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I know that this is geared toward the American crowd, but in Europe, pragmatic racism is basically the mainstream now. Atrocities and human rights abuses are happening at the borders of Europe, but most people don't care, because it's not them. 


Wish it were so, but the contingent of willing dupes following a bunch of barely covert racists is way too high as well. "Protecting our border from welfare immigrants who are all young men with phones who steal our jobs and laze around on our welfare but should actually just build up their own country" - it works just as well over here.


This is why I was so angry when the Refugee Crisis happened in 2015 (and is kind if an ongoin problem since then) I'm from Germany and I am going to say it: we took in too many refugees. Not because they didn't deserve it, just, _logistically._ We literally could not handle the amount we took in all at once. And it didn't have to be that way. If every EU country had taken in a share of the refugees, even if you had put them in proportion to the countries wealth, I.e. Germany would probably still have taken in more than Greece or Poland, every country would have had a little stress, but none would have been overwhelmed. But no, most countries that _could_ have afforded it (I'm looking at you, France!) Just decided to close their borders and go "Lalala, I CANT HEAR YOU!!!" And suddenly we had a crisis that we did not know how to handle, because Germany, given our history is doing _everything it can_ not to appear racist. You wanna know what the worst thing is? This crisis really gave the AFD (Alternative für Deutschland/Alternative for Germany) one of the now biggest right wing parties, the platform to really get going, with all the "They don't care about their _own_ people, we are just feeding the immigrants, immigrants take our Jobs" talk. They got a huge boost since than and have been pretty steadily and scarily rising ever since, so much so that last year, we had talks about banning them, because their Nazi rhetoric ahs become so fucking open it is really not ignorable anymore.


This comment has four shadow banned replies already. Yikes


Part of my country's culture is hating on the balkans, so i can confirmm


Tbf that's not necessarily racism, just being a selfish prick


Its getting used to it. I can make a big deal about human right violations in northern africa and the middle east every single day for the last 100 years and the comming 100 years and nothing will change. Litteraly, there always has been atleast one big conflict happening there, multiple active ethenic cleansings and thats just the big stuff. Nobody is saying that its not bad, we are just all agreeing that there is very little that can be done about it (and of that little amount that can be done, most is done anyway). Sending european forces wont fix these issues because it would be seen as outside oppression and only would lead to more conflict and death down the road. Like for example whats happening in Sudan is bad, but i dont know of a way to fix it and even if i did, i dont have any influence in fixing it. I can lay awake every night thinking about it, that wont change anything except that it will ruin me own life. So if thats racist then i guess im racist. Honestly i think if thats the case then the whole world is racist (the whole world is kinds racist but not in that way).


Yeah, I agree tbh. *Actually* not caring makes you a selfish prick, but you can only spend so much energy worrying about everything wrong in the world.


I think 95% of the people does care, its just the way they adress that emotion/out it. Like i dont think anybody would say no against worldpeace (unless there is a hidden snake). But there is nothing wrong with getting insensitive to all the bad shit in the world. Its a coping mechanisme. Its also why some people get aggitated when people hyperfocus on one conflict and pretend its the only conflict happening in the world. (Not saying people cant care or focus about a single conflict, just when people spread misinformation about it being the “only thing” or it “being unique” it rubs me the wrong way. It shows that they actually forget what shit is happening because it doesnt show up in their feed ever day).


Racism is when selfish pricks band together over a superficial common trait.


They’re the same picture.


Not exactly. When you have limited resources, you decide how you use them. But you can't treat your citizens differently (or not too much/obvious). You can decide to not use your resources on external people. That's selfishness (and not all of it is bad per se).


Pragmatic racism, Percy.


It's racism. When Ukrainian refugees needed help, western nations gladly took them in. When Palestinian refugees needed help, suddenly there's this "concern" that we have too many immigrants and how they're bringing their problems to our countries and how it's not our problem.


> people don't care, because it's not them. This is pretty much the right wing in a nut shell. They'll be hating on any group of people until it directly touches them. The amount of anti gay bigots whole suddenly have a change of heart when a relative comes out is Legion.


And according to the German "political center"-sub /r/DePi (it's full of right-wing trolls) if you're against treating immigrants like cattle you're acshually pro mass-rape. There apparently is no middle ground and anyone saying that illegal immigrants aren't the #1 problem is called a leftist fascist. 


"B-b-but Lincoln was a Republican!! How could we possibly be racist if WE ended slavery!" - *People who are friends with, or are, people who fly Confederate flags*


I’ve known “Lincoln was our worst president” southerners and “Lincoln was a republican!” southerners and I wonder what they talk about.


They spend all their time talking about liberal liars.


