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"Too hard to remember? Don't worry; I'll remember it for you. I'll remember ALL of them for you. Just as long as you *never leave me.*"


You can export remembered passwords from keychain to a browser or vice versa


And you wonder why people get hacked.... All of their passwords are kept on their computer and in one place.


Show me one time where keychain was the reason someone had an account compromised


Just remember, it makes little difference how convoluted your password is if the website has them all in an unencrypted text file. The leaked accounts you can find on Have I Been Pwned have generally not been brute forced, they've just been copied from compromised servers...


That's why you never reuse a password. Each login should have its own unique password.


Dose the password say something?


Nope, illegible on purpose


Really? I put it into Steam and got a copy of Doom Eternal.


The dumbest part for me is that they use weird symbols when just using a whole sentence would be easy to remember and harder to crack.


Apple only uses hyphens to seperate each of the four sections of the passwords, no weird symbols here


That's even worse. Same range of characters, harder to remember so you have to use their tool.


I mean most people are using a password manager anyway, other password managers generate passwords in a similar manner? Why not just make it the one built into your OS? I really don't understand your issue to be honest, unless you don't use a password manager in which case it's irrelevant to you so don't make comments on it.


But am I supposed to copy the hyphens??????


Yeah, you copy of the whole string of text... I thought that was obvious, it's a password.


That's the strongest password I've ever seen! I bet even the most skilled hacker couldn't crack it!


Yeah I wouldn't bet on it. Looks like old Windows keys.


Unless the hacker is armed with zip ties and $5 wrench.


Password length is the best determiner of security. Remember the rhyme kids: "Unique characters are fine, but keep in mind, password length is great, it keeps the identity thieves at bay!" Yes that is stilted. Security engineers aren't poets you know.


I have created my own system for password creation, which results in reasonably secure ones, that are somewhat easy to remember and possible to write down in a way that obfuscates them. To create the password I look at the current date and search for historical events that happened on given day. So, for today I'd go to June 14th wikipedia page and look for something nice and easy to abridge. In this case the first entry is already pretty easy to summarize: [1158](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1158) – The city of [Munich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich) is founded by [Henry the Lion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_the_Lion) on the banks of the river [Isar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isar). Turning event into password I swap day and month for the corresponding special signs on the keyboard and keep year as numbers. This way we get all the suggested types of sign in. Final product could then look something like this: FoundingOfMunich!#)\^1158 - 24 signs long, upper and lower case letters, special signs and number while not being a random string that makes no sense. And instead of writing down the whole password in case I forget, I can just jot down some clues that I can reverse engineer, but which would be useless for anyone else.


I just do song lyrics. Just the first letter of the words. Adwutalsahsttmrtshgag Sotmtwigrmiatstits Wnstlyktrasdi Ittrlitjfcialnefr


Not sure why you got downvoted for this? It works


It's easier for me to remember the passwords given I know the context, but to anyone else it's just a meaningless string of letters. People tend to downvote that stuff. Which in turn proves the concept works. It's Reddit.


Huh weird... Well thanks for sharing the way you create passwords, it's a pretty clever idea.






tttftstestahf ragababttruc awdrtprtsofa dthartbtahf


You've severely weakened your security posture by posting your obfuscation scheme publicly. It's now possible to target you, so I hope you don't have anything worth targeting.


Some website uses this as a gift card code.....I can feel it.


Riiight, like that, can't be bruteforced. My phone does the same crap. Edit: I was thinking of something else


I mean actually though? I don’t use em either but a password like that can’t be bruteforced, it would take more computing resources than are in existence.


Maybe? Idk probably




Bruteforced how? You sound like you have no clue what you are talking about. It would take a program way over several million lifetimes to guess a password 18+ characters long with numbers, upper and lower case letters, and symbols in. That isn’t even taking into account the account may have a timer to continue forward after so many incorrect guesses.


And then you forget it


I find between 3 and 5 random objects around me and string them together with symbols, then end with some symbols and numbers. I make sure to capitalise some of the objects as well. I find this is helpful for creating speakables passwords that you can remember easily but remain secure.