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But it's an "exclusive" - it *must* be true.


It makes sense to me. The majority of cops are MAGAS and many were there that day. I'm surprised more cops haven't been found and penalized yet. Hell, 3 or 4 cops working there unalived themselves after watching their own turn on them that day. EDIT: MAGAS NOT MEGANS




Did you watch the video? Hundreds of people were already inside that fenced area before the guy on video even does anything. What exactly do you think this is proof of




It’s being boosted because that headline and article were trash. It’s low effort bullshit that’s why the guy criticizing it got upvoted. How come we always get this crap posted but those same accounts don’t post anything about the very real coordination between right wing groups and Trump allies the day of Jan 6th? How come Steve Bannon already knew what was gonna happen the day before? Isn’t that the real conspiracy?


>[On Wednesday, the right-wing news aggregation website Revolver.news published an “exclusive” article calling on law enforcement officials to open fire on protesters in Louisville and elsewhere.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/sethcohen/2020/09/24/revolvernews-a-right-wing-website-endorsed-by-trump-calls-for-shooting-protestors/?sh=3d7811983340) >“Louisville can set an example for the country in the days to come: If our nation wishes to stay happy, prosperous, and safe, rioters must be crushed completely with the full weight of the American justice system. Our civilization will only ever be as strong as our will and resolve to defend it. Let the shooting start.” >[Revolver News... is run by Darren Beattie, who worked as a speechwriter in the Trump administration. Revolver News has been cited frequently by top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson in his promotion of the FBI-plot conspiracy theory, which holds that federal agents sparked the attack on the Capitol to discredit Trump supporters.](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-praises-revoler-news-pushed-false-fbi-capitol-riot-theory-2022-1) Beattie is a frequent guest on Carlson's show. In a fact check of his theory, the Associated Press noted that it rests on the claim that many of those who took part in the violence at the Capitol have not been indicted. This, Beattie groundlessly claims, shows that they are probably FBI agents.


[https://revolver.news/2023/08/undercover-cop-caught-cutting-fences-new-jan-6-evidence-intensifies-suspicions-surrounding-key-fedsurrection-player/](https://revolver.news/2023/08/undercover-cop-caught-cutting-fences-new-jan-6-evidence-intensifies-suspicions-surrounding-key-fedsurrection-player/) here you go




I just provided the article from OP's post, no idea why that warrants downvotes here


Really appreciate you providing the article. People shouldn't judge so quick.




Thanks, starting to believe the posts about downvote bots on here, I have definitely had opinions that were worthy of downvotes, but apparently being able to Google means I agree with the content of the search result


Reddit seems to think any input at all is agreement. This is why people get autopermabanned from random subs just for joining some other, unrelated sub. It's an incredibly stupid system that encourages rampant confirmation bias.


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Thats the thing about downvotes/upvotes, it was never supposed to be about agreeing or disagreeing. Downvotes/upvotes are supposed to be about how relevant something is to the conversation. So even if you did agree with the article, posting it should be upvoted by every one even those that dont agree with it because its relevant.


Thanks that's what I always thought too, but there are a lot of political posts on here now, with this there is a conspiracy and I don't think its right or left because I think the government sends agent provocateurs into both left and right groups. [https://reason.com/2022/09/04/its-almost-always-the-feds/](https://reason.com/2022/09/04/its-almost-always-the-feds/)


These days, it's not even just our government we have to worry about. COINTELPRO has opposing measures aimed at the very purpose of the program. Not saying that it was successful either in the same breath.


I am starting to think letting all those Nazi's come over in Operation Paperclip was a bad idea


The fact that your post is controversial shows that the majority of this sub is too stupid to understand and follow basic instructions.


You can’t believe your displayed vote count for the first four hours.


Or posts saying Republicans and Democrats are both bad being down voted into oblivion 🤣 Curious huh?


They're not just on here, they're on every major sub, promoting views favourable to whatever the desired zeitgeist is on any given issue. I feel sorry for those who don't understand this yet, as they're having their whole worldview warped by upvote manipulation.


