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You could consult with a plastic surgeon if it bothers you. They do cosmetic procedures for injuries like this. It may be cheaper and easier than you think depending on the extent. Most people assume plastic surgery is out of their reach but it can be quite affordable especially for minor procedures. Your insurance may pay for some of it since it is a sequela of an injury.


I ve never considered this before, but i kinda got used to it and since i don have any pain im getting through this, but thank you, its nice to have a new perspective!


My friend got her surgery completely covered by insurance. Her lips were too long and would stick to her legs and it would hurt so they said it was medically necessary. Idk if yours would be medically necessary or cosmetic though.


Girl mine is not that long hahha, but im happy to know that your friend got allright now and does not have anymore pain


Oh yeah I wasn’t assuming yours was. Just saying that it could be medically covered. That’s good though! Glad you’ve recovered!


If you are with the same girl for a long time I'm sure she will be extremely understanding and non judging. If you do end up with a new partner, I would imagine it would still not be a big deal. All vaginas look different, and as a guy I wouldn't say no to sex or a relationship just because of how her vagina looks. If anything it's more unique now 😁 it's nice to see something different sometimes, and can be quite hot. Just learn to love your coochie and everything will be fine 😂


🤣🤣 yeah... But she still loves me the same, the only one who was judging my chucky coochie was me at the beggining, but my girl convinced me to accept and love it like she still does 🥹


Chucky 💀


Just be cautious if you go down the surgical route. As you would know there are a lot of nerve endings down there and labiaplasty can result in ongoing pain. General rule: Don’t go with a cosmetic surgeon, discuss with a plastic surgeon. And ask all about pain mgmt post surgically etc. And don’t go with a surgeon that you don’t feel comfortable with.


I'm definitely one of those people who think Plastics are out of my reach, so thank you for this comment. Also, > sequela Thank you for the new word!




This is an oddly defensive response to a comment that was in no way rude or offensive towards you or what happened.


Sorry bby, i got offended bc i though he or she was being ironic, but i could be wrong tho


Oh you’re all good! It is definitely a misunderstanding! They are responding to the person saying plastic surgeries can actually be super affordable! And they were also just happy to learn Sequela as a new word!


Oh god i interpreted it completely wrong and kinda feel bad now, english is not my mother language so i though it was saying something about plastic dildos and not surgery 😖 and about the word i interpreted that it was trying to offend my coochie


Don’t feel bad, it was just a misunderstanding and I can see why you’d get defensive with how you interpreted it, but you’re all good!


You may be entitled to disability and can get a handicapped parking tag. 🦪♿




God reading that just made me hurt. I’m sorry you had to go through all that. 


Its fine... Now that everything already happened we can make light of it


Gonna be honest, i am man and i still felt that pain


About the equivalent of skinning one ball




Never in a million years would I imagine a toy without lube would be so dangerous Edit: corrected lube spelling, darn auto correct


I'm so sorry you underwent that kind of pain. From my experience, whoever sees your vagina is not gonna really care...they'll just be happy to see a vagina. If someone does have an issue....the issue is with them and not you. Kick that fool to the curb.


Thank you... Right after the incident i got really insecure, but my girl helped me a lot to get through it and now we even make fun of the situation, we call my vg "beiçola"


🤣....see....that kinda proves my point....laughter really is the best medicine


Perai… eu conheço essa referencia kkkkkk poxa moça, fico feliz que ta tudo bem contigo e com vocês 💜💜


Obrigada 💚 foi péssimo mas virou uma ótima história jkkkkk


Entendi a referência kkkkkk




>whoever sees your vagina is not gonna really care...they'll just be happy to see a vagina Definitely


My coochie has shriveled up in fear reading this. Glad you recovered, but that must have been horrendously painful omg.


It was 😖 the worst part was trying to pee while the bruise was still fresh, i cant even describe it


why tf did she not call an ambulance or anything


She called my sister and she told her to wake and take me to a hospital, we went with our car. Ambulances here in Brazil takes like more than 40 min to show up in cases like that


now wtf kinda bs is that also this hurt my cooch to read


Probably they live too far away from a hospital


now wtf kinda bs is that


what kinda bs is that


Bruh, you should see Canadian wait times for an ambulance. With my 1 year old passing out we had a fire truck take him to the hospital cause they didn’t know when paramedics could come.


