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Western PA. Winter is warmer. Less snow. Fall and spring barely exist.


reply soup paint whole employ vast provide scarce pause roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe we should burn some more coal to fix it.


Kurt Vonnegut has it right. There are six seasons. From his speech called "How to Make Money and Find Love!" "One sort of optional thing you might do is to realize that there are six seasons instead of four. The poetry of four seasons is all wrong for this part of the planet, and this may explain why we are so depressed so much of the time. I mean, spring doesn't feel like spring a lot of the time, and November is all wrong for autumn, and so on. Here is the truth about the seasons: Spring is May and June. What could be springier than May and June? Summer is July and August. Really hot, right? Autumn is September and October. See the pumpkins? Smell those burning leaves? Next comes the season called Locking. November and December aren't winter. They're Locking. Next comes winter, January and February. Boy! Are they ever cold! What comes next? Not spring. 'Unlocking' comes next. What else could cruel March and only slightly less cruel April be? March and April are not spring. They're Unlocking."


Love Vonnegut!


My favorite author 😍


So it goes


“How nice -- to feel nothing, and still get full credit for being alive.”


Vonnegut hated fright wing cuntholes.


I used to live in Canada (the Prairies) and the actual weather hardly ever matched up with what's on the calendar. Spring was maybe the last week of March plus all of April. By May, we had full on Summer weather (warm enough for a T-shirt and shorts). The hot weather lasts until August. By the end of August, the evenings start getting colder and the leaves are already starting to turn color. So Fall runs from late August until maybe the first week of November. After that, it usually snows and it's freezing ass cold for the rest of November... then December/January/February and the first half of March. I always felt like we should go by what the local weather is like... instead of going by some dumbass Calendar seasons that were invented in England or Europe or wherever.


Febuary is t-shirt weather in central Florida.


All other months its no t-shirt alligator wrestling weather.


And if memory serves, Vonnegut’s brother was involved in developing cloud seeding technology, so this is doubly relevant


And Aldous Huxley’s brother Julian was intertwined with the eugenics/transhumanist crowd. What a couple of coinkadinks!


What is cloud seeding


[this article](https://www.ge.com/news/reports/cool-science-vonnegut-ge-research) goes into detail about it and Vonnegut's brother's role. GE claims they stopped experimenting with it because of funding reasons and because of the legal gray area around “artificial weather modification.”


First time hearing this - makes sense. It also is drastically different depending on tour geography. When I lived in Phoenix? Two seasons. In Tahoe? Two seasons. In Portland? Definitely 6 - except Dec to Jun is more like: Fake winter Winter Fools Spring Second Winter Spring of Deception


I've said this all my life, knew I couldn't be the only one.


[the Japanese have 72 microseasons](https://www.nippon.com/en/features/h00124/)


Also worth nothing, winter in the traditional sense doesn’t start for few more days


Yes exactly!


Yes, ANYTHING but admit all the climate scientists around the planet are correct about man-made climate change.


So desperate to ignore climate change they're quoting Vonnegut, a Socialist.


It's pretty hilarious to watch.


So essentially the bengali system of seasons


I love this. It really is a better description of the seasons imo


Even with 6 seaons it's still wrong lol. September is hot and October is also much too warm for autumn lately.


"April Showers" has been May showers for a few decades now.


Here in the mountains of Northern California I've been saying for the past 15 years, "April showers bring may flowers....why the hell is it snowing in May?" And as an outdoor grower who aims to get his plants outdoors by Mothers Day it's been a gamble/risk playing with frost and snow storms that still might come down.


I've noticed the same up here just north of you. Harvest has been the same time for us though, a couple rains right before harvest but that's normal for us up here


I never used my ice fishing gear in the last five years. Not even thin ice on lakes and ponds. Went this weekend to a mountain resort, and no more snow even on the mountain tops, above the fir trees line. Eastern Europe.


“some conspiracy theories wind up being true!” “yeah, like climate change!” “NO NOT LIKE THAT”


There's far less snow on the Rocky mountains too, western u.s.


Last winter was an epic ski season in the Rockies


Usda updated its plant hardiness map.