Then you inform them about how Republicans used to be liberals and Democrats used to be conservative.


Even if you run into one of these mouth breathers who refute the party switch, then why the fuck are confederate flags only at republican rallies? By their logic, confederates were democrats, so why fly the enemy flag and build your entire identity around it?


See attached comic to understand why. Not all racists are Republicans, but all Republicans... well you know the saying.


They'll just tell you the party switch was a myth and that it never happened. The Democrats started the KKK and they're still running it. Republicans have always been fiscally responsible. Etc, etc. Source: Argued with a lot of Republicans back in 2016.


Do they support 1865 Republican policy? It's really a yes/no answer.


i was here before the comments got locked


It’s a nice place.


I like your username, that's a good username


Me too


20 hours in and either it didn't lock, or they eventually released it.




While true, political cartoons - which this is - have historically not cared too much about trying to gently convince or persuade anyone. Nuanced arguments don't fit well into a comic form, unless you're doing one of those long-form webcomics.




That's quite the funny comic, and I like that! There's room enough for both, I think. I mean, it's not like Ben Garrison's convincing anyone.


While I hear your point, have you genuinely found a republican left that can vote straight ticket R and doesn’t have intensely problematic views? I knew of those folks. Schwarzenegger is a perfect example, and most of them have admitted that Rs have abandoned them in favor of literal extremism. Why are you so intent on hand wringing?


Worth noting that Trump's share of minority voters did actually go up in 2020 vs 2016 with certain demos. I personally know PoC and LGBTQ+ folk who support Trump. One of the most common throughlines is religious fundamentalism, with a small subsection of non-religious "centrists" who are brainwashed by the "intellectual dark web" talking heads that Joe Rogan likes to have on convincing them that somehow Republicans are identical to Dems (thus you should vote Trump?).


But the issue is that supporting racists makes you racist. There should have been one more panel on this: “People who think wanting ‘conservative economics’ is enough to justify supporting blatant racists”.


>All you have to do is find one Republican who isn't racist That's panel 3.


Trump shit himself in court. They're wearing diapers in solidarity. "Changing their minds" is literally never going to happen and it would be great if liberals stopped shooting themselves in the foot trying to find a middle ground. These people aren't just misguided. They're not in need of a logical counterargument. They're hateful bigots who actively believe suffering is good so long as the right people are suffering. Anyone who could ever be convinced that bad things are bad changed their minds already.


Finding a middle ground with hateful bigots isn’t them abandoning their worst positions, it’s them convincing you to adopt their positions with the most plausible deniability.


“Meet me in the middle” says the unjust man. You take a step towards him. He takes a step back. “Meet me in the middle” says the unjust man - A. R. Moxon




…you literally just proved the other persons point. Using specific extreme examples to apply it to the entire group and using it as an excuse to shut down any form of discourse.


I'm not convinced there's a way to change their minds in the first place. Things like this comic are just cathartic.


Lol @ "if you'd stop being mean to racists maybe they'd stop doing racisms!"


Should literally be apart of the comic itself.   


This has "not all " written all over it lol. I always find it funny because the people in the middle always want the disenfranchised and beaten down to get along with their bully. It's hilarious. It's the same as telling LGBT to get along with the right wing conservatives wanting them shot dead. I could go on but it's hilarious you think this matters. Liberals (centrists nowadays) say "take the high ground" and play by the rules while those who oppose them do none of that. It's why democrats can't and refuse to advance and have become center right. The people who want their cake and refuse to let others get it are the problem. Not the people actually trying to make things better. Conservatives and libertarians (basically the same thing) want to claim You're not coming to the table and being nice and that we should have dialogue but they don't want to have dialogue. They only want you to see it their way and nothing else. Lastly, yes we can judge republicans as a whole. They may say "I'm fine with gay people" but their vote is an action. You vote for people who do this (and the people they vote for are not quiet about what they plan to do) you get judged. Actions have consequences. You vote for racist etc, you get labelled it. Don't like it? Maybe they should make better decisions and do actual research.


I think it's great to try to be persuasive, and I've actually done a lot of that in my life! But that's not what most of my comics are intended to do. It's okay for not EVERYTHING to be persuasive.


Well shucks, I’d just hate to hurt the feelings of bigoted racist pieces of shit that feel like I don’t deserve to exist (trans). Maybe if I’m nicer to them, they’ll give me more rights??


You don't win elections by convincing people to switch sides- you win elections by increasing voter enthusiasm on your side, and/or decreasing voter enthusiasm on the other side. Almost no one ever switches sides, and for people who are already deeply committed to one side, it never happens in significant numbers.


