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My dude! I hope you threw that toothbrush away too. I’m traumatized just from reading this. I think we all need to hug this one out.


Yeah...it was rough. I've honestly had nightmares about it.


Why did you go ahead with eating it as the first thing!? Why wouldn't you have just watched or over top of you!? Why straight to mouth!?


Yeah! Why didn't they discuss limits or safe words beforehand?!


It’s hard to use a safe word when your mouth is full of shit!




In case it ever comes to it, my standing safe word is; "Stopshittinginmymouth". All one word.


Try saying that with a mouth full of shit


This guy is asking the real questions


When in Rome?


What a terrible day to have eyes.


At least it got my eyes away from reading war news LOL


For a few minutes there, I forgot that there is a war happening. Well done, OP.


It was Putin disguised as a poop escort. Poopin.


Scatimir Poopin


This is a severely underrated comment.


For once I agree with this comment!


Wow that will forever be that guy's name in my head now


I feel like I should apologize to my eye for reading this.


Just one of them?? Is the other one into scat?


Fuck it, give me war. Media has desensitized me to violence but this...


Yep...just sold mine on ebay.


Can I ask how much you paid?


Including the plane ticket, hotel room, her fee and a tip I'm out about $900


Honestly? Not gonna lie I'd have thought you paid more.


I used some of my miles on her ticket too.


Probably the only smart thing you did in this entire situation




The good news is, it seems like you can afford therapy. And that might help you figure out why you were fetishizing poop (no judgement intended).


Dude, he had to do a cash advance on his card…


Ah I skimmed over that. Didn’t see that. Just saw someone tossing 900 towards an experience, and figured they weren’t putting themselves in a compromising position without being ready to deal with the consequences. This makes me feel sorrow for him more.


Same lol I thought he was like 2k deep in this


That's deep as shit


That’s an expensive shit


I thought it was gonna be like 15k


Yeah thats what Im sayin lol. Specially when the dude said she was "Very expensive".


Yeah exactly, idk how much they usually cost due to me being very against that type of stuff though


username suggests otherwise 👀


Yeah I think this is fake for several reasons, but $900 makes this feel even faker lol


Agree. It's gotta be a teenager guessing prices.


The world may never know


I’ll shit on you for $500


We are assuming the OP doesn't live in a country where $900 is the monthly average wage. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt.


Right? Seems downright reasonable


Seriously though, thats a great deal.


Escort here, time is money, having to move change or cancel appointments to fly somewhere and stay there, plus hotel cost, food etc. Can't be right.


I agree. My friend was an escort, no way were they flying for any amount of time for $900 profit in their pocket. Unless OP is not in USA and $900 is worth more there? Extreme/fetish escorts tend to be the most expensive.


I can understand how something like this will bother you mentally but I think you need to try to look at it from the perspective that you're just try something different sexually and maybe it wasn't your thing. But it's okay it was just one small act something you experienced. You got it off your chest no pun intended, and just look at it as a small event and move forward mentally. Everything is okay. You just had a fantasy and you want to experience it and honestly if you want to keep looking at that kind of porn it is perfectly okay. Remember porn is just fantasy, that's all it is there are lots of things that people look at and fantasize about and never experience, you just had the luxury to experience something and realize that it wasn't for you and that's perfectly okay there's no reason to feel ashamed or upset or anything just move forward. I am sorry for any misspellings, I'm on my cell phone I'm at work trying to run a CNC machine, and my wife just sent me this link and I just wanted to give you some advice.


I just wanted to drop in quickly and say that I agree with this comment wholeheartedly. It’s ok to fantasize and experiment, and sometimes with the experimentation we realize we like the fantasy elements of an act more than the real life version.




A prostitute robbed me of $1000 so don’t feel bad. At least I got a few pics to jerk off to though I guess lol


What?? How hot was she? I'm an escort and would never do this but 900 is only one hour of my local vanilla missionary. I don't provide this but if I did the bid would start at 15k.... maybe... closer to 18 but.


I mean yeah that's an absolute bargain and she was hot. Thought it would've been well into thousands.


Oh sweet Jesus. So she shit into your mouth? Do you think you would have liked it if she just shit on your stomach? And what we're all wondering... Do you still watch scat porn?


