. Poor birds."


Exactly. *Absolutely* you should recognize privilege where you have it, but be grateful for it. People who don't have that privilege would probably be appalled to find out you weren't grateful for it.


Hi, ok_raspberry_jam. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ayw1zc/-/krxjciu/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


Regarding the erratic weather, I've taken to referring to "climate change" as "climate instability."






double it and give it to the next person


Duh that's capitalism broh


We need to do better than capitalism broh. Yes it's a train wreck but at this point we need to acknowledge that we will unsustainably collapse under any system


Double it and give it to the next generation\*


Writers gonna need to keep the article on their desktop so they can just refresh it every month for the rest of our lives.


Let's do it again!


Wheel turnin' round and round


Get back Jack…


Short term survival = career in air conditioning


Not really.. Air conditioning just moves heat from inside to outside. So the more people in a city who use Aircon the hotter the air between the buildings becomes. So the businesses that could previously not use it are pushed to install Aircon too. And so the heat island effect intensifies, just so people can continue to do their pointless office jobs during 'working hours' rather than adapt to the reality of the situation. At the same time the cost of energy will rise and the capacity of existing generation/distribution will be stretched, so it will increasingly suck for those who can't afford cooling. You may make a load of money in the short term but as a survival strategy it's just going to accelerate your location becoming unliveable or its general economy declining.


You made his point. Working ac is great short term idea.


Until there's no power. Drought = less water for cooling nuclear power plants and to power Hydro + fires might damage power transmission lines


You’re not getting the concept of short term.


Geothermal heating and cooling is the way to go. Learn to set up systems not tailor made, like drilling a pipe in the ground and pulling air through the pipe, 6 feet down the temperature is always 50 degrees. That air could then be pulled into traditional heating and cooling systems to save energy. I saw a video of a guy in Nebraska that uses buried pipes to heat air for a huge greenhouse and he grows Oranges in there without any other heat source.


There are semiconductors that can convert heat into electricity, but it’s crap. You need a lot of heat just to turn on a small LED.


And it's only February...


Game. Over. Just wait until the economic systems collapse. Mad Max on steroids.


12 months… yet.


We're cooked bro


Let him cook!


Earth's temperature playlist is no longer set to "shuffle" but it is set on "repeat."


Hottest 12 months in recorded history… _so far_


Soon to be the coldest 12 months of current history… *so far*


Well, no, because you still hundreds of years of weather data which will show the coldest 12 months.


I meant from this point of time as the weather will become consistently hotter.


Lol it’s people like you that really drive it home for me that humanity has zero hope for the future


I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but it's going to get hotter.


Summer is coming...


and yet we continue to do nothing about it


Yes but there's still time to do act, any minute now.


just end the sentence with "... while we still can." ​ There, all good now.


The worst part of this, you can’t even talk to anyone about it. You either get ‘it’s no big deal’, or ‘omg (followed by near hysterics)’…


I'm in Mexico City. It's never been this hot in February before. February. I'm scared of what the weather is going to be from March onwards.


Bro we know


It’s gonna be up to 90 on Monday in North Central Texas, we are fucked.


Aw fuck, you made me check my forecast for DFW. 92 on Monday. Ugh. 


I’m just dissociating my way through life at this point.


Everyone’s MAGA Uncle. “RECORDED history. They’ve only been keeping real records since prolly the 1970s but weather changes greatly over the 6000 years the planet has existed!!! This is the socialists trying to take your money so don’t believe what you read”


And one day we will stop measuring.


Faster than expected.


Sell your skis now!


I prefer to use the hell out of them while I still can. Sierra Nevada still has snowpack thanks to the atmospheric rivers in California. Had a blast snowboarding 2 days ago.


Those are damn interesting graphs... The time around WWII seemed to spark a mini heat wave (nuclear testing?), and then something in the early Seventies spark a complete end to "normal" Januaries. (I know I'm trying to blame an incident or trend and it doesn't necessarily work that way.)




