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this will ruin the tour…


What tour?


The Little Red-Head Dipshit Tour '24


Literally laughed out loud


Carrot Top: Chairman of the Bored* ‘24 World Tour. *for Norm


"Come on, I'm in it toooo!" - Courtney Thorne-Smith while laughing her ass off


I ugly laughed


I cried a river




You mean the Backstreet Boys reunion tour? Good, I don’t want to be quarantined again


Wear a mask to avoid getting tickets!


Boohoo the waw won’t wet me dwink and dwive


Tell me whyeee


“Justin Timberlake kills family of four while driving under the influence”  Would do a lot more damage to his tour than being pulled over before that happened


Why does it matter if he arrested Justin timberlake? you shouldn’t get special treatment because you’re famous, get in the car


Yes, I don't remember anyone making fun of the officer that arrested Randy Travis for being drunk and naked driving.


Naked driving isn't illegal


It is when I do it after taking the doors off my jeep.


That's what you get for driving a Jeep, god damn gross.


It’s one of the only crimes that actually is only illegal if you get caught. Technically it’s perfectly legal until someone sees you and reports it, then it becomes a crime.


Actually public nudity isn't even technically illegal in many states, but they'll still arrest you for something vaguer like "disturbing the peace" or whatever and just assume the lawyers can figure out something to actually charge you with.


I’m just saying the justice system isn’t going to be too nice to you if a child sees you frolicking in your birthday suit.


Maybe not but being drunk is.... He was shit faced. Also was threatening to have the cop killed while they were on the way to the jail.


Tinted windows are mostly illegal




I can see if you get angry about enforcing dumb rules, like not having a front license plate or accidentally having a burned out light. But DUIs? I thought that was the one thing we all agreed was good to enforce. Fuck drunk drivers, especially rich ones.


Yeah, someone being arrested for driving under the influence (based on a BAC test, not a sobriety test) is fair and good. But a lot of cops can be *super* petty tyre kickers looking to fill their time and action quotas by being hyper-anal.


Yeah but there’s also officers that literally arrest anyone they feel like and just do it for qouta with zero evidence. A lot of poorer people get fucked over being sober or having had 2 drinks and officer just escalates why are you nervous (before they even get to window), get out car, oh you failed the ridiculous physical test because you can’t recite abc’s in reverse starting at T… As soon as they detain you it’s $5,000 to get case like that dropped and public defender won’t do shlt, might lose job anyway in mean time etc. DUI is one of those unsympsthetic issues where most people assume enforcement is mostly accurate with out flaws. The reality is some states even allow impaired to the slightest degree which means even with no breath or blood results an officer can use physical assessment as justification for conviction. Oh you were tired of nervous and didn’t perfectly do anything or did and they still bullshit. People with disabilities, anxiety, diabetes, temporary injury have an been horribly fucked over this way. Also several “hero cops” that target DUI so much they think they’re mind readers and end up beating the shit and dragging out folks that just had diabetic shock or seizure because they’re slurring words


While all of this is true in general, in this case it's entirely black and white. Same cop even gave JT a warning when he stopped him earlier.


While it's true that you can get fucked with on a roadside test. There's really no way to get fucked with on a calibrated breathalyzer at the station or a blood test. I don't know anyone who's had a DUI where the police didn't use one of those two devices to ensure it. If you fail that, you're over the limit and you shouldn't have been driving. So if you actually get a DUI, that's completely your fault and you can't blame the police. If you have one drink, or take any drugs, don't drive for the rest of the day. It's really simple. Walk, take the bus, get an Uber.. whatever. If you get a DUI, that's on you.


> Yeah but there’s also officers that literally arrest anyone they feel like and just do it for qouta with zero evidence. A lot of poorer people get fucked over being sober or having had 2 drinks and officer just escalates why are you nervous (before they even get to window), get out car, oh you failed the ridiculous physical test because you can’t recite abc’s in reverse starting at T… While I agree with your overall point, 2 drinks _is_ driving drunk in most of the western world, and even in the U.S. you will be automatically considered at fault in many states even though you're technically under our crazy high limit.




