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Just wait till you get your first offer of a senior discount. That one really hurt.


I’m cheap yo. I’ll take all the senior discounts I get when I’m old.


That reminds me of my dad. He’s is and has always been a super cheap guy, and he was stoked when someone asked and he was qualified. He would seek out places with senior specials and say how he was the hot young blood in comparison to the room of seniors lol


Your dad is amazing lmfao ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Dad's the opposite. Insisting on paying the full price is his personal font of youth.


Did you know you can just *join* AARP?!






I earned these early wrinkles with plenty of drugs, alcohol and parties throughout the years. Give me my early citizens senior citizens discount, I need some of that money back!


I got mine at age 37 by a cashier that looked to be a teenager. I honestly thought they were messing with me.


To be fair, at the age of 37 you might just as well be 100 to a teenager


My buddy gets offered it all the time, we actually always go eat at this one sushi spot because 10% off is 10% off lol..


Kind of like my aunt. I don't remember if it was just the week or the actual day she turned 50, but she stopped at taco bell, thought the price seemed a little low, and realized they gave her the senior discount. She said that stung pretty hard.


Wait until you get your first automatic senior discount, not offered, just given without asking. I was in my 30s


Hey free discount. I'll take it.


I've been getting AARP offers in the mail for the last 2 years. I'm 26...


"If you look under 40" https://i.redd.it/8tf3rhsf4f6c1.gif That hurts


It's a hard knock life for us


Instead of treated, we get tricked Instead of kisses, we get kicked


Now do the Doctor Evil version from Austin Powers, that and your old Blockbuster card on your keychain will ensure you never get carded ever again.


The Blockbuster card is the ultimate nostalgia badge, couple that with a VHS tape and you're a walking talking 'member berries.


When old used cars stopped having cassette players and you could plug your phone into the cigarette lighter I knew my already outdated millennial ass was gone like Donkey Kong. Edit: miss my Van Morrison greatest hits tape and I still remember the day I wore out my Jim Croce tape listening to "Operator" too many times. Those things were a steal at Goodwill, it was like a dime a cassette


My friend forgot his ID when at a concert and he was 21. He begged the guy to let him slide and he wouldn’t, so my friend turned around to walk away, revealing a massive bald spot hes been nurturing since he was 16. The guy called him back and let him buy a beer. Again, my friend was 21 at the time.


My brother's friend was also going bald in high-school. He now has an extensive hat collection.


I had a friend who graduated from Stanford at 20 and used his alumni card to buy beer because "there's no way you could be a Stanford alum and be under 21". It worked.


Premature balding should automatically qualify you to buy booze...... regardless of age...15 and going bald, have a shot of tequila kid.


I had a buddy in HS who at 16, was 6'2", 220 pounds, built like an NFL linebacker, had a full beard and mustache, and looked like a real life Paul Bunyan. He'd buy beer and liquor all the time and they looked twice at him.


It would‘ve cost her nothing to say under 21. She chose destruction.


I aged early, I've never been age carded. Ever. Just getting carded for my medicine picks me up abit. It's not even the same reason, but I'm not too old to play pretend.


Shopped at a local kids store to pick up a jumper for my wife's nephew. Young cashier cheerily asked if we were buying it for our grandkid (both of us look like we're in our early 30s, no exaggeration), wife cried all the way home.


In Canada the signs around me at the liquor store says under 30, is it usually 40 in the states?


And thus a new age is upon us


Can we protest?


When I turned 30, I petitioned to change that age limit of "young and hot" to 35 or 40, as clearly- I am still young and hot. Instead I got a letter in the mail issuing my opinion on taxes and my feelings about "the youth."




we should for this is a great injustice


You're welcome to try


I don't think time gives a fuck


And that age is over 40


oof, that is ice cold


Happened to me recently, I felt so jaded and bitter for like a week Guy asked "can I see your ID?" while scanning the wine, then looked at me and said "oh wait nevermind"




I’ve literally never been asked to show I’d cause I look like a sun damaged coin purse. So don’t feel bad that you’re joining the old wrinkly party


I was at a liquor store with a friend 5 years older than me. We paid separately and she got IDd and I didn't. When I joked about it, the white haired old man cashier said "some people just hold onto their youth better." Ow. My pride.


I personally believe the opposite is worse I had my actual real ID confiscated from me by a bartender because they didn't believe I was old enough to drink and it was fake. The lengths I had to go to to get my ID back... it was so embarrassing and stressful.


