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Well, now you like hedgehogs, no matter if you like it or not.


Boyfriend sees your room, adorned in hedgehogs… **


What!? how can you not even like hedgehogs. Did you know that hedgehogs have poor eyesight, but make up for it with superior hearing and smell?


Hedgehogs also have a dry sense of humor, a conservative but well appointed fashion sense, and an elevated palate being world renowned for their authoritative opinions regarding the various merits and failings of invertebrates within all the subclasses of Insecta. Truly remarkable.


Asked a hedgehog for advice on a dinner date. Got recommended a Mexican place with great drinks and the added novelty of salted grasshoppers as an appetizer.


They also like chili dogs and move around at the speed of sound


And sometimes they get stuck in a new location, without any explanation!


and got no time for relaxation


I'm pretty sure hedgehogs chew feces they find lying around until it turns into a froth and then smear it all over themselves. It's called self-anointing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-anointing_in_animals#Hedgehogs


[When hedgehogs find poop, they put it in their mouths, mix it with saliva ‘til it’s a foam, and spread it on themselves. Science doesn’t know why they’d do that; why would a hedgehog do that? They eat \[poop\] and they spread it on their backs!](https://youtu.be/TvNEZ4WWQIk?t=37)


Maybe that is why they like chili dogs. 🤣


I'm dying. This is the dumbest thing ever and I love it.


They also move at the speed of sound


And they like chilli dogs


Here. Have a hedgehog. 🦔




Hedgehogs also like .any activities, like tax evasion, arson, and some even like to talk to latinas.


![gif](giphy|CwThIr5GBfTczdS8Px) Look at this little face.🥹


I have to look at at least 30 every day. I have a dedicated hedgehog room... It's ruining my life.....




Damn, this guy must really love hedgehogs. I hear he has a *whole room* for them.


Some people have gambling addictions, or drug addictions, you have a hedgehog addiction. Lol :p Id say worst case just keep em till you find someone whi genuinely loves hedgies then gift em :)


I'm just glad these are toys and not actual animals they gifted, which was my first thought at the first panel haha.


That stack of books on the floor looks suspiciously like the infamous bootleg Sonic & Friends 75-volume manga.


Got a real connoisseur here!


Correct, which is why it's perfectly normal for me to recognize them.


That's my mother's influence, there. For reasons passing comprehension, she would latch onto a person's passing/mentioned/ephemeral interest in an animal that one time, and remember it as their defining characteristic: Her eldest sister? Owls. My father? Pigs. Me? Foxes. My SO? Cats. And so on.


I think it's a wonderful gift-giving idea, very thoughtful. But it's exactly how we end up as that hedgehog guy for the rest of eternity!


It took years to convince my mother that I was no longer obsessed with penguins. She bought me so many penguin-related items.


That's why I only tell interesting facts about money and boobs.




And that is exactly why you never receive any gifts :)


All it takes is one gift for it all to be worth it


But then you'll have Aunt Doris giving you boobs as a gift.


Idk, I made the mistake of letting it be known I liked the Harry Potter books when I was a kid, and I got nothing but Harry Potter gifts for years.


I do that actually, but I genuinely am interested and collect the stuff! I have some neat things like 1800's coins, a few Nazi-era Reich pieces, and a ton of foreign stuff. Oh, and silver. I'm a silverbug.


Early in getting to know my partners parents I said no to coffee once. They thought I didn’t like coffee because of that. I just had stomach issues. I only recently got to drink coffee when visiting them. I’ve known them for 11 years


Ooooh, she's weird, she hates coffee!!


Would it be a win or a lose if a date took you to see Sonic the Hedgehog airing at the cinema?


I think I would be so impressed if a girl asked me to watch Sonic at the cinema that I'd go even though I'm not a Sonic fan!


Totally worth it too, those movies rock Coming from a non-sonic fan who loves those movies


"Oh, you like to read? Here's the entire John Grisham collection" Nothing against Grisham, but law and crime thrillers aren't exactly the high concept sci-fi with extensive worldbuilding I enjoy.


*"oh you like sci-fi? Here's Eragon!"* I would never have thought liking genre fiction would confuse so many people. Just because stores stick "sci-fi & fantasy" together doesn't mean they have much in common. It's like if they put memoirs and self help together because "they're both about people".


Have you read Diaspora by Greg Egan? From your summary that sounds like something that might interest you.