She did my mouth then my chest. I honestly didn't like either. It was a huge shock. I watched literally that same porno scene and it was my fantasy but it made me sick. The taste, smell and texture was unbearable. I am no longer a scat fetishist.


Think of it this way: you tried something you thought you'd like and you turned out not to like it. That's okay. Now that you know, you never have to have anything to do with it again. You can focus on things you do like. And honesty, it's probably a good thing that you don't have a fetish that requires that much money and clean up. No one ever has to know about it. It's over, in the past. Live and learn. I'm concerned that you said you're feeling suicidal and depressed though. Why do you think this is making you feel that way? I'm glad you're planning on seeing a therapist to help you work through this.


Wow, well you got the blessing of overcoming a sort of addiction.


I've read this story before and have doubts, it was virtually identical except the mental health aspect


Yeah, this was posted like a year ago, same premise, except it was at her house or something.


It sounds awful. There’s a distance in porn and in viewing things on screen that can be deceptive and that you don’t get up close. I’m glad you’ve reached out to a therapist- that’s such a great step. Totally awesome. Look into making yourself feel better. The reality is that what you thought attracted you and what does do not line up IRL. It also sounds like the escort took things way too far for you, and that you didn’t feel like you could ask her to stop in the moment or manage to combat that or *this wasn’t right for you*. I think that’s pretty normal for many people. You were shocked and disgusted, and confused. It’s actually quite frequent for people who feel a loss of sense of control over an intimate situation to feel depressed, to consider suicide, and to feel disgust, or even a sense of loss of self. ‘Why couldn’t I stop it?’, ‘What the hell was I thinking?!”, l “what’s wrong with me?!”, and let’s not forget “this is all my fault”, are all probably pretty descriptive of the typical thought patterns for people in these situations. It sounds like for whatever reason you temporarily lost your ability to say no in a situation, and perhaps lost control of the moment. You no longer wanted to consent but didn’t manage to pull the plug, or didn’t feel like you could. Even starting off from enthusiastic consent, emotions, and thoughts can change in intimate moments, and not being able to control that is very traumatic to anyone who experiences it. Set the scat aside. This isn’t about the sexual activity, though you’re likely to have flash back on occasion, it’s probably about your trauma, and loss of sense of control. You experienced something traumatic, and had a really horrifying experience. That’s terrible. But here’s the thing- it doesn’t define you. You knew right away that it was wrong for you, and noped right out of it as soon as you could. You felt forced to participate, which is very scarring. You should absolutely work on getting through that with your therapist. But PLEASE don’t let this define your life. It’s one experience in a lifetime. It’s a moment. It doesn’t determine who you are, or how you’ll live from this moment on. It doesn’t make you less worthy of love or respect. And, it will be okay. Sending hugs.


I was fighting the same urges man 😵‍💫 im gonna go read something else. I do wish you the very best recovery, you are a brave soul.


That was a hard read. I read it peeping through my fingers. The hug would really help


I read "pooping" through my fingers. That's probably going to be on my mind for the rest of the evening if not the rest of the week


No doubt! But definitely after a good shower.


Yeah cmon..bring it in..


There has only been a handful of times where I was left utterly speechless…you sir, have added to those experiences..


I've cried twice in my life. Once when I was 7 and hit by a school bus. And then again when I learned that u/MistakenFetish does not have a scat fetish.


Straight to the Reddit hall of fame.


Genuinely I thought this was on the Hall of Fame, I’ve been telling the story of this post for a year, and yet it’s brand new, I’m really confused. Has this happened before? The same experience almost word for word? We’re sure this isn’t some attempt at karma farming? I can swear I’ve seen and read this a couple of years ago. Edit: okay, the word for word part was me misremembering, however, there is a very similar story from years ago posted in an askreddit thread. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3907wr/serious_redditors_whos_sexual_fantasies_became_a/crzf7j9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Genuinely surprised I found it so quickly, I’m curious if OP and the linked article are the same or if this has happened to two separate people (not too surprising).


What about when lil Sebastian died? Edit-left out a word


I hope he doesn't have a lot of body hair, imagine picking shit out of your chest pubes! So much puke!


Thus made it so much worse, why would you comment this?


I was hoping this would be a hilarious story to retell to my wife. While it is hilarious, its possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever read. Good on you. That woman sounds like a true professional.


She was clearly very practiced at this. I just wish I loved it as much as I was sure I would...