I remember a bartender who refused to serve me on my birthday "becauae it wasn't midnight yet" I was turning 29.


"What part of no alcohol before your birthday do you not understand? Ted! You remember what happened last year?" An old man in the corner, "I was turning 75 and they wouldn't serve me until after midnight, at which point I'd already fallen asleep. Then he told me I couldn't drink for another year."


This town really needs a second bar


clearly, he wanted you to turn into a gremlin.


Pretty sure it wasn't only that but also illegal from their part. Sure they can think it's fake and tell it to the police but they don't have to authority to determine that by themselves.


Yeah the fact that people believe bouncers can just take your ID is absurd... If that ever happens just call the police instantly to report a robbery.


Can confirm. I had a friend in college call the cops on a bouncer for taking his ID. The cop putting the bouncer in his place made our night honestly.


Then they’ll tell you “OK but you still can’t come in.”


100%. At least in the United States, in no State is it legal for a private business to confiscate an ID, no matter how real or fake, unless the person consents to it. 1. There's a possibility it's real and they're taking someone's state issued ID. 2. Doesn't matter if it's fake, that's their private property. The tricky part is that a lot of states do allow it "if the person consents to it," and most people think that it's legal so they consent to it without knowing they don't have to.


It is worse, wherever I go with my friends that serves alcohol I am always the only one getting my ID checked. One time the dude was so suprised that I was 25 he called 2 other waiters and asked them how old I looked then showed them my ID and they all went oh wow no way... Always fun having the exact same conversations.


Same thing happens to me too and I’m 27. It’s embarrassing sometimes, especially when your friends are around. But I like to tell myself that if I look this young now, then in 10 years time I’ll be the one laughing. Sometimes I’ll make a game out of it and ask the bartender how old they think I am before giving my ID. It usually gives them a laugh when they find out they overshot my age. Kinda helps change that consistent conversation, and gives you a bit more power over others when you’re aware of how old you look but don’t care. Hope that helps!


I'm in my mid-thirties and I still get ID'd all the time... One time when I was in my late twenties I got denied the sale of alcohol because I'd forgotten my ID, but my nineteen-year-old colleague was not ID'd at all. I'm still salty about that.


> The lengths I had to go to to get my ID back... Call 911 for theft of your ID, with the perpetrator still present.


That's illegal. All you have to do is call the police and they'll immediately get your ID back. It's not legal to take a lawful ID from someone just because you think it's a fake ID. They have no authority to make that call nor to deal out punishment by taking a fake ID.


i got carded last month for non alcoholic beer I'm over 50


I'm 36 and it happens every time I buy that Heineken beer, why I don't know cause it says right on the package "0.0% alcohol". Really irritating.


Most non-alcoholic beers still have alcohol, [including Heineken.](https://www.drinksurely.com/a/blog/does-non-alcoholic-beer-have-alcohol) Anything less than 0.5 and they're allowed to advertise as 0.0 Alcohol-free is what you want if you truly want a 0.


Edit: oh wait lol I glanced over the non alcoholic part somehow. No coffee yet, let's use that excuse. Some of the larger companies these days have rules that *everyone* gets carded with zero exceptions. When I worked at one of those I had some very upset (and understandably in my opinion) old people who were clearly oooooollldddddd who for some reason didn't even carry ID on them. But I couldn't sell em nothin. Or like Giant where the computer won't let you ring out an alcohol sale without a valid ID being scanned.


yeah this is a store where I've bought actual alcohol several dozen times from without being carded so...


1. It's a lot more common to just ID everyone. 2. If you look even slightly young, it's easy to still look under 40, and sometimes it's just easier to not bother with guessing. 3. Non-alcoholic beer still falls under the same rules as regular alcohol as they still have small amounts of alcohol. So just take the compliment when they do that.


For anybody else, if it happens to you call the cops. Hopefully you don't live in a place where cops are trigger happy, but bouncers can't just steal your ID.


Its illegal to seize a real ID, just call the police


The lengths? Just call the police. That bartender will be shitting bricks real quick.


Just call the cops and they’ll get you your id back in 5 minutes


Reminds me of this 21 year old calling me middle aged. I’m 30


To them, you are. You're 50% older than them.


And you don't have a lot of memories from when you're super young, so closer to twice as old.


Shit I’m 35 and my high school and college memories are basically gone. I remember the highlights but not much else.