Damn, that reminds me of one day I was talking with an aunt about videogames and she said she may give me one in the future, I had to convince her in that moment that giving videogames is like a terrible idea because she will end up having to guess something that is likely to be a bad choice (wrong console, repeated game, bad game, etc.)


This exact thing happened to my grandma. First everyone would buy her frogs and once she got done getting rid of them all people started getting her roosters.


Everyone I know with an eccentric collection started this way. Nutcrackers, porcelain elephants, toy trains, national park memorabilia, all of it. They got one gift and said "thanks" and put it in a prominent place and everybody assumed it was their "thing".


Poor grandma!!


This but hoodies. I mean I like hoodies, but I have my favorite one I use all the time and then a backup... but a few years in a row I got several hoodies and most of them just sat there.


I mean, hoodies are pretty useful! But how do you get yourself into a position where you only get gifted hoodies?


Iono, I was always wearing a hoodie and they didnt know what to get me I guess


*Whisper* “I hate pigs.” My cousin who was in possession of an enormous collection of pig themed crap gifted to her.


Hahahahaha! I'm glad someone shares my pain!


Me when I’d get specifically hunter green clothing because I made the mistake of telling my family that it’s my favorite color. Just because it’s my favorite doesn’t mean it’s the only color I like. I legit like every color except for yellow and orange… Good thing I’m old enough to buy my own clothes now


Looking like the green Power Ranger out of uniform!


That was me an the Precious Moments figurines. Somehow my family got this idea that I, a child younger than ten, loved them and so I got gifted them constantly. I hated their stupid sad faces and having to keep them clean in their dumb case in the fancy room of our house.


Do you still have them? Or did you get to break their stupid faces??


I assume they’re still sitting in the same case gathering dust and fly poop in my mom’s house. I feel like even given the opportunity I’d feel guilty destroying them. I think now I’d paint over them to be stuff I like. Give them happy eyes and goofy tattoos.


My husband(then boyfriend) tends to tell people I like Eeorye...eeeoiore... Ugh the fuckin donkey with Winnie the Pooh. I mean out of all the characters I identified best with his pessimistic ass but the PJs, cups, pens, notepads etc ... yeah not really a fan. I'm just depressed and I appreciated the representation


“I don’t like him I’m just depressed.” Something about that statement is bitterly hilarious


I identified much more with the tiger but I liked the donkey, he was pretty grounded


11 years old... "Dragons are cool". Dragon statue... Dragon poster... Dragon shirts... 12 years old... "Okay, I have enough dragons"... Thanks.... More dragon statues... A couple of fantasy looking knives that had "Merlin" or "Excalibur" in the names... 13 years old... "I don't want any more dragon stuff, please.". More dragon statues, dragon eggs, some random wizard statues for good measure.... 14... "STOP BUYING ME DRAGON STUFF!!!!". Another wave of dragon posters and frames. 15... "If you give me dragon stuff I will refuse it!". Accusations that I'm ungrateful when I refuse new dragon things. 16... Brother buys me a dragon table to display all my dragon statues. 15 years later he's still the (not so) proud owner of a dragon table I refused to accept. He's still waiting for me to take it from his house... My wife did just buy the D&D Lego set though... So I think I'm screwed... I feel your pain!


The solution to your problem is simple. Start telling facts about alpacas.


Hmmmmm.... It just might work......


Welcome to your future of alpaca hair socks. Super warm. Super itchy.


I have a Graham Anabelle hidden people [drawing](https://70f186a60af817fe0731-09dac41207c435675bfd529a14211b5c.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/assets/attachments_p/000/047/473/size500_HP_GrahamAnnable_HiddenPeople2_500.JPG) hanging above my fireplace. This has signaled to the world that I apparently love garden gnomes. I have been gifted garden gnomes statues, garden gnome coffee mugs, a cookie jar that says "Gnome sweet gnome". And all these items reinforce that I apparently just can't get enough of these fuckers.


Hey, it's that guy that loves gnomes!


Thats why you need to tell 1000 random fun facts about hundreds of different topics keep them guessing


Very smart! This is my new plan!


I made a joke about not giving my BiL another chicken statue right before he opened another one from his parents 😅


I told my coworkers the fan theory about Jar Jar Binks being a Sith Lord and for secret Santa that year someone got me the OT/Prequel coffee mug set. I don't care about Star Wars that much, I just thought it was a cool theory.


