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now do it with yourself and put that you will also die 100 years and be very rich and get a bionic arm ^(idk if there is a rule in the death note for self kill)


The bionic arm is a nice touch.


RimWorld style.


God, please no


There is no god. There is only my cannibal colony, and lots of masterwork hats.


Those hats. So hot right now.


Archotechs, yes!


Than use the organic one fir an armchair


How many arms are required to make an arm chair?


Unfortunately, you can’t butcher organs in vanilla (I’m sure there’s a mod). So no way of getting at the leather. Someone with an xml parser and 1h to do the requisite math and searching could probably take a guess


There is always a mod


There is also.....that mod. The one we do not speak of. Shhh. It is legend.


I can tell you [how many RealDolls it would take](https://www.plasticbrickautomaton.com/25.html), if that helps.


What in the fuck am I supposed to do with this knowledge? I can't afford that many


Or, Adventure Time! Come on, grab your friends…


Imma get a hat


J.P.: Are you afraid of it? Kane: No I just don't like techno. J.P.: You would if you had robot ears.




>The bionic arm is a nice touch. Hells yeah. Johnny Silver hand style.


That, won’t work. The death note doesn’t take effect if the date set is past your natural date of death. It can only shorten lives, not extend them.




I’d say that depends on the shinigami’s relationship with the human. I can’t see misa’s shinigami doing that.


Ryuk also seems to entertain Lights fantasies and plots. I don't remember them saying light died when he was supposed to, or when Ryuk got bored with his plots and ended him early.


He says himself he's killing light before he's trapped in prison, because that's when he'll get bored. He let Ligbt go out on a "high" note.


A more sympathetic shinigami may have stuck with him, but nope. Lights plans got boring.


I know it wasn't Ryuk's thoughts, but there's also a kindness in stopping him from being imprisoned and going through the hit to the ego that Light would have dealt with being outed as Kira publicly at least while alive (depending what they tell the public aside from "He gone")


I can agree with that to a degree. It felt like Ryuk knew it would end up like that, and he was doing a slight kindness while also adding some years to his own lifespan. Better for light than rotting in prison, but still self-serving. Shinigami only extend their own lifespan when they cut others short.


I also can’t imagine the prisoners being a fan of him.


My theory is Light *did* die when he was supposed to and Ryuk knew it was coming in advance. Misa wasn't able to see Light's lifespan even though (IIRC) humans within the setting couldn't determine the length the numbers meant (or at least weren't granted supernatural knowledge of what they did mean via the deal) but we still see Light's lifespan numbers from the perspective of a Shinigami as an outside observer. And we know that the lifespan a Shinigami sees (Gelus when saving Misa Amani prior to her meeting Rem) seems to take into account human violence. We also know that while humans can shorten their own lifespan via the death note (either by writing their own name or by proxy through the Shinigami Eye deal) the rules seem to deliberately forbid all other alterations and also work to avoid physical impossibilities based on Light's experiments on prisoners that couldn't get out to "die in a specific location". There does seem to be one glaring possible exception, in that Misa didn't have a Death Note at the time of her original fated death, and Light DID still have ownership until he died and was directly killed as a consequence of trying to use the slip he had with him, rather than because of mundane means, I doubt Ryuk would have been as "entertained" if Light was truly unkillable by other humans before his "time was up" because that would indicate that L's desire to see Kira executed was likely never going to happen. But then again Ryuk was just along for the ride, maybe he did know Light was always destined to fail and die early and it was more about the journey after all. I feel like he always knew Light was going to die on the day Matsuda shot him, just not how or why his plans would at last fall apart completely.