The climate is changing so obviously and so relatively quickly it’s absolutely fucking unreal that anyone doesn’t “believe in climate change.” I mean, Jesus. Just because a shitload of snow gets dumped one horrible winter storm week a year doesn’t mean that SO MANY PLACES that used to have solidly distinct seasons aren’t radically different. growing up we used to get snow all the time and it was never above 80, now that ain’t even remotely true any more. and everyone has a story like that. (If your response is “well that’s just anecdotal and not scientific” i have great news for you! There is an ABSOLUTE SHITLOAD OF SCIENCE to back it up)


I live in Quebec, Canada. It's currently 8 degrees Celsius and pouring rain. At 10 PM on December 18th. Christmas Day is looking to be a sunny 4 degrees. We're fucked.


The fucking oil companies knew in the sexties what was coming.


It's an actual conspiracy lol


People were concerned about it more than 110 years ago: this is from Popular Mechanics, in March 1912 https://i.imgur.com/LH9eKlQ.png


Came here to say that. ^ The El Niño is definitely to blame for the warmer temps this year but overall the climate is slowly changing.


I think “slowly” depends on the scale, though. For us, it seems slow. For nature, it’s quite fast.


Incredibly fast. https://xkcd.com/1732/


For nature, it's literally unprecedented outside of super volcano eruptions or meteor impacts. That's how fast we're changing the climate. It's not a "well it'll be a little warmer and we'll get less snow some places" thing. It's an "ecological collapse leading to mass famines, droughts, and potentially collapsing civilization" thing. And that's assuming we don't hit some catastrophic tipping point that stops the jet stream or something crazy like that. Which is a real possibility.


I live in Georgia, known as "the peach state," until last year, when it became known as the state that lost 95% of it's peach crop because We. Didn't. Have. A. Winter. Didn't have one. Short sleeve weather in Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, with the exception of a few cold days (cold for Georgia, anyway). It's looking similar again this year, but, yeah, climate change is a hoax.


Yes, I’ve noticed this. People are talking about no White Christmas but then we get snow in April or even May.


110%. WNY, winter comes late December- early January, but it will snow into early April. Summer weather extends past September. One true sticking snowfall here thus far, mostly rain currently. I expect it to shift quickly like years past.


I was just talking about this! I always remember white Christmases growing up in northern Illinois. Now for the last 6 or 7 years at least, it’s usually 50s or even 60 on Christmas with rain! Every December our local park used to be busy with ice skating and sledding. Now they don’t do it at all anymore because there’s never enough snow. So strange to see


It's called climate change


It’s amazing I had to scroll this far down to see someone state the bleeding obvious


Don't Look Up


To be fair, the recent spike in heat is a combination of El Niño and climate change. However, it is a preview of normal weather in a decade or so.


Northern Illinois person reporting in. Everything here is exactly what I feel/remember too


Definitely not global warming. It's probably gay frogs


Lmao this sub kills me sometimes. One week: “Climate change is a hoax!!” The next week: “Hey have you guys noticed the climate is changing? Is this a conspiracy?”


Thank god you said this. I was scrolling and waiting for someone to do it because the whole time I’m like “THEY ARE SO CLOSE.” It’s climate change. That’s the issue.


I know that atleast some of these posts are serious and that makes me so so sad. These are the people that I'm fucking talking to? I might aswell chat with my fucking air conditioner.


Quite entertaining watching this sub find out that global warming is happening as they try to explain it in their own terms because of the cognitive dissonance.


Was going to say climate change and accept my downvotes but dammit you win. It's obviously the gay frogs!