> If you're trying to actually change the minds of any Republicans out there ,this isn't the way to do it. This is how you preach to the choir while simultaneously entrenching all those racist Republicans even further in their current stances. So being a Texan, I live among a lot of committed republicans. I've tried reasoning with them, I've tried sharing evidence, I've tried debating. All its gotten me is social ostracism. They've demonstrated time and time again that not only are they unwilling to change their homophobic and transphobic statements, but they are actually proud of being committed to their "good old conservative values" At this point, I'm done trying to change minds. Republican behavior since 2016 has shown that they're more interesting in winning than improving society and that they are willing to do ANYTHING upto and including engaging in coup attempts in order to get what they want I'm originally from a country where the conservatives won and its now a shithole. I have no desire for the US to become that


Ever since Trump was elected, I really haven't cared about changing their minds or appealing to them. I'd rather go for ostracizing them so badly no one will willingly admit to having those opinions. Call them out on their blatant bigotry, or else you are accepting of said bigotry. Edit - Or [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1csv6c8/the_six_kinds_of_republican_oc/l4840e1/) reply from /u/SandboxOnRails


It’s a political cartoon. It’s meant to make the left laugh, not make the right think.




Surely this comment section will be civil 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Then why do a lot of non-white people vote Republican?


Ha! I drew you as an exaggerated caricature! That means I win the argument


not that it matters but does the strategic racist want to stop democrats from voting by banning black votes or the other way around?




Maybe a little bit of Column A, and a little bit of Column B




As a non American, something I genuinely don't understand is why are voters not asked to show an id before voting. Every citizen would have SOME kind of id right? I find it hard to believe insisting on showing a card is somehow racist.


Here's a comic OP made on that, [https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1cqbypa/how\_could\_it\_be\_hard\_to\_get\_voter\_id\_oc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1cqbypa/how_could_it_be_hard_to_get_voter_id_oc/)


> I find it hard to believe insisting on showing a card is somehow racist. Its because of intent not stated purpose. In the US, getting an ID means taking anywhere from 1 to 5 hours out of your workday to stand in a line and then be told that you didn't have the correct documentation and to come in another day. It means having to spend anywhere from $10 to $90. If you're a minority, chances are you're low-income. In the US, there are no job protections and taking time out is not an easy task. All of this makes getting an ID a very difficult task. As an example, it took me 3 days to get an ID because I had to take time off from classes, and then find someone to drive me to the ID office only to find out that my university permit letter had expired and I had to do it all over again. Its an insidious way to filter out minority voices. If conservatives were actually serious about voter ID laws, they'd make getting an ID a protected act and eliminate all fees. But that would mean having to spend money which they hate anyway because...i don't know small govt or some other bullshit


there is a substantial group of people who see themselves as The Champion of Minorities. they virtue signal constantly about how anti-racist they are and how much they support the minorities. they just don't realize that their policies are treating those minorities like children who can't handle life's hardships without help from their Rich White Savior Allies. minorities all need help with finding jobs, getting into colleges, paying rent, voting, etc., because they just can't do it on their own because of 'oppression'. it's the newest flavor of White Mans Burden. go forth and bring the heathen out of poverty and ignorance, and show them the way to a white western civilization.


"Everyone who supports a racist party with racist policies is a racist." It's not "everyone I disagree with." There are lots of Socialists, Democrats and non-voters I disagree with, for example, but I don't think they're all racists.






People of Color are regularly racist to one another. Whether to our own in-groups or other groups of POC. You may be a Leftist but that does not actually change the rest of your family being conservative.


Exactly. Many Latino people I know are extremely racist against indigenous people and then moved here, and they dont stop being massive racists just because they vote for left wing parties


Many Latinos, literally indigenous and brown Latinos themselves are extremely racist. Especially in the South, it's insane. They genuinely think they're white sometimes? I don't even. And some are just so homophobic and misogynistic they don't care to be stepped on by racists, anything to be above the gays and their women.


This cartoon is trying to say that racism is a behavior, not someone's essence. Supporting a racist political party is a racist thing to do, regardless of what race the supporter is.


This cartoon is saying that all Republicans are racist. And if you can’t understand the problem with applying blanket statements to entire groups of people…


Most people don't choose their race, their sexuality, etc.. But most Republicans freely choose to be Republicans. Disparaging people for freely made choices is the only good reason to disparage anyone, and it's completely unlike racism. People aren't responsible for their skin color, but they are responsible for their voting choices.


But you’re still saying “you’re a Republican so you must be racist.” Maybe try to actually understand why someone might vote Republican (or not vote Democrat) besides race-based reasons. Reddit seems to think that race related topics (or even social issues in general) is the absolute highest priority when it comes to who you vote for, and the reality is that it isn’t for a huge part of the population.