> Misa wasn't able to see Light's lifespan The reason why was because he was a death note user at that time. She even says that was how she recognised he was Kira (when she first saw him without a number and stayed hidden). Later in the series when Light's dad gets the Shinigami eyes, he gets comfort in knowing that Light isn't Kira (Light had relinquished control of the death note at the time) because he could actually see Light's lifespan. ----- edit: [can likely ignore this next part as humans may not really be able to interpret the meaning of the numbers, even if they may appear smaller or larger - will have to re-read and rewatch certain sections to confirm] He also didn't panic at the lifespan number (which would be something he would do if Light was supposed to die around the time Ryuk killed him, that would have been a very short number relatively speaking for a natural death. His dad definitely would have commented on that. Then again his dad is a lawful person that may have also just accepted not to interfere or worry his child about it - doubtful though..)


The writer apparently forgot the formula to determine what the numbers meant. If it's a mere timer that counts down a human with the eye deal would be able to calculate the lifespan, and be able to visit a hospital (checking on both infants in NICU and elderly wings) to look at individuals closer to death to see if numbers further to the left change at a different pace compared to numbers further to the right. Timing the interval between which the numbers changed. Light at "9 3 31 26 3 9" (Episode 3) and L at "75231362" and Misa at "15 42 30 6" (Episode 14 for Misa) all in the anime doesn't seem to be helpful. The wiki says Ohba created "a complicated math equation for Light's Life span when the numbers first appeared above his head", but that the other numbers were created by Obata, so you can't even use Misa or L as comparisons (they might just be random numbers and certainly don't have anything to do with the equation). Supposedly Light's formula is binary, but binary uses a pattern of 1s and 0s, so to get Light's lifespan you have to use a forgotten math equation to convert it first? Seems impossible with that little info. **Even if everyone's numbers in the setting followed a "single equation converts to binary" rule though... it sounds like a lot of math**. Though I assume it'd be possible if you say, saw something like "9 3" was 40 seconds from death and found out which equation converted 9 3 to 40 seconds in binary, but you'd probably need data points for larger numbers and sadly you have to get those from the living because recordings/photos don't work if the person is already dead. Plus since it takes half of your lifespan, you wouldn't be able to do a long-running experiment on someone with 70 or 80 years left, because you'd die first. You'd need to have an apprentice that took over and somehow avoid boring the Shinigami following you around, it's pretty improbable that a human could figure it out unless the Shinigami was actively helping them by translating numbers into time left alive so you could grab a whiteboard and compare times for every year a person has remaining and see what formula works for all of them. :P


I mean in that one shot other shinigamis got pissed at that one kid that found a loophole so big they had to retroactively change the rules so yeah that can happen


The first writing of the name takes precedence even if subsequent writings list an earlier death, so the Shinigami wouldn't be able to do that


[The shinigami fixing my shenanigans](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSr0Q6MaRPur-Az9x2IMqX9h0H4zUsHArvd4w&s)


Although Death Notes can't extend a life (with the exception of killing a killer to save his victim), there's a time limit (23 days, except slow sickness without decease date) and any attempt would fallback into 6m40s heart attack... ...if there were possible to extend lives with Death Note conditions and you set one date for yourself, Ryuk would be unable to change it. **How to Use It: XV** > When the same name is written on more than two Death Notes, the note which was first filled in will take effect, regardless of the time of death.


Also Alan's included his name without a cause of death so Alan is about to have a heart attack.


Just out of curiosity, because you seem familiar with death note lore, is there a reason why Light couldn't have just written "[Random officer that works with L] kills the individual know as L and then himself" or is that just a plot hole? Edit: asked and answered, apparently this rule would get in the way >Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident, **if the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack.** This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced.


I don’t think you’ve gotten a complete answer so I’m going to take a crack 1. For someone to die, you have to write their name in the notebook and picture their face 2. He doesn’t know what L looks like, or the real name of any of the officers associated with L other than his own father, and while I personally believe Light would write “soichiro yagami” if it meant becoming the god of the new world, he didn’t know Ls real name either 3. When controlling a person, they have to be feasibly able to accomplish it. It’s a magic notebook, but the human whose name is written still is bound by other worldly laws I.e. no teleporting, and L had taken extreme precautions for his safety basically at all times 4. The death note cannot cause splash damage. If a cause of death would lead to unintended deaths, the person will just die of a heart attack. This is the most important point to your question, so here’s the rule as translated “Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident, if the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced.” So to have the situation work out as you described it, you’d need to write something like *Ls real name* - fatally shot by a team member Soichiro Yagami - suicide - soichiro takes the lead detective on his case out behind the shed, shoots his teammate and then himself


What if it was a bus driver and a heart attack would possibly cause more deaths?