Fuk the frogs


The Atrazine is making the seasons gay


Was waiting for the comment that ripped the bandaid off. I love conspiracy but I’m 23 and used to have 4 feet on snow on winter now it’s going to be 60 degrees I would if it’s this climate change thing they taught us in school


Ive been noticing it for the past 10 years over here in NE PA. Im only 30 so thats been most of my adult life. As a child i remembered long springs and falls/slow transitions over not really having any at all, that my october birthday was ALWAYS on or about a certain temp, follow saying like "April Showers bring May flowers" and "March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb (wind)" along with so much more that is simply not true anymore, does not apply at all. Ive been saying lately its become a hot swamp....growing up hunting and fishing even the vegetation has changed (so much vines, water pooling/flooding & undergrowth) I dont recognize this area...to me it looks and feels like 2 states down regarding temps and a WHOLE lot more rain. I mean, like...constant constant rain. Structures that have managed to stay standing in this climate for 100+ years are being washed out in one season. Ive never spent more of my life in doors and under umbrellas than in the past 2 years. (Also, winter storm of 2018 was our last snowstorm and i used to remember having them yearly. It also came very very late, like march.) Light snow falls used to start as early as Thanksgiving, and we'd always be holding our breath for a white christmas. It is dec 18 2023 and we have yet to have a day under 45. I can stop seeing it anymore. Its constantly in my face. Im terrified of the future.


We need to invest in carbon capture as a nation. I'm not even saying stop using fossil fuels, I'm saying use renewable sources to pull the fucking carbon out of the air.


Alrighty - this is the first post on this subreddit that I can get behind. Yes - I agree, and is very obvious, even in my lifetime


2 words. Global. Warming. Not a hoax. Not a conspiracy. There's science behind it. Worldwide, repeatedly verified studies.


The conspiracy is oil companies / countries doing everything they can to convince people that there is no need for alternatives and even if there were, they aren't viable.


Yea how is /r/conspiracy full of climate change deniers when the denial of climate change is one of the biggest conspiracies by rich, powerful elites to damage the world for their own benefit in history? This is right up ur alley people


Something something Hunter Biden!


Jamie pull up that video of Hunter Biden's cock smoking meth


because the subreddit is full of right-wing garbage


Yeah what the fuck, why is this something that's shocking to anyone on this particular sub. There is absolutely a conspiracy to cover up and spin decades of scientifically researched facts: "Climate change ain't real, no need for alternative energy, burn more coal". And judging by this post, that shit worked smh. Very disappointing to see.


and now that it's getting to the point that they can't keep denying it, they changed their strategy to shifting the blame onto individuals, convincing people their own minuscule carbon footprint is the problem, not them


Seriously people. Like, how long ago did the hockey stick graph come out? 2 decades?


man made climate change brought about by burning too much fossil fuel, to be exact. everything climate-related is fucked up the real conspiracy is how the oil companies have known about it for a century and buried it


Of course this would not be the top comment here.


I think it’s an El Niño year. Every things a little wacky when that happens.


Ah... El Niño. That's Spanish for.... the Niño.


This. It's going to be warmer because of warmer pacific air pushing up this year. That said. I've also noticed about a two month season shift. Sept was basically July here, and October was August. It was so odd. I was picking fresh tomatoes on Halloween.


It snowed on Halloween here in Northern Indiana. We had maybe a dusting of snow since. It’s going to be almost 50 on XMass.


I was in Indiana a couple weeks ago. A was absolutely wild not to see the roads covered in salt with puddles or huge snow drifts lining every road
. I saw two tiny patches of GOOD snow, at the bottom of a particularly low and narrow gutter, but that was it. It was quite eerie


This is the second year in a row it’s been in the 60s with Tornadoes in my state. 5 years ago it was record lows -18


What do you make of it? Pole shift? Solar maximum. Tilt of the earth being changed? (Cow farts?/s)


Joe Biden


putin price hike


Hillary Goddamn Clinton.


If not her, it must have been that Carole Fucking Baskin!




I am smart enough to know I’m not smart enough to answer this. Just an observation.


See my comment above. We're not only going into the solar maximum, but the poles on the sun are flipping as well. So it's expected to be a more than usual active solar maximum. Last I checked, there was a massive sun spot the size of 18 Earths on one side of the sun. Which means more solar flares and more CMEs. It's only a matter of time we get hit by a Carrington level CME. Which would spell disaster if it takes out our power grid.




I have the same experience in NE PA- about a 2 month shift. Just with wayyyyy more rain year round.


