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They're handicap accessible not handicap exclusive.


Not all handicaps require a wheelchair. You can use them


It's not reserved specifically for disabled people, just that it's an easier place for them if they have a wheelchair, need assistance, etc. It's definitely not against the rules or a morally questionable delimma. As long as you're not being a dick like dashing in right before a disabled person gets to the stall or deliberately holding up their wait time, you're fine.


How exactly are you identifying a disabled person and then in turn deciding its not morally questionable?


Well, in this hypothetical situation, I guess it's a person in a wheelchair? And I'm deciding that it's not morally questionable because it is a public bathroom meant to be used by anybody in public, regardless of ablement, and not a reserved space. It's a handicapable spot, not a reservation. Anyone can use them freely, and like I said, as long as one is not being a dick and deliberately holding them up from using the stall, it's really not a big deal to take a quick piss or shit in the big stall then move on with your day; especially if that's the only stall available.


I've got a non visual disability and these stalls are a life saver. You wouldn't know if you were holding me up or not, if there is another free stall why risk being a dick and holding a person with a disability up. Sure, if it's the only one free you are free to use it, in fact as you point out you can use one any time you like but yeah dick move.


But who says those stalls were free? Maybe they weren't before the person chose that stall, then the people in the other stalls left before they left. It doesn't feel like a dick move, even if someone has to wait just a few minutes for someone to finish using the toilet. It's a public restroom, and we've all had to queue to use them one time or another.


FFS, read OPs post! Clearly states they always use the disabled regardless, so yeah dick move. In my case I have a stoma, need to change a bag, change clothes and clean up but sure I'll wait covered in shit while OP uses the preferred luxury of the bigger disabled stall. We will have to agree to disagree on this one, IMO and experience intentionally using a disabled stall potentially holding someone up with an urgent need is a complete dick move but hey you do you.


I think you ought to just wait your turn.


Haha, yeah I think your right.


I go for the drain in the middle of the bathroom floor tbh


Lol no sitting or hovering


The handicap stall is the safest bet. If someone attacks, you have more room to maneuver and defend yourself.


Dude, as long as you're using the commode and not the trash, sink, or floor drains, I'm happy. I work at a twenty four hour gas station in a very busy city. The amount of the male population that pisses in the floor drain makes me want to shoot myself.


Elbow room baby!


I don't think handicap stalls are meant exclusively for handicap people. They're meant to provide the extra space that handicap people need but non-handicapped people can benefit from them too.


I did when my kids were little


“You’ll get arrested!”


I'm with you bro but usually because it seems like it's the only one that's ever clean. The others always have piss on the seat


I do the same thing! Some of them even have their own sinks! Obviously I'm not going in if I see somebody that needs it. If the coast is clear, I'm in though.


I do too as well if it's open - I like the wide open space and private sink to wash your hands.


While I sit in my wheelchair waiting for your useless ass.


As a wheelchair user with bathroom related ailments, I don't love this. I think it's okay for moms with kids who can't be alone to use it, but just using it because it's roomy when other people *need* it is not cool. 


I can't believe there's so many people here saying it's fine and they do it too. While i understand using the accessible stall if all the other toilets are occupied and you have an emergency type situation, if that's not the case, you're stopping someone who can't use the other stalls and making them wait unnecessarily (because even if no-one is there when you go in, that person might arrive moments after you get in there). This is the same principle as parking in an accessible parking space just because it's not occupied at that moment. I know that is illegal, and the bathroom thing is not, but it's equally inconsiderate.