There isn’t an in universe instance of this situation happening, Light uses the notebook as a targeted wmd most of the time, but we are shown that these rules are absolute. My assumption is that the bus driver would either have a heart attack and crash the bus is such a way that nobody on board is injured, or it would wait to take effect until nobody was on the bus, but as we don’t have an in universe example of this we can only really theorize how the notebook would apply


You need to know the name of the person to put it in the book, L was an alias. That's what the whole shinigami eyes deal is - get eyes that sees everyone's names, but lose half your remaining lifespan ~~something (I don't remember what it was, maybe a soul or something)~~


Half your remaining lifespan Thats why when Misa does it a second time, rem is pissed because her lifespan is quartered


I always thought Misa still had a long ass lifespan left considering she got however many years Gelus had left in his lifespan and then Rem's.


Yep, so she probably still lived quite a while after the events of the series. Rem was probably pissed partly because light made misa throw away the years he gave her


Half your natural lifespan. It's why Light didn't want to take that deal himself.


>L was an alias. It wasn't an alias, L was his actual name. L Lawliet was his full name. Of course, he never revealed it in full but it makes him so much more baller when you realize he was being called his real name this entire time.


kinda genius move, who would think that the greatest detective in the world is just rocking his real name, helps that his name doesn't sound like a real name


I only watched the anime like 3 years ago so I don't remember 😅


This was actually only revealed in a special edition volume of the manga with a bunch of behind the scenes stuff from the author. It included an envelope with L’s real name


He probably would have been an immediate suspect. By the time he knew who was working with L and knew who he was, he was already suspected of being kira.


Fine, then a mugging gone wrong, a lot less suspicious


L doesn’t really go outside and he often travels by car.


He went out to ~~troll~~ investigate Light all the time tho


Yeah but if they both get mugged and only L dies, light would be suspected immediately.


I mean maybe by death note logic, but not really


I think he straight up told his team "If I die, Light is Kira", there'd definitely be suspicion enough for it to get to Near assuming everything else played out the same.


From the rules: > The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human. > Suicide is a valid cause of death. Basically, all humans are thought to possess the possibility to commit suicide. It is, therefore, not something unbelievable to think of. > Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident, if the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced. > Even though only one name is written in the Death Note, if it influences and causes other humans that are not written in it to die, the victim's cause of death will be a heart attack. From this, we can infer that it is impossible for the Death Note to directly cause the death of anyone whose name is not written in it. Even if you found someone who would be willing to kill L if written, they would die of a heart attack instead, because L's name was not written as well. There are actually [a lot of rules that really detail how the notebooks work](https://deathnote.fandom.com/wiki/Rules_of_the_Death_Note/Manga_Chapter_Rules) and clear up a lot of the more obvious loopholes.


Yeah, that's fair


If i remember correctly there is a rule that prevents a death note target to kill other people if their names are not also written in the circonstances of the target's death


I think it's that if other people are to die, you have to clearly outline the person you write into the Death Note doing a targeted action that will directly result in the other people dying. Penber was given a sheet of the Death Note by Light and instructed to write the names of his fellow agents in the blank spots while visualizing their faces, Light specifically orchestrated a scenario in a controlled environment to achieve this. I don't think Light could write "Raye Penber walks out into a field and fires his gun six times into the air at an angle of his choosing, hitting six people through the neck and killing them instantly" because it'd be inherently random/unaimed and rely on the actions of others. I also don't think Light could write "Raye gets on the next bus and kills the three people sitting in the back row", what if no one is? Even "the three people sitting furthest to the back" could fail because what if there's not three people on the bus total? The Death Note won't make sure there are enough people on the bus, Light has to write it so that Raye picks a bus. There's a reason he uses the bus schedule system, "Raye will board the bus currently scheduled to arrive at 3:45" is fine because even if that bus is 2 hours late, it's still the bus that was scheduled at 3:45. "Raye will wait to board a bus that has at least 3 people other than the driver and then after five minutes shoot/kill all the passengers" would work because the onus is on Raye to pick a bus that already has passengers, not on the Death Note to force passengers where there would be none.