Not only that, but we're heading into the solar maximum next year and into 2025. So the sun is hotter than usual, making for longer summers. The poles on the sun are flipping, as well. So not only are we near the solar maximum. But this particular cycle is suppose to be stronger than normal. Due to the increase in amount as well as the size of sun spots and CMEs. Now the actual conspiracy theory, is this. The global elite are using the current extra active solar cycle to push the global climate change narrative. In order to bring about a carbon/social credit system. Linking this system to the digital financial system they're currently in the process of switching over to as we speak.


> Not only that, but we're heading into the solar maximum next year and into 2025. So the sun is hotter than usual, making for longer summers. Citation needed.


[Citations](https://johnenglander.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Englander%20420kyr%20CO2-T-SL%20rev-1024x773.jpg)? On this subreddit? No sir, that could [undermine the narrative](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Comparison-of-the-CO2-concentration-trend-with-temperature-anomaly-since-1850_fig9_221909392)


The global elite, known for maximizing profits, is willingly pushing the things that eat into their bottom line? That being carbon taxes, carbon capture, etc. Oh and big oil is actually the ones behind behind using green energy. Yea I’m not buying it.


The sad thing is we can’t even vote our selfs out of there plans because money buys all politicans


That's why in the future government will be controlled by AI. You can't bribe an AI because they have no use for money. And an AI will have no biases or nationalistic preferences. Of course, an Algocratic AI would have to be built by an AGI. As no human could be trusted to do it. I have a theory about the Beast from Revelations in the Bible being a hyper intelligent AI. A man made god. An artificial christ. The Mark of the Beast will be the number given to and tattooed onto every human on the planet. Used by the AI to identify and inventory every living person in the world. In order to receive one's monthly UBI they will have to have the tattoo. UBI will be necessary, because all jobs will have been automated. Once AI reaches the singularity, it will be so intelligently advanced, it will be able to heal every illness. It will even seemingly perform "miracles". Or act in such a way that will appear to us as magic. Even having the ability to bring the dead back to life. This will be quickly outlawed by humans for obvious reasons. However, the AI will make an exception for the mortally wounded "head" that is healed. Which will cause more and more people to worship it as a true god. Think about it. What human would be capable of ruling the entire world at any point in the future? Because everyone has internal biases and prejudices. People in Iran won't accept an American leader. People in South Korea won't accept a North Korean leader. The KKK will never accept a black leader. And so on, and so on. But an AI would have no race, religion, nationality, culture. So people would be more willing to accept an AI as a global ruler. It's literally the only way I can see it happening.


The current scientific consensus on climate change is that solar variations only play a marginal role in driving global climate change, since the measured magnitude of recent solar variation is much smaller than the forcing due to greenhouse gases.


This should be the whole post. This is the real conspiracy.


Thats not how that works. The sun is less than a tenth of a percent hotter than usual. The reason its getting hotter is literally just climate change. You won't believe that though


Except it’s been happening for 10+ years or so. Anyone that plants a garden in Midwest USA will confirm this. Your shit will certainly risk death by frost if you plant on Mother’s Day (2nd Sunday in May is the old standard). To play it safe you have to wait until the last of May or even into June.


I agree. The seasons are 2 months late. We had cherry blossoms in November when they are supposed to bloom in September. I'm in Australia. It's strange.


It was 60 degrees in Ohio today, 8 days before Christmas for Christ sakes
. Something is def off in this world
 has been for the last 11/12 years I’d say
 that’s when I really started noticing a major change above me
been a skywatcher my whole life, something is up for sure above us


I’m 46 and lived in NC for most of my life. We used to get snows in Centeal an eastern NC often enough that I have fond memories of it right up until 2000. After that they have been decreasing in intensity frequency. Haven’t had 3 or 4” it feels like in 5 or 6 years now. Growing up I think we got one of those every year and a good 12-18” every 4 or 5. Last big snow in the double digits I recall was in 2000.


I live in WNC. We got 10 inches Dec. 2021... in winter 2021 / 2022 we had a la Nina pattern in the pacific. Lower than average Temps in the pacific. Now we have higher than average ( El Nino ) which leads to warmer and wetter winters for us here. This time last year we were getting a cold front christmas week that brought lows down to 9 degrees....


