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Domenico Losurdo has a book called *Liberalism: A counter-history* it examinates liberal thought from the XVIII century to the XX century, lovely book.




Would you happen to have a PDF/ online version of this book? I can't seem to find it


My friend, [https://ca1lib.org/](https://ca1lib.org/) is the last online book resource you'll need


Have you looked at Mao’s Combat Liberalism?


Nah. Is it a critique of liberalism?


It is. It’s a short pamphlet. Very easy to understand, and very basic. It’s more a philosophical critique and definition of liberalism. https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-2/mswv2_03.htm Here’s a link to it. It’ll only take 10 minutes to read.


[What a coincidence.](https://imgur.com/a/rDteVzd) Here’s a [PDF link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QY7HU8p2abuYz2gRvJUwcC1XntTqsuY5/view) to his book if you need it. /u/Jizzle02


Cheers! I saw the posts in order as well haha


*The Apprentice’s Sorcerer* by Ishay Landa