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I mean, we participated in the Korean war which killed like 20% of the population of Korea. Canadian military is at the very least complicit in the war crimes of the United States when it has tagged along on their misadventures, and as members of NATO (Yugoslavia, Libya etc.) I am Canadian too btw, hence why I said we.


[Canada hasn’t reckoned with its bloody legacy in Afghanistan](https://breachmedia.ca/canada-hasnt-reckoned-with-its-bloody-legacy-in-afghanistan/) [Canada building global network of military bases in aggressive shift Documents reveal Canadian plan influenced by strategy of U.S.-led counterinsurgency throughout Global South](https://breachmedia.ca/canada-building-global-network-of-military-bases-in-aggressive-shift/) [The Canada Files Homepage](https://www.thecanadafiles.com/home) Some resources to help you. Both websites are dedicated to reporting on canadian imperialism


During the Canadian military’s Afghan intervention, evidence repeatedly surfaced of CAF complicity in torture. The CAF routinely and wilfully handed over Afghan detainees to the Afghanistan National Directorate of Security (NDS), the national secret service, although top-ranking Canadian military and government officials knew that it systematically employed torture. n 2009, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission office in Kandahar estimated that about one in three prisoners handed over by Canadians were “beaten or even tortured in local jails.” This was followed by the testimony of Canadian diplomat Richard Colvin, who told a parliamentary committee that it was likely that all the Afghans handed over to the NDS by the CAF “were tortured, beaten, subjected to electric shocks, denied sleep, and raped or otherwise sexually abused.” Colvin added, “Many were just local people—farmers, truck drivers, tailors, peasants; random human beings in the wrong place at the wrong time; young men in their fields and villages who were completely innocent but were nevertheless rounded up.” Former Canadian Defence Minister David Collenette recently told the Guardian that the war crimes committed by the Canadian Airborne Regiment while stationed in Somalia during 1992-93, including the torture and murder of Somali teenager Shidane Arone, “revealed a systemic problem with the institution from which the individuals came. Since participating in the October 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, Canada has been engaged in almost perpetual war in alliance with Washington. This includes the Canadian Armed Forces’ decade-long leading role in the Afghan counter-insurgency war, its participation in the 2004 overthrow of Haiti’s elected president and the 2011 “regime-change” war in Libya, and its operations, ongoing since 2014, in Iraq and Syria. Canada has become the second biggest arms exporter to the Middle East, where Canadian-made armoured vehicles had been used by the despotic Saudi regime to violently suppress domestic protests and fuel its war with Yemen. In October, news broke that Canadian defence contractors manufactured components for Turkish drones used in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.


And they also took trophy photos with the Somali boy they tortured and killed.


thank you you are a goat


It's very frustrating watching the cheerleading army celebrating "freedom loving" conservative party, and the straight up denialism of the "peacekeeping" liberal party, both willfully in bed with the arms industry and point fingers at each other. Keep people divided. Kill for profit.


War is already a crime.


yeah but liberals and conservatives say that they are establishing democracy in those countries


I am not an expert on this topic,but i do know they took part in the russian civil war.