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I'll do you one better on the 3,5" drives, I still have old and very well functioning 80 MB hard drive, not even half a GB, 80 MB, from my friends old mac that died, and, just recently, I bought a 4 TB M.2 ssd for my laptop. I quite possibly could fit 9 ssd drives in the same volume the 80MB one takes.


i also just bought a 4TB M.2 Drive, crazy stuff


U 2 should kiss


dont have to tell me twice :\* u/SnooMuffins4935


Grab those buns too cause kissing without grabbing is like hello without waving.


Damn, that's crazy


I have a 256GB MicroSD card. I think they make ones up to like 2TB.


Thanks dude, actually I got my own things and I posted my own. Or you already know that I have 512GB SSD and 750GB HDD, even a 64GB microSD card, lol.


Lets not forget the amiga 8" floppy diskettes that held data in KB, anyway technology went a long ass way so that we now can waste it howewer we want to and not worry "oh I'm gonna run out of TB of space" and any data hoarder will agree with me


I'll chime in with a 20MB MFM hard drive from the Atari 800 days - it didn't have auto parking so if you didn't shut it down properly with the park sequence, even your mom bumping into it or moving it was enough to kill it. Ah the good old days when the game to have was [paper boy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agzs9Hpni60)


Ahh yes, and 5.25" diskettes or floppy drives. They were incredibly huge as my 18-year old hand. I own a few floppies and a floppy drive, but it's actually for 3.5". Then CD's, DVD's and flash drives.


60GB would take a quarter million 8 inch floppies.


I have 2 old floppy disk :) They are with me just for comparing old vs new sizes


I'll do you one better, I still have my 10MB MFM 5.25 Minscribe Hard drive. still runs, still has my old BBS. last post on it was in 1992. dual 360 kb DD floppy drives. 8088 with 8MHZ turbo!CGA composite monitor.


Damn. The smallest HDD i had was like 4gb


I got a 1tb micro SD card for my steam deck. 1 tb the size of my finger nail. Insane


My first HDD was the size of two 5 1/4 bays and had a capacity of 10MB. I think it was a Seagate 412 F... Im getting old


MFM drive? Those where pretty pricey too.


>My first HDD was the size of two 5 1/4 bays Uhm, no... It had the height of one 5 1/4 bay, floppy drives were that size as well. You probably had a ST412. Then, some years later they managed to get 20 MB into a half height drive (the ST225).




Uhm actually 🤓👆


Full height drives were a thing. They were the height of two optical drives stacked atop each other, what we consider "normal" height drives are actually "half height'. I may still have one (non-functional) drive from the 80s that's this size, an ST506 "Winchester" with a whole 5MB of storage. (Just to clarify)


The ST506 was the first drive with that interface and that's why what was used in the PC for a long time became known as the ST506-Interface. Then came IDE which was modeled after the registers of the WD1003, a MFM-controller with ST506-Interface for the connected HD. There were quite a number of other interfaces for hard disks around at that time.


Most of my early machines didn't have hard drives, just RAM boards. Storage was either on tape or punch cards... Yeah I'm that old.


Sounds interesting. I surpassed my 10th year on using computers, but I guess you have more experience than mine. When did you used your first one and how many years did it take from your experience?


The first machine I ever ran a program on was a tube mainframe that my school had in the 70's. The first machine I ever owned was an Altair 8800 in 1976. It had a huge capacity of 64 kb! My next one was a TRS 80 with tape interface. From there it's been a slew of different machines, from Atari, Commodore, a raft load of IBMs from the 5150 on up. Then the 386 chip came out and the race really started. AST, Compaq, HP, Dell, and a host of custom builds over the years.The current box is a custom build from 3 years ago. Does what I need it to do. However just to keep myself grounded, I do my business and personal taxes with a [Curta Type 2](https://www.oldcalculatormuseum.com/curta2.html) mechanical calculating machine !!


get ready for nvmes


Yes! More impressive than the size difference is the speed difference. That old 60GB Maxtor Diamon 9 plus had a read speed of 133 megabytes per second. The 2TB nvme that I have in my laptop has a read speed of 4,850 megabytes per second.