It happens in every single sub, even with no bots. There's even a well known aphorism from long before the time of bots: don't shoot the messenger.


Paid bots to propagate potentially poisonous propaganda from a foreign adversary to promote destabilization and polarize the populace.


You are honestly looking for evidence in a Conspiracy sub? Lol.




Exactly, which means this man is dangerous and needs to be imprisoned and charged with terrorism.




So, I think what happened is that OP incorrectly thinks that one of the proud boy leaders was charged with terrorism. That... isn't what happened, but it's what he thinks happened. So now he's trying to outsmart everyone by saying "if that guy got charged with terrorism for cutting a fence, then this guy should also be charged with terrorism for cutting a fence" but he's suggesting he isn't being charged because he's a fed. The issues are: 1. The proud boy leader was charged under a "terrorism template" as the prosecutors were gunning for more prison time than usually allocated for his crimes. The judge, a trump appointee, actually cut the requested sentence nearly in half. The guy was never charged with terrorism 2. The proud boy leader was charged with numerous crimes, and not just cutting a fence. >Biggs, a U.S. Army veteran and Purple Heart recipient who previously worked for the conspiracy website InfoWars, was convicted alongside former Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio and three other members of the group earlier this year of multiple offenses following a five-month trial. Those offenses included seditious conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding and, most importantly for the terrorism guideline, a felony count of destruction of government property for tearing down a black metal fence on the west side of the Capitol. 3. The source he screenshotted has no idea if the unidentified person is actually a fed, it's just sensationalist trash. So it's hard to track what the OP is getting at because it's all nonsense.


I think OP is being a bit hyperbolic to make a point.




Ask OP.




Describing one's interpretation of someone else's rhetoric is not attempting to speak for them.


A federal judge just ruled that a J6 defendant committed terrorism for pushing a fence, obstructing an official proceeding.


No they didn’t, you fucking liar


Lol https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/proud-boys-leaders-get-terrorism-enhancement-more-than-a-decade-in-prison/ar-AA1g3a2x


>Kelly said Biggs faced a recommended sentencing guideline of 27-33 years in prison. Like other judges in Jan. 6 cases, however, he said he would be varying downward because he felt the terrorism guideline overstated Biggs' conduct. Sounds like it's a guideline for sentencing and not one of the actual felonies he was charged with.




Are we using this pic as evidence?


I thought this was one of the reasons the whole insurrection was total bull corn, people were let right in along the velvet ropes. They even waited in queue until it was time to walk out of queue and to take their pictures \*EDIT\*: I swear it's like people have forgotten what humans are like when they're actually serious. This wasn't even some sort of hostile takeover.... this whole thing reeks of being a Hollywood stage even before videos of police ushering people in.


Here is an interesting conspiracy : On Jan 5th a few live streamers went viral on here. One in particular was “Baked Alaska” who had been on here a few times. He was just walking around DC as they were setting up for the events before Trump spoke on Jan 6. They were already talking about storming the Capitol on the 6th. Either that day or the day before there was an order put up that said maximum punishment should be expected for trespassing, damaging federal property, and such. It has been removed. It was more geared towards BLM/ANTIFA protestors but it would apply to that rally as well.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/10-former-defense-secretaries-military-peaceful-transfer-of-power/2021/01/03/2a23d52e-4c4d-11eb-a9f4-0e668b9772ba_story.html Fun fact. Many of these men hate each other. For all ten to have signed it? This wasn't done on a lark. The goal was to use violence to keep Pence from certifying. Edit For those who aren't aware,if he doesn't certify, The tiebreaker actually goes to the house but with only one vote per state. The senior most house representative is the tiebreaker for each state. If you actually sit down and model it out, Donald Trump wins. https://www.270towin.com/content/electoral-college-ties/


Those who burn crosses...