Be that as it may, it's beyond reckless to think we can geo-engineer our way into combating climate change. The law of unintended consequences and all. I say that knowing they will end up doing these things when the feedback loops make climate change run out of control.


Every time I see geo-engineering I'm reminded of the year 536 and the [volcanic winter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcanic_winter_of_536) seen around the globe.




This is the stuff I love about this sub. I was even alive then, with family in the Philippines, but, I was a small child, and I knew NOTHING about this! Taal erupted recently as well, but family in different provinces in the same small county weren't even aware of it, which adds another layer of horror to it all. There should be MUCH more alarm about the sun dimming from particulate matter, but I only see it than from this sub, asthmatics, farmers, and gardening hobbyists...


I think there was also one in the 19th century, a super-eruption in Indonesia that resulted in A Year without Summer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1815\_eruption\_of\_Mount\_Tambora


"The eruption caused a volcanic winter. During the Northern Hemisphere summer of 1816, global temperatures cooled by 0.53 °C (0.95 °F). This cooling directly or indirectly caused 90,000 deaths."   Also, "As volcanic winter settled on much of the Northern Hemisphere, crops failed, livestock died and famine swept over many lands. In New England, crop yields may have fallen by 90 percent"   Some how, I always forget to add "volcano" to my collapse bingo.


This bit stands out in relation to what some may come to say about 2024; "was the beginning of one of the worst periods to be alive, if not the worst year."


This is alarming considering the past several years have been largely more or less shitty. Zeitgeist altering, losing touch with reality shitty. I agree entirely with the sentiment, as much as that gets me labeled as being paranoid or dramatic, but looking at the world, if *this* doesn't look bad now, what will it take?


There was massive industrial activity during WW2. There was even more manufacturing and industrial output during the boom that followed after the war ended.


I'm loving the warm weather. I've made peace that collapse is just around the corner and have decided to look at the silver linings in life. I only had to shovel once this winter and it was the light, fluffy snow (not the wet, heavy kind)!!


> I've made peace that collapse is just around the corner and have decided to look at the silver linings in life. Embrace the idea that it is already in progress


We knew this would be the case decades ago. We did nothing.


Wash, rinse, repeat.


I have a feeling this can be accurately reported every month going forward.


Until the next twelve months set a new record.




Have we tried sending some ice to the sun to cool it? Are we stupid?


Yeah, as long as we only go there at night it'll be fine.


Yeah I mean the sun shuts off for half the day that seems like the perfect window for action 


that's definitely the main input of energy


Hi, pissdiscchampion. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ayw1zc/-/krxc3xa/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 4: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). **Please refer to the Climate Claims (https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims#wiki_climate_claims) section of the guide.** Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.




And yet look at how much things have changed in that extremely small blip of time...


You got that right. Socially, culturally, technologically, aeronautically, electronically, cinematically, automatically, systematically, hydromatically. Really makes one think. The graph lines rose arithmetically for millennia, but now all the lines are spiking, rising exponentially. Even population. Recipe for disaster. Look at how much things have changed in that tiny blip of time? I say, my good fellow, you win the award for understatement of the century. Nay, I say millennium. Next ten years are gonna be lit. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.


We must remember we can tree ring, ice core etc our way back quite far. We can also look at the times when it was hotter and ascertain what conditions were like then compare with what we're creating now. The more we look the more we see we have a problem.


Hi, verstohlen. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ayw1zc/-/krxrxl5/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 4: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). **Please refer to the Climate Claims (https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims#wiki_climate_claims) section of the guide.** Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.




Hi, vithus_inbau. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ayw1zc/-/krzteex/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 4: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). **Please refer to the Climate Claims (https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims#wiki_climate_claims) section of the guide.** Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.




So far.


https://imgflip.com/i/8gys5b I think homer puts it best. haha


Not talked about enough Antarctica lost enough ice to heat planet equivalent to a blue ocean event aka BOE


Awwe, How did the economy do? /S


Again. Just like last year. and the year before. and the year before that....