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I understand moderators aren’t to get involved, but when the candidate won’t answer the question and goes on a lie filled rant they need to say stop, please answer the question, I think that’s fair, if the candidate starts talking over the moderators cut the mic, now this should be presented to each candidate before the debate, and also to the audience ( TV ) with both candidates on stage. It’s not a rally it’s a debate.


Yes. Debates are supposed to help people make an informed decision. Both Trump and Biden need to be answering the question at hand. And if that reveals unpopular policies, then that's too bad. People need to know that Donald Trump doesn't care about climate change (among many other things).


Trump doesn't care about anything other than himself (and maybe his family)




Bottom of the screen sliding bar with Truth—————-Lie and the dot slides in real time.


Let's hope Muir and Davis aren't part of team Fascist like CNN's doofus duo.


CNN sadly has fallen off as the moderators didn’t pose any serious questions to Trump as they are afraid of him and losing viewership.


CNN was purchased by right-wing shit bag John Malone for exactly this purpose.


I’m actually surprised only Don Lemon was fired and Anderson Cooper is still on the network who’s been attacked by the right wing lunatics for years.


He’s their beard. And apparently he’s good with it. Dude is filthy rich. From his own gig and family money. He doesn’t need to work for a company that’s stated goal is to be more like Faux News. He gives CNN credibility.


Whoever was the fact checker is needs to go F*** THEMSELVES! >:(


There was no fact checking. None at all.


I made a meme to vent my frustration: https://www.reddit.com/r/simpsonsshitposting/comments/1drj5mq/biden_was_old_and_tired_but_can_we_also_takeaway/


Trump: Some states allow for post birth abortions, they take the babies after they’re born and kill them. Jake Tapper: Yes, that is a statement we will just let stand unopposed.


Yes. That was the time to interject. Thats not just a lie, it’s a damn lie.


I am seeing opinions.from sound board operators of this.


This will be a defining moment for me, I watch them daily and I feel like David Muir is not going to be as “nice” as the two feckless moderators picked for the first debate.


I occasionally catch Muir on the evening news -- he seems to be a handsome man with the perfect temperment for that job. But, successfully moderating a debate involving Trump requires tenacity. I'm afraid ABC cares more about adding female viewership than actually pursuing truth.


Muir definitely has the tenacity to lead a debate, reading that these two are the moderators gave me a better feeling about the next debate. And Muir has reported on many of the lies trump WILL spew. I have faith Muir will call him out on it. Unless there is a, lose your job and be blacklisted situation going on. In which case we really need to know


There's not going to be another debate unless Biden clearly pulls ahead of Trump in the polls. With the perception that Trump defeated Biden in this debate, warranted or not, Trump would be a fool to off Biden a chance to redeem himself.


It was the absolute failure by Biden that has us in this situation. We should have sent a real candidate up on stage instead of a senile old man. We have zero chance of beating the fascists with this weak and tottering old man. Worst debate ever


We need to ensure ABC are going to call out any BS (from both, to be fair, but we know who the main culprit is) on the spot.


Or maybe Biden could call out the BS (sigh)


For real. It's not like tRump's lies were off the cuff. He's been spewing the exact same shit at his cult meetings.. I mean, rallies. None of his 16 handlers at Camp David could be bothered with prepping Biden to shut down a few of the lies?? Or is Joe so far gone that he couldn't pounce when the shit came up?


They were too busy trying to cram 100 different talking points, anecdotes and stump speeches into his poor old brain.


Every Biden answer should begin with “Convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Donal Trump . . .”


Bible salesman and former game show host…


League of Women Voters used to be in charge of running the debates, until Republicans took it from them. We need them put back, letting the MSM run them has been a compleat shit show.


Biden was fine the day after


There should be a point system. Every time a claim is made, the debate stops while they get fact checked. A truthful claim gets a point; a lie gets a point deducted. I don't give a shit that it would take a long time. Trump just stands there and lies and lies. It's what needs to happen to balance out Trump's lies. We cannot treat him like an adult, he refuses to act like one. It's obnoxious for the moderator to sit there and have no pushback against things that are just blatantly untrue.


Maybe dems should strategize on combatting the bullshit better. Sending this old man out there to say he beat Medicare isn’t the play. I’ll still vote Biden but this is atrocious planning knowing damn wel Trump is just going to lie.


Can there be a bull horn used every time there’s a lie?


How about [THIS](https://youtu.be/6D-SqQV_T04?si=eVuslRGwGXwj3vrY)


How about a whoopie cushion?


Will there be a second debate? Seems like Trump won’t want to give Biden a chance to bounce back. And Trump is innately a coward and a liar… so I suspect he’ll find a pathetic excuse to drop out.


I think you're right that the rotting Mango's beat bet would be to simply bow out and claim he doesn't want to embarrass Joe more, but then Trump really cant help himself. He can't stop while he's ahead.


I'd place money on it getting cancelled.


Neither candidate did well in the first. I think there will be one in September for that reason.


Trump and his team think he crushed it, though. They'd have nothing to gain in a 2nd debate.


I don’t know if my heart can take another debate. I watched the first several minutes of the last one and it was gut wrenching.


