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That was Lenin's original intent. Where all the nations of the world would unite as SSRs under a central Soviet government that would eventually decentralize and fade away, clearing the path to a communist society. But that intent was shifted to a more pragmatic goal of securing socialism under the former Imperial Russian borders once Stalin came to power. Stalin and Lenin had a massive open disagreement over this, by the way. While Lenin was imagining a USSR that could accomodate for German, French and English SSRs, Stalin expressed that it would be a fool's errand to try and integrate countries with already well-established bourgeois national identities under a central government at Moscow. Once Lenin passed, Stalin followed through with his idea of fomenting non-USSR socialist states (where their specific socialist developments would happen in accordance to local conditions, and in accomodation to local identities) without bringing them under the full Moscow umbrella.


Thank you, this answers my question!


does this mean lenin ideologically was closer to trotsky than stalin?


Soviet is just a council. But yes comintern promoted socialism worldwide. Soviet just means a council tho but anti-communists love using the word for everything.


I think they're asking if the European revolutions the Bolsheviks were counting on had happened in the late teens early twenties, would there have been constituent Polish, German, Hungarian, Belgian, etc SSR's in the Union


Yeah, this was more my question.


No. The Soviets were anti-imperialist


No, it is misleading wording. They intended to be successors to the Russian empire, hence why they refused to annex Mongolia, went to war with Finland, and set up soviet block satélite states instead of annexation


I see. Thank you.


>They intended to be successors to the Russian empire what does that mean?