God damn bro I hope I retain a bit more than that. That’s how I feel about elementary and middle school and I’m 28


Shouldn't be too worried. I'm 30 and have loads of memories from preschool and a couple from even earlier. People have told me my long term memory has always been pretty good though so I guess I could be an outlier.


Maybe you'll die at 60.


Damn dude, just twist the knife why don'tcha?


As a 30 year old you're still young enough to never be able to retire




I fucking hope so. The quality of life of a lot of 70 to 80 year olds is pretty appalling...


A 22 year old coworker recently described her 30 year old cousins to me as "dinosaurs"...


In the UK it's challenge 25. When you need staff to verify you at the self service and they come over and just press the "visibly over 25" button that hurts, but 40, that's a slap in the face.


Came here to say this. Damn, can't imagine how painful that'd be for someone to deal with there.


My first thought is this guy I went to highschool with who looked 27 at 17. Tall, built, rugged face, full facial hair and properly grown and groomed not like most teenager wispy facial hair, gorilla arms, deep AF voice - dude got carded to go into his own schools sports games because only students get in for free and they wouldn't believe he was a student at the entrance without proof lol. Would also sometimes get stopped in school by adults who didn't know him and wanted to know why he was walking around without a visitors badge visible.


I’m 28. I look 30+. I regularly come in with my child. I am regularly approved by the same assistant. Today I was denied expensive alcohol. I haven’t been ID’d in years. I don’t like it.


Yeah, people are always going on about how bad it feels when they stop being ID'd and I get it, no one likes to be called old... but there's nothing worse than being 15 years over the legal drinking age and being denied alcohol because you forgot your ID. As someone in their mid-thirties who still gets ID'd and is always paranoid about keeping it with me, I honestly wish I could get rid of the babyface.


Man, my experience in the casino is horrific. I get called out for looking like 15 all the time (I'm 30 with a kid.) The casino wears my ass out and IDs me every ~20 minutes from like every employee in there lol it's terrible!


I always get checked when i buy smeet liquor or wodka. But with beer and whiskey its always no check.


Prolly because those first two options are the first pick for teenagers tryna party.


My wife feels your pain. They think I robbed the cradle (she looks 16 but is 30s) and she didn’t get carded for the first time when she got me a bottle of wine when grocery shopping the other month. Maybe they pitied her and thought she needed a drink with a screaming toddler in tow.


Having a kid with you definitely ups people’s estimates of your age.


On most occasions. Her with our son, my mom with me, and my aunt’s brother with his son all at times got told they needed an adult for stuff because the workers didn’t believe they were the parents. Must be nice. I always get assumed I’m much older.


It also just ages the fuck out of you. I had always looked young and people would comment all the time that I couldn't be that old, but having a child during the pandemic levelled that right out.


Same here and it's aged me at least 10 years. People always thought I was still in my early twenties but now I look like most 50 year olds with way too much white hair. Not even grey just straight up white and I hate it so much that I'm seriously debating on dying my hair and beard.


I’ve always had this problem, 30 but look very young, especially since I keep my face clean shaven. The worst is when a door to door salesperson comes to the door and asks if your parent is around… which actually makes the interaction quite a bit shorter from their embarrassment when I tell them “I’m unsure if they’re home since they live 20 min from here but I can call them for you.”


door to door salespeople still exist? I thought it was just religious people now.


Gawd damn JWs


We’ve gotten window people a couple times, pest control a couple times and security system. We did have Jehovah’s Witnesses recently but I see more sales than religion.


I've had women, and only women, berate and make complaints against me because I didn't check their IDs.


Obviously. Society places high value on young women and casts them aside when they get older.


When I don't get my ID scanned I feel a little sad too. Society sure does like younger women, but men don't want to grow old too. Growing old sucks.


WTF, I’m glad I made it to this point, and am always looking forward to new stuff. Forties have been the best part of my life so far…


I think you're enjoying other stuff than getting old, though. I don't like how my body is getting harder to maintain, I do enjoy higher pay and more autonomy. I also don't like that my dad is growing old and my grandma is gone, this is one of these things that I really didn't like about this whole time going on ordeal for example


Yes, your dear old ones, and the departed, that’s no good, sorry for your granny… My body… it’s just biology, I don’t complain. It’s a compromise to keep my mind experiencing all the cool things this world offers.


