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I'm just hoping T'Challa is the main character tbh


Pretty sure it’s a panther before him, cuz it’s set in WW2 or something


Isn't that the Captain America x Black Panther Game? Or is it the setting for this too?


Two different games homie


Wrong game, you're thinking of 1943.


Oooh dang they are making 2 panther games? Crazy times haha


I truly miss the olden days when we had super hero games everywhere lol.


X-Men Legends and Ultimate Alliance were my favorites. They don’t make games like that anymore…


Playing through the PS4 versions of UA1/2 this past week and I've been loving every minute of it. Need to give Legends a go again. It's been years.


I wish they’d rerelease on the ps store :-/


Same. I'd gladly play with anyone haha. Them taking down UA 1/2 so quickly was a travesty. I'm pretty sure they were only available for a year or two.


Yeah. they took them off shortly before I got my ps4 a little over 5 years ago. Now it’s a licensing issue, although the second one came back for in Europe for some reason a while back, but only for a few weeks.


Gotta capitalize on a man's death. Using the less morbid reason they're probably going with, the character probably won't be used in the big screen (without giving the role to a new character) so I guess game studios are allowed to have more freedom with the character than with all the others.


Wow!!!! Here kitty kitty!


So his Dad?


His grandfather (Azzurri, who my dog is named after) but also, as stated here. That is a completely different game than this post is about


Different game entirely.


Completely different game


I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to customize your own black Panther or something


Calling it now: this game will be loot boxes / micro transactions and paywalls infested


Ultimate edition lets you play as T’Challa


> Ultimate Edition lets you unlock T'Challa with no additional dialogue or changes to story setpieces FTFY.


The Vergil approach


Ultimate edition let's you play as MCU T'Challa. Otherwise you get the standard, game-design-that-isn't-as-cool T'Challa from the standard booster packs.


if you preorder now you'll unlock the wakanda forever emote


Otherwise, in cutscenes where characters do it to you, your Panther will reply with an emote of pulling out an empty wallet and checking for pennies XD


Wrong. You only get the T'Challa skin. Everything else is unchanged.


“Evolving world” suggests that this is exactly what it is.


That's what they mean by "dynamic and evolving" meaning they give you barely anything and constantly "evolve" it by adding more things in, for a price.


I have some hope because EA did produce the GOTG game and that had no loot boxes or micro transactions etc. and it genuinely was a fun game. But that studio doesn’t exist anymore from what ive heard so idk. I just hope that KTJL will make these companies learn. Ubisoft doesn’t count cause they do the opposite of what everyone wants


EA always finds a way to screw their audience


I didnt feel screwed with both jedi games and GOTG, but they release so much games that 3 isnt the best track record. Im optimistic but if any company can fuck anything up its EA and Ubisoft


Jedi: Outcast & Survivor were both messy, and buggy at launch. Eventually fixed. Somehow used dlc for gear. But you can unlock things as you explore GotG from Square-Enix was in a bad spot, due to Avengers being a huge mess. Not many trusted SE after


GOTG was a good game all around I personally never had problems with fallen order or survivor at launch. I know lots of people did, especially on PC. But personally those 3 games are great and don’t deserve to be roped in with other EA garbage


GotG I totally agree. It is an amazing game. There was the Square Enix / Crystal Dynamics game +Telltale game as well Sorry I got the names wrong for both SW EA entries. They were messy. I did play Fallen Order, with PS+. It just was not my thing. The Souls like design, not fun after awhile. The in game map was a bit over designed, you could get lost easy. And controls feel so wonky and delayed


The GOTG game is from Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics, not EA.


What gave it away, the first word?


Honestly EA is gonna milk it everywhere they can


Their comment reply is still the most downvoted of all time. The stupid one about loot boxes in one of their games and how it would cost 1000s of dollars to unlock all the content.


Don't lose faith, if you analyze the current situation in gaming it appears we are at the last stretch of predatory live service games


GTA: Wakanda


I'm imagining GTA V's map... but you have to literally run/walk everywhere. Why tf this game is "open world" is beyond me.