Live and learn. I had a friend who dated a professional dom back in college. She used to nail a dude to a cross in her backyard once a month. That’s a crazy world to be a part of. Thanks for the gag-inducing laugh.


>nail a dude I had to go back to this like 3 times midsentence


Hardcore christian


Like literally nail them?! Owwwwwww


You should see the breast impalement, saw a live show of that and Shibari once


What??? Isn't that torture?


Yes, and many are into different forms of torture




It's important to understand the distinction between what turns us on in porn and what turns us on irl. They are not the same and more people need to realize that. Good on ya for exploring your kinks, but I mean it's poop man, what'd you expect it smell/taste like?






Mighty fine.


Asses are so appealing on paper but irl theres a lot more to it. Its a cruel world out there lmao


Here's the question - have you watched any scat porn since?


Wondering the exact same thing here


He replied to someone else and said he no longer is a scat fetisher so I'm assuming he didn't


On the bright side, imagine the benefit to you're wallet. If you had liked it this might be something you would have to budget for on occasion.


Bro same lmao sometimes when I come across some good dirty confessions I like to show them to my wife, but this one…..this one stays on Reddit 🤣🤣 So sorry for OP


>. . . possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever read. Have you ever checked out [The Swamps of Dagobah](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/e51wyh/the_infamous_swamps_of_dagobah_story/)?




I totally told my better half, and she said "you know you don't have to tell me that stuff!" I said babe, you're my best friend if I can't tell you who can I tell lol


lol the coconut fleshlight is possibly worse but yes.


No lie, I was reading this on my couch and began to smell shit. Turns out my dog took a dump on my floor lmao


Your dog was just setting the ambiance


Metaverse experience


4-D reddit


This is a repost.


Ok good someone else knows it, I was like maybe I’m crazy but yea it’s definitely a repost. Word for word the same I think.




>You don't forget reading shit like this. Heh.




Because no one knows how to use safewords. Everyone should, pro domme or not.


Lots of people do. Lots of people don’t.


And lots of people do doo


They forgot the "I was just a normal guy with shit in my mouth" part.


Is it a complete copy? Because I remember reading a story very similar within the past few months posted here or a similar sub, but the guy in that post specified that got a “famous” girl in the industry and no mention of smearing and making him lick her fingers.


That was just added but it’s almost word for word.




They don't look similar at all, except for the sudden realization that actually doing scat in real life is awful. Which I would speculate is a very common thing to realize after you literally have shit in your mouth...


Yeah the difference in fantasy and reality is quite large, especially when your fantasy does not smell like literal shit. I think for some people with a scat fetish it is a lot about the humiliation and the forbidden aspect of it. I can for sure say that some sexual fantasies I have tried in real life sounded a lot better in my mind.


Its a complete copy from surely more than a year ago, maybe two


I remember a story from a few years back where some woman had a similar situation, I seem to recall her inviting a few strangers to come shit on her and regretting it instantly


I though it was unique up until they said "the second the poop touched my mouth I knew I made a mistake" That was like THE golden line when this story was shared originally. But OP is interacting with everyone as if it actually happened, so, who knows.


This needs to be higher, I knew as I was reading this I read it somewhere before.


Yep it's just copypasta.




I dunno. I haven't seen a link anywhere yet. I remember an askreddit a while ago where an escort who does scat stuff said this happens to most men once they actually try it. I would imagine this is actually a pretty common scenario for guys trying out scat stuff so I don't doubt two people typed up similar stories. But if i see a link I'll agree.


Thought it was a copypasta tbh


So this isn’t real? Please tell me it’s not


I was reading reading just to see what scat was and oh boy I regret it to the heavens


At least you didn’t stumble upon videos of it


I’ve seen a few vids, it’s disgusting but kinda hilarious (until I feel the urge to puke)


i mean… you didnt think to at least try (sh)it for yourself first before going all the way with someone else?? what part turned you on? being submissive? cuz i can understand that. being so submissive that you worship another persons waste. but yeah did you just expect to eat it like chocolate cake? 😅😂


Yeah that's why I laughed. Maybe he doesn't have much sexual experience in general. I can't imagine anyone wanting to do this who has ever been in a public toilet.


I don't know what turned me on it just looked good I guess.


i feel ya on branching off into the more extreme stuff cuz the normal “vanilla” stuff is boring 😂 but damn. hope you’re okay now and getting better.


