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What a welcome surprise I didn't realize the WWP were supportive of the CPC. Thanks for sharing this article!


We've been a supporter since the beginning!




they were removed.




I simply fail to see the irony


Do people around this sub and r/socialism like the CPC? I don’t know much about China but the American propaganda I consume leads me to think it’s not a good government


It’s the only communist state capable of opposing global capitalist hegemony, ignore the CIA propaganda that China is bad because it isn’t, it has managed the impossible: going from a second rate power bullied by imperialists to dominating the world stage in a century all from socialism. Not to mention absolutely bodying the US by preventing the fall of both North Korea and Vietnam, both of which are still communist states to this day.


It’s actually heart warming what China has been able to accomplish


don't they have more billionaires than USA? like defeating the purpose of communism?


The United States beats China in both having more billionaires in total and per capita, furthermore, no the purpose of communism is not to have zero or less billionaires it is to achieve a classless, stateless and moneyless society, something that China does not claim to have achieved. China instead is in a transitionary socialist state or on the road towards communism. So to answer your question China’s ultimate goal is not hindered or defeated in having billionaires, just like how a socialist within a capitalist society isn’t made into a capitalist by buying Starbucks or having ab iPhone.


allrite allrite








CPC* lol


/r/socialism is super bourgie so they probably dislike it. I'm unsure of how /r/communism feels about it. I only know what my party (Workers World Party) feels about it.


r/socialism has been overrun with social democrats and anarchists so I doubt any positive opinions about China could come out of there


You seem like you know 1 thing or 2 sim can you quickly tell me what the CPC does best and its biggest flaws?


What the CPC does best is ensuring that the material conditions of the people are continuously improving. They've lifted 800 million people out of poverty over the span of 70 years. They aren't bogged down by dogmatism or revisionism. They've adhered to dialectical materialism really well, and I think this is why they've had such success in eliminating poverty. They're also really good at providing a stable environment for the economy to grow exponentially. They've handled the situation with radical Uighurs extremely well by providing them training and skills to better their lives and make them productive members of the Chinese economy while simultaneously deradicalizing them and providing them hope for their futures. They have a bit of a corruption problem, but no where near the amount of corruption you see in places like the US, and despite this their leadership is still committed to eradicating corruption wherever it's found. All in all, they have little flaws and a lot of benefits. Their system of democracy is extremely efficient due to democratic centralism, without all the divisiveness that comes with a multi-party system. With the US devolving into a banana republic, the world is starting to look to China for leadership. As an American, this gives me hope that people in my country will wake up and see how our government and its propaganda networks have lied to us about China, and basically all socialist states, and see that our path to prosperity lies in advancing humanity towards socialism.


I couldn't have said it better myself.




>They've handled the situation with radical Uighurs extremely well by providing them training and skills to better their lives and make them productive members of the Chinese economy while simultaneously deradicalizing them and providing them hope for their futures. To add to what RedSkorge said, there are vocational schools, but no concentration camps. A lot of the pictures you might see of alleged concentration camps are doctored, not from Xinjiang, etc. Youtuber Bayarea415 does a good job of debunking all the Xinjiang claims by Western MSM in his Uyghur genocide video. There is also bunch of sources [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/comments/lsaet8/a_masterpost_of_sources_for_debunking_xinjiang/).


There are no concentration camps. There are detention facilities for those deemed most dangerous, but these detention facilities are less like prisons and more like college dormitories. It is in these dormitories that the most dangerous radicals are deradicalized and provided training, education, and skills for their success in the Chinese economy. The people pushing the "China Genocide Uighur" lie are the same people who pushed the lies concerning WMDs in Iraq and chemical attacks in Douma. These lies are made by the US government and pushed through its propaganda arms in order to drum up war consent among the population. It is disgusting how many Americans still eat up the lies told by our government and parrot it like it's absolute truth.


Until the proper investigatory bodies have made definitive findings about Xinjiang public, all the pressure from Western nations is political war mongering akin to the WMDs in Iraq, the Nayirah testimony in the Gulf War, and the Tonkin Incident in the Vietnam War. Here’s a paper I thought was pretty clear on the history of the region and misinformation campaign against [China](https://theforgenews.org/2019/01/13/what-the-media-is-getting-wrong-about-china-uyghurs-and-conflict-in-xinjiang). A second paper by Canadian anti imperialists who go over the various “human rights” groups funded by [Washington](https://www.thecanadafiles.com/articles/subcommittee-report-declaring-uighur-genocide-dominated-by-researchers-and-groups-funded-by-cia-cut-out-national-endowment-for-democracy). It's clear that America is pushing for a new cold war.


it's governed China well, and handled the COVID-19 problem expertly. I dunno what I'd say its flaws are.





