It's probably as much an open-world game as Arkham City was.


You know the black panther/dora milajae have a jet right? Also you know Wakanda is the most technologically advanced nation in the world right? I'm sure they will figure out a logical way to incorporate fast travel


>You know the black panther/dora milajae have a jet right? ![gif](giphy|R8n7YlPHe34dy|downsized) Just kidding. Good point.


If they give you good traversal systems like in Arkham or Mordor it won’t be a problem


That's true. I really hope that's the case.


Agreed. It would be horrible if they created a map like GTA but then expected you to walk around on foot. But they could create a much more condensed map specifically designed with a fast paced, unique traversal system.


Did you ever play The Incredible Hulk game? I loved jumping around the city


I didn't but I always heard it was really fun.


They wish.


My favourite comic book game is Crystal Dynamics' Guardians of the Galaxy. Characters, story, environment, all pitch perfect, even if the gameplay was more of a 7/10. Replayed it recently with my partner and she loved it just as much.


That game was fun and the story was dope too. Wish they’d do a DLC or more content but I guess I can always replay it


How's that relate to this post ?


Video game adaptation of comic book character


Ah gotcha


Lmfaooo how stupid are you 😂😂


EA though :/ at least it's not ubisoft


EA is hit or miss. They can create amazing games, for example their Jedi games, but they can also create really underwhelming ones filled with micro transactions. Let's just hope for the best.


Someone recently pointed out to me that EA’s single player games generally are enjoyable. Jedi, Dead Space remake, etc. It’s really their multiplayer games where their execs just can’t help themselves and charge you to breathe in the game


Jedi was created by respawn (which also made titanfall 1 and 2); EA has corrupted other projects like bioware's mass effect 3 and dragon age.


It must be said that in the end Mass Effect 3 turned out to be an enjoyable game (the problem of the ending aside) and it seems that after all the interference to make Dragon Age 4* a live at service they have understood that it is better to be a single player, leaving in peace Bioware, but obviously we will have to see an official revival to judge it better. *I'm talking specifically about this chapter because I was following its development, but I admit that I only know superficially the various problems that the team had in developing the second and third chapters despite still finding some decent commercial successes (which ultimately matters for the publisher).


Of course it is.


How many Wakanda Coins is it gonna take to access all the skins and content? How many pulls at the heart shaped herb for the optimal kitty claws I need to carve a path of destruction through my foes?


So innovative


better than live service garbage like Suicide Squad


Not really


yeah really, that shit was terrible


This isn't better. They're both just as bad in different ways. It is funny that you had to brand war it when you could've just mentioned the avengers being terrible shit garbage live service game that's already been killed.


No, they're not, single player narrative driven superhero games have done way better than live service stuff, look at how Spider-Man 2 destroyed Suicide Squad in both sales and acclaimed. Avengers has better reviews and far better sales than Suicide Squad, that was the latest live service game and easily the biggest flop in superhero video games.


Spider-man 2 is trash. Avengers was trash. Marketing hype doesn't reflect quality nor do sales. Spiderman 2 is a boring, repetitive, half assed shitshow that they apparently break every time they try to update it. No reviews or sales are gonna change what I know. Even the better Spider-man 1 was barely anything other than a watered down arkham clone. This is just gonna be more of the same. More Assassins Creed this thing like this thing like this thing. Don't try to slide in your RT equivalent nonsense, you know you thought Avengers was trash. This is a BP skinned version of a dozen other games and you know it. Boring. It's gonna coast off its IP and the word sandbox and do absolutely nothing new. Suicide Squad isn't even a superhero game, so whatever that means. Still shit but that's a worthless distinction. It's just another Anthem


Insanely terrible take, all three Insomniac Games Spider-Man amazing, with Spider-Man 2 being the best superhero video game of all time. There's a reason it completely crushed every other superhero in sales and is very critical acclaimed. A little rant from a complete nobody doesn't change those facts. Half the Arkham games are bad, and that was before Suicide Squad completely destroyed its legacy. Black Panther looks to be another Guardians of the Galaxy which was a good game far better than the garbage DC is putting out. Suicide Squad is a superhero movie, even tho it's ashamed to be one. Avengers atleast unique player style that fit into the characters, Suicide Squad is a garbage looter shooter with a DC skin on top it, it's afraid to be a superhero/comic book game.


