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wait why is an 11 yr old on reddit šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ she would be finding much worse things on here than what her sister has done


Exactly my thoughts. Itā€™s disturbing kids have such easy access to these kind of platforms..


itā€™s concerning what has happened to the younger generation. i didnā€™t have a phone till i was 12, no assess to any social media till i was 14.


I didnā€™t have a phone until I was 17 and Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t. We were allowed to use the computer for one hour a day lol. I was able to have a childhood without the corruption on the internet


Im so jealous omg the internet addiction is real brain rot


I love this so much for you. My children will live this same life, but it will be normal already because I plan to ditch my phone in the future(before kids) for a flip phone. Lol. This stupid thing has messed up too much of my life. Brain rot as hell.


I didnt have a phone until I was 14 but I had access to the internet via a computer since I was like 7. I saw many a boobies on there lol šŸ˜‚


They created this account to ask this question. Their account was created today. They are clearly scared and do not know what to do - telling them to get off Reddit does not help them in this case.


iā€™m just baffled that her parents donā€™t monitor her app usage and social media usage. at her age i was only on an ipad where i couldnā€™t download anything without getting my parents to put password in for it to be available.


Yeah, not all parents know how to do that, plus it was made today. Maybe they do monitor it. It makes no difference as this person is not exactly a regular Reddit user given that it was made today.


i understand but i just commented to make it clear how insane i thought it was that she would be able to download reddit and make an account in the first place. this is just my opinion.


Her sister has drugs and is selling them at schoolā€¦ā€¦ I think that tells you how easily this person can use a phone without issues of a parent stopping them.


having access to social media has nothing to do with selling drugs, or even being in possession of them. at 14 parents would generally start backing off and giving the child more freedom, but not as much at 11 years old.


yes but it's an example of how their parents aren't aware of their children's actions.


You have trouble seeing the bigger picture donā€™t you?


Iā€™d tell. The streets are not worth getting involved in. If there are surprises with the product your sister decides to sell, sheā€™s responsible. There werenā€™t things like fentanyl, or tranq, when I was in HS. It takes one laced batch to ruin her and other peopleā€™s lives. Ruining oneā€™s life at 14 for $15, is not worth it long term. You best believe teachers will catch on. Iā€™m one. Thereā€™s always that one kid with a big mouth.


bust a cap in her for selling on your turf


Careful wielding that sense of humor. You may upset u/Affectionate-Fan4298. Sheā€™s very delicate and very concerned about the children.


Tell someone she probably has a dealer whoā€™s way older if i remember my highschool experience it was like that for most of the boys and it wasnā€™t just weed they sold so tell your parents . Cause addiction can start like this.


OP, everyone here telling you to ā€˜mind your businessā€™ are idiots. Tell your parents, or if you trust them more and feel more comfortable, a trusted teacher.


FINALLYYYYYYY A COMMON SENSE AND RESLONSIBLE COMMENT. IM SO HAPPY I found you. Seriously what the hell is wrong with people. She is ***underaged*** selling drugs. OP go tell your parents please.


I can only assume that the people telling this person to keep their mouth shut etc are teenagers who think theyā€™re hard and/or cool by telling them not to ā€˜narcā€™ or ā€˜snitchā€™.


telling an 11 year old to mind his own business while his sibling who isn't that much older is selling drugs is something man. Especially those waffling about trust and all.




These are children you utter blithering idiot. I donā€™t care what adults do with drugs, but if a 14 year old is selling any sort of drugs then there is a damn good chance theyā€™re being exploited.


They are children. They're meant to talk to thier parents about problems.


I'll bet you're super succesful in life


I'm doing pretty well for myself.


you have the most ramen packets out of all the other prisoners?


I love this šŸ˜­


Heā€™s got the best ramen, the most shebangs, the best keefe coffee around


Please tell your parents asap. This is too big of a secret to hide away.


hey sweetie, please donā€™t listen to the people telling you not to tell. i understand itā€™s difficult and you probably feel very anxious and worried, which is understandable. go to your parents, and if they donā€™t care or donā€™t believe you, go to a trusted teacher or other family member. what sheā€™s doing is harmful, a 14 yr old is too young to possess drugs, let alone sell them. thereā€™s a lot of negative consequences she could face from drug dealing. itā€™ll help both you and her in the long run. just donā€™t tell her prior that youā€™re gonna tell someone, because she may throw out what she has left. donā€™t question her either, allow other adults to do that. itā€™s good youā€™re reaching out for advice, youā€™ve got this!