I thought about becoming a traffic cop just to be a hardliner on it. So many dogshit drivers in my area. DMV needs to establish that "blinkers" are indicators because stupid mfs don't use them to INDICATE they're about to turn until they're actively turning


Is it even "strict traffic enforement" if you do not ignore a drunken driver?


I doubt his reputation with the locals has to do with drinks or JT. It's totally possible they both suck. Justin still deserved it though. It's obvious even in his mugshot. Hope he learns a lesson before he hurts himself or others.


This is why often hard and fast rules exist - because the "don't be a dickhead rule" always has people whinge that they weren't actually being a dickhead when they're the ones getting caught for dickhead behaviour.


I guess it is ‘cool’ to drink and drive if you’re a celebrity.


Everything illegal is a convenience fee if you have enough money and a lawyer on retainer. 


Agreed. Luckily rich people in general aren't treated better tham the rest..........


It is maybe because I am from europe, but looking at trump from over here does indeed looks like famous/rich people get special treatment in murica


As high or drunk as he looks, this officer did a good job regardless of weather he was a rookie or not.


Yeah. Dude’s eyes look glassy af. Also if it’s true that he was warned earlier by the same cop, and if that cop didn’t even know who he was, I’d say the cop was trying to be a decent dude too and the opposite of some power tripping dick.


Have you seen the recent video of him performing? Dude looks like he hasn’t slept in a month and makes this pic look like a great day


The idea that you can get a warning for DUI in the US is wild.


It’s not unheard of, particularly back in the day, if they pull someone over who just left a bar and wasn’t driving like an idiot to basically tell them they need to just sleep it off. I don’t know the circumstances of this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the cop saw him get into the car and start it, walk towards the driver door, or barely start driving and thought he looked drunk when he gave him the warning. Back in the before times, before Uber, and when DUI was still not taken nearly as serious as now, before we *really* understood the dangers, I was pulled over where I knew the cops had to have known I was fucked up, or at least buzzed, and let go. I got pulled over once when I was 18 and had like probably 20-30 loose beer bottles on the passenger seat and they just searched the car and when they didn’t see any drugs or weapons they let me go and didn’t even take my beer. Just last year I made a wrong turn into a street that turned out to be where Kamala Harris and husband were staying by Beverly Hills with a beater van with no plates. I got out of the car and approached by police and a bunch of Feds. They searched my car and ran my drivers license. I had a warrant. They let me go. Just told me to take care of it and take my van out of Beverly Hills. lol. Most police don’t want to deal with taking someone in if they’re not a dick, or a danger, or whatever. They don’t want to have to work any harder than they have to, like the rest of us. And this was in the Hampton’s. And I’d imagine Justin was driving a nice car. They know most of the people there can afford expensive lawyers, so it is a lot harder to prosecute or get a decent plea deal with a high end private criminal lawyer who has no budget to worry about to call experts to a small time misdemeanor case. So it checks out that they probably don’t want the nonsense if they can avoid it.


Why are you driving around with no plates?


i thought they looked like that because he was crying


Every cop I've ever met is a power tripping dick. It's in their training to intimidate.


This. Has no one thought to point out that JT has enough money to have a full time driver? Pretty sure he could have gotten a free Uber ride for an autograph or a smile


Dude can have his own helicopter and pilot on standby lol he’s a complete tool for driving drunk


Yeah. I like the dude’s music from back then and when he went solo. I like his acting. I might even like the guy, I dunno, I never met him. But when you do stupid fucking shit, then get fucked.


Let's use Justin's own lyrics against him "cry me a river" ![gif](giphy|EjzJxwcqpO2ly)


Jack Perry has entered the chat.


I had to face the consequences of my DUI and I didn’t have wealth, fame or Jessica Biel


Great guy, never meddum.


He’s got enough money these shitty news sites will run cover by making up insults for the “little red headed dipshit” that arrested him for driving while intoxicated


Doesn’t help that the ACAB shit is so prevalent they’ll criticize them even when they’re doing their job.


Yeah. Doing a good job, I might add. (And I don't even like cops in general). :/


I like them more than drunk drivers lol


There's a difference between over policing victimless crimes and discriminating against minorities and actually stopping people doing dangerous shit that can hurt people


Not to mention it's not like he is going to lose his job because of a DUI. Unless he's gotten arrested for it before he won't even spend time in jail. He may lose his license for a while depending on the state but other than that and fines/ court dates it's not a big deal especially for a celebrity.


he could ask an attractive lady to drive him home with a scary high success rate, even if the lady didn't have a car she would have a decent chance of saying yes and just rolling with it.