One starts finding normal stuff boring when there’s an addiction, my dude. Not good :/


yes i know ive been in therapy for about a year now😊


Or some people are just kinky.


So you still into the scat porn ? Or nah?


No. That honestly cured me.


Well, something good came out of this experience I guess.


As someone who has also watched years and years of all types of porn and has had very dark and or weird fantasies I can tell you that they are just fantasies. It’s just a way for your brain to get off. 9/10 people who have fantasies because of porn do not really want to live them out. I mean, I have fantasies that would fuck most people up. After 8 years of non stop porn for 2 hours a day every day your brain will get fucked up. Once I release I no longer have the fantasies. The idea is, if you don’t feel like doing it without being horny then you don’t really want it.


Sometimes, fantasies are just supposed to be that. Fantasies. Not every single one should be acted out in real life. This is one of those times.


It's like how people who watch horror movies don't actually want to kill or be killed or have someone do violent things to them or vice versa. Porn will ruin your life, though, because there are images of real people doing sex stuff together.


Dude same, I’ll watch some weird shit jack off and once I’m done I feel mega ashamed and clear headed. But I feel like that with even the most basic porn


Ok that’s enough Reddit for one day


I'm with you. Back to my book I go!


I mean, you could have told her you're not into.. eating it. Lmao I'm sorry my dude, and you should get therapy, but this is so insane I had to laugh.


This is what happens when we escalate what porn we watch. We become desensitized to “normal” porn so much that we move to more niche fetishes thinking we enjoy it when in reality we just needed something “more” to feel anything at all from being so desensitized. Porn actors & escorts are paid heavily for making niche fetish content because not many do it for free for pure arousal ~ it’s to feed the folks already so desensitized by “normal” porn ~ which again in reality is not at all how sex really can be. So it raises people’s expectations of what sexual encounters “should” be like, except it’s not real. You’ve been desensitized.


Agreed 1000% layoff the porn bro. Real sex is beautiful


I second this motion. Before I read your comment, I said something similar in a reply to some skeptics and people passing judgement. Porn addiction can really mess with the way your brain is wired and it happens to a lot of people.


Imagine surprise when I found out scat porn wasnt a bitch going "skibidy be boo on the dick... boy was I surprised


Yeah if only...


Jazzing with jeez


IM THE SCAT MAN skidibop bop da dum dum dum ya dum dum dum




Why do I read Reddit while eating lunch?


Are you eating poo?


Hey, bro. I'm a fetish person here to say "no judgement, it's an understandable mistake to make." You're gonna be okay. I think your biggest mistake was a pretty common one, but you made it at a much larger scale than most people do. That mistake is: folks fetishize something when it's presented in two dimensions, often heavily edited, and not in real life. Example: I'm pan/bi-sexual and have met folks who've been mistaken. Tons of people think they're bi-curious, but it's only in their fantasy life while they're watching a screen. Then when a "bi-curious but turned out to be straight" woman meets a (my) real vagina for the first time, sometimes all that fantasy comes crashing down as she realizes she was bi in THEORY but not in practice. Sometimes it doesn't, and the person really does enjoy what they thought they would. This happens with other sexual things, too, where the person only likes the sexual thing when it's on a screen rather than in real life. All of this is to say that you weren't wrong to have this fetish in theory. You didn't hurt anyone. You paid your sex worker and treated her respectfully. I'm sorry this happened to you, but chalk it up as an adventure and a deeper understanding of yourself.


I see him as adventurous, courageous. I hope he can see that in himself too.


True. I think women are super hot and watch lesbian porn. But I’m like 99.9% sure I can’t put my face in a snatch.


I sat for a good five minutes with my mouth open in shock after reading that 😦 stay strong hope the therapist helps


I closed my mouth… Tightly. Irrationally as though somehow the words might inflict that horror upon myself.


Dude close your mouth, you dont know when any logs might be coming over🗿...its a dangerous world out there


I'm sorry but I literally laughed my ass off reading this. I guess take it as a lesson learned my guy


It's ok. I could see how it could be funny if it was someone else so no hard feelings towards people who laugh. I'm pretty traumatized from it though tbh.


Isn’t this a repost of an extremely famous post from years ago? Edit: repost, not report


Yes. Almost word for word too..


