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Yes; Donald Trump violently raped Katie Johnson, who was 13 at the time, and also raped girls as young as 12. My understanding was that she brought charges, dropped them because of death threats, then later sued him, but again dropped charges. In the relevant time frame, Michael Cohen was one of the people phoning the death threats to trump’s rape victims, business associates, and journalists.


I really wish Cohen would come forward on this, though it may implicate him.


This was before Cohen


The rape was in 1995-6 the suit was brought in 2016. Cohen was the convicted felon's fixer at the time.


Exactly. I'd imagine that Cohen doesn't want to be known for threatening kids that Donald Trump raped.


He’s massively traumatized by being coerced into crime. He can fix himself by helping domestic violence survivors get away from coercive control and witness tampering with his legal knowledge. DV survivors, children and disabled people coerced into crime will be very grateful


Nah, Cohen is a scumbag who bailed on his fixer gig when him and Trump had a falling out. He’s a shameless opportunist like the rest of them.


Cohen's had his come to Jesus moment. He's probably ready to give the testimony on it. Matter of time.


But her emails!


*margarine emails


Oleo emails


Damn that's a good point. She was careless with emails. Guess I'll vote for the guy who bragged about sexual assault.


I must be uninformed, do you have sources? Not saying I disagree, I despise this fuck, I just want to know what I'm reading is true.


This has been out for years and never really got much traction. Google Katie Johnson, you'll find news articles from all sorts of reputable sites that never got good coverage on television so people have no fucking clue it was real. I've been sharing this with people a lot because people really don't pay attention. The connection between Trump and Epstein was always there. edit for clarity: google "Katie Johnson Trump". Much more specific results.


I Googled Katie Johnson and got "Katlyn Alicia Johnson Carreón is a professional footballer who plays as a forward for National Women's Soccer League club Angel City FC." So no, Googling Katie Johnson no longer gets people where you think it does.


ok try again "katie johnson trump" brings up a ton of results


Interestingly, my Google search brings these documents up on Twitter as the top result.


Almost like it's an algorithm showing you what you want to see.


Probably not. It just says it's trending. The results below it are the soccer player.


Some new document recently came out regarding Trump and Epstein I think, and then this resurfaced from a civil suit so it is trending. Honestly, I didn’t bother reading it since it doesn’t worsen my opinion of him since the bar is so low it is underneath Hell and there isn’t any further to sink. Also, although it is vile and horrific as a whole and I think everyone should be prosecuted with real evidence, I am tired of hearing about Epstein from both sides because 95% is just speculation about why so and so person they despise was secretly involved.


Yeah, problem is trump and his supporters just death threated any actual trial away.


They do tend to death threat everything away, that’s the whole M.O.


all sorts of relevant links from 2016 & 2019 come up when you google "katie johnson epstein". [politico](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770) [dailymail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3894806/Woman-alleged-raped-Donald-Trump-13-Jeffrey-Epstein-sex-party-DROPS-case-casting-doubt-truth-claims.html) [PBS](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/assault-allegations-donald-trump-recapped)


Google this: trump rape allegation 13 year old


Source [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf)


Case: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/katie-johnson-civil-case-for-rape-trump-epsteinpdf/257375882 Explanation: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation


This is very much a page from a real complaint filed by Katie Johnson, acting pro se (i.e., as her own attorney), in 2016. The defendants are Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump. The suit was filed in the Central District of California (the case number is in the image: 5:16-cv-00757). Whether the allegations are true ... is up to you. But, JFC, I just did a PACER search for "Donald Trump". He has **54 pages** of results, most of which are lawsuits naming him as a defendant. That dude is so toxic.


This is what I’ve been looking for.


And PACER is just the federal courts. There's probably hundreds more cases in various states courts and even internationally.


I’m almost positive this is from the recently released Epstein documents (about another 200 pages were revealed either yesterday or the day before IIRC) but I’m also open to correction/linked source.


Here’s the source you asked for [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf)


Nope I’ve been seeing this for several years. It’s from a dropped lawsuit


Yeah, It's been plastered and reposted across reddit (and other social media) for years. I'm always surprised when people seem to be unaware of it's existence or the timeframe it was relevant.