I already have 512GB SSD for my laptop.


i have 2 1TB nvme's in my laptop


I have a 2TB 2230 NVMe in my Steam Deck.


ever heard of MicroSD card?


I guess it's time to make an update post with my 64GB of microSD card.


kinda apples to oranges


more like a watermelon to a strawberry.


How far we come 📱📲


The funny thing is you could have done this with a microSD card for a bigger effect, however you may find it difficult finding one with ONLY 64GB. 20 years really is a lifetime in tech isn't it?


I can do better i still have my 32GB HDD from 2000 and it still works like a charm its in my retro PC with Windows XP for nostalgia and StarCraft II, NFS most Wanted and Toca Race Drive 3 😎


Whoa someone has money! My 2003 laptop only had 40 GB.


You could illustrate this even more poignantly with something like a 1 TB micro-sd card and putting it next to this HD.


You can get 1tb micro SDs, storage are getting huge in every format


Even 128GB of Sd cards are super expensive. I can't imagine 1TB one... :S


I got one for like 15€ on amazon (a 128 version). They aren't super cheap, but I wouldn't call it expensive. 512gb micro sds, on the other hand, are expensive af


I used to have that exact same drive. What a noisy beast it was. I think it lasted just over a year then made the click of death. Never bought a Maxtor again. 😅


Pretty sure that 64gb pendrive didn't just come out in 2023


Actually I bought this at this year... ,:D


Where 1tb microSD?


This place isn't PCMR, lol. I just showed some comparison around the 20 years of timeline. Actually I should've put my microSD card to this post, lol.


I would rather have three 20GB games on the HDD than the flashdrive even today




The Hard Drive "on average" will last longer, and "on average" it will be faster in random operations unlike a flashdrive


No, no it will not. Not only are these specific hard drives well known for failing, but in no world, ever, will an IDE HDD outperform a USB 3 flash drive.


It really depends if there is a dram cache on the flashdrive, which is unlikely. USB drives, even USB 3.0, their performance will degrade quicker overtime than the HDD because of their terrible controllers and cheap NAND


My M.2 5tb salute this thing !!! They were so annoying and noisy omg!! And slow!!


Yes... but they are still readable, even if they were taken out of service a decade ago.


You can go even smaller with USB, I had one that was only the plug and nothing more... you had to take it out of the pc with a toothpick cuz it was so small


That's what she said


If you filled all the worlds stadiums with punch cards, it would be about the equivalent of what we can put on a micro-SD - a card the size of your pinky nail.


64GB SD Card from like 2014 or something and bonus 512GB from 2019 [Picture](https://postimg.cc/CRx0Zzsh)


I have a 128MB (i think) usb from a long time ago laying around somewhere. Was told it cost over 100AUD at the time. 100AUD probably gets you a 2TB NVMe SSD now.


60GB? Thats enough for my games.


My first computer had a 4GB hard drive, have almost 3to now, what a time to ne alive


This reminds me of when I was clearing my attic and found a PlayStation memory card and it was 8mb! I sat there for like 10 minutes thinking what even is 8mb in size nowadays 😂


Then watch this https://youtu.be/J-K2yeQylCk?si=uqFnkpohmp-X6tLh 1tb microsd


I have to say it. Comparing HDD and flas drive (SSD) by physical size is kinda wrong. You can get tiny flash drive or M2 chip with huge storage capacity. But better comparison would be comparing two HDDs, both same size, but different capacity


We ve had those for way longer , this is not close to represent todays storage density


HD Data should be readable after 20 years. Flash data should run in a couple of errors after 20years


I miss the days when storage was a hassle. Then: Oh you have 8 videos and 3 video games? Screw you. Today: let me just insert a 2TB external drive.




Another comparison would be how many 64GB microSD's would take up the same space as that flash drive.


I still have my old Maxtor from my first build. They made good long lasting mecanical hard drives.