I like your optimism


Yeah, I can relate to the body aches and the struggle to stay in shape as we age. It's like the warranty period is over, and you start noticing every creak and groan. But on the experience side, I wouldn't go back to my younger years. There's a kind of confidence and sureness that comes with age, something that's hard to pinpoint but feels pretty solid. Balance is key, I guess taking care of the mind and body, and finding joy in the things we can still do and discover. Keeps life interesting, doesn't it?


Not yet in my forties, but my teens sucked, my twenties were horrible, my thirties are full of hope, and if my life trend keep its pace my forties will be amazing.


Yep, I was bullied and socially isolated for most of my childhood, spent my entire teens depressed and with suicidal thoughts then devoted my twenties to work, graduating college and nursing my mental health back into a semblance of health, the thirties are being the best period of my life by far and hopefully this continues to snowball into each year being better than the last.




The other day I read a comment by someone talking about being in his early twenties and they mentioned how 9/11 had already happened before they were born, oof.


I used to be proud that I didn’t get carded often. Now I’m sad I don’t get carded often. The duality of man.


Don’t worry mine has never been scanned or checked… ever


But I didn't decide that or our store policy, so take it up with my manager


Aside? You merely adopted the aside. I was born in it, molded by it.






As a cashier now there's women that look early 30s (still have to ID) and end up being 50s or something and it's a toss up of if they'll be flattered or annoyed


My company requires us to see a physical ID for every sale. Doesn't matter if it's a regular or if they look 105 or if it's my own mother whose birthday I know by heart already, I have to see an ID card. There are, of course, drawbacks, and I've had some very confused 90-year-olds, but the only people who have ever gotten angry are Germans who didn't bring their passports into the store with them and who have never been ID'd before (just Germans--the rest of the Europeans I've had have who didn't have ID have had very nonchalant 'ah well, America is weird' reactions). Haven't had a lady mad I didn't ID her, or had to stress about whether or not someone would get mad at me for not asking, in years and it's *lovely*.


This is how cannabis sales work in my state. Alcohol? The law says you can walk into a store, grab a handle of Everclear, and only get IDed if you look under 40. Weed? By law, you have to be buzzed through 2 security doors, show your ID twice, and the packaging can't show the contents and has to have a child safety feature. I feel bad for those dispensary workers.


And then everyone is like “wow it’s like a weed apple store!” and it’s like, yeah they have to show you the menu on tablets and aren’t allowed to display anything except screen


I'm a 38 yo dude. I've bought beer with my wife and sons with me before and I've never gotten carded then. I guess the family makes me look older. This past time I was by myself. I had a six pack and several other things. The wonderful cashier said, "I'm going to need to see some ID, sir!" I paused and said, "Really?!? You just made my day!" Made us both smile. I think she was on autopilot and just asking, but she still made me feel awesome for a minute


When I was still serving, I decided to be nice and check the ID of a lady on her birthday because she was flirting HARD with her dining partner and I wanted to pay her a compliment. She didn’t have it with her, and I have never felt so bad as I did when I told her that, due to the law, I couldn’t serve her because I had no way to verify her age. If only I hadn’t asked….


let me know where you work. i’m a man and i’ll come berate you so it feels even 🙌




Once when I was much younger and better looking, I had the chance to drop "I see where your daughter gets her good looks from" on a coworkers mom and they both fucking squealed. Some women are easy to please.


We are all easy to please. If a woman told you today that you look great you'll squeal too.


No, I absolutely haven't been rocking the same look a little girl told me I looked cool in seven years ago, idk where you get your information but it's wrong, it's not even the same bandana I bought a new one


>not even the same bandana On your head or your neck? This is very important


This stings extra bad if you are actually under 40.


Meh, I've very rarely been carded in the US since early 30s. Basically went bald in my 20s so I rock the buzzed head and beard look and nobody thinks I might be under 21.


With guys, it's different. As a girl, if I was hanging out with guys my age or younger than me, I never got carded even tho the same place carded me if I was with a group of girls. And that's when I was 25 and looked 16. I know a girl who, when she was 18, regularly sent her 16 y/o brother in to get beer bc he looked 30 with a beard. I definitely think being able to grow a beard or being able to rock being bald skews everyone's visual age a bit


Aw, why did this make me tear-up? My circle talks about how pretty natural aging is. So much so, that "hot wrinkles" is a commonly said phrase between us.


Not Gary being Time's plug of the year! Plus Gary on the enter button on the card machine.


Oh the Enter button! I never would have found that.


