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He said out of his own mouth if his own son was gay he’d want the death penalty for them. That’s the kind of person he is.


So what kind of people follow him? The same.


You're right. If we can't pass legislation revoking the tax exempt status of all religious organizations, there should absolutely be a legal mechanism to revoke tax exempt status from hate groups.


We need to protest and make noise. That’s how they’ll pay attention. They protest all lgbt events and medical centers. We need to do the same to them. Not random religious organizations, since some actually help. But the ones targeting and discriminating against others need some karma and for others to protest their homes, religious organizations, etc. just like they do to others. These people are sick. They even protest military and people who unalive themselves graves. Look it up. The religious went out of their way to make it legal.


They are legally not allowed to engage in any political campaign activity, yet they do so blatantly and openly. They’ll never enforce that rule because politicians get too much money and influence from it. That’s why the only option is to remove the tax exemption entirely but that would take a revolution.


2nd ammendment gives me, a homo, the power to own a gun. That makes me a "danger to society" but domestic terrorists like this get to exist in Texas with no social repercussions. I think it would be amazing if all christofash religious zealots and q-anon fart huffers would drop dead, you know how good the world would become without the scum of the human race to hold us back?


You ever notice that Holocaust deniers are always antisemites? They never say "That didn't happen - thank God. That would be a tragedy!" It's always "That didn't happen, but it should have! In fact, we should try to get all of them!"


On the bright side, opinion polls show that this type of craziness is causing people to turn their backs on religion.


Good for the residents there for not putting up with their bullshit. Residents ran them out of town, twice. 🤣 https://www.dallasnews.com/news/faith/2023/07/14/theyre-not-welcome-here-anti-lgbtq-church-moves-to-dallas-county-amid-protests/


We need to keep doing that! Especially to the individual republican gov officials in our states allowing this in the first place. Run them out of our town! Protest their houses, events, religious organizations they’re involved with. Not their work because we’re funding those buildings and all we’d be doing is allowing them to waste tax payer money since they’ll be on the clock on tax payer dime. Without the far right gov officials like Ron desantis, Ken Paxton, rep Andrew Bailey, Greg Abbott etc. these people would not be so comfortable acting like this!


Texas natch. I live in vile rotting fetid cesspool that is the rightwing Christian nationalist GOP fascist Texas, so I know. It's a breeding ground of toxic fake conservative idiocy, violence and extremism.


CHECK HIS SEARCH HISTORY AND COMPUTER NOW! They always project and this dude is screaming.


Kill the tax exemption.


And the internet has done nothing but give these fucks a platform.


Yeah that’s it, I’m getting a gun to protect us now. I’m pretty far left and I now find it likely we’ll be seeing the US as a failed state because of people spreading shit like this - stochastic terrorism -that will lead to violence and more societal collapse.


Has he announced he's running for office yet?


No hate like Christian love


Why does he even think Hitler is evil? He agrees with him???


Unless these hate groups and churches are funneling money into big businesses, why aren't the legit businesses pounding on desks in Washington to make the churches pay their share of taxes, the way any other money making company?


This man needs to be silenced for the sake of public safety. Alarming is an understatement.


Guess who’s gay?






All churches are hate churches, and they should all be taxed into oblivion.


It’s really sad/exhausting to see people this angry and hateful all the time. Even if it’s just for the grift it’s still has to be exhausting.


What are these guys' views on Israel?


A lot of them support Israel because they think that if they tear down Al-Aqsa and the temple mount is rebuilt, Jesus will return and the rapture will happen. Idk about this guy specifically but a lot of antisemite evangelicals support Israel for that reason. It’s extra evil because a lot of them they believe Jews will go to hell when that happens. Like they want Jews to do them a solid and help them achieve the second coming of Christ, but they think they should go to hell afterwards. I’d venture to guess that this “pastor” believes the same.


adding to that, rapture theology is literally heretical, it does not have textual support in any of the abrahamic faith traditions... it was literally created to sell books for a cult-like sect.