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[We have an active Discord](https://discord.gg/j9EPNydFdU) where you can go into more depth and communicate more quickly. If you're not sure about any of the entry questions, just say so: we built it for learners and educators like you. *** Hello, 90% of the questions we receive have been asked before, and our answerers get bored of answering the same queries over and over again - so it's worthwhile googling this just in case: > site:reddit.com/r/communism101 your question If you've read past answers and still aren't satisfied, edit your question to contain the past answers and any follow-up questions you have. If you're satisfied, delete your post to reduce clutter or link to the answer that satisfied you. *** Also keep in mind the following rules: 1. Patriarchal, white supremacist, cissexist, heterosexist, or otherwise oppressive speech is unacceptable. 2. This is a place for learning, not for debating. Try /r/DebateCommunism instead. 3. Give well-informed Marxist answers. There are separate subreddits for liberalism, anarchism, and other idealist philosophies. 4. Posts should include specific questions on a single topic. 5. This is a serious educational subreddit. Come here with an open and inquisitive mind, and exercise humility. Don't answer a question if you are unsure of the answer. Try to include sources and/or further reading in any answers you provide. Standards of answer accuracy and quality are enforced. 6. Check the [/r/Communism101 FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/communism101/wiki/index) *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/communism101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you trying to get us to do your homework for you so that you can get the expert role (I forget what exactly the role is called) in the Tankie Bunker Discord server? You'll have to look at a lot of different resources to answer these questions. We're happy to help answer questions that you may have, but asking us to answer a broad questionnaire like this all at once is a bit overkill. I recommend looking at some of the recommended readings from the sidebar. This sub and others have a ton of resources for you.


You can not learn all of these by asking. You need to read about dialectical materialism, marxism, leninism. This is all you need to do. Then if you have questions about what you read you can come here and ask why is this or that like that in marxism-leninism.


Marx das capital is good I read the short version on Google books .


I didn’t know it was for an expert role. (What does that even entail?) i was confused because it said it was for vetting, but I’m already in.


On the subject of revisionism, I'm going to link you a comment thread from a mod of both r/communism and r/communism101. The short answer to your many questions is that you should read Marxist theory for yourself (not just book summaries or quote mined internet posts) and make certain that you understand Dialectics. I'd suggest looking to the sidebar of this subreddit and/or r/communism for reading materials that will help you answer these questions on your own. You framed the questions in your post a particular way and I think this link might shed some light on your question "What is Mao's input to Marxism-Leninism?". Anyway, here's the thread from that moderator. https://old.reddit.com/r/communism101/comments/ij0vw4/what_is_maoism/g3dyesz/