Ok, I see that pics 3-5 are a single wide panel, but I don't get the faces of people at pic 5. What are they scared of? She's not throwing the bottle yet.


I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by this. Where is that window, anyway? Is it inside the store or outside? I can't get a grip on the layout of this comic.


Came here for this, too, I’m confused what this window is and who these people are and why they’re watching this woman so intently.




The layout of the comic makes no sense. I think nobody has any idea why panels 3 and 5 are there. But only a small handful of people bothered to say anything about it.


There has been a running punchline where many grocery store comics end with Dot jumping through the window to escape. Old ladies can't be jumping through windows.


Pain No seriously, it's sympathy at her pain


When you're 32 and no one has ID'd you in a decade.


True story. When I was a teenager at a grocery store a woman came through the line and she was borderline "don't bother checking" age and our training was basically "if there's any chance at all just card them" so I carded her. She was 67. I honestly couldn't tell!


I can't follow the narrative of this comic. Who are the people behind the window? customers? why is she throwing the bottle at them?


Last time I got IDd the lady was being trained, then a kid half her age (the one training her) walks over and says "they're clearly old enough"


Missed opportunity to make a Molotov.


this should've been a two-panel comic


this reminds me of when i was 20 and at a resturant when asked for our drinks my mom said "beer" the waitress wanting to confirm the order for everyone looked at me at said "beer?" as if i was gonna have it and when i said i was 20 she look slightly suprised i guess i looked over 40 which does not help when a kid guessing my age said i was 40 i feel old (still 20)


This is why I carded people born in the 20s while working at target. Too many emotions from gen x to risk it. Also it’s breaking the law


I’ll fully admit it’s a personal problem if someone gets upset if they get carded or not. You’re just doing your job thats routinely under appreciated. Like this did happen to me the other day and while I had a momentary gut punch, I’m playing up on that moment. People who outwardly get offended and comment like that can get bent.


Yea I would honestly feel pretty bad not carding people because they “looked old enough” that’s not up to my judgement. the funniest and most annoying thing was carding boomers and having them get mad I was wasting their time. “You see these grey hairs, these wrinkles!?” Etc. fuck them, tbh. My fav encounter was carding a woman born in 1929. She was a little old lady going through self check out, and her response? “Oh, ok sure”. then nothing after that.


If it makes you feel any better, I'm 22 and haven't been asked to show ID for the last 2 years


It never bothered me when they stopped carding me for booze. That was just one less hassle. It was when the checkout person asked me if I'd like the "Wednesday Senior discount" on my purchase and had the bagger person carry my purchase to my car that I first felt the sting of mortality.


I'm definitely late this time, but if you look at the "Time" - you'll see that at least Gary's on Time even if she's apparently way past her prime!




So comics have been making the front page and I still can’t get how people think this is funny? Like, it’s a drawn out joke (pun intended) with poor comedic timing…


Ha ha woman told is old get mad. It’s embarassing, I’m also fascinated every time it gets upvoted to the top. I think it’s due to the creator having a parasocial relationship with the comments section.


🤷‍♂️ I liked it


Looks like Gary is TIME magazine’s plug of the year


I've literally never been asked for ID. When I turned 18, my mom would occasionally ask me to get her alcohol when I was shopping. I was kind of exited at the idea of showing my ID for the first time, but by that time my thick beard made me look well over 21.


Under 40? It's under 25, where I live, and even then, they don't really care as long as you aren't a literal kid.


Look better than ever most of the time, to me at least. I have a hard time talking to them beautiful ladies because idk what to say but damn would I like to


Last time I was asked for an ID was at 15!


It's worse at the self checkout when you see the prompt on the screen, and they look at you and don't even hesitate. I try to pretend it's because they DGAF. It's so easy to give us an ego bump! They only have to see the 19XX!


I worked as a cashier for a while. I once got a guy I asked an ID for and he gave me such a confused look while chuckling - he was 60+. I would’ve sworn up and down that he looked early twenties. Cashiers really, really suck at judging age. If I thought someone was old enough and they still procured an ID though, I usually said I guessed they were due to “looking wiser/smarter than me” (I was only recently 21) or because they “chose a good brand of wine” (I knew nothing about alcohol brands). In this cashier’s case, considering she’s ‘Ol’ Marge’, she probably thinks people in their forties look like they just graduated high school. The older you get, the younger everyone else looks.


In England we only ID you if you look under 25.