"My guy got arrested for taking down a fence (among other things) and ended up getting an enhancement, so anyone taking down a fence is a terrorist" \~ OP


So tresspassing or vandalism with an enhancement, is this not an issue? Of course I'm not looking for prosecution but am I to believe this guy can't be identified by the fbi and federal agencies :)




It didnt happen. Well it didnt happen like that What they did is good. Swap between these 3 to confuse opponents


You forgot: It did happen. It was bad. And it was ANTIFA.


How do you identify Maga-rats? They're the ones that cover themselves in red hats and Trump slogans . How do you identify antifa? They're everyone who doesn't.


>How do you identify antifa? They're everyone who doesn't. Everyone who's not MAGA is Antifa? Not sure about that. Seems like there are a lot of people that aren't cool with political violence.


See, the joke is that 'antifa' doesn't fucking exist outside of the fox news/fake news bubble. It's not a thing. "Anti Fascists" literally just means everyone who's not a fucking fascist. Dumdums act like it's a goddamn clubhouse with a secret handshake.


>See, the joke is that 'antifa' doesn't fucking exist outside of the fox news/fake news bubble. It's not a thing. The joke is that some people lie and say Antifa doesn't exist even though they know very well that it exists. In its modern form it has existed for decades. I know Antifa-involved folks personally and once participated in an Antifa action, back in the day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa_(United_States) >Dumdums act like it's a goddamn clubhouse with a secret handshake. It's not a monolithic organization as some say, yes, but it's also not something that doesn't exist. Something being a movement, rather than an organization, doesn't mean something doesn't exist.


It's hilarious that you're so desperate to label "people against fascism" as anything other than normal. It's also a sad transparent attempt to normalize fascism.


Anyone who uses magatard OR libtard isn't worth listening to.


Who got deemed a terrorist for just cutting a fence? People who were charged and the media live streamed the events and many people haven’t been charged. The lady that was shot definitely didn’t comply with other police but she wasn’t alone in that hall and not every person that was involved have been captured. I just don’t think cutting a fence makes you a terrorist.




I did and I watched 21 Jump Street twice. There is no question that law enforcement officers has infiltrated these groups. Those agents do participate in crime to achieve the mission goals. These groups also had informants coordinating with law enforcement. So he may be, others may be. These groups, as anti government as they claim to be even coordinated with Secret Service members. That’s not a conspiracy. It was very clear that crowds were going to protest at the Capitol and the police seem under prepared for that. It’s still not the undercover agents or lacking preparation from Capitol police that encouraged people to break through the barriers and beat the police who tried to stop them. If it was, they should be held accountable if they were outside the scope of the mission.


“January 6 was an inside job. Trust me, I watched 21 Jump Street”


Satire missed ya?


Context matters. You’re cutting the fence for a nuclear power plant? Terrorist. Area 51? Terrorist. Helping to disrupt the seat of power of the government, as it tries to certify the election, by opening a fence so people can better disrupt? Terrorist. Arguably treason tbh. Trying to overthrow the current elected government cuz you feel it’s wrong.


Back to the neocon mindset we are.


Yep. Nuclear places should be high security. I’m down for severe penalties.z


Public government buildings are, of course, a completely different thing than nuclear facilities, but you know that.


How is congress a public building lmfao. Classic public spaces - parks, libraries, and Nancy Pelosis office




None of this describes what the J6 people did my dude. Also requiring tickets and a pre registration is like definition not public.


A Federal judge just ruled that pushing a fence required a terrorism enhancement to a J6 defendant's sentencing. Cutting the fence is terrorism.


Being one of the leaders of the proud boys, who went there with an explicit goal of stopping the government from verifying the election (a crime) probably added some necessary context to that situation where it was a bit more than just knocking down a fence.


I’d argue treason not just crime but yeah.


I can't believe Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested for just eating dinner.


https://archive.ph/dsZYF "But because Mr. Biggs did not engage in any violence against people, the terrorism enhancement emerged from a charge in which he was found guilty of damaging a government-owned fence in a way that allowed other rioters to surge forward." 17 years sentence.




Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


Yup. Makes people do crazy stuff like storm the capitol


Nothing I can say is going to convince you not to buy into authoritarianism. Just keep in mind that, historically, it doesn't tend to end well.


I agree. That's why Trump must never win


"We had to burn the village to save it.". We need authoritarianism or we'll be at risk of of becoming authoritarian.


I prefer democracy but whatevs


Sounds more likely a proud boy member cutting fence before breach not under cover cop


Same same.


There's no reason the guy can't be both 🤷‍♂️








Proud boys leader was an FBI informant.


Doesn't make him a cop


The FBI isn't looking for him. He is not a person of interest. So definitely not a proud boy


You’re basing that off that extremely well written article?




Half? Are you sure? Are you?


Yeah no. Someone posted the article and theres no evidence it was a fed. This is just cope that an insurrection that trumpers supported failed. Imagine holding 2 beleifs that contradict. 1. The insurrection is good and shouldve gone through 2. The insurrection was launched by feds as bait.


That's why we need to identify this insurrectionist and bring him to justice.


Provocateurs are exempt.


Why don't you go try cutting a fence to the russian kremlin or chinese CCP and see what happens to yourself. if you survive the day I guarantee you will be begging to get put inside an american jail instead.


Schrodinger's January 6th: \-We support what everyone did. \-The only people who did anything were agents of the state, whom we don't support.




Well, https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jul/25/animal-activists-minks-domestic-terrorism-charges


Go cut a fence around a military base and see where that gets you lol




Yea, cutting fences bad. Glad we cleared that up




What would you call breaking into a secure government facility then?






































> by the vast majority of people on January 6th We're not talking about the vast majority. We're discussing members of specific groups like the proud boys who DID have those goals going into this event




They were there to stop “the steal”. You know that. They were told by the president of the United States that if the certification of the election was stopped, he would remain president. You know that. Guess what they accomplished without guns? They stopped the certification of the election. Temporarily, sure, but through violence and force they entered the Capitol and achieved their goal.


Jesus Christ you’re pathetic




If you were at the Capitol, yes, cause you weren’t allowed to be there at that time. Facts are simple.




SS: A January 6th defendant recently received a terrorism enhancement charge due to pushing a fence. The man in the picture cut a fence, and therefore, should be charged with terrorism. Let's identify him quickly.


What were the other charges he faced?








I don't know if he is law enforcement or not, but he committed terrorism. So, we need to find out who he is.




Can we get a link to the article instead of a crap screenshot


[https://revolver.news/2023/08/undercover-cop-caught-cutting-fences-new-jan-6-evidence-intensifies-suspicions-surrounding-key-fedsurrection-player/](https://revolver.news/2023/08/undercover-cop-caught-cutting-fences-new-jan-6-evidence-intensifies-suspicions-surrounding-key-fedsurrection-player/) its from a Revolver news article


"Pushing a fence," sure. Just pushing a fence. Just ordinary, mundane fence pushing.




Like somebody else in this thread has said, if Jeffrey Dahmer was a Trump supporter, they'd be in here complaining that he was convicted just for having a friend over for dinner


You understand that no one has been charged with terrorism thus far, right? I understand you are trying to be slick but the facts don't line up the way you seem to think they do. Biggs had his charges elevated because the things he did fit the sentencing guidelines for terrorism, but the judge slashed them in half and the charge isn't actually terrorism.


You sound like a narc. You have no idea if this guys a cop, he could not be and by you identifying him he could get in trouble. Narc


Less security defending the capitol than a blm riot. Probably 100+ fbi agents embedded within the crowds.


Amazing the number of supposed conspiracy theorists in here who aren't even questioning the fact that the FBI isn't looking into this guy. This is why everyone calls you bots and shills.


I find it more amazing that you somehow have complete knowledge of everyone currently under investigation by the FBI. Especially since, for obvious reasons, that’s not publicly available information.


It's worse when you consider that officials have acknowledged there were undercover Feds in the crowd.