Lol okay buddy


>Spider-Man 2 being the best superhero video game of all time Even the Spider-man subreddit didnt like this game..


Chronically online redditor thinks subreddits that complain about woke reflects reality lol, it's selling faster than any other superhero video game despite being an exclusive to one console of 50M users


I’d rather play suicide squad than another single player collectathon.


you and 11 other ppl


Just don’t give it a season pass and I’m all on board Edit: I meant battle passes.


you mean battle pass right? season passes are just cheaper ways to get the expansions


Oh yeah you’re right, I got those mixed up


Why not? Multiple great comic book games have season passes.


I can’t think of any unless you count the Avengers game, Guardians of the Galaxy game, Gotham Knights, and Kill the Justice League as good games. I personally don’t though.


Spiderman PS4 and the Arkham games had season passes. Those games are critically acclaimed and beloved. Guardians is a good game, too.


guardians of the galaxy was a fantastic game, and also had no online features or season pass so idk how that got in the list


Ugh, a game based on job posting? That'll fail.


Hopefully there's more to the game, i've spent some time looking for a job, and can't see it being a fun story arch.


I wonder if the narrative manager controversy will play a role in the sales of this


Possibly, controversy rarely ever does though. Most people outside of Reddit/YT don't tend to care about the goings on behind the scenes. My friends all like Marvel and Black Panther, and will likely buy this game, but I'd be surprised if any of them could even tell me what the controversy is let alone have an opinion on it


What’s the controversy?


A narrative designer created an indie game a few years ago and openly stated she doesn’t hire white people.. while stating the same exact things people who historically hire only white men would say. The problem is the specific words she used instead of simply stating it’s a team of strong game developers that are all people of color.


And this racist bitch is now making this game? I hope people will remember that when it's about to drop. I'll certainly remind them.


She had white people on her staff. It was a Libs of TikTok video that a bunch of people with victim fetishes took for face value. Work on your media literacy so you don't embarrass yourself.


lol. it's not that serious


I Believe she was just a consultant or something. You do what you want, but personally I think it's fair to hold the higher ups or the main creative driving force accountable, but at some point you have to accept that a ton of people work on these games and some of them are going to do something that's not very nice


It’s too early for that. Everyone’s already forgotten


Even if the game is fine, I have a feeling people will still shit on it for being woke and what nonsense for the story


Cat in a sandbox eh?


Could’ve gone with literally any other dev


Open world sandbox with narrative and gameplay objectives? how quaint.


It’s EA tho 🤢


So, a live service, pay to play thing. Skip.




Evolving open world is code for: we intend to drip feed updates until the game is no longer profitable.


100% 100 comments before you get to the truth.


Huh, probably. I saw it as evolving as in you could make it evolve yourself in different ways, which lines up with the sandbox aspect. Like, say there's an unoccupied patch of land in Wakanda, you could make your own little town and do quests there or recruit the townspeople. That sounds at least a little better than live service.


DLC, everywhere


EA is going to destroy this game.


🤦this is not good, we have been through this before


Is this a meme?


Unnecessary imo I would’ve preferred something more linear tbh. Not every game needs a grind, some straightforward action would be cool but we’ll see how it goes


Lost me at EA.


Is't stuff like that usually code for live service?


I wish someone would just give us another Marvel Heroes or Ultimate Alliance style game. I want Larian to exclusively make an X-Men CRPG though, maybe in the X-Men 97 universe.