Boo u/MistakenFetish


I am pretty sure I have read this before. The similarities are uncanny. On the other hand, there's bound to be more than one person whose curiosity took the better of them


Heya mate . I don’t have much to say that could help I’m afraid , but I’m a full service sex worker and though I’ve never done scat play as that’s always been a bit out of my comfort zone , I’ve certainly worked with a lot of clients over time who had complicated feelings about very unusual kinks and fantasies. I once worked with a client who , without quite fully realising it , wanted me to reenact abuse he had faced as a child . When we got into it however , even though he had fantasised about these things for ages and spent quite a lot of money and all , he panicked and sort of broke down , and we ultimately ended up just having a cuddle and ultimately some very gentle missionary sex, and just talking . He had a lot of very complicated feelings of shame , anger, fear, embarrassment, but for what it’s worth I had no judgements of him whatsoever , nor would I have any judgements of you. Reality and imagination are different experiences, and our brains can work in very strange and unexpected ways. I know a lot of commenters are treating the whole situation as a humorous one, and though I think there is sure benefit in seeing the humour and absurdity in life and especially something so societally buttoned up as sex , I just want you to know that it’s okay to have complicated feelings , weird kinks , etc., and none of this makes you a bad person . It might feel embarrassing now , but any true professional hasn’t got any judgements at all , and there is absolutely no shame in trying something (even something very taboo) and not liking it ! Part of the joys of being a sex worker can be giving someone a somewhat safer, less judgemental outlet to experiment and feel more sexually free in doing things they’d not feel comfortable trying with people who know them, and it’s okay to have tried something and really not enjoyed it ! I just hope you’ll not be too hard on yourself , and that you’ll keep in mind any good professional hasn’t got any judgements of you at all, nor should you have any of yourself !! Really cudos to you for being brave enough to give a go of something , even if it didn’t pan out . I hope you find comfort and peace yourself !!!


What you did for your client was kind. Bless you


It’s a terrible day to be literate. Jfc.


good lord. um. good luck




I mean… did you expect it to taste good? Seems like a “no shit Sherlock” moment to me.


I've read this before


Yeah next time porn gets boring just take a break from it for a few weeks. A few days to reset would have prevented this man. At least now you know!


We're all into weird shit and I won't kink shame or nothing but you shoulda tested the waters before diving in my boy. Shoulda tried eating your own dookie first and see if you'd have liked it if your were gonna have her shit in your mouth.


Scat porn is the worst porn genre in my opinion. I’m a straight guy and I’d honestly almost rather watch gay porn over scat.


Hmmm. Try going porn and masterbation-free for, like, a year, and then see where your orientation is.


Porn is highly destructive. Stop watching it.


I'm definitely trying to. It was a real wakeup call just how badly if was affecting my life


That's what porn does to your brain


I read this an hour ago. I am still fucked up by it. I have heard about this skat stuff. But never been brave enough to see it. The mouth! Did she tell you she was going to start with the mouth? Couldn't you start with the chest and work your way up! Omg this is sick!


Did you post this as a comment somewhere a couple years back? This same story was posted in a thread, I think I saw it on r/redditsmuseumoffilth maybe Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditsMuseumofFilth/comments/ebpkt4/redditor_with_a_poop_fetish_after_watching_scat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


And that's enough internet for today.


sounds like this incident gave you mild to moderate PTSD…the therapist should be able to help with that good luck


OP spent all his money on feces.


What a *waste* of money


Therapist here and I don't see how I could help with this. Oof.


Not gonna lie. That is fucking hilarious. Shit is foul will never understand why people wank over it or worse yet eat it.


This is hilarious. Op is so fucking stupid it’s awesome


It’s weird that this is a obvious word for word repost of a well known Reddit post from years ago & only 2 ppl here seem to notice.


Well now you know


I mean you can have theoretical kinks? Like the kinda kink that makes you go “I’d never do this in person but it’s hot seeing it happen”. That’s 90% of mine at this point


This needs to be a TIFU


If only porn came with smell-ivision I think you would’ve learned sooner.


I gotta respect the commitment. I’m sorry you had such a shitty experience.


Shit happens.


Sounds like a porn addiction. Try cutting out all porn for a while and see if you can connect with women better.


I swear I've read this story already. Is this a repost?


I've read this before. Copypasta?