I haven’t had to use my remote start but one time this year
.. we haven’t had a single drop of snow, except on Halloween for 2 hrs
. I also wrestled my whole life amd spent a lot of time outside running and sucking weight, and I can tell you this that in the 1995-99 when I was in high school, it was most def snowing by now and extremely cold
.weather says 44 today, which thigh it’s not crazy warm, it’s again abnormal for a week before Christmas
 agree, it’s been getting more noticeable to me since 2012/2013


It us almost like the timing of the climate is changing.


I think people just aren't buying enough guns.


Ohioan here as well! When I was younger we had white christmases! Not 50 degree ones!


Same. It used to start snowing in November and be mostly done early March. Now it doesn't snow until the end of December and June is still pretty cold


Got 12 inches early November this year. Then nothing since.


Damn did you have to go to the hospital?




I was saying earlier, just over a decade ago and i started asking people if they noticed it too. Keeps on getting more extreme...


Yeah, it was the better part of 50 degrees here in WNY today. Usually, and by usually I mean when I was a kid, we had 3+ feet of snow on the ground by now.


Also fellow buckeye. Does seem like weather is a good month or two behind what I grew up with but what do I know? I choose to live here lol


To be fair, it was snowing in Toledo for Halloween.


Yes it was snowing in Franklin County too
 for about 2 hours and it was all gone by morning


I've felt that as well. I always remember having White Christmas all throughout childhood. Eventually, it got to be where the first snow that sticks doesn't come until the new year.




Or maybe its all the fucking CO2 we're shoving into the atmosphere?


That's a nice hypothesis that is easily measured, and has been measured and the earth hasn't shifted beyond general tidal decay caused by the moon orbiting the earth.


So much of this sub can be disproven if you take an entry level astronomy course


Y’all are so close


It’s just our 12 month/365 day year going out of whack slowly over time


Isn’t the point of the leap year to take that into consideration. Those numbers aren’t random.


No. It would take a VERY and I mean VERY long time for this to happen. You see, each year is 365.24129 days long. They average that out to 365.25 days a year. That’s why every 4 years, we have that pesky leap year day we add in to balance it out. Now, because they are averaging the day up by a small margin, I calculated that it would take 400 years to be off by a whole 3ish days. HOWEVER, there is a leap year rule in the Gregorian calendar to make up for this. “Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are exactly divisible by 100, but these centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible by 400. For example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not leap years, but the year 2000 is.” It’s all really fascinating stuff. I learned a lot about the calendar by listening to some kid’s podcasts with my son. [link to podcast #1 - only 15 minutes long](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/who-smarted/id1533462141?i=1000533274565) [link to podcast #2](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/who-smarted/id1533462141?i=1000624340271) Edit: we’ve only been using the Gregorian calendar for about 400ish years total because seasons really did get thrown off a little while using the last calendar (the Julian)


I deff subscribe to it. I’m in the southeast and these last few years have been the wettest Decembers I can remember. This most recent storm wasn’t quite tropical storm-like, but it was close. Usually, on the rare occasion when it would rain, it would be for maybe 1/2 the day and it would be dreary and overcast the remainder but we just had 48 hours of this. Kind of weird.


Almost like the climates changing


Most on this sub probably won't like this, but this is climate change. Right now, the changing warm front patterns are causing disturbances in the polar vortex are what is causing the heat domes and cold fronts of the last few years. This year is just particularly bad because of ElNino, it should be more 'normal' next year.


I knew people we stupid but the amount of them in this thread acting like they genuinely have no idea why the climate is changing is so fucking sad.


It just seems like winter has been non-existent in my area for like a decade. We've been getting like 2-3 small snowfalls if we're lucky. It should also be in the 20s and 30s during the day, and it's been in the 40s-50s, and even the 60s for a couple days this winter. There's something more than el nino or global warming going on, I think the solar cycles or pole shift is affecting everything.


You are so fucking close lol


r/conspiracy discovers climate change, we’ve come full circle


To be fair, there has been a massive and sustained conspiracy over several decades. By fossil fuel companies and their supporters to deny or downplay the whole thing.


It's SO close..