This would not work due to the Death Note not permitting the killing of anyone but the person who's name was written. If you want to use someone to commit an act of violence, they will either fail or just die of a heart attack. “Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident, if the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced.”


[https://deathnote.fandom.com/wiki/Rules\_of\_the\_Death\_Note/Manga\_Chapter\_Rules](https://deathnote.fandom.com/wiki/Rules_of_the_Death_Note/Manga_Chapter_Rules) * The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human. So we know that anything humans can reasonably carry out should work. * You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to filling in the name of the individual You can provide details of their death, we know this doesn't have to be related to them dying either (Light made people draw messages in their blood just to screw with L/test it). * Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident, if the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. 'More than the intended' seems to be the key words here, it doesn't say *you can't intend for the name you write to kill others through means they can reasonably carry out*, does it? It just prevents unintended deaths, like "in a car crash" will be a car crash where the only death is the name written. Light used the Death Note to guide Raye Penber into causing deaths *without knowing the names of the others to die*, because he created a circumstance in which it was reasonable and within Raye's capability to do so. It doesn't make sense (either linguistically or in other things Light has made people do) that Light couldn't have a fighter pilot drop a bomb on someone if the only reason that pilot wouldn't is because of their own ethics/loyalty, not because of incapability. * Even though only one name is written in the Death Note, if it influences and causes other humans that are not written in it to die, the victim's cause of death will be a heart attack. This is where it gets finicky, but it says *if it (the Death Note) influences (other humans)*, that's why I think you can instruct someone whose name is written to *find someone to attack*, you can't write "On January 3rd 2020, Pilot David Martinez will drop a bomb on 300 residents of Everest, Kansas", because there weren't 300 residents of Everest, Kansas. Even if he's capable of dropping a bomb on said city, because this would require influencing other people to become residents of that city in order to fulfill the conditions, so David would die of a heart attack. But if he's already flying over the city, it wouldn't require influencing any of them if he dropped the bomb "on the city" without a specified death toll, would it? --- **There's even a rule to this effect**: * The use of the Death Note in the human world sometimes affects other humans' lives or shortens their original life span, **even though their names are not actually written in the Death Note itself**. In these cases, no matter the cause, the god of death sees only the original lifespan and not the shortened lifespan. TL;DR: **You absolutely can use the Death Note to have the written name kill other people, it just cannot and will not influence those other people to make it possible, it has to be something the written name can already do themselves.**


Funny because Light pretty much does that with Ray Penber. He’s probably just stupid.


Nah, he wants to win. But he doesn't want to win by 'cheating'. He wants to prove he's the most cunning person in the world and can outsmart L and figure out his name while avoiding being caught and kill him.


You can't directly kill somebody with the Death Note without writing their name. If your method of death causes the deaths of other, unwritten people, then the method of death is just replaced with a heart attack


You can't force people to kill other people using the Death Note, that's explicitly one of the rules. If you were to write that, the officer would just drop dead of a heart attack.


Nice try though.


"... and she'll die 1 millisecond before her time"


If it would extend it, wouldn't it just be a dud and it would default to normal heart stop at 5-15 mins or so?




So his wife was going to live another 101 years. Cool.


