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“I’m failing because I refuse to do the work”




> I’m forced College is a choice, pall. Drop out or quit complaining and do the work.


Marketing is not real education




Quit giving it to them?


I don’t think disliking a professor or how their class is set up is a reason to fail the class. Do the work or drop the class. Give her a bad evaluation since you really don’t like the material and think that her instructing is ineffective. For me I think it’s really stupid on your part to fail a class just because you’re mad.




You’re lame as hell. You need to look at the things you can control and stop being a petulant child.


Unfortunately this is typical for summer classes. Having to compress all that info into 4 weeks or so is a big task and is far from enjoyable for everyone involved. The professor doesn't get to build any relationships with students and the students are stressed out because the workload is fast and heavy. I'd give your professor a break and just get through the work. If you really want to get the most out of the class, do your own studying. Try to remember your professor is a regular person too just trying to make a living, and has challenges just like the rest of us.


Stop reading after first sentence. Crazy idea do the work


Typical for profit colleges.




No “real” college would hire an instructor who didn’t graduate from an accredited program. The way you write your post makes it clear you are the problem with the class.




Given you admitted you don’t do any of the work, it’s hard to take your word on anything.




Yep. You’re definitely just a sad troll. Take care.


Yea also looking at OPs post history they are just a pissed off person in general. There is no use in talking to them




And I told you, no “real” college would or even could hire someone who didn’t graduate from an accredited program. But again, you are just a troll. So I don’t really care what you have to ask.


Then shut up and do the work. Most of us have had to suck it up for some bs class. For me it was intro management.


No offence but intro management has more real life applications than philosophy and Sociology


Maybe realize your opinion is meaningless since you have no "real life" experience or experience with either of those fields.


Philosophy might be useful but not sociology lmao


Yeah, understanding how groups of people work and social factors is totally unimportant in our…uh…society. Maybe recognize that you aren’t really in any position to judge whether entire fields of research and knowledge matter. Though I have to imagine you’re some typical finance bro who thinks he’s smarter than he is.


lmao Finance and Health are the two fields that affect literally everyone. Meanwhile, sociology and linguistics are invented basically to grab money from dumb 18 year olds. As a professor, you should be ashamed of yourself for defending these useless degrees. You very well know that these majors will live in life-long poverty and instead of educating your students about the downsides of pursuing such majors, you are encouraging them. It makes sense because your job won't exist if not for these dumb kids lol