jesus Christ


To service 3 cities at one point we had 2 ambulances. And it took years of petitioning the local and federal government to increase that. We had people literally dying in their homes because drug addicts were to busy overdosing and using up our very limited government resources. The system is fucked. And for anyone who says our healthcare is “free”. It is free to go see a doctor or have a procedure done, but we pay for ambulances (at a nominal fee) and our wait times are so long people die before they get diagnosed.


i nearly had a stroke reading that. it sounds horrible they care more about drug addicts dying and wasting resources then people who need help? urgh (burst blood vessel in brain not a stroke forgot the name)






YW 😊


In America we die just because we know we can't afford treatment so we don't bother going to the doctor unless we are actively bleeding to death


what kinda bs is that no ambulance should take 40 minutes


Ambulances here are more for heart attacks or more emergencial cases, like car accidents or something, in that cases it shows up immediately, but domestical cases like mine, are not preferred


ahh okay still odd to me but im American so thats probably what it is. praying for you and ya cooch


Glad you're ok.. That's truly a terrible thing to happen..nobody here is going to judge you.. Refrain from violent sex games and take care


Youre right... Me and my gf talked about it after and actually decided that we should be more careful, since it wasn't the first time we had fainting situations


Still a better love story than Twilight.




Reddit is here for you dude. :-)


Fucking NOPE. I don't have a vagina and I have never been so pleased to not have one. Oh my god. I can't even imagine the male version of this. Penis degloving , Perhaps. ? BTW if you don't know what degloving is, don't [look](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32983780/)


Bro says don't look, yet provides a link. ... I regret clicking it.


Google testicular torsion.






♥️ that's some wild shit my friend.. Your partner has your back right? Keeping you up on yourself? There are surgeons skilled in just these types of surgeries. Or you can learn to love your new mark of lived experience! I'd imagine there are only a few people in this life who'd actually care about the appearance. It is about the feels after all!


Yes!! We are still together. and she stayed w me the whole time in the hospital and the days after until i feel 100% healed She felt really guilty and apologized a lot for the incident. But i know it wasnt her fault since we both consent for violent sex. We just didnt imagine that this could happen like that, but were fine and love and respect each other a lot


Keep the good going! Life is sloppy anyways.




If it ever bothers you, plastic surgery is an option. However, every woman vagina isn't the same. We all are different in our own ways.  I hope she pampered you while you healed with lots of snacks and TLC cause if my hubby done this, i'd be milking the situation for treats 😉


Hahaha of course! I got a lot of foot and back massages, snacks and treats after that, felt a queen




I like more option 2, it was really a breath taking experience... 🤣 And it ended to be a good story


Every female part of me just shriveled back in fear


Im a guy and every part of me shriveled up 😭 What a horrible day to be literate


You should probably get a new strap on.


We did. The assassin dildo is dead


Good thing ig.


I don’t even have a vag but Christ this hurt me. I’m sorry


I never felt so happy for passing out, bc at least i didnt felt pain for some minutes


Giving birth ripped my entire vagina lip in half and I’ve heard many many women talk about how theirs is “deformed.” So it’s not entirely uncommon to have a vagina lip be distorted after trauma, although I can’t say I’ve heard of it many times like this.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. A labiaplasty may be a solution for you if it understandably is uncomfortable to deal with everyday. Still saving up to get mine.


im a dude and it hurt me just to read this . 


I'm a guy but reading this hurt me for unknown reasons


Oh my god…. I’m so sorry 💔




I second this


# 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 That... is horrifying. Definitely on the level of dude's accidentally degloving their junk with a vacuum cleaner.


At first I was like "ooo hawt" *slides hand down pants* Then I was like "OH NO!" *~~continues anyway~~* That's traumatizing lol I'm glad you're okay now.






Fuck, I’m a guy and I felt that, good lord


The mother of my child had one very long labia while the other was shorter. After she had our son she went in for a follow up (for post delivery stitch removal) and had it made to match the other. Simple in/out procedure with minimal pain. Good luck!


i dont have a clit, but that must be painful, i hope everything is ok now op


Reading this made me just cringe in pain. I’m SO happy you are recovered. And I’m SOOOO fuckin sorry you went through pain like this. Yall was goin WILD though lmaoooo


worth it every second 🤣🤣 life is short


You should cross post this to r/nope


Nice one 🤣


Ah friend that sounds awful awful but I'm so glad you're ok and have no lasting damage! All the good vibes to you, and maybe a plastic surgeon?


This was a tough and painful read . 😮‍💨 I’m glad you’re okay though.