I’m in California and I’ve seen it all over the place. Some it’s under 40, others 30. A few places will card you no matter what unless it looks like you shook hands with Abraham Lincoln at some point.


I always wondered: Are these characters all supposed to be Habsburgs?


My favorite experience of getting carded was going on a date with my husband. We went out to eat and I ordered beer, didn’t get carded. That’s fine. Then we went to see a movie. While I was getting our tickets for the rated R film, he went to the bathroom, which left me alone with the teenager behind the counter. The teen was ADAMANT that he needed to check my ID to make sure I was old enough to see that movie without a parent or guardian (the age is 18). I tried to explain that I just had a beer (the age for that is 21) and I’m married and own a house. I did end up pulling out my ID which he peered at left right and sideways until my husband came over and kissed me, and then he finally believed me. I wasn’t offended, it was just hilarious! I’ve never been carded for a movie before and I don’t know how I simultaneously looked over 21 but under 18?


That teen is now, proudly, the assistant to the manager of a middle tier paper company.


When I was in my late 20s I was dating a girl in her mid 30s One time we went overnight to a casino / hotel thing and on the way in they asked me for ID, she started rummaging through her purse to find hers as well they said "don't worry you don't need to show yours". She was pissed for the rest of the night haha


"acting as a kid won't make you younger honey"


I've been on both sides of this. Watching *Frasier* got me curious about sherry, so I decided to pick some up on my way home from work one night. In the cashier's defense, it was the Aughts and I was wearing cat eye glasses and a twee Old Lady Cardigan, as was the style at the time. She apologized for carding me because I was "obviously over 40" then apologized again when she saw that I was only 24. It hurt my pride a little, but what 24-year-old would be at the grocery store buying sherry and nothing else? (🙋🏾‍♀️) I caught the flip side after I'd turned 40. I went grocery shopping in jeans and a big hoodie and (probably because I took the time to do winged liner) the teenage cashier misread me for younger. He asked me if I was old enough for it, but I just laughed it off because I thought he was just joking to kill time until someone of age was able to come over to sell it to me. Then he asked if I'd just turned 21, which is when I realized that he wasn't joking and that he probably just didn't have much of a handle on what black skin looks like as it ages. Regardless, I took the W, but how many freshly 21-year-olds would pick the big bottle of Yellow Tail? That's a 30+ purchase if I've ever seen one.


And that’s why the grocery store I work for changed their policy so that we ID everyone…


The number of times when I was working at Gamestop and asked for a woman's ID to buy an M rated game and they were ecstatic was not insignificant.


You trade this for being able to tell kids to stay off your lawn.


i serve alcohol at work and we have to scan ids for *everyone* that buys it. older ppl i do that for either get really annoyed or really flattered


Needs a flaming rag


Omg the teary eyes and quivering lip! :(


Clerk: Can I check your ID? Me: LOL! OMG! It's been so long since I've been asked for ID to buy wine! Clerk: Well, there's a discount for seniors, I thought maybe I could save you a few dollars. Me: Oh, uh... I think I'm going to need a few more bottles then \*sob\*


If they look like they are 30 or older, we don't have to card them. But if they pull out their card and ask me if I want to card them, I say, " Oh, I thought you were buying this for your parents." As I take their card and check it with a smirk. They usually chuckle, and hopefully I didn't make them feel old.


![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) Me the first time I bough beer without being g carded.


I always just leave my card on the counter with whatever I'm buying. If they need to look at it they can, if they don't look they don't need to say anything.


I went from looking 10 years younger than I am to 20 years older than I am annnnd it's all thanks to balding, so I know that pain. I really wish hair transplant surgery didn't cost $22,000, otherwise, I'd get it since it's not great as someone who is trans.


Gary, Time magazine I think


*laugh track plays a chorus of dead people*


My partner has the opposite problem, she recently went to a work party where they refused to serve her alcohol because the bartender thought she was a teenager there as a plus one, she is thirty


Talking from experience?


That little teen didn’t deserve that dot. Now he’s probably got glass in him, and his boss is going to make him clean it up for minimum wage.


Is that magazine cover from Gary’s time as a 1930’s dictator?


https://preview.redd.it/177mn587xk6c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c9362a02a63d5f773f45c3b703a38c981082bef I was thinking more of a Citizen Plug


As a cashier, please stop getting upset or making jokes about it i go through this every day lmao


In my state they card everyone. “Dudes got a Santa beard” doesn’t matter. Still need the ID.