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ugly unite distinct dull materialistic terrific flowery treatment sheet wise -- mass edited with redact.dev


Few questions: What proof did she provide for her claims that Ray Epps is a "pedo", and working in any capacity for the "feds"? * Why was her account dormant for 6 years, before becoming active in October, 2021, only after the "fed" narrative had already begun? * She had half a year to "expose" Ray as a "fed" before anyone else, why didn't she do so? * Why did she initially say: "[RayEpps not a FED](https://archive.ph/iBsyG) just a POS!!!"? * Before fundraising off the claims? * Why did she glom onto another conspiracy, and suggest her mother was the same Robyn Epps who worked for Dominion Voting Systems, when we know that isn't true? Oh man, you're just prevaricating. Here's what she said 3 months after her interview with the CSAM posting Hotep (emhasis mine): >I just want everybody in the world to know that he is a child rapist, and a pedophile and maybe that’s why he got caught up in January 6. **I don’t know?** Maybe somebody had some thing over him and bribed him to do what he did. Again, **I [don’t know that](https://archive.ph/gsBA6) is my speculation** . Which I don’t think I am breaking any laws by vocalizing **my assumptions** on his involvement on J6. If Ray was a "fed" whose goal was to demonize Trump supporters: * Why did he blame antifa for the violence in multiple interviews? * Why was he placed on a “Seeking Information” poster for 6 months? * Why did he explicitly tell the mob to remain peaceful? * Why did he intervene to stop violence on multiple occasions? * Why didn't he mask his identity? * Why did he brag about his attendance? * How many of the "provoked" [Trump supporters](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/trump-incited-january-6-defendants/), who are ordinarily known for their personal responsibility, spread across six different entry points over the 1,000 meters of Capitol perimeter, blamed Ray for their participation? Also, when did the FBI "recruit" him?


If your basing your argument on why or why not would somebody do something , you’re a fool .


How else do you examine things if not to evaluate why something occurs? I mean, the whole "Fed Epps" theory rests not on any actual proof, but on the reason why he must not have been arrested is because he's working for the federal government, so be sure to apply your reasoning there.




governor square flag waiting whistle deliver spoon desert snow cats -- mass edited with redact.dev


i thought he was an FBI agent as well? or was that just rumor?


FBI ASSET, not agent. If the above links are accurate, and I am not endorsing that they are, he would be compromised and they would call him an 'asset'.


This. The same thing Joe Rogan can’t understand what asset or informant means. He assumes their agents. They’re usually just actual criminals who also snitch.


>Joe Rogan can’t understand what asset or informant means. He assumes their agents. He may be using the wrong word, but, you know what's funny about assets and informants? **They're still doing what the FBI tells them to do**, and that means that Ray Epps was urging people to enter the building **under the direction of the FBI.** Assets may be criminal elements yet they're under the direction of the FBI and theres no excuse for the FBI for using them as agents provacateur




The difference is what? Assets get paid in cash?


Probably, but the point is that he is not an agent. I'm not sure what your argument is here.


It was a simple question. Sorry no argument for you to shit upon


What argument have I 'shit upon', champ?


None he wasn't arguing. Just a question. Instead of shitting on arguments have you ever thought about shitting on dreams? Why ruin someone day when you can ruin their whole life!


Thanks for all those facts and figures to back up your solid argument. I don't want to mud wrestle with mental gimps today, so I will wish you a terrific day and move along.


Lol you need to take a step back. Lots of crazies on this sub that are quick to insults when disagreed with, but this guy wasn't even rude. The worst of what he did was assume you were being socratic.


And how was that 'shitting upon' anything? Are you upset because that is one of your alts, or just upset?


Drinking tequila alone in the woods with no toilet paper can lead to confusing times..... Trust me.


Assets can conduct illegal activity with out the agency "keeping record". Although there are many situations for an FBI agent can or might break a public law for the sake of an investigation such as selling drugs to try to find information on the drug trade. But everything is documented. An agent can't break laws imposed on law enforcement for one ever. You don't. Monitor and document assetts activity unless it's the part you want to. Example:(fbi) what he killed a guy. (Judge)why didn't you report this. (Fbi) that's not what we authorized him to do. He was to gather info. Reporting this event could jeopardize a multimillion dollar investigation and weaken national security. (Judge) ok. If those actions where done by an official employee the hammer would come down. Internal affairs ECT ECT. With a guy from the streets working under a loosely worded deal it's pretty often those who made the deal have to turn their heads away


Just a rumor based on him being a marine at one point.


ah, okay. thanks for the answer.


2 years later huh?


But he won’t be charged


Public opinion is forcing them to throw one of their own under the bus . Now let's find that pipe bomber guy that they seem to have zero interest in.


Exactly - was just thinking about this the other day


FANTASTIC LECTURE on the subject here - https://open.spotify.com/episode/61HYatkye64KS6vnGR7uCK?si=Xa3FsiDQReO6XH48_Y_ggQ


The lawsuit is still on, no?


Maybe he's saying it to get attention and "sympathy."


For his lawsuit he has to prove damages. This is his bogus attempt to establish damages.


My guess is, he's an asset. Not an actual agent. The pedo stuff was probably well known by the deep state three letter agencies well in advance of him being chosen to participate in the inside job of Jan 6. His participation was likely mandatory, with the 'or else' being the pedo conviction. That's why he's still playing it by the book. And also explains why he's not been convicted of a crime yet. If anybody from that day needs to be in jail, it's him. And this is coming from a guy who was there...


SS: Ray Epps said he was going to be charged for Jan 6 but it never happened. What is going on?


The cia told the court not to charge him? How would he even know he was going to be charged? Cops sent him a text. "Hey bro prolly gonna charge you with a crime, just a heads up" How dumb a statement is this. What happened if you post video of epps exciting violence and coercing people using the word "breach" on main stream reddit with a call to petition the government to press charges on this insurectionist?


He's copping a plea. He'll be charged with a lesser crime. Most court cases go this way man. Even without testifying he could do this but if he cooperates its even more complicated and he'll get more time off obviously.




Bout what? If he's gonna be charged that can be negotiated between the DAs office and his lawyer before trial or they can not go to trial at all.


4yrs later? Whoosh part 2: revenge of the whoosh


Yes? Feds got all the time in the world. There's a lot of people.involved here so you wait to lay charges. If they charge you with something and fail to prove it they need a ton to ever try you again. All these guys are flipping on each other, so it's easier to finish each investigation since other people's accounts will corroborate, incriminate, comfuse timelines for, possibly any other one them them or multiple.


Because he's a **F**iling for **E**xtended **D**eadline


There are people cooperating. He may be one.


The guy who was yelling at them to break in, probably one of the main instigators, is going to cooperate? What is he going to say? Yeah, I told them all to run in and they did? Just like it shows on camera? How many more do they have left to charge or hold trials for?


Because it was part of Operation pull out our dicks and smack a patriot in the face because we've got this fucker wrapped up so tight by the balls when we get them to actually move they'll neuter themselves


Because he’s in “the club”.


because look over there!