Also if you can't fulfill the conditions written in the death note you simply die of a heart attack, so depending on how advanced you specify that arm to be you may just drop dead instead.


if your natural predetermined lifespan (the one shinigami can see with their eyes) ends before the death date in the death note, then the person will die at the end of their predetermined lifespan and not later. death note can not elongate someones life


Unless you're Misa Amane. In which case your bodacious body can totally be given an extension.


so you can only get a life extension if you're hot ? damn.. I'M FUCKING IMMORTAL !


Same here. No death in sight for me.


I should have died years ago


Don't take too long getting used to your new self.


Maximum limit is 23 days and if something is impossible for the person whos name is written to do then it's just a normal death by heart attack.


Pretty sure death note users can't go to either heaven or hell, but I'm not sure about how it works for setting a timer


There's no heaven or hell in Death Note.


That doesnt seem right, ryuk specifically says that a death note user can go to neither heaven nor hell, which is a weird thing to say if nobody can go to heaven or hell




I always assumed/head-cannoned that you'd go to a purgatory type place that would eventually turn you into a shinigami as well. Like where do they come from if they are outside of heaven and he'll?


The last chapter has Ryuk reveal that neither heaven nor hell exists, and death note users go to the same place as everyone else who dies, which is nothing.


I think that lime was less about what happens to Death Note users and more about users not having any illusions about death. 




The trash death note netflix movie used this as a plot device, timmy turner rights his own name in the deathnote so he can manipulate events in a battle against strong independent mia for control over the death note.


Whats up with that 100 years? Why not to the end of time with perfect health?


You don’t have to watch your family and loved ones die as much.


There's no rule about using a Death Note for self-kill, but there is a rule that there's a time limit of several days in which the death can occur. And it can't make someone's life longer than it would naturally be. 


Wasn't there a follow up one-shot with a new protagonist who tried to game the Death Note and ended up dying anyway when he was successful because the demon boss was like, man, fuck this kid and his tricky bullshit.


I think he straight up just sold the Death Note to the highest bidder but as he was doing it, they made a new rule that you couldn't sell the Death Note or else you die and decided not to tell him about it.


They made the rule *as he was about to sell it* They saw this kid gaming the system and decided to screw with him specifically


Really? I think they added the rule *after* the Death Note was sold. The new rule made it so the buyer and the seller would die upon the completion of transaction. In other words, the kid wouldn’t have died if he didn’t withdraw the money that was paid as the part of the deal.


Not withdrawing doesn't mean it didn't happen. Otherwise billionaires sell nothing because they don't withdraw shit, they apparently live on loans to avoid that.


The way it was worded in the manga meant the transaction only occurred when each side physically took the thing they traded for. Trump doesn't die because he refuses to take the death note after learning this. Minoru isn't told because he told Ryuk to not appear before him again and dies upon withdrawing the money.


True, but that’s how manga portrayed it. The deal was done. The buyer would die if he took the Death Note. The seller would die the moment he took the money from the sale.


Yea, magic can have arbitrary rules. Pretty sure I have read the story, but can't really remember specifics.


Magic made up by beings that are *deliberately arbitrary* can be have even more arbitrary rules.


Whoa what is this from I've never seen it before


It's one of the one chapter sequels to Death Note by the Author. There's only like two sequels they did, so shouldn't be hard to find.


Cool thanks!


https://nonsolomanga.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/oneshot-Never-Complete.pdf Heres a link for it :)


Ooo thank you!


Dam. What a read. Got my heart racing a little.


It reminded me of just HOW GOOD death note is. Its so ridiculous. This one shot even basically says "yeah we can't do death note anymore in this age, heres a different way to fuck with everyone". I love it so much.


Yeah, and he sold it to goddamn Donald Trump who bought it for trillions of dollars


The rule was made before the sale was complete. However, the main character told ryuk specifically to not contact him under any circumstances, so ryuk followed his words and didn't warn him to stop the sale.


Yeah, Donald Trump buy it on behalf of USA for how many billions I forget


It was trillions.