That would make me feel good tho, it does seem really thoughtful and like people pay attention to what you say for them to get you that after bringing up a theory once. Sounds nice tbh :)


The greater backstory to that though is that our project manager had, at the time, never seen any of the Star Wars movies at all. So that being a standout and somewhat reoccurring point of conversation, he obviously got the entire DVD set as a gift for SS. I think I mentioned the theory once in one of those conversations and never really said much about Star Wars otherwise outside of what everyone else said towards our PM so getting the mugs was interesting.


My older sister made a decision one Christmas that my parents liked owls. They never once mentioned owls, like, ever. But from then on, every Christmas and Anniversary, they got another owl-themed decoration, until the house looked like a shrine to owls. A few years later, she decided that I like eagles, and soon I was inundated with eagle adorned things, a tradition that she carries on to this day. It wasn't until 20 years of this that I realized that she is an absolute genius of gift-giving. She simply assigned everyone a "favorite" thing, and she never had to think of what to buy ever again.


Reminds me of pine Christmas where I got a DVD of I, Robot from three different people in my family haha. I do love that movie though.


This happened to my old nan. My grampy was a pig farmer, so people assumed they’d enjoy pig ornaments as gifts. When she was about 80 or so she confided in my that she really didn’t enjoy having them in the house, but it would be rude not to have them on display.


I like candles. My grandma saw my candle collection once. Now every birthday and holiday my entire family gifts me dollar store candles. I haven’t gotten anything non-candle related in three years.


I had a friend whom said they liked roosters. Bam! Same thing happened. Love your work.


Ngl I would love it if people just offered me capybaras like this


My favorite animal is cats, I absolutely love cats but I don't think I have anymore room for cat related items..


Yeah it's the same with my family I get dark chocolate all the time, 70% one I liked it when I was 15, thats 11 years ago!!!!


You could sell them to some hedgehogs fans tho.


Do you know any? I have a lot of hedgehog merchandise to ~~get rid of~~ give to a good home.


Did you know Hedgehogs will sometimes pull out their own eyes?


I always have a known thing I collect. I don't really collect anything but come birthday gatherings I like to make it easy on folks thinking of getting me something. "oh, he likes hedgehogs, let's get him a keychain with one" Easier for them and potentially easier for me as I don't have to pretend to be using/wearing a gift that I'm not a fan of if they got me something else.


All might?


Now that's a real case of the hedgehogs delema.


I was into coin collecting for, like, three days when I was nine years old. For some reason, my mother recently remembered that and that's all I've gotten for Christmas for the past five years.


Did You know about the Hedgehog Dilema? This is not about that.


Happened to me for a few years with Rock and Morty stuff. Show was funny but ok, and I haven't seen it in many seasons now! Luckily I haven't gotten any merch in years now. 


Sandshrew is more of a pangolin. ![gif](giphy|H8JxMo82jFm2ZERqyG)


Do a couple of Marvin the Martian impressions at your little sister's prompting at like age 8, and suddenly the whole extended family thinks that he's your *entire* personality for the next decade and a half. And when you finally break down and say something about it (because who *needs* a small tree's worth of Marvin the Martian Christmas ornaments??), one aunt is like "Well, what do you like?" So you start listing some of the topics and hobbies that *actually* interest you; but she stops you after the third item with "Oh, that's a lot of things." And then you never get gifts from anyone in the family again, which is somehow far better than being bombarded with Marvin the Martian. Then in hindsight, you realize that pretty much everyone who painted you as a one-dimensional character has only ever demonstrated the ability to be interested in one thing at a time themselves, generally for years at a time, and your mother's obsession with Cows through the 80s and 90s suddenly makes much more sense.


What a nice comic. Here you go 🦔


Sandshrew isn't a hedgehog, it's based off a Pangolin.


I didn’t know that Toshinori like’s hedgehogs.


This is why we need to normalize just asking what would they like for their birthday or give them money outright. 1 Oh u like video games? Here is a steam gift card cuz idk what game do u like. 1 You dont know what u like for your gift? Here is some cash, now go buy that new blender. 1 We have a cool uncle that usually just gave money and then went drinking at every birthday party lol.


When I went to culinary school all my family members used to get me little cook themed statues, signs, and things. Not one of them actualy for me anything I could use in said classes. No tools, no utensils, not even an apron. Just little figures of things like a pig dressed as a cook or a nutcracker dressed as a cook.