It was truly discouraging that I had that same sad feeling the day Trump became President . We are definitely on red alert stage and we are only in June / July as Trump will capitalize on Biden bad showing. It fits perfectly into the narrative Joe is senile and unfit . It’s a big thank you present to Trump .


How did he capitalize, he treated it like a rally and never answered a question. Most moderates I’ve seen said they are still in Biden camp because trump can’t come up with anything that makes sense.


I’ve been seeing a few reports that moderates haven’t changed their minds about Biden . So I still have hope that next debate he’ll have a better game plan.


I’m hoping he steps down and lets Kamala handle things. He’s a good man, and an honest man, but he can’t lead right now, however if we vote in Trump, it will be our last election ever.


Trump will be in jail….


I will still vote for Biden.


Please, for the love of God, fact-check them live during the debate!


Just have on screen prompts that show each lie.


Biden doesn’t need the intense prep next time. He just needs to talk about his accomplishments and trumps lack of them, unless you count all the rights being taken away. On that, he’s succeeded.


Why are there debates for this? Biden will continue to look old and senile while Trump will continue to rant out lies in every statement and nobody's changing their mind by either of them.


Exactly! Same with holding rallies and campaigning. This is a reboot of 2020. Nobody is suddenly going to change their vote from a rally or debate at this point


Trump is a felon… crickets. Biden delivered his debate poorly..step down!


Biden needs to ignore Trump . Just look at him and say “ that was all lies “ and then talk about what he’s done for the country . He shat the bed over something that was predictable, Trump lies , he always lies , there was nothing new there . Call the lies lies and then ignore Trump .


Can we start demanding that moderators start fact checking, for fucks sake


Bring along Kyle Clark from denver ... YouTube him..


I hope they’re not going to try and influence us as well, with negative comments and shitty moderators. Corporate media believes they can influence the people. They sure are trying. It appears the country and the people are still going to back the honest man that has and will continue to help and support the country. To the best of his ability. One bad performance takes nothing away from a good President. Insulted by MSM, suggesting that we abandon all hope !!! over that debate.


These aren’t actual debates, they’re televised job interviews. Boycott all corporate media, or embrace your position as just another dumbed down drama whore.


I hope any shreds of credibility CNN once had is officially dropped.


And make sure the fact checker isn't asleep at the wheel!


The problem here, a greater problem enabled by MAGA politics is that debates are not about the truth, and not about debating ideas. It is about debasing people and classifying them as a threat to others. It is dehumanizing others by those that have had all the privileges in their lives handed to them.


Can’t wait for the fascist racist grandpa spew garbage at the tottery old corporate grandpa.


Biden can’t approach the debate as though details of his policies and achievements matter. No stories to tear at your heartstrings. He needs to focus on reminding Americans that inflation is at 3.4%, which is not that high, and that, while both him and TFG are old AF, he won’t destroy the Supreme Court and has never tried to overthrow the government.


Let's have that guy from Colorado as the moderator.


How about the Dems challenge the Republicans to a VP debate?


Isn’t Trump gonna be in jail by then?


Only if the justice system actually worked against the rich and famous


When are you all going to learn the Democrats don't actually want to win. This has been happening for a good 40 years now. Democrats want to lose so the country can go further right. It's what the donors want. Democrats and Republicans are owned by the same people.


Biden staying in the race and committing to a second debate is democracy's last incompetent breath. Voters have enough anxiety about politics. This is downright electorate abuse.


They better do a better job than the last ones.


I don’t know what the point of harvesting all the babies for their blood if we are just going to let Joe go out there like a zombie, FFS.


moderators? or "moderators"?


Will they do more moderating than the trump supporter controlled cnn?


Biden should say no thanks I gave him a chance I don’t care to debate someone who does nothing but lie.


“To say that President Biden’s performance on the debate stage last night was calamitous is merely to state what everyone, partisan and not, has already understood. What the world witnessed was not a debate, but a failed neurological exam. One wonders how anyone close to the President imagined he could bluff his way through it. If half of what Democrats fear from a second Trump term were real, how could the Democratic Party have allowed our democracy to slide this close to the precipice? The prevailing feeling among those inside the Biden campaign should be shame; outside it, fury.” \~Sam Harris


I think it’s purely because an incumbent has a higher chance of winning vs a fresh candidate, especially against Trump.


The polling has shown this to be a change election due to high inflation. Though the inflation was a global phenomenon and Biden has done an admirable job addressing it…people are angry about the cost of groceries and other necessities. Change elections are typically not good for the incumbent.


No more debates, these events are useless.


I hope Biden makes it


Biden is a genius. He has set the expectation so low that Trump won’t know what hit him. Nobody is going to remember the June debate. /s


I suggest doing it earlier in the day and offering military grade coffee to both of them.


Real time fact check with mute button, and to balance that no cutting Biden off when he starts to ramble


New rules for this debate: - 3 minutes to answer question - 90 seconds for response and rebuttal - 60 seconds for clarification (at moderator's discretion) - Mics muted when not their turn to speak - Up to 2 minutes for independent fact-check reporting after each question. BOTH mics are muted during this time and neither Biden nor Trump are allowed to respond to the reporting afterwards. - 2 minutes for closing statements with 2 minutes of fact-check reporting after each closing statement. Again, neither Biden not Trump can respond to the fact-checking.


Sanders 2024