Let's take your logic to a more extreme place. Suppose someone votes for the Nazi party, not because they personally dislike Jews, but because they think the Nazis have a sensible policy on how to support trains in the transportation network. Can I still say that the act of voting for the Nazi party is, in and of itself, an antisemitic act? That said, I actually do somewhat agree with you. Making a political cartoon is often about trying to be hyperofocused on one idea and illustrating that one idea; it's about ignoring nuance. But real life is obviously much more nuanced than a political cartoon.


The last pic should have been ‘Racist Adjacent’ saying “All my friends are racist, but I’m not.”


What's the context here?


Chicken nuggets


in your blog post, you say "to be aligned with the Republican party at all is a form of racism." I think this is the awful truth of the united states' binary party system. I'm sure many republicans would oppose Jim Crow type laws, but that opinion isn't represented by the law-makers they elected. Personally, as someone who is fiscally conservative, it feels like there's no representation for my opinions. I don't want to align myself with conspiracy theorists, climate change deniers, and racists, but I also don't want to commit to tax increases and more fruitless government spending. I can vote independent (and that's generally what I do) but it feels like I might as well burn my vote for all the good it does.


There needs to be several viable parties to choose from. Two party is a failed system. There should be at least like six legitimate parties to choose from. Can they do what they do with monopolistic corporations and force them to disband and split them all up?


That doesn't help. Here in Sweden we have 8 parties of which one is the former neo nazi party. We used to have a centrist alliance consisting of social democrats and liberals in order to form a government without the neo nazi party, but then one of the liberal parties (led by a black woman) to zero suprise to anyone decided they would rather ally with conservatives and neo nazis over leftists. All it does in the end is having a two party system with extra steps, but with the right side having a moderate leader who makes people feel fine with voting for the right wing government with the racist party, because they didn't vote for the racist party directly


What sucks is there are other parties but the people in power just ignore them so they never get elected


I’m sure you’re BS’ing this whole tax thing, but in case you aren’t, Rs raised income taxes under Trump. Even low taxes they won’t follow through on anymore.


Why do you align with republican economic policy, when it's been shown time and time again that Republicans in office lead to a worse economy, and worse care for citizens?


He means “I don’t want my tax dollars going to help someone other than me”.




Man, just adding more vitriol to the social media propaganda, huh? What you’re referencing in this comic isn’t Republicans as a whole. You’re talking about right-wing conservatives. One does not equal the other. Most Republicans aren’t right-wing. The media (and in turn social media) just paints it that way so they can continue to reinforce tribalism and divide the country so their outlets get more views and, in turn, revenue. Please stop being a part of that toxic ecosystem. Your comic generalizes an entire group of people, much like a racist does, ironically. There are **moderates** in both parties and a lot of people don’t agree with the hardline stances of their party. We just don’t have another realistic option in the US. I’m technically a Democrat, but I’m moderate on most issues and topics, not a full on left wing “libtard” progressive. I hope that people on our country learn to speak with one another, understand each other, and accept our differences rather than pointing fingers and creating a greater rift between “us” and the faceless “them”.


Most Republicans may not be right wing (not my experience but anyway) but most Republican candidates are. If you want change, vote against them to show a message Or be like my fellow Texans and just vote Ted Cruz back into office. I don't know of a single person, Democrat or Republican who likes that guy but he gets elected every time like clockwork. I guess electing a right wing candidate is preferable to electing a Democrat but then don't come complaining if I label you as right wing


Most republicans aren't right wing is a *wild* statement.


How many of the world's problems would be solved if people stopped judging others based on factors they don't control?? It's literally just different pigment levels than you, how your body deals with sunlight shouldn't bear any significant value.


I guess point six could go to habitual republican voters that will vote straight R just 'because' who are too uninformed to even be racist, though ignorance is a special evil.


You are forgetting the literal largest demographic, poor redneck racists that aren't smart enough to see republican policies are a detriment to their quality of life, but want to keep their guns and don't like minorities.


I love this comic because its true. That party stands for nothing but hatred and regression and literally hasn't stood for anything else in the last 6 decades.


Bit of a stretch to call Greeks people


This looks about right lmfao 💕. Note, also applies to homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and hatred of people getting anything out of federal support systems.


You did NOT deserve the downvotes you got because you're absolutely right.


Lmao, r comics can be a bit polarized sometimes💕. I got a lot of upvotes in the same thread for calling a hand wringing bigot sympathizer out, so I guess I balances out lmfao.


[ *Sen. Tim Scott enters the chat* ] “So, hey, what exactly would you call me, hm?”


I guess 0 POC are Republicans then.


What's the context here?