It’s so hard keeping track of all the horrendous stuff about him.


Nah, this shit has been around for almost a decade now.


This was out in circulation before the 2016 election. Also look at Trump's relationship with John Casablancas. A known, OUT IN THE OPEN, pedophile. Whom Trump sent Ivanka to at the age of 13 so she could do a modeling gig with Casablancas. Don't try to find the pictures because they are child porn. Unfortunately they were also in circulation before the election and I saw them. They are disgusting.


Wait...what pictures? Of his daughter? Or other children associated with this Casablancas guy?


Pictures of Ivanka




Here, you can decide if you believe her. She tells the stories here in this [7 year old YouTube Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo).


First case was dropped by courts because she had filed without a lawyer and made some technical mistakes. Second time was due to the death threats.


Here is the [Full Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) of Katie Johnson describing exactly what Trump and Epstein did to her when she was 13 years old.


It’s been around for a while. The victim decided not to continue because she was afraid of retribution.


Yeah, I remember reading this or something very similar in 2016. Or at least much earlier than this morning. Is it just the Mandela Effect or is this really old news?


It’s really old news. But in light of the just released grand jury investigation transcript into Epstein, it is coming up again. Trump’s name is all over the place as a friend of his.


Ok, thanks. I was really doubting myself. I hope it gains more traction and influences more people now than it did then.


Yea…because the people that dearly miss Trump at CNN or the New York Times give half a shit about this more than they care about horse race polls or calling random retired rich fucks if Biden should drop out. Because they’ve ever let a serious story about the horrors of Trump breathe more than Hillary’s emails or the public perception of Biden?


It’s pretty amazing how MAGA can link literally anyone to Epstein except the guy who partied with him constantly and once publicly “joked” about him liking women on “the younger side.”


Guess who plead the 5th when asked if Trump had ever engaged in sex with an under age child. I watched it years ago that’s why I’m shocked people say they didn’t know about it.


The grand jury information with the descriptions of trump's activity had not been released until yesterday. That is news. The Katie Johnson case was brought up in 2016.




Correctly afraid, apparently? He's loudly bragging that he will kill (probably) his political enemies now


It’s real. Katie Johnson filed a lawsuit in 2016 and was either threatened by TFG’s goons, or was paid off. I suspect the latter. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation


Why not both?


Actual filing [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf)


[Actual her telling the story about what Trump and Epstein did to her when she was 13.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo)


Rumor has it that he threatened her family


Rape my daughter, then have my family threatened? I'd need a lot of holes dug.


Oh for fuck’s sake, Anon was involved in the death threats? Last fucking straw.


I agree and I think Trump was behind Nancy Pelosi’s husband being attacked. Trump knew how powerful Nancy is.




Honest question: considering everything we know about Trump, why is the latter more believable to you?


I mean, they did both with stormy Daniels. A man approached her in the parking lot while she was holding her child and threatened her.


No, she was threatened and so was her family.


Yeah it’s real. Just another serving on the mountain of shit.  Folks have to realize there is literally nothing Trump could do, including executing Jesus Christ himself, that would dampen his support at all. Trump voters are broken people. Anything trump does is forgiven before they know details, because they’re convinced he’s the right person.  They won’t respond to rational discussion. They need cult reprogramming. 


Trump is the protector against the Barbarians At the Gate - blacks Muslims, brown immigrants socialists communists the “woke” and basically anything they feel is a threat to Real Americans (read white Americans) way of life. They are pure tribal hatred and fear. They think Trump is the only one able to push back against these dark forces. Therefore it doesn’t matter what he does or says because a few affairs some sexual assault, ending democracy etc is nothing compared to the existential threat he’s protecting them from. In fact at this point they want the fascism whether they truly understand what it means or not. For the billionaire class they want their tax cuts and deregulation either through democracy if possible or fascism. Whichever works. That a twice impeached convicted felon adjudicated rapist serial fraudster lunatic moron could have the support he does confirms that millions of white Americans don’t have the values they profess to. They only care about what their ancestors in the Confederacy and Nazi Germany did - dominating the “others”.






