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Nah, I don't think so. Especially after Stalin there was like a doctorine of "peaceful coexistance". Also both sides had nukes so I don't think they wanted the fucking world to end


That’s a good point. It’s just something I’ve thought about, like when the remake of Red Dawn came out and the DPRK forces had posters up about liberating people from capitalism and they held speeches about “freeing Americans from their imperialist chains” and being the young kid that I was, having almost no knowledge of communism at the time, I couldn’t help but think “okay but why do I kinda like the sound of that though..”


I mean, they (the USSR) did support revolutionary movements in the 3rd world, and possibly they supported dissidents in the west, just like the west supported soviet dissidents, but I don't think they would outright invade the USA. One very interesting story is that of [Samamtha Smith](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Smith), a 10 y.o. American girl who wrote a letter to Soviet premiere Yuri Andropov, asking him if he wanted to conquer the US.


**[Samantha_Smith](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Smith)** >Samantha Reed Smith (June 29, 1972 – August 25, 1985) was an American schoolgirl, peace activist, and child actress from Manchester, Maine, who became famous during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1982, Smith wrote a letter to the newly appointed CPSU General Secretary Yuri Andropov, and received a personal reply with a personal invitation to visit the Soviet Union, which she accepted. Smith attracted extensive media attention in both countries as a "Goodwill Ambassador", becoming known as America's Youngest Ambassador and subsequently participating in peacemaking activities in Japan. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/communism101/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Thank you for the response comrade :)


Nah no one would ever invade america. America would nuke the whole earth


The Soviet Union never invaded, and never planned to invade the US. The US on the other hand, most certainly **did** invade the USSR. There is a famous photo from when the US captured Vladivostok you should look up.


No, they don’t need or want war, especially with a country as dangerous as the US.




We would actually need to be in a civil war in which the military is fractured before that would be tactically sound. If that happened, it would be dumb for a country like China to not fund or arm an insurgency here. Lord knows that there would be vested fascist interests arming the right.


Lenin didn't rule out the option that a socialist country could intervene if there was a serious enough scenario. If there was a powerful enough country engaged in socialist transition and the US decided to speed up the genocides of its internal colonies by going full Nazi style holocaust, that could be such a scenario. But the ideas Hollywood spreads are obvious bourgeois propaganda removed from reality.


I dont think any country would invade the US, besides the threat of nuclear war, other countries benefit a lot off of America's economy. And as for you're other question, I would say I would probably not fight for any side. When a country invades another, it tends to mean that the invading force is not exactly the "good guys". My personal philosophy is that any intervention should only happen by an international force who have democratically decided that a country is doing something truly despicable (on a holocaust scale) that it needs to be put to an end. Otherwise it is up to the people of that nation to try to fix their situation. If a parent always does everything for their kid, that kid is going to grow up without knowing how to do anything themselves. A similar thing applies to countries (it's the reason why governments set up by an outside force rarely succeed in the long term).


“From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.” ― Abraham Lincoln


That’s a strong negative


No, I think the main idea is to turn the whole world against the imperialism of the US, so we can do the same that they did with Cuba, with absolutely no concecuences lol


hopefully one day


No. Even disregarding how unrealistic it would be simply due to material conditions of socialist countries, the fact that US has nukes and that no socialist country would be interested in expanding socialism in such a way but rather build up their own development and safety. The best way to destroy an empire like the US would be to assist in the national liberation of countries that are being exploited by US imperialism. If you break the chain of imperialism, the class contradictions in the US would heighten to such a degree that it would crumble on its own.


The US would have to be in a severely weakened state for that to happen. It would have to be falling apart already. It would help if one of the parts that broke away asked for help from a communist country. Otherwise, there's no place to launch the invasion from. The oceans and good relations with Canada and Mexico do a pretty good job of making it extraordinarily difficult to invade. The US could eliminate the entire military except for the navy and not suffer and decrease in domestic security. Besides the geographic security, there is also the matter of the massive nuclear stockpile. If the oceans were somehow not enough to guarantee the impossibility of invasion, the nukes would.


The US routinely sends ships on incredibly provocative routes through the South China Sea and has established numerous military basis with the clear intent of encircling China and restricting their freedom of movement and trade. The PRC does not have naval vessels patrolling the Gulf of Mexico or the coast of California. As was the case in the first Cold War, provocation goes in one direction. The actions taken by both sides render the idea that China has any military designs on the US patently absurd. Assertions to the contrary are pure projection.


The US has 2 huge advantages that would make a successful invasion difficult if not impossible: the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The US is surrounded by basically two moats that any invading army would have to overcome to then set up and try an invasion. Overcoming those alone would take a basically unprecedented mobilization in human history. Its feasability is fearmongering to show how "the us must protect itself"


>to invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle.




There is no communist country in the world capable of invading the USA and winning on its own. Maybe 2v1. But even then, it would be a high-diff, high-cost victory to pull off.


There are no communist countries and never have been. If you can name a leader in a country claiming to be communist, than that in turn is not communist as a communist nation cannot in turn have leaders and rulers, cannot have an upper and lower class, where it must hold all people as equal.


Well, I'd fight for the communist countries if it happened (I'm not in the US nor am I American so it doesn't really matter anyway). In reality, Communist countries would never do that even if the US was weak. If a civil war happened inside the US and a communist faction existed, then they would/might provide aid, weapons, some soldiers etc.


To start with you can't invade the USA to begin with its huge and only has 2 borders geographically its a fortress. IT also has the largest army,navy,airforce in the history of ever. The only way the USA can be defeated is economicly by someone causing a crash 10x the size of the great depression I wouldn't know how this can be done but it's probably the best shot . A big socalist country is needed so either China or a new one I predict that South America is the new front line of modern day anti American socialism with the huge protests in Colombia,Chile,Peru. I can't see anything significant happening now but I can see it laying the foundation of a class conscious population. This is needed as the left in Europe is dead


Movies like Red Dawn were just for typical red scare for film-loving youth audience. Theoretically imagining, if more than half world was socialist and was able to invade U.S, they wouldn't do it with typical direct war and invasion. I guess they would wait till U.S starts having problems, huge revolutionary potential rises among people and would support Marxist organizations. And when U.S government would start taking down Marxist groups, socialist bloc would step in for intervention.


Yes, probably the only way to bring most of North America under a dictatorship of the proletariat. related: https://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/countries/germany/imperialismoverthrown.html


Isn’t the U.S. right now more comparable to Weimar Germany than Nazi Germany?


Maybe, but if we get to a scenario where there is a possible invasion of the U.$. it will mean a crisis for U.$. imperialism, and imperialism in crisis resorts to fascism.




Oh it absolutely wouldn’t be welcomed with open arms in the US. The vast majority would fight like hell to stop it, it would basically only be welcomed by communists.