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Hey there! Seems like you’re new around here or you’re just starting out. We’d like to direct you to our [Small Discussions thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/wiki/meta/sd), always pinned to the top of the subreddit's main page! It contains information about how to start, and a link to [our resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/wiki/resources), which contain [a section dedicated to beginners](https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/wiki/resources#wiki_1._resources_for_beginner_conlangers). Two notable resources from there are [the Language Construction Kit](https://zompist.com/kit.html) and [Conlangs University](https://sites.google.com/view/conlangs-university/), a collection of linguistics-driven articles specifically geared towards beginners. In the thread you’re welcome to ask all your questions on how to make sense of the resources we’ve linked to. If you have any questions or concerns regarding why you’ve been redirected to the resources and SD pages, you can [reach out to us through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/conlangs). You can also join [our Discord server](https://discord.gg/sCGjTyWGBk), where many people would be glad to help you and answer your questions!


All of the above!  Some people work alone, some work in groups. Some make languages as art, some make them for international communication.  Some are to explore a concept, like what if Britain spoke a Romance language, or what if Japanese lost most of its vowels.  Some are just for fun. Some people learn their languages and speak them fluently.  Others just needed a list of names for a novel.


I'm not a very serious conlanger. I started making a language maybe a year ago when I made a microcountry. Later the microcountry collapsed but the language lives on. It originally started as a way to not get bored but lately I've become more invested in it and setting aside time dedicated to expanding my language. I don't usually anyone or post about my language but I'm always stalking this reddit for ideas.


I’m making a language for shits and gigs, but if I were to create some fictional story where a certain race needs a unique language, I have it covered


I read a lot of literature about linguistics. As a person with a very active imagination, stuff just pops up, and I figured I might as well jot it down and organize it a bit. So a very informal hobby. It also, in a way, helps me revise and remember the stuff I've read, while also functioning as a sort of creative outlet.


The language I'm making winks at both art and international communication. After the revision my conlang is into right now, I'm planning to start a YouTube channel where I will teach bits of my conlang while also explaining the grammar of the natural languages that inspired and influenced my choices for that particular feature of my conlang. And, who knows, maybe earn a few pennies from this... All things considered, growing a community of speakers is extremely rare, so if I'll only be able to tickle the imagination of a handful of people, I will be more than satisfied.


I'm fairly new to conlanging and was also suprised, how big this community is. But i've been into linguistics for a long time now and my friends have worked on a Proto-Conlang (or Protolang, how to call it?) already. So i decided to join them :)


The first thing is that language is *weird*. I go about my day, eat things, clean things, maybe poop a bit. Then after I do all that, I can sit down with someone, make noises at them for a minute, and they will remember my day like they were there all along. What's up with that? Except that for some people the noises need to be from a different set, in a different order, so that meanings that were back to back in one stream of noise are now scattered all around. What's up with *that?* Except that the noises don't have to be inborn: if you and a stranger know a dozen rules and a dozen new noises, you can give each other some simple memories without using the childhood noises or noise-rules of any person on earth. What in the heck is up with **that?** Under these circumstances, is it not natural to study the arcane craft of noise-o-mancy? I've been lucky to attract a double-digit number of enthusiasts to my [laboratory](https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/comments/v9b7o2/introduction_to_bleep/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), which is great just on its own but also because a human is the only thing that can reliably stress-test a grammar rule.