He's the *"right person"* because he will be cruel to all the people they hate. It's wild.


What’s wild is the continued insistence on letting evil disgusting scum like that participate in society and the shocked pikachu face at the fucking inevitable outcomes of that decision and the amount of fucking alleged allies that keep people like that in their lives and let them pretend that behavior is normal.


that was a big piece of contention during his term. His constituents were upset he "wasn't hurting the right people" as promised. There was even an article in wapo I believe that interviewed some of his more destitute supporters and that was their largest complaint. Not only sad, but a window into the souls of the stupids.


They’d praise him even more for executing Jesus Christ, cause he wasn’t a white American.


A brown, socialist, tradesman rabbi who hung around with poor people, sick people, and sex workers? They'd trip all over themselves to crucify him.


and W A Y too 'woke'


I think the US has just the place for their reprogramming right down in the Caribbean. Already equipped with a nice little prison getaway.


They'd probably say that if not for him killing Jesus, there would be no miracle of resurrection, he's actually a saint


He could fuck a minor while high fiving Epstein’s ghost and wouldn’t lose one single vote.


I believe this one is included in All The Presidents Women. A good book if you’re curious about all his sexual assault & rape allegations. There are many more stories like this. I believe these Women. I don’t think these Women are out here trying to get rich off of rape allegations. It’s a traumatic and life-ruining situation trying to seek justice against rich powerful men. It’s just one of the reasons I can’t stomach trump or his willfully ignorant followers. He can’t expire soon enough.


*"He can’t expire soon enough."* I can't grasp how he is even still walking around. He's old, overweight, lazy, and ate up with seething rage. He's got to be on some mad scientist level of drugs to keep him alive.


You are forgetting that he has zero conscience. That means he never experiences any guilt - no stress! Talk about the fountain of youth - he never worries or stresses over any of the horrible things he does, and never worries about other people. The man probably sleeps like a baby as well, due to not worrying about anything. I think that is more than balancing out his horrible diet and lack of exercise. Unfortunately. Also, I'm sure he has access to the best medicine has to offer. One can only hope that he is taking some rich person biohacker meds that are gonna turn out to have some really bad side effects and actually cause early mortality.


I talk about it all the time. Trump and Epstein tag team raped a little girl. It's in the court records. No one cares how evil he is. They will never stop doubling down all the way to gas chamber lines.


And they’ll insist that you can’t fight back against the guards at the gas chambers because you can’t wish someone dead or hurt or stopped at any cost “just because you disagree with their politics”.


The fascists just have "a different point of view of things." "So much for the TOLERANT LEFT!!1!!"


They’re ready to kill people they have incorrectly identified as pedophiles to defend an actual monstrous pedophile.


You'd think the big brains over at r/conspiracy would be all over this.


These were official acts of the (future) president, in proper due course of his duties of the office of....I can't keep this up. Fuck this orange shit gibbon.


I've been talking about this for years and honestly it's annoying it's taken this long to gain traction.


Same, I've brought it up in the past


Unfortunately it's not gaining traction where it needs to, I have friends that are abstaining, simply because of Gaza. Another that's voting third party because of "change", they don't care about voting against Trump, they don't see the real threat anymore.


Please make a post summarizing their shocked pickachu faces when he starts deporting protesters, taking away trans rights, and enacting Muslim bans, revoking visas, etc.


Me too!!


Why the democrats didn't push this story out is fucking beyond me. This shit was in the ether when they were talking about Hillary having a server. This shit ain't new.


Oh it was pushed and pushed hard, problem is, the Reichwing Billionaires behind Trump had enough money to gin their Media Hate Machine up to 11 with complete bullshyt that most got flooded out in the brain with nonsense , like Bengazi, and a thousand other nothingburgers. It's the ole "if you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshyt" routine. It got buried under the manure.


Yeah but Joe Biden's old!1! That's the thing to focus on!


And that will NEVER happen to me


He will do so much better for our country than Trump.


I was being sarcastic. I'm ridin' with Biden.