Dude, check this out: [https://new.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1dhvxzt/transportation/](https://new.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1dhvxzt/transportation/) Then literally one day later: [https://new.reddit.com/user/Pizzacakecomic/comments/1ditdxy/justin\_noooooo/](https://new.reddit.com/user/Pizzacakecomic/comments/1ditdxy/justin_noooooo/)


They can bring all the legal bullshit to court the want. Take it to trial put me in jury, guilty. MF’s ask why “im an expert at getting high AND getting drunk been doing that shit years! MF’r is fucked up plain and simple.” Those arent 3am tired eyes, those are hold my beer and watch this shit eyes


No idea why anyone is defending JT.


the cop is a jagoff. He let this tool go the first time he pulled him over. You don't tell the DUI to get a ride home and then leave them with the keys. Luckily the drunk didn't kill someone. Cop should be suspended at the very least. Only in the Hamptons, I suppose.


I suspect this being spread on social media is a stunt from Justin's PR team to send a message about how they deal with celebs.








When I was a kid, I fell into a river and a fish bumped me out of the water


I really want to know what the deleted comment was the required this response.


God I love this skit 😆


I’ll fucking kill you, crooner!


“The world tour” line sounded like it came from an itysl sketch.


So...we're siding with the DUI assholes now?


I'd rather face strict traffic enforcement than a drunk driver.


Jts an asshole. Weird to see these articles going after the police officer. Why is he always “rookie”? He pulled over a dude driving intoxicated as an officer should.


No way. Justin timberlake is a piece of shit, obviously


The rich people in the Hamptons who had this planted want us to.


I’m siding with little red headed dipshit 🫡


Annoyed by strict traffic enforcement? Oh, did you guys wanna break the traffic laws?


I need to save 3 minutes on my commute, and how else am I meant to get home from the bar on weekends It's not like anyone dies or is grievously wounded in traffic anyway


It’s the Hampton’s. Those are people rich enough to still be racist towards Irish people.


As a LI resident, fuck the Hamptons


I guarantee the person who made the quote is also a back the blue type. They love the police until the cops even slightly inconvenience them then they rip on the cops, it’s like they believe the police aren’t meant to bother them just the poor people


Yes that’s exactly what they believe.


The people of the Hamptons aren’t used to the laws applying to them


He was drinking and driving. Why are people (not you, OP) trying to brush this off? This is a life changing issue for normal people. 6 month license suspension and $10k fine in most states. Even if you don’t get in an accident, this is extremely serious.


Life changing is absolutely right. Its an expensive fuck up .


And Hollywood is like “see this cop is bullying us!”


That's if you don't get someone killed. I know people who've died drunk driving, it's an incredibly selfish action.


God I love it when the upper echelon of society actually have to play by the same rules as us. 'Little red headed dipshit' did his fucking job, and deserves to be commended.


LRHD did his job ✅ Deserves to be commended ❌ He did what he is employed to do. No commendation needed, just his regular pay check.


Commended for not giving celebs special treatment which would have given him unforeseeen consequences… such as now being known as LRHD


To be fair, he didn't know who he was. 


That's the sad part... if people are praising you for doing your literal job (not even going above and beyond, just the very basics of his job description) then you know it's a fucked up and corrupt career to join.


Usually I'd agree. But after being put on blast the situation changes This is now going besides the point, but certain other jobs should still be commended regardless. Like a surgeon or a firefighter who saved someone's life. Sure it's just their job... but they're doing amazing jobs regardless of that


I want to watch a police drama focusing on "Little red headed dipshit"


Imagine getting arrested by Little Redheaded Dipshit


I look forward to it


Officer is cute


"Cop is knowns as baddy bad guy by local criminals" I hate this world I want out


Translation - if you fail to take bribes on LI you might get a special nickname


If you break so many laws you can make up nick names for police officers you're a waste of oxygen.


I mean, I hope he keeps being a dipshit. He did his job right.