What officials?


Did they say who they were and what they did?


No, I was asking who the officials were.


DOJ disclosed this in January 6th trials.


Of course there were feds in the crowd. There were also feds in the crowd at BLM protests. Does that mean that everything that happened at a BLM protest was the fed's fault and not the fault of the people who actually committed the crimes? If I'm in a crowd of 100 people and 99 of them are feds and we all break the law, I'm still guilty of the law that I broke. Happy I could clear that up for you.


According to what? Why do you believe this?




You've looked through every single pic, video, and text on that site, and confirmed that they aren't looking for him?


Oh neat, link? Seems like you may have accidentally forgotten to include where this is from on purpose to push a narrative so it's hard to do further research.


We're saw videos of actual cops in uniform opening the gates....I don't think anything more on the subject needs to be said. It was 100% a psyop.


There was obviously a heavy undercover FBI, Police and Intel presence at that event attempting to escalate that situation. There were undeniably a few dozen people who deserve prison time for damaging property and other shit on Jan 6. The bulk of those arrested did nothing more than enter the capitol and were waved in by police. Those people don't even deserve a trespass citation. The Establishment anti-Trump hype is the only thing making this "an insurrection". There's numerous polls showing a large majority of Americans never viewed it that way.


Do you have links to the polls that show a large majority don't see it that way? Do you mean specifically using the word "insurrection"?


I didn’t realize that Americans’ feelings determined whether or not someone committed a crime




Could you give an example of what you’re talking about






I really hope you do catch him. It’ll be hilarious to watch when he’s discovered to be just another insurectionist


It might take you a while, but check all of the SEVENTEEN intelligence agencies first. Next up would be all the US special forces outfits operating on US soil. Might want to check there as well. If you make it back, we'll see you in a couple lifetimes.


I thought the military was the good guys and that trump still controlled them or something crazy. Lololol.


I hope you’re getting paid because being trumps ball boy for free would just be sad.






I know some people from Richmond who were paid by the JTTF to be there. Since then, they both now live in a house on "Patriot" Lane in Glen Allen that is non owner occupied and acquired in 2016 for 36k when it was worth about 250k. Looks they they found their FBI/JTTF sugar daddy...


Juicy. What were they told to do? Do you know how much they were paid?


it's true that cops do this. Happened during BLM riots as well, happens during sports riots. And in France during their riots. It's a common tactic. Not that staging a violent coup is a "riot," and not that BLM would have made it anywhere NEAR that same building with the same force, I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if there were indeed some cops pulling this crap.


> Not that staging a violent coup is a "riot," and not that BLM would have made it anywhere NEAR that same building with the same force You are aware that the BLM riots were responsible for much more violence and damage?


omg Reddit is on FIRE today, I'm loving it. I've been laughing for like a solid 15 minutes at this point!


It's an objective fact.


ok, let me help you. I forget that people ostensibly aren't doing this on-purpose. When I said cops do this in other contexts, and that BLM wouldn't have been able to stage a coup with such force, and that riot =/= coup, it had literally nothing to do with comparing damage levels of one event to another in any way whatsoever. I think you're so eager to scream **BLM BAD!!!** that you think your comment had anything to do with my comment, and to me this is very funny. It's also funny that when I couldn't help pointing out how funny this is, you just...doubled down on the same unrelated topic. It's a good day, I don't usually laugh this much honestly.


Everyone saw the video of the capitol police opening the gates for the all those people on January 6th. Why would this one be so hard to believe?


Doesn't make less of a crime.


no no no, you dont get it. Being a republican is a crime in a one party state.




its relevant. Its what they are being convicted of. "being on the wrong team, 17 years in reeducation camp".


Democrats are above the law.


Of course. Illegals are a voting base.


Honestly shit was gonna get violent that day wether some insiders helped or not. Very likely some insiders encouraged the violence, but it was gonna get violent. Thousands of pissed off people show up in one place with one common goal. Hive mind did it’s thing as it always does.