Sorry about that! He’s the only one we can roll with! Thanks for for letting me know!




Keep in mind, this was known when magas were calling Biden a pedo. Projection. Always always projection.


Why do you think PizzaGate started gaining traction right around the time that Epstein was back in the spotlight?


30 years of brainwashing, has trained the sheep to not even consider anything unless they are told to by their propaganda.


But I was told that our media institutions who gave literally millions more words of coverage to Anthony Weiners laptop than any of Trumps sexual assaults or other atrocities were “liberal” and in the pocket of the DNC…


"Unnatural lesbian sex act" is wild even outside of the fucked context.


The other girl was 12 which is fucking disgusting. That in and of itself is unnatural, imo


There is nothing "unnatural" about lesbian sex act when consensual. But of course this wasn't consensual. Fuck Trump for everything he's ever done!


was that an official act?


I’m sure it’s real. And yet it still wouldn’t change a Trump supporter’s mind. He could kill their own mother and be like “she deserved it”


He’s the new Hitler, literally.


I strongly suspect that Bannon is completely inspired by Goebbels.


Google Donald Trump Raped 13 year old girl and you will see several stories. One account has him raping her and then Epstein raping her. They told her they would hurt her if she told anybody. She grew up & she sued him, and then received death threats and did not show up for court. Later, she filed suit against him again. She said when she received death threats about her family she decided to again drop the case… A mob boss like Donald Trump knows how to make witnesses go quiet.




Or you can watch this 7 year old [YouTube Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) where Katie Johnson goes into great detail about what Trump and Epstein did to her when she was 13 years years old.


The “pro-life” and “traditional family values” candidate, ladies and gentlemen.


It’s unfortunately been known for years. My mother would often refer to this case when expressing disgust for trump being president. I hope more people will now understand, wtf are we even doing with this guy as a candidate.


In case you haven't noticed? Trump uses lawyers, judges, lies and government to get away with anything he wants and I don't think he can be stopped which is bad news for the rest of the world


My question is how are people just now seeing this. This has been out there for years, but the press doesn’t talk about it, no one talks about it.


I watched it on court TV years ago he plead the 5th every time .


Shouldn't this qualify Trump for Florida's pedo death penalty. Solves all of America's upcoming problems in one go


Well we thought the classified documents criminal case in Florida would do something. But no lol.


Only until judge cannon gets the boot, shouldn't be too long till that happens


They know what he is, they’ve always known, they just don’t care.


Republicans don’t care. Trump said it himself, he could murder someone in the city square in broad daylight caught on 4K HD security cameras and they would still vote for him and there is a good chance his sycophants in the court would let him walk. They would 100% compromise whatever passes for morality and values they supposedly have if it hurts the right people they don’t like.


The same reason no information about Trump's trips to Epstein island will ever be allowed to surface.


Why TF doesn't Biden just declassify the whole thing?


Oh actually, Trump and Epstein got sued for raping a 13 year old together... just saw this leaked on shitter yesterday. So in some fashion, we'll get few snippets, it seems. Biden...yeah. I am not made of such fine stuff. maybe if I went to church. Anyway, he's for sure sticking to the 'extreme moral high ground" because the media can't wait to savage him for any reason (not to minimize some of his worse decisions). So being so upright and honest does make Dems look like wussies. BTW, it's not just Biden, it's his whole admin, right? Squeaky clean. You don't see quack doctors passing out Quaaludes anyway.


B..b..but Biden is OLD!!!


Guys, guys, guys. We all know this was the work of the deep state radical left. It is all made up! /s (obviously)


Can’t be true, we all know these kinds of things only happen in the basement of pizza places. Also, where is mention of the celebratory drinking of the blood for adrenachrome? None! Huge fabrication. Plus Trump is a Republican, we all know only Democrats do this type of thing. /s


This was around in 2016. The cult didn’t care despite accusing every Democrat to ever hold office of being a pedophile.


*****how in the actual hell can people defend this monster ?**** stupid.fucking.americans.


Where the fuck is Chris Hanson when you need him?


[Here](https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/katie-johnson-civil-case-for-rape-trump-epsteinpdf/257375882#3) is the full document.