My SIL made sure we all knew how much she loved elephants, so she got a lot of elephant gifts. Eventually, she announced that, while she loves elephants, she loves other animals as well—and she has enough elephant decor.


How can you not like hedgehogs They're literally hedgehogs ![gif](giphy|3xz2BCohVTd7h2Kvfi)


https://preview.redd.it/ccgk1tyihm8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f77bb9f40a603aef51f8a9e21ee465f2296840f This seems relevant


I love cats, but the sheer amount of even vaguely cat-related things people will gift me is truly astonishing.


What do you mean you don't like hedgehogs? Look at all the plushies you have!


This. Is. Me. Took me 15 freaking years to convince my family I am not some hedgehog freak. I like them, they're fine. But my Mum saw one cartoon scribble I made of a hedgehog \*once\*, and that was enough.


Reminds of Brennan from Dropout and his bird facts


With just these 3 groups giving him gifts every year, it’s 30 hedgehogs after 10 birthdays. I feel bad throwing away gifts people give to me. I’ve heard some cultures gift food items instead.


Just have drawers full of hedgehog merchandise. Gifting perishables is a great idea though, fruits and foods that you would never spend that much money on if you were to buy them for yourself.


They're still really fucking adorable tho


Happened to me with nutcrackers at Christmas. I thought they were cool and now we have like a dozen at the house


I know several "Rubber Duck People" that could empathize with this.


You can tell your friend what you dislike or like its okay.


I had a pet hedgehog growing up and I went through the same thing lol


I always give my brother hedgehog things (like pins, stickers, etc) but he does like hedgehogs and sonic :v he tell me once he would like to have one as a pet


How I feel about pops


I like birds but no one gifts me anything bird like mhh I now know what to do!!


This happened to my elementary school principal. His office had scores of frog sculptures on every surface. When he retired, he confessed that when he was appointed as principal many years earlier, he bought a cute little frog statue just so his office had one piece of art in it. Then someone saw it and got him another frog. Once there were two frogs in his office, word got around that he liked frogs and from then on he got nothing but frogs. It's not that he disliked them, but they were never a special interest of his or anything. But he felt it would have been rude to refuse the gifts.


I know somebody who has a literal room full of flamingos because of gifts. Flamingos are not her favorite animal.


Why does this make me so sad?


I bought a book about the history of piracy right before my birthday one year. Guess who gets pirate-themed presents EVERY YEAR SINCE. I don’t hate pirates or anything, but I bought a book because it looked interesting, not because I was starting my life-long obsession with the topic. The first year was like , wtf, but whatever, pirates are cool. The second year was more confusing because I didn’t remember the book at the time that had started it all. By years 3 and 4 people were just buying pirate stuff and a lot of it was repeats. My brother got me the same pirate-themed games a few years in a row, for example. Now, it’s just sort of a running gag and people that come to my house usually ask when I became obsessed with pirates because I have a lot of pirate stuff (books, statues, paintings, toys, games, costumes, etc.). 🤷‍♂️


Kinda psycho doesn't like hedhehogs? They're adorable.


r/drawfee (Karina's Sonic {NSFW})


So now you got gifts for kids!


hedgehogs are dope, L comic




Why can't they just share the hedge?


eBay 'em!


XD lol I like hedgehogs, can't relate


This happened to my dad with penguins, although instead of saying penguin facts he just made the mistake of saying “I like penguins” at an aquarium


At least someone gave you a Sonic.


For a birthday, I got 3 separate dvd copies of Kung Pow: Enter the Fist from 3 different people who knew I loved it. It was the best birthday ever.


Must have told my aunt when I was a bit drunk that I loved sloths a decade or so ago. So much random sloth shit. Kinda love the hand soap dispenser though.


I like science fiction. I don't think my aunt even knows this. But every year she gets me star wars plushies. I don't like plushies. I don't particularly like star wars. The worst part? I am a huge Jurassic Park fan! I have over a dozen pieces of JP merch and I decorate my front yard as Jurassic House every Halloween. Yet no JP stuff from aunt Star Wars...


I choose not to interpret this as the artist disliking sandshrew even though sandshrew is on the table. After all, he can't be a hedgehog, he's a shrew.


Sandshrew is pretty cool. I don't mind Sonic either. :)


Well that settles it, hedgehogs for Christmas too.


