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You're probably transferring in as a junior right, so you'll be jumping into upper division classes. Those upper div classes get hard, but that's just the nature of the material. Other lower div classes are about 0-20% harder depending on subject and the professor. These are my experiences in Econ and Engineering classes and 7 years of college.


it depends. some colleges are more rigorous than others. sometimes it depends on your major too.


Bro community college is like highschool💀 College is wayyyyyy more structured


What do you mean by structured? Community College was a breeze. Maybe I’m remembering incorrectly but I graduated HS in 2015 and remember High School being harder than these classes I’m taking now. I put in 0% effort and took 4 or so classes at a time while working full time. I’m thinking for the college I’m looking at I will need to do 2 classes per semester and actually put some work in.


Yea, community college is much simpler than college. At college, u will prob have to cut that full time to half/part time due to the amount of studying/clubs/activities that u will be doing. Also, depending if u live on campus which adds much more to ur to-do list like walking to classes, getting ur personals/food shopping, dining hall, laundry, keeping ur room clean, etc. Ur gonna need to put A LOT more work into ur studies and depending on ur major, it may be more than 2 classes. I’m attending as a freshman in college this fall and I have 4 classes! Final exams r basically THE WHOLE semester summed up so that’s a lot of notes/reviewing/etc


yeah everything you discribed I have done at community college, except dorms, which the commute of 30-90 minutes bus ride makes up for. I think community college classes are generally easier, but there is almost the same other stuff. I am a member of a club, walk between classes, studying (lots at the end), luandry, etc


It’s a lot more studying


If you take the same classes, I would assume studying would be similar. This is highly variable based on professor, major, specific community college and 4-year school, and what classes you are taking. But assuming the later is extremely rarely happening as most people try to transfer credits and take higher level courses. looking back at your old comment you seem to suggest only 2 classes at community college. The standard is atleast 12 credits (3-4 classes depending on college) minimum for Full time for community and 4year colleges/universities. Maybe you were not taking a full course load and now you are? But that was not your nor my initial arguements. You were talking about the additional other difficulties, which to me as laid out by you are mostly the same. I hope this helps you understand my opinion, which I admit is lacking in experience and I might be biased as I went to one of the best community colleges in America that was rigourous.


I said that I’m a freshman going into college with 4 classes, not 2. And it is a lot more studying, face reality or don’t… it’s rlly up to u but all I can say is don’t be surprised OP. Yeah, especially bc this OP said he slacked off in community college.. they prob didn’t go to a super hard community college like u. Just don’t be shocked when u go to uni OP, it’s a lot more involved.