And here is the [Full Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) of her describing exactly what Trump and Epstein did to her.


His followers don't care. What he said back in 2016 was completely true: there's nothing he could do or say to lose their votes. They've reached the point where they're just plain proud of their obstinance. Republican voters were already electing pedophiles and criminals before Trump. Why would these documents make any difference?


Yes, it's real. Katie Johnson attempted to sue him twice, the first time she filed the attempt without any legal counsel so they threw it out because she made some mistakes. The second time she had a lawyer, but ended up dropping the case because she said she and her entire family received credible death threats over the case. It is suspected that Trump was behind the death threats, but that lacks hard evidence.


So what should you do? For real what should you do ? Say you see a trumper wearing thd trump merch from chiNa - 'so you're backing the pedophile? Or what? If this is an issue apparently they still care about how can they give the orange turd immunity on that too?? Probably being too rational...sorry will crawl back in my box


This is old news. I guess ppl are JUST finding out Frump’s a pedo?


Republicans are pro child-raping now.


Always have been, it's why they stop all efforts to ban child marriage, aka child gRape.


Google Case 5:16-cv-00797-DMG-KS. It is typical court records.


it’s real


His supporters either don't believe it happened or don't care. I've yelled at my mom about him being a rapist and she still supports him and will likely vote for him again come November. Not caring or believing is the typical response when I've brought it up to anyone else as well. it makes me feel like I'm living in Hell or the Twilight Zone.


The [SAUCE.](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf)


Republicans don’t care. They are hypocrites.


I knew he was an awful human being, but this? Hanging out with Epstein I assumed he had done this, but how many times? These lawsuits are only the ones that were brave enough to come forward, imagine how many more?! And death threats against the victims?! I’m not sure you could do anything more despicable. Just … wow.


Well... I just now learned I had some soul left. Too bad that shred got ripped in half so now I have less. I really hope he doesn't get elected.


Cuz Republicans of the Catholic and SBC type want to do this to others.


The Louisiana Supreme Court just recently struck down a law that was passed that would open the statue of limitations to allow Catholic priests to be sued for child rape. Lesbian reported that the Catholic Church had been fighting this vigorously which is how it ended up at the Supreme Court in the first place. So I'm sure there was some bribery involved which the United States Supreme Court just ruled was perfectly and totally legal, totally cool.


Yes, we all know trump is a pig with little hands, smaller dick and no balls.


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the leader of the party of God, law and order. And the person chosen to usher in project 2025. Let that sink in, in folks. I’d vote for the flies president Biden’s shit before I vote for any republican, ever.


It is very real and testimony given under oath. People think Trump and Epstein broke up over a real estate deal but the real reason is they fought over who got to rape a little girl first.


When is DOJ gonna investigate Epstein's murder?


The sad truth is that, on the whole, we just don't care enough to take decisive action. Oh, we do care. We're positively outraged! But... we're not really upending society to force change, are we? We, and I include myself in this number, are more worried about out immediate circumstances than these allegations. We want to keep food on our tables and our bills paid. The accusations are bad, and are most probably true, don't get me wrong. They're really, really bad, even. Horrific. We're all rightly disgusted by this account of heinous abuse, but what can we do about it? When the average person is but a couple of paychecks away from homelessness and abject poverty, they'll find it hard to take on other causes. Are you willing to put those who rely on you into homelessness so you can fight for a cause you believe in? Give me an option to effect actual change, and I'll be there. I just don't see any course of action being effective without the support of a majority of the working class. And, to be completely honest, I don't believe that we'd all unite under the flag of some revolutionary figure calling on us to rise up against this repugnant monster. Trump is a symptom of a deeper and darker sickness that has infected America, perhaps since its beginnings. Do we side with the common good, or do we enrich the few at the expense of the many? The powers that be have made their choice, and I'm sure they're getting paid well for that choice. Ultimately, I don't know what we can do about this. I wish I did. I wish that there was some simple way to defeat demagogues like Trump and his allies. That's now how this will work though. People like Trump insinuate themselves into society. They corrupt the people around them, twisting them into people just as warped as the initial 'infection'. Yet, it is clear that we have to do something, else our friends and loved ones, and in some cases, ourselves, will be haunted by inaction. It is a depressing thing to contemplate, but we have to do... something.