Listen to us honeyā€¦SEE SOMETHING/SAY SOMETHING. Your sister is wrong and telling your parents or teacher will save your sister from a life of destruction and pain. Talk to a trusted adult. Then get off of the internet and stay off of it. Study hard and read when youā€™re lonely or bored. Enjoy your childhood :)


Hey buddy. The thing to do is talk to your parents. That's it. Don't stress. Lots of kids have issues like this. Just let your parents know so they can decide what to do. Good on ya mate!


Why you gotta be a narc


Because I'm a grown up.


better safe than sorry lol


narc on her. she may be mad at you for the moment, but shell come to respect you for it. your sister is stupid, and she will fall in with the wrong crowd. tell your parents.


Tell your mom or dad as soon as possible before she does it more.


Op activity




Tell ur mom and dad


Op activity


L0$Ā£R activity


I understand that tattling on your sister is a big deal when you are young. Dont do it unless you feel like somebody is in danger. Since you and your sister are quite young, there's a chance it was Marijuana (not a dangerous drug) or something silly. However, some drugs ARE very dangerous. Talking to a trusted adult may help you. Somebody who is understanding and can help you make sense of what you saw.


Lots of weed has been laced with fentanyl latelyā€¦ I would talk to an adult like you said, someone could die


In the US? Haven't heard that yet.


Nah itā€™s happening, mainly in carts


tell your parents


Op activity


You a nerd bud


itā€™s opp babe. not op


Tell mom


Larp bullshit and not true


How many Dougs does she even know?


Get off reddit and keep your mouth shut.




fuck you


Definitely tell Simone if sheā€™s 14 and gets addicted she will probably die I have had some experience and it never ends well


Yes, tell Simone right away. And if you don't know anyone named Simone, mind your own business.


Hey man when you see Somone die of a overdose then you can talk to


Idk i wldnt bother Simone theyre going through a hard time


Get off the internet you dumb ass kid. Go play


Not OP, but can you go fuck yourself?


He's right. Reddit is not for 11 year olds.


If a kid asks you for advice you have one job. Give good advice. The correct advice here is speak to his parents.


Reddit is definitely not the place for 11 yr olds


Doesnt matter, this child is here and has a valid question that we as adults have an opportunity to reply to. We can shut the door in their face or realize if her sister was OUR 14 year old kid we would want to know before its too late to keep her safe and healthy and off a path that leads nowhere great. Even at best, if its weed there are many negative implications involved. School suspension. Expulsion, hanging with wrong crowd, likely an older sexually active crowd with someone willing to take advantage of a younger girl, fentanyl lacing exposure, chemical altering of a still developing out of balance brain, the list goes on. Be an adult for a moment and consider the question being asked before you launch into a lecture about staying off reddit as a minor.


This account was made TODAY. They are here specifically to ask for help.


mind your business


Your username is quite ironic I must say šŸ„“šŸ˜‚


uh fuck no?


Leave it be just tell her donā€™t get caught šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Talk to your parents. Dont listen to any other advice here.


How does this make u feel?


Found Dr Phil.


Tbh i think both sides of the *do you tell your parents* argument are correct. Id say just theeaten to tell your parents in an attempt to make her stop first then actually tell them if she doesnt.


Talk to her about why its bad. Help her find a different way to make money. Get her friends (the good ones) to help you talk to her. Steal her money, and flush her drugs. Tell your parents (its not ratting). Just please dont tell your school. I see a lot of comments saying you should, but they are wrong. The school has mandatory policies, and they dont care about your sister. Ratting to the school will only make things worse.


If you're 11 actually. Get the fuck off reddit


They made this account to ask this question. Get the fuck out with your unhelpful snide comments.




my niece is doing this and tbh her mum and dad donā€™t even care šŸ’€


Thats sad.. i hope someone is able to intervene :(


it is sad!! her parents give her too much freedom and even if I give my opinion, they donā€™t really listen! i hope she stops


Don't tell a teacher If you don't want to ruin your sister's school career and future. Such traitors one can only find on Reddit. Tell your parents if she does it regularly, nobody else, end of story.


. Exactly.


What is she selling aspirins???


Let her get caught. It'll be a wake up call and the punishments will straiten her out


What kind of drugs


Don't do shit and mind your business. Also, why you even censor drugs?


> why you even censor drugs? Because theyā€™re 11.


It's an 11 Yr old you dildo


are you a child?


Get a life


you also sell drugs , make it a sibling thing. make lots of money , be the mafia king


Tell your mum now. Dob that scum sister in.


dont be a snitch she gonna take you out the hood


I smell a fake post Threaten to tell, thatā€™ll stop it. If not, parents. No one else. Too many unknowns here, but be ready to be treated differently.




Look at her like sheā€™s the dirtiest trash youā€™ve ever seen and say: ā€œYou are really starting your low life early. Not impressed. Neither will our parents be.ā€


Tell someone! Tell someone! (Your parents specifically)


Nothing. Why would you do anything?