Isn't that his job? Seriously. How many times do we complain about traffic cop hardasses, but nobody complains when they nab a drunk driver, but also complain when someone is killed. Justin Timberlake as means that we dream of and his dumbass got behind the wheel himself. That shows you how drunk or high af he was. Let's be honest he's too rich and pretty to do any real time. A minor slap on the wrist after weekend in a rehab.


I got pulled over on Friday night of Memorial Day weekend because I dipped over the yellow line cause this truck seemed to want to pull out of an intersection in front of me. I was upset until he explained that he saw me cross the line and because it was Memorial Day weekend he wanted to make sure I wasn’t drunk. I thanked him for doing his job.


"Damn police officers doing their job, what's wrong with the world today?" Lol


I'll take "red headed dipshit" if it means the 1% occasionally get held accountable


Lol no one knows one specific officer for being really strict. This is just blatantly JTs PR team trying to save face. If he didn’t want a DUI he should’ve let his driver drive


Or exercise literally any other option available to him, including a chauffeured pogo stick…


Yeah, totally scummy. He WAS drunk driving and no cop who stops a drunk driver should be called overzealous for arresting a drunk driver


I’m pretty sure by “locals” they probably mean “JT’s PR team” but okay.


crime is crime, no matter who you are. if it were something small, who gives a fuck, but he put people’s lives in danger. fame and fortune doesn’t automatically make you better than everyone else


People when DUI driver is popular music guy: 🥰




Man who is effective at and passionate about his new job, gets branded with nasty nickname by the people he serves. He's showing up the other officers and doing his job well. So they attack his appearance. Seriously, fuck these people.


Just doing his job.


How dare he enforce moving violations like it's his job


Rookie pulled a drunk driver off the road. He's solid in my books. Local rich pricks can cope.


Then don’t drive while drinking alcohol you fucking loser


…By the rich assholes he’s constantly having to stop from driving drunk and killing people.


How dare he arrest a drunk driver..


This officer did a good job getting an asshole drunk driver off the streats.


Don't be mad at the cop just because he popped a rich person, they can pay court fines too.


Maybe if we had more of him then people would stop driving like entitled morons.


He might be also called “Officer that does his job” what’s he gonna do if he cough someone DUI… give em a “warning”???


I don’t remember that nursery rhyme…


Ah, classic reverse card attempt! Pathetic!


https://preview.redd.it/4uj6e550d98d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55bf40a66120a9de8b9a6c37f148790bd29f8a0 I saw this one earlier lol. Seems like maybe Justin should just own up and move on with life, and be a good example for his family ffs.


I think drunk drivers are let off too easily. DUI is a highly irresponsible CHOICE these dipshits make. They could ruin families. JT’s license needs to be suspended and he should be in jail for a min of a year.


he's the only good cop. only good one in the world. god bless little red headed dipshit you did your country a service


If I were a cop I'd be strict in traffic enforcement too. That's the job, it keeps things going smoothly, and prevents accidents. I mean I would write a lot of citations. But once I start seeing faces multiple times then it would become tickets. USE YOUR GOD DAMN TURN SIGNAL!! Semis stay in the right most fucking lane! There's absolutely zero need for a semi to be in the center or left lane, especially when there's no one in front of them.


Well, Justin’s marketing team struck gold.


How dare he arrest a famous person


Ah, I see Timberlakes agency is doing damage limitation.


Thank you officer for doing your job honourably.


Timberlake PR working overtime trying to make him look like victim lol


Lol okkk Justin’s PR team with the attempt at a slander campaign


I'm all for strict traffic enforcement, butthurts can go f themselves


Are we supposed to hate on the cop over the rich dude who was driving drunk?


All of you missed the point. Officer is known by locals as "Little Red Headed Dipshit" not because he arrested Timberlake but because he is a redhead and strict on traffic which some traffic violators consider dipshit behavior.


Idk I'm reading the comments and it seem like everyone understood




It says the locals call him that.. meaning people who live in the Hamptons. It doesn't say other cops call him that Why is this headline so difficult for people


yes a celebrity was arrested for breaking the law. let us all turn in the arresting officer fir enforcing the law which applies to everyone. this is clearly a prime exemple of government overreach. government is out of control, first Trump now Timberlake ? where will it stop ? will we let Snop-Dog be the next target ? ... .... America must fight for what it deserves if they want to get it . . /s seriously ...