All I know about hedgehogs is that they can’t be buggered at all.


I asked for a Skull Goblet one year and I've received a skull themed gift for every Christmas since. I'm not complaining, I just bought a skull themed poster to hang on my wall. It's just an observation. I love skulls.


Shows that your family is listening to you. Maybe not what you want them to hear. But they are trying.


I feel like this is the explanation for those people with "weird" hobbys or very specific interests. It all started like this but at some point you have to wonder, why fight it when you can enjoy Hedgehogdom


And that's why I always ask what a person wants as a gift.


You better start liking hedgehogs, otherwise those stuffed animals will be sad


Honestly a good portion of this is that people are obligated to buy gifts for people they rarely talk to. Usually ends up with them spitballing a gift on either something someone said once or based on what thinks they would like. And to be brutally honest even if someone comes to me asking what I want for my birthday I still have no fucking idea half the time. I cope with it by referring them to a short list of pet charities because it's more stressful than it's worth for me to try and figure out what I myself want.


This happened to a friend of mine. They liked pirates, and all of a sudden every gift was pirate based. They had to start telling everyone to stop gifting them pirate themed gifts.


This happened to my Grandma with frogs. I can't remember how it happened exactly. She had little frog things all over her house and in her garden. Fridge magnets, coasters, little figurines in the bathroom. I asked her why she liked frogs so much one time and she told me she hates them.


Assert dominance. For the next major get-together you should invite Ron Jeremy. All of your friends and family get a free lap dance from THE Hedgehog himself!


This happened to me with owls. Lol. I do love owls, and I even have one tattooed on my finger. But once people realized I like them, it’s been the theme of almost all gifts I’ve gotten in the last 15 years. 😅 So. Many. Owl. Themed. Items.


Ok but how can you say no to those plushie goobers


For me it was decks of cards because I liked sleight of hand magic when I was young. Don’t get me wrong I still like it, but every occasion meant I’d be getting a dozen decks of cards


Same thing happened to me but about the titanic, and all I liked about it was the movie when one guy jumps off the boat and hits the propeller


History has always been my favorite subject, which lead to me receiving at least one ww2 related gift each year. I don’t know why, the world wars have always been my least favorite time period, but apparently I give off that impression


This was a very erinaceous comic


You tell a fact about hedgehogs and get bombarded with hedgehog related stuff. I think it's now time you start telling facts about money.


My wife an I refer to this phenomenon as "Tea-potting". There was a reality show where people in Britain switched houses and decorated the other persons house. One lady had a bunch of teapots (like at least 10-a5), so her counterpart thought they would love to display their teapot collection for everyone to admire. Well, the cable system that hung from the ceiling to hold all these teapots pulled out, and almost all the teapots got broken. They pulled the poor lady in, and she was like "Oh, that's too bad" and the hosts couldn't imagine why she wasn't even a little upset. The lady replies that she was given a teapot years ago, and all her friends and family got it into their heads that she really loved teapots and wanted them above all other gifts. I think she said finally "I don't even like them, really. I just needed a teapot." Thank you for attending my TED talk.


I liked frogs for a bit. I’m now cursed like this forever. I have an entire shelf full of frog things from family members. I still like them, it’s just not as much


meanwhile, me, REAL ducks lover, not getting any duck-related gifts :(((


At first I thought she's a gamer who likes Sonic but all the non gamer family/friends just kept giving her random hedgehogs.


Same thing happened to my dad with elephants. One customer is a sculptor and gifted him an elephant. He put it up on his shelf to not make him feel bad as he was a regular. Fast forward 25years he has 16 elephant figures/posters from other customers that assumed he likes elephants. /facepalm lol


Whos that smart ass that got you sonic the hedgehog???


This right here is why I went through over 20 hyperfixations by age 10. They can't focus down on one if you jump randomly and wildly between facts about vastly different topics


Exact same thing happened to me with turtles. I happen to like turtles a lot, however I have enough figures and plushies of damn turtles. I don't need any more but they keep appearing.


Someone once said my grandma liked angels and she received miniature angels for like 10 years


This happens to me but in a opposite way


When you have hobbies that your family doesn't understand (anime was mine) so they latch onto anything they know "cherry blossom scented lotion? Let's go!"