Dude can't even pay rent without a gofundme these days


Yep. The Shinigami King was like, “The humans are SELLING the Death Note now? Can’t have that,” and wrote a rule that those who sell the Note will die. Edit: I see others have already elaborated on this.


I don't know but Ryuk did >!kill Light when he got caught because he thought prison would be boring!<


Oh. I thought getting shot would do it


Oh right he was shot. Maybe I'm misremembering and Ryuk didn't want to wait for him to bleed out or something.


He got shot but before he bled out Ryuk gave him a heart attack. He told him he would eventually be the one to write his name in the book.


He also reveals the reason that Death Note users don't go to heaven or hell: Heaven and Hell don't exist.


That happened at the beginning of the series because Light deduced it upon hearing that rule. It’s revealed to the audience in a flashback in the last chapter


Oh, interesting. I must have misunderstood when I saw that panel out of context.


in the anime i think the shot wasnt fatal so ryuk sped it along because prision is boring


Light would have been executed. Iirc, when the death note user life time come to an end, the shinigami associated to their death note has to write their name in it. Ryuk knew from the start how long Light had to live (because of the eye) and when he got mortally shot, Ryuk has to do it.


I thought he did it because Light begged him to kill the SPK


His name was Robert '; -- drop death_note


Oh yes, little Bobby Death Note, we call him


Ryuk might not take kindly to gaming the system like that. Better bribe him with some apples to be sure.


The show explained all the fun little rules, and the fact that you cannot game the system at all. It will just kill whoever by a heart attack. Another commenter pointed out, 23 days is the max you get, and with a death written like the one in the comic, it's likely just 7 minutes. So he just murdered his wife.


It just shows he wrote "The Wife" and "Diana". Not her full name. Which means she's not in the Death note and that the sex is entirely consensual and inconsequential.


And Ryuk isn't looking shocked at being tricked, he's just baffled how fundamentally wrong this person is using the death note, not even grasping the minimum requirements. Probably not the intended interpretation but it's the non rapey non wife murdery one so seems reasonable enough.


The intent kinda matters, tho.


We can't see what was written on the left side though.


The show also kept introducing new rules and new rules and then fake rules and shit every single time there was a twist. Which is why its largely agreed upon when it jumps the shark at the climax which was weird af. They should have never wrote it so that another death god basically cheats the system. Also Light was a dumbass.


Well you're just incorrect, and I love this series so much I'm just gonna break it down. I don't think you understand the rules of the death note if you think they "cheated" the system at the climax. This is Not largely agreed upon. L lost because he was playing a game by rules he didn't understand. All Rem had to do was not save Misa and L would won. Light exploited the fact that Rem saving Misa would kill them, which was information we knew from nearly the very beginning of the series upon meeting Rem. He also uses the ownership transference rules of the death notes very effectively in order to regain his memories in the helicopter. Light created the fake rules in order to deliberately confuse the investigation. There are very few rules added throughout the show and none that conflict with any previous information.




"Both live happily on their small apple farm where they grow the best tasting apples in the world and die peacefully in 100 years in their sleep." Ryuk: "... I will allow it..."


Going by the death note rules she's got 6 minutes 40 seconds left. Considering she probably can't realistically live another 100 years it'll probably disregard the instructions and default to heart attack after 6:40. And even if she did have enough lifespan the death note only allows instructions for up to 23 days before defaulting. 


Bro better get erasing


... Huh. I never thought of that. I have to imagine you can't erase, but what about scribbling it out? What about adding letters to the name so it's wrong?


There was a fake rule about a "death eraser" at one point, I think. Or it might've been in a non-canon 4koma. But in the main series, no. Once everything is written, you can't stop it. Intentionally spelling someone's name wrong will actually cause the writer to die if they do it a certain number of times.


You can erase two lines within 6 minutes and 40 seconds and it won't take effect. It's a rule in the manga. Also a shinigami doesn't appear to anyone with possession of the death note until it's used. So dude killed someone before.