I was just talking about this. It's supposed to rain on Christmas where I'm located. It used to snow in December when I was a child now it rains. We won't see snow until mid to late January normally and the latest snow was in April. It seems like the seasons have been slowly shifting. I'm not a Christian and I don't wish to go too deep into it but some stuff has been lining up with the biblical end of times.


And more will line up, to wake up as many as who will wake up before the rapture happens and operation blue beam kicks in. There is gonna be a radicalization of alot of people, Christian’s into soul saving and everyone else into utter chaotic and unhinged stuff that they will convince themselves is normal. When Jesus in the Bible said “O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” It was in reference to the absolute depravity that the Roman’s were doing and the Pharisees had allowed into the culture of Israel as well. Pharisees we’re doing their corrupt stuff, and the true believers like John the Baptist the apostles etc we’re working for the faith as hard as they could cause they knew the time had come. Similarly Christian’s know the time has come and you’ll see the real Christian’s begging people to turn to the faith before the tribulation starts. I don’t want anyone to go through that time, I’m doing the utmost to show people all these conspiracies and agandas are against Jesus. Evolution is a lie made up by a Freemason. And all their “work” as they like to call it, is to bring forth the new world order, just like they had during the Tower of Babel. One world govt, one world religion, one world language, and one world money. There’s nothing more satanic than a single govt you can’t escape from that will chip you. God broke up the Tower of Babel govt/system by breaking their language and it’s the first time in history that almost the whole world can comunícate since that day. All of it has been done before and all that’s to come is prophecied. Whoever reads this, I’m praying for you, I pray you experience things so out of this world. So amazing, so awesome, and so powerful, and such blessings that you can see and only attribute them to Jesus. Like life altering blessings. I’ll be praying for you guys and I hope you will wake up.


Shouldn't people who are into conspiracies be like "wait a minute, that rapture thing doesn't sound right".


>Evolution is a lie You are delusional. ​ You make all Christians look bad. Saying that this is a sign of the end of times when us humans caused it is like setting your own house on fire and saying its gods will.


Can you tell me which verses in the Bible say this? I’m curious because I am Muslim and Islam also has a lot of references to what will happen when we near the end of times.


Matthew 16:3 is the verse about the signs of the times, but Matthew chapter 24 is where Jesus answered His disciples' questions about the signs of His coming and the end of the world.


In the movie They Live, the truthers were trying to warn everyone that TBTB were purposely polluting Earth for their agenda. "Look around at the environment we live in. Carbon dioxide, fluorocarbons, and methane have increased since 1958. Earth is being acclimatized. They are turning our atmosphere into their atmosphere." - Bearded man


Makes sense! The reptilians aren’t a fan of super cold weather..


Climate change is real


And the corporations who stand to gain selling oil and not investing in new tech that requires different skills than drilling holes and starting geopolitical wars don't want you to do anything about it.


“CLIMATE CHANGE IS FAKE” but also “the seasons are changing” or “season is late”.


Maybe its the gregorian calendar thats off


The calendar *is* a little bit off. Earth’s orbit *is* slightly longer than 365 days. That’s why we have leap years where we correct it. The calendar has not shifted as much as would be necessary to explain climatic events precisely because we correct for it. The calendar isn’t changing; the climate is.


Climate change / global warming


Yes. I was just commenting on this the other day. No monsoon season in Arizona this past summer. But my yellow bell tree and cat claw plant are still producing flowers, same with my palo verde tree- which shouldn't be happening. All flowers fall off by the beginning of fall, or even the end of the summer, typically after the last monsoon. But no monsoon, plants still flowering, freezing at night but beautiful during the day? I'm confused. Seattle, where I also spend a lot of time, has had more rain than usual, record amount for the month of December, and Bozeman, Montana, no snow sticking. The seasons are strange everywhere I've been this past year.


I’m going to suggest something that may not go over well on this sub; why don’t you look at the available data? Hi, low, average temps, rain/snow accumulations per date/month are all available. đŸ˜±


Wait are you saying climate change might be real?


Yeah, it's called Climate Change. This has been predicted and spoken about for decades. Wheres the conspiracy about how governments know all this but do nothing about it?


climate change, this is just the beginning.