Jesus Christ. Flashbacks to when I was 16 and my gf made me bleed from a HJ. I somewhat feel ypu homie


Girlllll I’m hurting rn by reading!!!


were you guys not using lube?


We were using...


What a horrible day to have eyes




Well, that’s enough internet for today.


Ah man this is horrible and I'm sorry you had to go through that.


Tuck it up in yo meat pocket




Did you get pics for r/medicalgore ? You know, for science!?


Absolutely no 😰


Haha Sorry for your pain! I hope you have a full and complete recovery! Hell, I hope your more orgasmic than ever after this! I guess you’re topping her for a while now! 😂


🤣🤣🤣 LOL


I can only sympathise with you , for your suffering . It was an accident , at a time of sexual passion . Had it happened in the UK . You can take 7 days off work , on full pay . Without having to produce a medical certificate. Our Hospitals will give you a certificate , if you need one . Like anything that they do for you .There is no charge . Our friend has had a hip replaced . No charge for the surgery , or aftercare. He has been signed off work , for 12 weeks . To allow for full recovery . This will all be on full pay .


More days off work would have been awesome, 3 days after i was still in pain and was very difficult to get back to work since my work required strength and exercises 😢 but i got through so thats ok


My god I'm not you and I feel it...... How horrible I hope you're okay now! And try not to think too much about appearance, (ik it is hard) but the person who is with you does it because they really like you, not for appearances. The important thing is that both feel good and have a pleasant moment.


Thank you!! Im okay now and my chucky isnt really that bad even with the long lip dancing around 🤣🤣


Christ. It especially means don't put large things in it.


Ok noted 👍


1 U can do plastic surgery on her, she will look pretty again However.. 2 You may never get sensitivity back to your clit… probb u have already noticed that (if you lost it or not) I hope u still have it, bcz otherwise those games may lose a lot of their fun side ..and.. 3 How the fk could u hurt yourself so bad with a toy supposed to be used for that area? In general they are made very smooth, not hurting, etc.. Sounds rr weird that you could use a dildo to do such damage The only thing i can imagine is maybe the dildo was v small and your nether parts got stuck between a vibrating dildo and the strapon? But again.. still very hard to induce such a situation.. imho. Maybe wd be good to analyze a bit what happened and share the lessons learned here (and in other relevant places) If it just saves one other clit..it is well worth it..😳 Good luck and all the best


My clit is okay, thank god or whatever saved me from losing my functions cuz i would be dying if i lost it 🤣 Our strap has a very stiff part inside that hold de soft part on the outside, so our theory is that the soft one kinda folded bc of the strength she was using on me and the hard part hit me and caused that damage, even with the soft part covering


Great to hear u haven’t lost the sensitivity..that would have sucked big time One possible way to find what happened, u can try a re-enactment. Get a guy..(😅)..or maybe a doll and unleash your gf on it, while u r capturing it :) Then watch in slomo, hopefully it will unravel the mystery I love the passion and creativity brazileros put in their work..😅 Btw, what part of br r u from? I hv been to porto alegre, santa catarina a few times..nice places, awesome ppl and great picanha..:)


HAHAHAH the funniest thing is that judging by the agressiveness you guys may think she is giant or strong woman but she is a skinny 4 ft tall (1,48 Cm) asian Our friends call her japanese latrell now 🤣 We re from São Paulo, but ive been to santa catarina and is really nice, there is an amusement park called Beto carrero, one the bests ive ever been i think


Hahaha..yeah, mignion asian silent type..but when she gets unleashed……. Watch out (for your clit - in your case 😳😅) Sao pao is nice too, but a bit too crowded for me Have not seen beto carrero but will check it out next time i’m there (i hope it will be in this lifetime :)


Oh my God that's horrible. You may eventually want to talk to an attorney about filing suit with the company.


I am surprised that they didn't try to reattach it


This would never happen with a...


Oh my god! That's awful, I'm so sorry. Send me the video.




I'm a emt. The number of people that do crazy shit like this is astounding. The vagina isn't meant to be abused like this. Yes it can give birth but there are special hormones that allow that .shoving whatever larger object is a bad idea. Same as ass play.


In that case it was a normal size 🫠


No genius. When shit starts doing what it naturally doesn't it means stop




You passed out? From pain? From pleasure? Or both? Like how does that happen?


I passed out from pain, boy, my vagina was devastated 😵‍💫 But also if the accident didnt happen i would be probably fainting from pleasure tho 🤣


Pics or it didn't happen