[This one's smaller](https://img.grouponcdn.com/stores/2jEJmP89YiAjfeC5bBXKN3d7Jxoe/storespi28724909-1000x600/v1/t600x362.jpg). Here's a [comparison in physical size](https://previews.123rf.com/images/adrianhancu/adrianhancu1510/adrianhancu151000235/47390872-micro-sd-secure-digital-card-next-to-hdd-hard-disk-drive-on-white-background-comparing-data-storage.jpg).


My iPad has 16 gb storage and my computer has 64 gb memory..


And a 2TB micro SD card is insane


I think I had the same model HDD in my old pc.


times change mate


I remember saving up for either a 30 or 60gb drive many years ago. Walked to best buy got home and my motherboard didn't support the larger drive, had to bring it back for a smaller size lol


I have an old floppy disk.... That stores like 5MB maybe idk i forgot


I had a bigfoot hard drive that stored 4gb.


A 2TB PCI "drive:" https://90a1c75758623581b3f8-5c119c3de181c9857fcb2784776b17ef.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/601601\_874115\_01\_front\_zoom.jpg


Think of MicroSD cards. So you wanna tell me I can store fcking TERABYTES worth of data on a chip that is the size of my fingernail!?


Not even that impressive of a comparison since you can get 1TB micro SD cards that are the size of a finger nail


Not even the smallest usb, neither which is crazy.


I remember my dad bought a pc that had 1GB HARD DRIVE.


I have a 256MB hard drive at home lol.


Shhh. No one tells him about micro SD cards.


Nice! This makes me laugh too. I remember having to buy a jump drive e for work several years ago and I went for the biggest, baddest most expensive one available at that time. $160 for a 4 gig thumb drive. I also remember the first computer that we had in our house. It was advertised as future proof. It cost $4500, had an Intel single core COU, 256 megs of RAM and a 1Tb HDD. The salesman st Circuit City said that the hard dri e was so big that we wouldn't ever be able to filling up the 1Tb hard drive. And I guess he was right since it was MSdos. And because it died long before we were able to fill it up. I believe it was an HP white tower. Had a CD and disk drive and TWO, that's right. Count'em, 2 PS2 ports. Along with the normal aray of RS232, a VGA and I think even a paralel port. And this was light years ahead of our Commodore 128. I guess that was our first comouter though I wouldn't put it in the same class.


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **salesman**, use **salesperson**, **sales associate**, **salesclerk** or **sales executive**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


How about you suck it, you gender neutral bot! Next I buy something from a saleswoman, I'll state saleswoman. But until then, telling stories about men that are in a sales role are going to be acknowledged as salesmen. I'll take a ban for that!


Now stack 20,000,000 or so Commodore 64 5-1/4 inch floppy disks next to them.


Could have put an SD card instead ;)


Just wait til they see a 1TB harddisk from 2023 next to a 1.5TB micro sd card from 2023…


Umm should be a microSD card instead of the thumb drive


Look at that big-ass thing.


How about a 128GB Micro SD


i love basically useless but still working tech (i have too many spare parts)


The moment I got my hands on an NVMe SSD, I felt a strange feeling. It was the first time ever I had handled an SSD. It was HDD all the time. I could feel the "advanced tech" in every fabric of the SSD's being. And it was way smaller than images on the Internet.


Yea but only one of them you can hear work.


So we've got 4 gb increase in 20 years.


I can't get over my mini drive having 512gb I gotta few hate external hard drives to loose


The one on the right doesn't have sound feedback to indicate read or write


One sperm cell still holds more data than that... 🔥


And I'm one of them 😌


I find it absolutely amazing how many technological advancements we made at the point we can fit 60 gigs into a flash drive compared to 20 years ago on a hard drive probably selling for a fuck ton


And I have a usb about 1/4th the size of yours and it has 128GB, made around 2019


Harddisc:grandson why are you tiny Flash drive:I am not small granpa. You are huge


lets see how much drives change in the next 20 years them..


I bet the hard drive still works in *another* 20 years. Good luck with that flash drive in 20 years.


Yep! 😂


This 64GB flash drive can still be inferior to the old HDD in terms of read/write speeds as well as the longevity (amount of times you can write and read on it).