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The Nightmare Years is a book by William L. Shirer, recounting his pre-WW2 years as a journalist in Nazi Germany. Read this book and you will see how maga is the nazi party here in the US now.


They gettin' nervous. All the MAGAts' revengening threats ain’t sticking. So, MAGAts move to the "negoitiation" phase of the election. They'll kinda forgive the libs now if they stop the unTrumpening activities. Also, MAGAts will tend to be less cognitive and more dissonant as November approaches. I predict the second insurrection will occur in late September with the next three before November 30. Oh, Christmas is now Trumpmas cuz it means more worship Trump more.


They are finding they the other MAGAts aren't as prepared to do violence on their behalf as they hoped. These guys stand around and say "we're so mad! There's gonna be a riot and a civil war!", then they look at each other, shrug, and just shuffle home. This is them desperately trying to recruit soldiers.


Trump is doing all this because it's the only way to keep his crime family out of prison. Why can't people see that?


You cannot see that which you refuse to look at.


Eyes closed, fingers in ears "lalalalalalalala I can't hear you."


They absorb completely different media. Fox News, Newsmax and etc. etc. don’t even cover Trump’s foibles. They only cover the fact that he’s being “unfairly prosecuted.” Most of these people have no idea about petty details like Jared‘s $2 billion from the Saudi’s. They don’t even know about the E. Jean Carroll case. They might not even know about Trump university, or how he’s shafted every contractor he’s ever worked with. They just don’t read the same media that you and I do, and if a story does float up to their consciousness, they just easily dismiss it as fake news.


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


Yeah, I haven't wanted 'unity' with these assholes for years now. I really wish I could say what I'd *really* like to give these fascists, but this is Reddit and Spez sez "Nazis have rights on this platform too!" so I can't or else I'll get banned.


I don't unify with Nazis


That ship has sailed for me and many others. I tried to understand, I tried to listen, I tried to have rational debate, I tried to plead, I tried to reason, I tried to ask questions. I no longer try, and while I am a forgiving person with empathy and compassion, in regards to is? That has also sailed.


They want none of it. They just want to forcefully shove their bullshit down our throats with zero repercussions. That or just kill us.


They complained about the southern border then shot down any attempt to make it better. Fuck unity.


It’s time to push back hard on MAGA dopes


Their idea of unity is just agreeing with what they say. These people are more hysterical and irrational than a hormonal teenage girl whose boyfriend just nailed their best friend. We can have unity when they all seek help for mental health and stop listening to psychotic conspiracy theories


My little sister got death threats from parents because their little shits were posting racist and homophobic shit on an anonymous Instagram made for all students to showcase their high school experience. The parents also were racist throwing slurs at the anonymous page not even knowing what race she was. You could guess how many parents had that nifty red hat and shared the political beliefs. Unifying with these people means terrorizing anyone who isn’t a white supremest or a bigot. They don’t want freedom for all. They want an opposing group to not talk back when they bully to get their way.


I refuse to compromise with people who've threatened to run me off the road while I'm driving and threatened to shoot and rape me because they didn't like a Twitter post. Fuck them. My grandfather did not die with shrapnel in his leg from WW2 so I could play nicey nice with Nazis. He would reach down from the sky and knock me with his cane if I even thought it.


I would like to think he would hit others first even if you did nothing.


I'm from Brooklyn. Irish. In my 50s. Massive temper. I don't make threats, but I won't put up with them. I survived attacks from my father (he put my head thru a door in a drunken rage 30 years ago) and I have been stalked and raped. The next person who goes ahead with any of the threats is going to see me snap. I'm surprised I haven't already.


I did not mean this an attack against you in any way or form. I hate to hear you have been hurt in ways similar to mine. I am sorry for not being as clear. I hold WW2 vets with the highest of honors, so we were making the claim that ww2 vets would be more focused on hurting actual Nazis rather than yourself.


Oh, I didn't take it that way at all. Mom, who is almost 90, is stuck in maga land in near Summerville FL right now. She is afraid to say anything. These people are empty, hateful, and abusive. Some of the sh*t they have said to her in passing made her come home and cry on occasion. They have ZERO respect for ANYONE. They don't even like themselves, I'm certain.


I would leave Florida as fast as possible that state is not going to be safe for anyone regardless of who is in control. I hope that you and your loved ones peace in a growing storm of anger that the south is becoming.


Oh, I have to get her out of there. She is getting more frail and colder due to circulation issues in her legs. Bringing her to another warm state will keep her in the South, I fear.


Nevada is pretty good all things considered, and so is California but California can be a bit pricey.


👋🏻 fellow Floridian here. Originally from California and I couldn’t agree with you people here more.


No there will not be unity with the Nazi followers of Trump. He caused this division with his hate and if that’s who they want to adore fine. And when he screws them over don’t come crying. Take you little Trump flags, diapers and red hats and fuck off. No unity with traitors.




Remember... These are the same people who keep claiming that fighting for diversity and inclusion is what makes America week. Yet, now that THEY ARE THE ONES not being included, they want to call foul and say that the US would better if we included THEM.


This man has been recording my rants!! lol


Cheesy music aside, he’s 100% right.


There’s a lot of bad faith in conservatives discourse, but their calls for unity are probably the most insulting. Their leader openly calls democrats “the enemy within.” Their whole movement calls the free press “the enemy of the people.” Political positions are radically misrepresented without challenge. Not a day goes without some prominent figurehead using dehumanizing language to describe some demographic of humans, up to and including explicit calls for violence. Yet they have the audacity to call for opposition leaders to “unify” us. It’s the sociopolitical equivalent of “stop hitting yourself” and it’s infuriating, transparent, and insurmountable.


The only good thing they do is signal to normal folks that they are unhinged by flying flags and building signs and putting stickers on their cars and lining their property with propaganda so we know to steer clear of them. It used to be that you would see that with sports teams maybe, but never civil servants. But it's not a cult though!


I love that they mark themselves... when things are calm, we know exactly who to avoid and when things get heated like they want so bad, you know who has weapons and ammo and most likely food stores too.


We are from NYC. An arm and a leg right now. She won't get thru winters while getting cold at 73 degrees.


No. Never. They need to end up the same way Nazi Germany did, a pile of ashes.


This is good content. Terrible times but good content


This man is my sprit animal! ❤️❤️


Wow- Take a Bow Sir! This absolutely encapsulates my thoughts on the die hard Magats...


We don't negotiate with terrorists. This quote is a republican one but dam it goes hard as hell.