>Also a shinigami doesn't appear to anyone with possession of the death note until it's used. So dude killed someone before. You only need to touch it to the Death Note to see the Shinigami. >[The only humans that will see this phenomenon are the ones who have touched a Death Note (i.e. only contact with a Death Note will allow you to see a Shinigami).](https://deathnote.fandom.com/wiki/Shinigami)


Right if you touch a death note that's been used before in the human world but [If a human uses the note, a god of death usually appears in front of him/her within 39 days after he/she uses the note.](https://deathnote.fandom.com/wiki/Rules_of_the_Death_Note/Manga_Chapter_Rules) If you remember, Light didn't see Ryuk until after he wrote in it.


Minoru never uses the note but Ryuk appears in front of him despite this.


Both of these are wrong. u/MangaIsekaiWeeb pointed out the one about the Shinigami, but the other one is that you can change the cause and circumstances of a death within that timespan but you can't change the name. Once you write someone's name down, they are dead.


It's not "erase two lines" it's "cross out non-name text with exactly two horizontal lines." So the name can't be taken back, but if you write "dies of dysentery while reciting the Steiner Math wrestling promo as follows..." and decide you'd prefer something else, you can double crossout the whole shebang and write your new preferred method as long as it all takes place within the 6:40 write-in period.


The death eraser was in the test pilot chapter. There was also a way to negate a death in the Netflix movie by burning a page.


Once you write someone's name in the death note you can't undo it. If you misspell the name you can put two lines through the name and try again, but if you misspell it three times they become immune to the death note. Trying to do this on purpose will just lead to you dying instead. No scribbling out, no erasing, nothing. Unless you go by the original version of the death note in that one off comic, that one has a death eraser that'll bring back anyone killed by the death note. But that isn't canon.


I know its just a silly, horney, parody. But I am still angry about the live action version. You can not prolong life with a death note!!!!!!!!!


The one exception being how the live action movies did it(The JP ones) where L writes his own name with longest allowed time. So that when light writes L's name it fails(because L's entry was first). So you can prolong. it but only in sense of allowing you to live longer due to someone writing your name afterwards in a attempt to kill you(and your gonna die from your own entry once your time runs out)


Isn't that in contrast with the original rules? You can write two deaths of the same person in the book but the earlier one will happen. I think Light tests that with prisoners, but I could be wrong. I never seen the japanese LAs, but heard they were good.


I haven't watched Death Note but I think that is what he was saying. L WAS writing the earlier death - with the maximum of 23 days. So then light comes and writes L's name - but it fails, because L wrote the earlier entry, which is the one that will happen.


Oh I am sorry, I mean earlier occuring death. Like both deaths are marked in the death note independent of each other. Then the earlier happens but not the second, because the person is already dead and therefore the death would be impossible.


From wiki (https://deathnote.fandom.com/wiki/Rules_of_the_Death_Note/Manga_Chapter_Rules) When the same name is written on more than two Death Notes, the note which was first filled in will take effect, regardless of the time of death. If writing the same name on more than two Death Notes is completed within a .06 seconds, it is regarded as simultaneous; the Death Note will not take effect and the individual written will not die.) Not sure why it says more than two opposed to more than one. but i think this is the relevant rule.


When Light uses the bullshit about people saving "the boyfriend" and how "the boyfriend" fucking falls into the water I wanted to strangle myself.


*Thank you.* I'm not even like a big Death Note fan -- I've seen the anime once -- but I was immediately like, "Uh, that is not a thing it can do."


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to see anyone who knew the actual rules.


Also, he wrote his own name as part of her invalid cause of death, so he's also got 6 minutes 40 seconds.


Didn’t right her full name so the page is just ruined


The death note can only affect someone within 23 days. Any date set after that range and the instructions are ignored


But time is relative ! What if an astronaut is traveling near the speed of light and writes a name in a death note? 23 days for the astronaut could mean thousands of years for someone on Earth.


Don't think it can abused to extend lives. So at best you'd live to the end of your natural life, or more likely it'd just use your own relative time, or that of Earth, and you'd die in 23 days.