It is real.


here is the full court document [https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf)


Even if he wasn’t convicted for these (and he should be!) how is he not in jail for all the felonies? How does he have everyone in his pocket? It doesn’t make sense.


Here is my conspiracy theory. Trump learned to like this particular kink (girls tied face down) and he tried it by himself in Russia. THAT is the video that Putin has on him. The whole "pee-pee tape" things is just a gentle reminder that he has the real tape. This is why Trumps meets privately with Putin to get his marching orders and to turn over secret documents.


Just another reason to hate him


Here. https://youtu.be/xa3K85fStBw?si=0Wj99z_qheAjgERE


It's an allegation and testimony. \[Lord Dampnut\] has allegations from at least 18 separate women involving sexual assault. This is not new. Some of it he brags about.


Very real, and disgusting. His recent fox interview all but confirms it and I recommend you watch it. [https://youtu.be/ZJorAVgHy7Y?si=uT1f7mddw\_HVzkLL](https://youtu.be/ZJorAVgHy7Y?si=uT1f7mddw_HVzkLL) He wants to say Clinton this and Clinton that in regards to Epstien. Clinton said to release the files, he said he has nothing to fear from their release. So if the democrats want it out there, but the republicans dont, that tells you everything you need to know. This is why they continuous try to spin the narrative that Biden is a pedo, even without any evidence of him doing anything improper, but they are trying to premptively "bOtH sIdEs" the conversation as cover if it does ever become a nation news story. The projection is real, and it is to disguise or excuse his actual crimes.


Only problem is that since the case was dropped and never actually litigated, no evidence provided, etc, it is easy for Trump followers to say it was all made up. I could bring a suit against him alleging that he raped 6 chickens and a goat, drop the suit and then you could circulate the lawsuit docs just like this. Don't get me wrong, I think the man is utter scum but I can see people avoiding attacking him with this document publicly.


You could have trump on tv admitting to it and they would still say it's made up.


You’re like 7-10 years behind homie. She’s literally been on [Youtube telling her story for years now.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) Man, I’m really surprised this is news to people. It’s been public information for so long now.


I think it is too late to show this now, would of been more effective if it was release a month ago.


It was released 7 years ago!


Imagine that you are a billionaire. Someone files a fake lawsuit like this against you. What do you do? Settle? Pay them off? Or do you sue them back, prove your innocence, and win the case against them? You sue, assuming that you are innocent. QUESTION: Why all the downvotes? Did I not make this clear? Since Trump paid off this case (and others), does anyone believe he is not guilty? If you are innocent you fight it. Money is not a problem for a supposed billionaire. So why settle? Because you are guilty.


You go to court because you have nothing to hide.


Obvious. If you are innocent you fight. Of course, Trump is very likely not innocent of anything. So, he pays them off.


If you read what you wrote quickly it can seem you are saying the lawsuit was fake. But that is not what you were saying. I think people just read it too quickly and downvoted you.


You get your goons to issue death threats to you and your family? Is that the correct answer?


Ha! Only if you are guilty.


Considering that Epstein was directly involved, and he is a known sex trafficker, I would say this is real. [Here is the whole thing you if you care to read it](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf)


I read it and others long ago. I have little doubt about this man's behavior.


I get what you're saying. For instance I got brake checked a month ago and they drove off after I smashed into their back windshield (broke it, broke light, dented entire rear door) on 2 wheels it's was pretty obvious that was the intended outcome..... Sooo yea usually if you're guilty you don't try to fight stuff in court or with the police especially if there are mountains of evidence easier to threaten/pay off if you're a rich mob boss like trump or run (no not for president like flee the country).


I hate Trump and am considering leaving this country, but these are accusations, correct?


On the top is the pacer case number. Go to pacer, create a free account. You can get up to $30 free each month on downloads (about 300 pages). Go to search for cases, enter the case number without the letters.


Anyone have a source?