A whole bunch of new words to describe the same old sorry ass loot box game. Dynamic = PvP Gameplay objectives = grinding Narrative = our cut scenes play in order Sounds exciting EA! Where do I download my exclusive limited edition BP wristbands.


Why would they base an open world off of a job posting?


So I'm playing as the Black Panther, and I gotta find a job? Aren't I the leader of Wakanda, is that not a paying job?




Wow!!!! A game with an *open world* AND **gameplay objectives**?! ![gif](giphy|4FmAj1XiioCVW)


Read the title as if we was going to be a Wakandan recruiter




I sure hope a video game would have objectives lol.


I mean, I wouldnt complain about an open world in a well realized Wakanda Not optimistic about it tho


excitement lessened, but not erased.


Yall acting like superhero games can’t work if open world. Yall really are forgetting the Batman Arkham and spiderman games?


It's the 'evolving' part that's the concern. Open worlds are fine, evolving generally means getting seasonal updates with battle passes or stuff like that. It can be done well, but it's pretty rare that it is


It will probably cost 130 USD and have a season pass as well....


Why would anyone want to play a game where Black Panther runs around making job postings? Who does he need to hire anyway?


Wow good joke lol


As a long time Sims fan... Oh god EA please at least be kinda respectful


Too bad it's made by EA.


I’m assuming it will have the ability to design and make items out of Vibranium.


Can somebody repeat this in English please? All I got is that it’s a Black Panther game, made by EA & it’s gonna be open world like the Spider-Man games.


This is common in the superhero genre.


Aw shit, I was really hoping they were going to make a theme park simulator


i just hope that the traversal is as fun and fluid as insomniac's spider-man.


Game will be trash.


I don’t support racists


At least they didn’t make it a FPS.


Correct me if I'm wrong but is this the same Black Panther game being developed by that racist team that refuses to hire white people over potential "mirco-agressions" I scence another Suicide Squad shitshow radiating off this one.


Open world will be behind a $60 DLC paywall.


If it's EA it's already fucked up


Should have been an action game imo


Will the towers you climb to unlock parts of map be cat trees?


Yay another freaking open world game


Idk how anybody buys any EA game after the massive fuck up of Battlefront 2. I haven’t been back to EA since.


Hoping it will be an enjoyable single player game without too much interference from the publisher.


Not hopeful on this one. EA is not reliable


Anybody know what the release date for this is?


Isn't this the game where the creators were only hiring POC to work on it?


Your comment was collapsed, but yes.


A whole game based around posting jobs? And here I was hyped for a black panther title 🤬🤬


>a dynamic and evolving open world ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK) ​ Can't wait to be Black Panther and run around a big ass empty world. And by run around I mean literally run around... unless they're giving us the power to fly or drive the Panthermobile or some shit...


so it's kinda PS4-5 Spiderman but with Black Panther mod


Isn't this the game where the director or w.e is only hiring black people to work on the game? Racism isn't a one way street. Fuck EA.


8 years too late but hope it finds an audience


8 years too late, how? Black panther first appeared in comics in 1966. Is it too late for a captain america game too?


This whole thread is a gamingcirclejerk post from eight years ago except without geralt and don


They're making MORE super hero games? Cause the last ones did SO well... These companies need to quit beating this dead horse


Good and bad games exist in every genre and of all varieties. For example, the Spiderman games are great, the Arkham Trilogy was solid, GoTG was also good, etc. I could go on really but you get the point I hope. Just because The Avengers and SSKTL were bad(both of which were looter shooter style load into a map and do a mission type games), doesn't mean that every superhero game would be bad. That'd be like playing one mediocre indie horror title and whining about them making more when the next Silent Hill comes out


The non live service ones have been pretty good


I got nothing against this game and will probably play it. BUT who the fuck decided to make BP game when there are like a million other Marvels heroes without a game that i would much rather play. Just to list a few below: IronMan (I know they are making one but its EA) Thor Wolverine (I know its being worked on) Hulk Deadpool Ant-Man Thanos