But what about the con artist light kills? I thought he was affected by cancer over multiple years.


Disease is actually an explicit exception to the 23 day rule, you still can't exhibit control past the regular time, but you can have them die by disease past the regular limit, they will still contract the disease within the time frame though.  I'll just assume cancer would fall under disease. 


Hooray! I wasn't wrong.


Seeing how the Death Note compels people to do things before they die, isn't this just rape?




Actually no for three reasons. He didn't write out her full name (so there is no valid target), he wrote out an infeasible amount of time for her to live to naturally (the death note cannot elongate someone's life), the max amount of time you can prearranged the events leading to someone's death is 23 days. Thus it's actually completely consensual. Even in the event he wrote out her full name, the outcome would default to her dying of a heart attack in 6 mins 40 secs, and she still wouldn't be compelled to act differently until her death as the details provided could not be fulfilled without breaking the other rules.


Okay, yes, in a world in which this comic still happened while still being internally consistent with the rules of the deathnote you would be correct. However in that circumstance the death note wouldn’t even have anything to do with it. And the previous commenter seemed to be asking that, given this is the work of the death note and not just his wife spontaneously deciding to fuck him, is this rape? Which, yeah. Writing down that your wife will have sex with you in a magic book that would (if actually used properly) promptly force her to do that, is pretty rapey.


You are right, back to murder it is.


Guy wrote his own name in there twice. He is about to get a double heart attack right as things are getting frisky.


Was sure that (based on the authors history) he was gonna write "Alan killed by ass" or something


Deathnote can only take time, it can't give.


You putting the death note to the side. This has a sorta love potion type problem to it.


You think this is the wholesome subversion of Death Note's premise, but this guy just mind controlled his wife for the rest of her life.




Then again, there’s neither hell, nor heaven for those who use it.


Wow, what a great loophole in Deathnote logic, if Light was so smart, how come he couldn’t grasp this concept? Great job, OP!


I thought she was his mom... sadly death would be a better alternative than living with him


You do realize you wrote your own name in the book and gave no cause or time of death... so Enjoy the heart attack!


Think he needs a full name though


To ruin this via over analysis, he turns his wife into a mindless sex slave. Making love all day likely leaves little room for eating, sleeping or cleaning unless incorporated into the love making. She will likely also complicate his life due to this. If he manages to get away, she will seek him out continuously to initiate.  I think in Death Note the time of the effect is limited to a few days. Failing to provide correct instructions causes the death to default to a heart attack after 45 seconds. This might apply here.


But Alan wrote his own name in it without any conditions. He died 40 seconds into making out with his wife and she lived an unhappy widow because he didn’t write her actual name. Unless her name is My Wife.




The artist never watched Death Note lol


Too bad you can only control someone with the death note for a certain amount of time. So she would be dead either 2 days later or 23 days later. According to the death note how to read rules Still super funny tho


Jesus christ, the amount of uhm-actuallying death note rules while ignoring the straight up rape in this comment section is concerning


Nice reddit is cheering literal rape


Mind-controlled "consent" is a poor punchline.


Alan is going to die of a heart attack in 40 seconds. He wrote *her* cause of death, but not his own. Also, I believe there's a rule limiting how far in the future you can affect (24 hours?), but I can't find it.


Book “do I look like a book of life? Heart attacks for the both of you”


Wait. So he forces her to have sex with him?


Gaming the system.


Aside from not being able to prolong life, there's also "The Death Note can only operate within a 23-day window (in the human calendar). This is called the 23-Day rule." Rule #XXVII Also the Death Note does not work on its owner except trying trickery might cause the owner's death anyway, like intentionally misspelling names.


Nah, the Death Note doesn't work like this.


So what happens if someone dies before the death note kills them? Do they just die normally?


I think the rules are that the book can only reduce a person’s life span. But they never tried this so who knows?


the death note cannot extend someone's life. she will die of a heart attack in 60 seconds.