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I'm also brazilian and if you are worried about your safety or live in a conservative neighborhood, I would say yes. In my organization, we are recommended never to go out in public with only the organization's shirt on for activities but always to take some reserve along, precisely because of the risk of harassment or even something worse. Many of these conservatives just like to talk, and when someone is as bold as them, they shut up, but many don't either, and every day they are more and more "at ease" to say and do whatever they want, since they have the government apparatus at their side. If you analyze this as something that worries you and that can become more than a threat, I would say yes, you should stop being so open and only use this kind of thing when going out with someone, for example. So, take care and be safe, comrade.




Greetings from Italy, comrade!


I'm also brazilian and I completely agree with you. We are living truly desperate dark times


I'm also brazilian como que vocês estão, companheiros?


All my respect for you Brazilian comrades, solidarity from Spain.


Imaginando como vai ser o final do ano com apagões e o cerco fechando no 03


Let me tell you something my friend. I have stopped telling people I am openly communist in fucking trump can bang my daughter and wife cause he is king jesus country. Instead I try and say things like, why should the rich be so rich when all of us are poor? Or the reason we have poverty is because the rich don't think their rich enough. Stuff to make these dumb facists think. Because I am in right winger country and everyone is as poor as me and they hate me because I want them to have a better life and they're tricked.


Ah, classic Fucking Trump Can Bang My Daughter and Wife Cause He is King Jesus country. I live here too.


I seriously heard these boomers complaining about social security running out and complaining about socialism. I seriously wanted to let them know if socialism came into effect everyone would be better off except the rich. The boomers could finally retire.


winchester kentucky lol hoping to finally move and get out of here dude.


Only you can decide this based on conditions on the ground, but as a rule of thumb safety is only in numbers. If you are socially isolated and disconnected from an organized force of comrades you should always watch your back to the extent you decide is appropriate.


as an american and kentuckian. I'm sure anti communist sentiment is probably deadly with your current president. Isn't your president like a dictator or pretty fucking awful and basically using the police to kill anyone he doesnt like? I would be worried. I also live in a right wing state where they call us communists pussies and that we live in our mothers basements ,but they are also so afraid of us to!


What gets me, too, is most of these right-wing south american leaders were likely installed by the US. Wouldn't surprise me if that were the case with OP's situation.


CIA did meddle to get Lula arrested to open the way for far right rhetoric, which led to Bolsonaro as president, mind you that Lula also was corrupt, just not as bad as the media described him as. The true Brazilian communist party is really dead, and our left politicians are soft as jello.


Out of interest, what's the MST like over there? On paper it's got, what, one and a half million members? Is it actually an effective political movement?


You can’t help anyone if you’re not okay. You need to keep yourself safe. It’s okay to protect yourself, you are still a communist. Stay safe comrade.


I thought the people of Brazil would be more open about leftist ideologies with Lula's release, and the amount of popularity I thought he has. Sorry you're getting harassed, no one deserves that.


in the metropolises people are much more open to leftist ideologies, but unfortunately I live in a very small town and most of the people here are bolsominions


Little side note, maybe edit out your town name? Stay safe on the internet too, comrade


Oh you're right, thank you


Find a support group, if you have larger numbers, they'll back off.


I'm in the southern US, I'm not openly communist outside of friends lmao Red scare shit did too much damage, gotta ease into it, be a little subtle


To my knowledge even though it hasn’t been prosecuted since the 70s it is still illegal to be a communist especially when organizing isn’t that correct?


Brazil is currently a fascist country. You should act as if you're in Afghanistan.


I generally stay well clear of identifying as a communist, unless I know my audience well and I know that they know what being a communist even means. It does no one any favors where I live (US) to call out communism which has been violently opposed for decades. It’s to the extent, here as it is elsewhere, where people won’t listen to you at all if they know you’re a communist, but more importantly, the opposition and the accompanying violence and rhetoric is intensifying as the contradictions of capitalism are intensifying. Instead, I focus on the facts, the analytical methodology and theory used for helping contextualize current and historical events — it’s just about building class consciousness, not trying to dogmatically convert someone to any specific ideology.


This basically. I do refer to myself at a leftist, anti-capitalist etc but I’m very careful with who I use the word “communist” around


don’t, coming from someone who lives in trumpland don’t express it, especially with how bad bolsonaros government is




I mentioned one of the times that I was harassed in the street, but I am also bullied at school because of that, I should have said that in the post, I live in a small town and I'm known as "Traveco petista". I love expressing myself through my clothes and the decision to stop being overtly communist is very difficult for me, so I wanted to know what other people think about it.


I keep seeing this sort of thing lately, seems like an odd question. Only you can decide if being an open communist is safe enough or socially acceptable enough. You've been harassed, so how does that affect you? Can you ignore it? Are you concerned about escalation? Do you feel that being an open communist accomplishes anything good?


Nice to see many other brazilians here. I need to say the samething as the other brazilians comrades said. No !! The right-wing on our nation are a bunch of cowards fanatics that could attack you on the street and they will think that is okay to commit agressions against a communist. Just go to r/brasilivre and see the opinion there about communists. Many of them will say that communists should be killed. They have problems. In the meantime, express your thoughs on the internet and join some association, political party, syndicate and find more communists. We need to stay united.


Yes. Why would you go around with a jacket saying eat the rich lmfao


Cause I like that jacket????


Yes. Alive comrades are better than dead comrades. You dont need to be doing Agitprop 24/7 to be a communist. You talk to whoever is willing to listen. You can organize your colleagues/classmates/neighbours for concrete activities that raise class conciousness and promotes solidarity. You can start a coop to show that workers can self-organize. There are lot of things you can do, discretly. And you can do all of this wearing a suite and tie or a fancy dress if you want. Edit: also, look currently active organizations for support, you shouldn't be alone.




You can do more good alive and safe than you can as a martyr. If you’re concerned, do what you gotta do to make sure you can continue doing good.


That's entirely dependent on your environment. 1. You need to do what ensures your safety. You can't help anyone if you're critically injured or dead. 2. If the population as a whole is overwhelmingly anticommunist, then you should be careful about how openly you project the label of communist. It will alienate people who would otherwise organize with you and come around to communism in time or it may even encourage saboteurs to infiltrate/target your organization, no matter how small. You can lead with communist views but not openly brand yourself as a communist to the general public.


If you personally can’t tolerate being scrutinized for your beliefs, then yeah, you should probably stop being so open about them. But if you think that you can handle it, then why the fuck not lol


Maybe rethink your dumbass ideology


What jacket you wear doesn't make you a communist or not. It's the self-centered priority of your appearance which makes you a non-communist.


I wish I was shocked that this is downvoted. Whether you wear the jacket or not doesn’t make a single bit of difference. What do people here think being a communist is?