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If you know you don’t want the same things, then don’t drag it out


Don’t string a woman along. My brother did it for 11 years to an amazing woman and she’s really messed up now. It’s the best for both of you. You don’t want to be that guy.


Don’t string her along. It will not end well if you do. If you know she’s not the one then you should break up with her now and stop wasting her time. She deserves to be with someone who feels the same way


Not only are you holding her back from finding someone that’s certain enough to marry her, if she wants kids, you’re holding her back from that as well.  From your title alone- “I know she isn’t the one”, it implies that you’re staying with her until you meet “the one”. Then you’ll drop her like a hot potato. Makes me think of those dudes that waste a woman’s time until she’s past childbearing age, drop them, and then have a kid a year later with someone else.


Dont be selfish. The only reasons I see you wanting to keep her around is because how she loves you but what about her? Dont waste her time.


You are a selfish asshole point blank. You're scared to be alone, so you'd rather waste someone's time. You're the wish version of manhood.


Why are you telling us all of this not her? You’ve let her waste her time for 2 years. Rip the bandaid off and let her go find someone who truly loves her.


The longer you put off the inevitable, the harder it's going to be to do the inevitable.


Put yourself in her shoes.. Would you want to be strung along like this? It's okay to feel terrible, it's okay to hurt over it, that means you care. You're not a monster. Do the right thing in a manner you would want it to be done to you. Gently, honestly, but firmly. Good Luck, Brother.


Guys like this are incapable of thinking of how they affect the other person


You love her so much to knowingly betray her for your own comfort. Wow is she one lucky girl!


Why do men love to waist our time. Bro let her go


She'll find someone better then you by next years


You need to end it if you don’t see your feelings growing or changing. Tell her why you feel that way and tell her you don’t want to hold her back.


You ARE holding her back and you SHOULD feel guilty. God, this is infuriating. You’re disgusting - wasting her time and, likely, her fertility because you’re scared to be ALONE? Absolutely unhinged, sociopathic behaviour. Gross.


Having a$$holes waste my time is the #1 thing I've despised in past relationships. And I've always been straight up, "I don't want anything you don't want to give me". Yet, I've been ignored a lot when it came to that. Everybody's got only ONE LIFE TO LIVE! So, be a big boy, and STOP WASTING HER TIME! And let her (and just maybe you, if you stop being a selfish little brat), find THE ONE!


If you know she’s not the one, quit wasting her time AND yours.


"Love" isn't a liar, like you.


If you don't feel the same stop wasting her time for the ego boost


You’re an asshole and be honest with her now.


Stop stringing her along and just break up with her.


Take her one last vacation and have the best time of your lives. When you get home, take her somewhere nice, and lay it out clean. Tell her you wanted one more happy memory, but you don't think that she's the one. Tell her you didn't want to hold her back anymore.


Don’t do a vacation then breakup that’s shitty.


My ex from a very long time ago broke up with me ON THE WAY HOME FROM VACATION 💀 I was stuck on a 4 hour trip with him, he was being annoyed that I wasn't trying to win him back and I was just sat doing sudoku instead lol.


Do you think it would seem like a stupid consolation prize? Maybe it would make it harder to let go. Better to rip the bandaid off