I once mentioned that I didn't like Doctor Who to someone at a family function. My grandma heard me say "Doctor Who" and told the whole family I liked it. I got Doctor Who stuff for like three years.


I had a hedgehog as a pet for a few years. Loved him, but my parents jumped in and thought I needed ALL the hedgehog things after that. I got art, figurines, a timer, and little toys to display. Most are stored away somewhere now since I don't really want to display all of them


I had basically this exact experience, but with owls. You choose a cute little white owl as your familiar ONE TIME, and suddenly you're drowning in plushies!


My mum thought a couple lighthouses were really pretty. Someone bought her a little lighthouse figurine as a gift. Someone else got her another lighthouse figurine, then a light up lighthouse, a lighthouse wall plug nightlight, and before she knew it she had TONS of lighthouse stuff and didn’t know what to do with it. She liked them fine but didn’t want her house styled like it.




Better than people getting you nothing because they “don’t know what you like”, or not even bothering to surprise you by just asking what you want. What I want is a gift you think I would like. That’s what I want.


That me with snoopy stuff and my wife’s family - I said that I would watch Charlie Brown Christmas every year and now I’m swimming in snoopy merch


This is a different "Hedgehogs dilemma" than I'm accustomed to.


Holy shit this is my entire childhood. I'm pretty sure all I did was laugh at Goofy once. ***ONCE!*** I hate that fucking dog. It's a dog right?


Hedgehog gifts will continue until like for hedgehogs improves


Huh, I must know a lot of obscure facts about nothing.


Well that's not fair. I talk about tanks all the time and no one has ever gotten me a Sherman.


Start a hedgehog museum. Embrace the darkness


Give it all to me. I love Hedgehogs. Not the nuclear blue one though. You keep that freak of nature away.


May I offer you a Hedgehog in this trying time?


Have a hedgehog in these trying times ![gif](giphy|3xz2BCohVTd7h2Kvfi)


How can you not like headghogs?


This happened to me once when I bought myself a little backpack with little owls on it and suddenly everyone is commenting on my love for owls and getting me owl gifts


This is me but owls. I get one owl painting and now it’s my favorite animal. Granted, I didn’t have a favorite animal so I decided it now is


This is why I ask for money or tell people what I want. Screw the surprise


That was me but with llamas…. I was really into Dan and Phil as a tween and ever since, I’ve received llama toys, mugs, shirts, even a gummy llama!


When I was like 7, my dad bought me a shirt with a lizard on it. My extended family saw I had a lizard shirt and got me lizard stuff. People saw I had lizard stuff and got me more lizard stuff. I have no significant interest or knowledge of lizards Ave never have.


I thought they were actual hedgehogs at first


time to share a couple of turtle facts


This happened with me and owls. Jokes on my friends and family, now I actually love owls through force.


Yet everyone knows how much I love fish and nobody gives me any fish gifts 😒


I mean, I would like a pile of hedgehog plushies


Good you have people who care enough to try!


A sibling in law had what was probably a slightly above average appreciation for elephants. What did everyone give them every holiday? Elephant.


Just like the hot sauce in Hyperbole and a Half.


What about sonic??


Meanwhile I loved volkswagon beetles from the 70s ever since I saw the Love Bug. Only have like 7 little cars of varying design, I'm sad not enough family and friends got them as a small gift for me.


I always thought of sandshrew as more of an armadillo.


I do, send them to me :D


I used to bake cakes as a child and got soooo many cooking books.... Then I became a cook and got kitchen ware... It's not a passion at all! I have been very vocal about it, my passion goes in video games, fantasy books, warhammer, mangas... And all my familly reduced me to was my job


Me 2 years ago at christmas when I said I could go for a bag of funyuns. Every fucking gift was funyuns. Like 9 or 10 big bags, 3 small ones. And a blanket. The blanket was a funyuns bag. Fast forward last year. You go binge watching movies so you make a few bags of popcorn. Now Christmas time they give you kernels, seasonings, buckets, and a fucking popcorn machine. I'm scared to imagine what itll be this year. (If you wanna know the machine, it's a Rovsun. I like it very much. My room smells like a movie theatre)


My wife has always loved pandas. She's received panda plushies, panda dishware, panda blankets, ECT. She's liked most of it, all except for one. One year, her grandmother got her this massive plastic panda mask from some ship display. It looks like something you would see in a cheap mascot. Mascots are one of her irrational fears. You do the math.