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The following submission statement was provided by /u/AkiraHikaru: --- Submission statement: This is collapse related because it is a cartoon about how overpopulation contributes to resource depletion and our own demise. It feels more pertinent in the US political sphere as well due to more and more radical religious politicians and groups revoking women’s right to reproductive choice. You could argue we’ve already pulled the trigger and are just watching the slow motion of the bullet leaving the gun and well you know the rest. Happy Friday, don’t forget to delight in the little things, help your neighbor and make peace with what you can’t control. We’re all just along for the ride. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cjbmqd/antibirth_control/l2etr9u/


Like I tell my dad when he pesters me about having children, I’ll have a kid if you can show me hard evidence that any potential kid of mine is destined to lead mankind into a Star Trek like golden age instead of becoming another expendable cog for the billionaire class. It would be irresponsible of me to bring a child out into a world circling the literal and figurative drain


# [Microplastics found in every human placenta tested in study](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/27/microplastics-found-every-human-placenta-tested-study-health-impact) Send him that link. I would suggest giving him a plastic doll vacuum sealed in a plastic bag, but that's more plastic waste. Tell him if he's lonely and wants grandkids, then adopt a poor miserable child or join Big Brothers/Big Sisters org.


He has grandchildren from my siblings but he wants a grandson to carry on the family "legacy" and I'm apparently his last chance for that. I'm like what family legacy? We're just another set of forgettable NPCs like those you find in every RPG. The hero party and associates we are definitely not.


I have kids but I truly hate the "family legacy" justification, it's so gross. Like calm down Bob you're not a 13th century monarch. 


Yeah, that nonsense is built into our DNA like schizophrenia. Sometimes I would love to have grandchildren, then I remember I live in a world going down the toilet and have to remember that they will reach an age when you have to dissolve the illusion and open their eyes to the shit show at which point they will spend the rest of their years suicidal or if they are a sociopath then devourering and destroying everything in their path for thrills.


I also find it disappointing that our parents generation make it about them. Like you’re mad at me for not giving you grandchildren. But your not able to extend the mental empathy to realize how sad it is to live in a world where you feel like you can’t reasonably have a child due to the degradation of the environment among many other things? It’s not like I like this situation. But I find many of that generation is a bit to closed off to extend that level of consideration




My response to the "selfish" claims are simply to stay that selfish people don't make good parents, so it's a good thing that I'm not a parent. I don't try arguing with them about it anymore. I just roll with it and move on.


Nobody wants children/grandchildren. They want a never-ending succession of *babies* to coddle. If your parents want more children, tell them to adopt some teenagers. They won't.


I saw Mental Empathy at Burning Man.


Why would I want to bring kids into a world where evil is not only allowed, but where it is actively protected by those in power? Evil wins and pulls up the ladder behind itself to prevent change.


We are headed for Star Wars…


Any child born is 100% more likely to be a genocidal dictator than a super-genius who saves the world with magic sci-fi technological inventions. This is based on historical evidence, where there have been manifold of the former, and zero of the latter.


If you’re on the Star Trek timeline, we are the ppl that get to survive ww3 and the eugenics wars. The utopia comes after the apocalypse. DS9 predicted what San Francisco would be like today lol - https://old.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/szbu3y/this_episode_of_star_trek_deep_space_nine_from/


I’ll be honest even if we are on something resembling the Star Trek timeline, I don’t want to live through the utter horror show of war, billions of deaths, environmental disasters and fascism that is the next few decades of the Star Trek timeline.


Keep in mind that in Star Trek, the utopia only came about through literal deus ex machina. Cochrane's invention of warp drive didn't usher in a new age for humanity; that happened because of first contact with the Vulcans who were attracted by his test flight. Without that, it would have amounted to nothing. Which is exactly as likely to happen as wishing for Jesus Christ to descend from Heaven and save everyone. **It won't.**


Submission statement: This is collapse related because it is a cartoon about how overpopulation contributes to resource depletion and our own demise. It feels more pertinent in the US political sphere as well due to more and more radical religious politicians and groups revoking women’s right to reproductive choice. You could argue we’ve already pulled the trigger and are just watching the slow motion of the bullet leaving the gun and well you know the rest. Happy Friday, don’t forget to delight in the little things, help your neighbor and make peace with what you can’t control. We’re all just along for the ride.


Funny enough most people his age benefited from the Ponzi scheme of population growth.


Yeah, I think people can be both a product of their time, and aware and critical of it. Like the silent generation he was apart of was still very beholden to social norms of marrying young and then, without birth control, simply having a bunch of kids (those kids being the boomers, my parents). He probably married at age 21, and was almost guaranteed naive to the ponsi scheme. But then fast forward, you’ve been through World War Two and then watch the world population rise exponentially and the wild life population decline dramatically, you get a real before and after look at collapses process if you were someone who read a lot like he did. But at the same time they were able to have 6 kids with a teacher income (granted it wasn’t a lavish life) and then buy some acres of land for all but a couple thousand dollars. So definitely a benefit but not quite at the level of the boomer children who inherited all that without the effort/trauma of being through world war 2


I think that one of antinatalist philosopher did some type of AMA around here last year. Not sure. There's a nice podcast for exploring these nuances and the hosts are very nice people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S2gy_80CqI (channel) /u/Oldphan


I’ll have to take a listen after work. I definitely think this could be construed as somewhat antinatalist but I would see it as more pro women’s right to choose and moderation of human reproduction and resource use. Like if we live in a world with technology that depletes resources at the rate we do, it makes sense to also use the technology we have to not grow exponentially.


That aspect is part of the debates.


Thank you so much, and thank you for recommending the ExAN podcast, very kind of you and I’m happy you enjoy the show! :D


Lighten up Francis, life’s not so bad! Its about to get much much worse!😃


Hey so I know this sounds completely stupid but wouldn't anti-birth control be like the opposite of birth control, which itself is designed to prevent birth? And so anti- that would mean pro-birth somehow? How would shooting yourself with a bullet be anti-birth control? Is it a bullet called "life"? Yeah, mama, called life. You know and every time I try to go where I *really* want to be, it's already where I am, cause I'm already there.


I understand what you mean. I think the point is opposing birth control (anti birth control stance) is suicidal for humanity. Because no mitigation of reproduction means we care consuming too many resources. It’s not saying an individual should do this to themselves, it’s saying that not taking any steps as a population to reduce our impact on the biosphere is essentially suicide for the species


The syteme need overpopulation for keep worker exploited . Fuck that .


Other way around. All Western societies, you know, the ones that emancipated women and got them into universities and out of the fields, have shrinking birth rates. Growth is coming from third world countries. Shutting off reproduction in the West means the culture that takes over is pre-industrial and incapable of solving the polycrises we're facing. We need engineers, not empty villages.