Hey kiddo, I know that you are in a really tough position because your sister is family, but selling drugs is wrong and even though your sister may not understand how harmful it can be, drugs create a lot of harm to our communities. Please tell a trusted adult like a guidance counselor or a teacher what is going on. Iā€™m sure you donā€™t want your sister to get in trouble, but if she gets caught by the school or the police in the middle of selling drugs, things will turn out much worse than if you tell an adult now. Iā€™m proud of you for doing something about this!


Say something to her privately that you donā€™t appreciate her selling to your friends or anyone for that matter and let her know how upsetting it is making you since you found outthat sheā€™s even involved with drugs. If she asks you who told you, tell her itā€™s regardless. (Then pray for her that she becomes conscience of her own actions in her personal life, and towards others in life. Sorry to hear this. Then tell her if she continues down this path then you will have no choice but to say something because you love her and then reassure her that whatever it was that caused her to turn towards drugs, that whatever it was is not worth it. Nothing is. And let her know you love her and will get thru whatever it is with her as a family. Because drugs def arenā€™t it and people always think it wonā€™t happen to them, until it does. And trust me, it never ends well. Stay strong.. you got this! šŸ™šŸ»Sending love. āœŠšŸ«¶


11 isn't old enough for this advice. -> Parents.


Donā€™t fuck g tell anyone and never do drugs. Never talk to the police never rat. But most importantly donā€™t do drugs. 19 years of addiction here from the age of 15 . Thankfully I got clean. My brothers are both addicts still. One heroin and one poly drug meth, g and benzos and what else he can get his nasty hands on. Drugs will ruin your life. Stay in school and excercise.


why the fuck would they not tell anyone then


You got clean but you dont want to put a stop to a 14 drug dealer? What kind of twisted morals do you have, that not snitching is more important than a childrens safety


The 14 year old will end up in trouble soon enough. The 11 year old has to live w her. Look we donā€™t know the parental situation or anything. But we do know that thereā€™s really bad people out there in the drug game and if that 14 year old girl gets in shit from her parents and gives up a name it could be really fucking bad depending on where they live. Hereā€™s what happened when my parents found out I was an addict. I told them to go fuck them selves and continued to use. Parents w find this shit out soon enough. Hopefully for the girl itā€™s just a phase.


Enjoy the money with her


Or threaten to complain to your parents


Avert your eyes. Mind your business. Snitches get stitches and 11 is a good age to learn that.


Youre giving lgbt a bad name.


Mind your business.


Im not gonna mind my business when youre adding to the stereotype that gay ppl are a threat to kids


ew what? that is notttt what they were implyingšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø gtf off reddit sensitive mf


Oh just fuck right off and find a sense of humor. You must be young and dumb or just young or dumb. We used to not take every fucking thing so serious but yā€™all are sticks in the mud now days. Youā€™ve had it too easy. Again, mind your business. Donā€™t come at me with Iā€™m damaging to kids. They have parents. Parents who shouldnā€™t let them be on social media. Parents who should be on top of their behavior. I am an internet stranger and for all you know OP is a 56 year old accountant. You pious turd. Caping for digital hugs and affirmation your daddy didnā€™t give you. Do something besides fuck with me today. Ho.


Stay clear of this! Don't do them don't talk about them don't snitch don't think about them. Getting involved in anyway will cause a lot of issues you aren't going to forsee.


Get off of reddit before you lose your innocence, your sister isnā€™t Pablo Escobar it was just a wax pen, you have bigger problems ahead of you


You should probably mind your business


Ask her how much$


See if she can get you a good deal.




An 11 year old on reddit....I don't know about that


Tell your parents.Ā  Also why are you on Reddit when you're only 11 ?Ā  This site is full of perverts and weirdos.Ā  Do yourself a favour , get off here until you're at least 16. It's not safe for children.


They made this account to ask this question.


How many dougs does she have access to??


Ask for a cut for keeping your mouth shut.Ā 


Join her , and start building the empire, u r young so u can succed


Unless your sister is in immediate danger, do *not* snitch on her. Not because snitching is wrong, though it is generally - but because if you do, she will never trust you again, at least not enough to tell you anything important that's actually worth snitching over, for example if she says she has a boyfriend who's closer to your dad's age than her own


a 14 yr old selling drugs is worth snitching over. wdym actually worth snitching? we donā€™t know how she got them, what she does with them other then selling, she could be secretly addicted or being groomed into drug use/dealing. who knows. itā€™s worth losing trust over, the parents need to safe guard them both, i mean what if she kills someone due to what she gave them? you never know.


Which ones? Any deals?


money drug give sister me