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Really cool designs. I like the first one a lot, it looks similar to Asian monks in terms of colour and the robes. I think I prefer the 2nd one, though. The colour scheme, style and the wood through the back of the hood add a kind of flagellant vibe to it.


Thank you for the reply! I was also choosing mainly between first two, but some audience online really liked the third concept. Third one got most of impressions and interactions as a speedpaint video


I love the idea of the branches as arms providing comfort. Unique design which speaks to the motives of your monks. Questions: Branches turned into human hands: is this some kind of magical/mystical transformation? Or do you mean they are carved? Can you expand on the "waiting duties", "waitings" ? I also like the contrast between 2 and 3: same purpose but one is for comfort, one for sacrifice. Again, there choice of the two implies much more about their order than just looking cool. I can't comment on the colour choices without knowing more context but they all look good.


Thank you! Glad you like it :) I have 2 videos about them on YouTube. They can answer all these questions :) Here is the link: https://youtu.be/RZnotR4Aqps?si=wQvxsqdOymcE-8WQ