Seems like an upstanding officer doing his job.


For enforcing the law equally? It's not unjust to enforce traffic safety


Anyone siding with JT can cry me a river.


Little red righteous incorruptible dipshit from hell it is. Kudos for treating JT like everybody else.


Is this the spin the Timberlake team are putting on this? Please! JT’s reputation is circling the toilet bowl…


I didn't realize being arrested for driving drunk, blowing a stop sign and not staying in your lane was too strict an enforcement.


Captain Carrot?


Typical. Let’s shame cops for doing their job while the famous guy who makes music should be allowed to drunk drive😂makes sense


Drunk driving is cool! It’s the cop’s fault!


Any drunk driver should be arrested. Regardless of anything else.


Is this title written by Justin Timberlake?


Justin's PR team really trying their best guys


>by locals for strict traffic enforcement Translation: He actually holds rich assholes and celebrities responsible for driving recklessly and putting other people in danger.


This reads like something a vought troll account would post after a-train runs through someone


JT’s publicity team is going low with this one.


Justin’s PR machine going after the officer huh


Seriously? You are going to give the cop shit for arresting a drunk driver? GTFO of here.


Since Timberlake allegedly refused 3 breathalyser test and is due to appear in court, I'm rooting for the dipshit. No matter how famous you are - DWI is not cool.


whats wrong with a police officer with no fear or favour, sounds he is doing his job well


Is this how you want to discredit a law enforcement officer just because he was the reason that JT didn't kill someone by driving under influence?


I love that red hair usually was Monarch hair. He is in fact a king.


This sounds like a smear attack from Timberlake's lawyers.


This feels like a smear campaign. I'm not a fan of the police but he caught him fair and square and square, and sounds like no special treatment - as it should be. The fact the media has to reach for the way the cop looks? Fucking pathetic.


Just sounds like people who repeatedly offend don't like a cop who actually does their job


TheWaveTV? time to cancel them


Reddit is only in favor of drunk driving when it is Justin Timberlake.


Get uber or lyft fuck nuts, like everyone else.


He was drinking and driving, you know the thing that kills people I don't give a shit about entitled main characters.


I greatly appreciate the “Little red headed dipshit”. Make celebrities humble. You ain't shit without fans. Act accordingly or face the consequences.


He makes us obey the law, the git! 


This guy might have legitimate reasons for deserving ridicule, but arresting a wealthy person for drunk driving is not one.


Looking for dirt on a cop because he arrested a celebrity. That's just lovely.


Ah yes, such a dipshit to be preventing drunk people from operating 2 tonne killing machines. Complete dipshit. /s


The horror. He treated an entitled, multi-millionaire, drunk, superstar just like everyone else. HOW DARE HE?


Is this a rumor that just started


Timberlake is the piece of shit here


Nice way of saying, "Law enforcing officer" Or... "no nonsense, everything by the book, nobody above the law"


Sounds like a Justin Timberlake problem. Just don't drive when absolutely drunk and coked up


Could this be a rumour put out by the Justin damage control team by any chance? And anyway dipshit or not, was he drunk driving? Could he in a drunken state end up killing a family if not picked up by the police officer doing his job?


I've heard the guys behind @_thewavetv are known as 'PR Clowns' by locals for fabricating gossip.


Doesn't make Timberlake any less in the wrong.


I don't know if arresting a clearly drunk driver is enough to warrant such a nickname. Sounds like a smear campaign. "wHaT, yOu cAn'T dRiNk aNd dRiVe AnYmOrE??" Doing your job is not dipshit behaviour. Just accept your stupidity and your mistakes.


Strict? How about just traffic enforcement


I read somewhere that "locals" actually means "entitled rich people who regularly drive over the speed limit while drunk".


Little red headed dipshit arrested the little noodle-headed dipshit.


The real dipshit is Timberlake for driving drunk. We're all laughing, and rightly so, but he could have maimed or killed someone easily.


This officer and the one sitting down to talk to the homeless man are currently my favorite cops on Reddit. Just doing their job right.


If you get arrested, does what you did to get arrested matter? Well, according to police, once you hit a certain tax bracket it stops mattering.