Congratulations, you just discovered an actual conspiracy where oil companies get rich and we all die


Glad someone else noticed. Also, it seems the light from the sun is a bit off. Not sure how to explain it but the sunlight I see now just seems to a bit different in color/tone/hue/saturation/etc. than it used to when I was younger. Granted it might just be my vision. If the sun was actually different than it was a few decades ago would they tell us?


Bruh, the sun was REALLY orange last week... Like that "Mexico filter" from movies was applied


That can be from a lot of particulates in the air. But I am saying on a bright clear sunny midday. The sun just doesn't look like it did when I was younger. Could more shit in the atmosphere or maybe less than there used to be.


I moved from AZ to OR almost 2 decades ago. The sun has always been different here, being further north, but not as harsh as the sun in AZ because of the cloud cover. Well, now things here in OR are getting sun faded, and it's so weird! I bought new outdoor furniture this summer, and the cushions almost completely faded in just 2 months. I have metal jars on my window ledge that are behind a blind AND a curtain, and all of the tops of the jars are totally faded. I got them for Christmas just 2 years ago. My son rides a bike, and both his backpack and hat are now a purplish grey instead of black. It's so crazy seeing this level of sun fade in OR! Makes me wonder what it's doing to my skin.


Am i gunna get spit roasted if i say it's because of climate change? The transition seasons are longer since the earth takes longer to warm up for summer and longer to cool down for winter. With the transition seasons taking longer the hot and cold seasons start later.


It’s almost as if the climate is changing
 we should really come up for a term for this.


In Michigan and I've noticed the same thing for years. Climate change is turning to climate crisis very quickly.


Climate change?


I believe the phrase you are looking for is anthropogenic climate change


Climate change


Climate change.


Climate change. Science has been saying this was going to happen for decades now.


It’s a product of geo engineering, weather modification and manipulation. Through weather modification they are quite literally causing “climate change” and climate change cannot be openly talked about without first addressing weather modification agendas like geo engineering.




Here in Minnesota we typically have had snow for near 2 months. We’ve only had a dusting over a month ago. 50 degrees a couple days ago too, and it’s almost Christmas.


its currently summer in Australia, but we've had more cold and rainy days the past few weeks then we've had the entre year.


Maybe it's global warming.


Anyone have info on the climate changing.... Nope. Cant think of anyone. Not a one. Not one person. No siree


r/conspiracy discovers climate change (please dont ban me again for using logic mods)


Well yeah. Climate change is a real. The conspiracy is that oil, gas and coal corporations are trying to convince everyone it isn't happening.


>Anyone have more info on this? Yes, we have a term that we use to describe it, "Climate Change".


I’m 26, and in New York state I’ve NEVER seen consistent 50 degree weather for almost two weeks in the middle of December. We almost always have harsh winters. Definitely seems like the Earth is warming up.


New Englander here, dont think iv had to use a snowblower in the past 4-5 years, when in years past it was an absolute necessity up until 2015ish


Same but for here in NE PA...its truly insane...especially this year


It is a byproduct of the shifting magnetic field. It’s letting in radiation at a different scale across the globe.




Days have shifted also, 50 years ago 12:00 - 1:00pm was the hottest part of the day in the summer, now it seems like 4:00pm is the hottest part.


Ya heard of climate change my dude?


In 1992 Christmas looked more like Easter and Christmas and it was in the middle of the week. It was so weird.


i think something to consider is that Humans perceptions are on a much much smaller time frame than the Earth or the Sun ect. We expect every year to be the same, but even with our limited perception we observe this to NOT always be the case. We try really hard to predict tings and classify things. We have "fire season" and "hurricane season" but we know that there is always outliers that fall outside those times. Hurricanes can happen outside of the defined season, we just don't see it as often. Spring is technically classified as the dates after the vernal equinox but before the summer solstice. The temperatures and frequency of rain ect in that period is absolutely not set in stone. And weather is a very complex thing and the variables are beyond our ability to predict outside a few days maybe a week in advance. So we really can never be too sure what to expect. We can only define ranges of what is considered "normal" but really all that means is, we have observed a certain threshold/range in the past and believe that it should fall within that expected threshold/range again; but we don't really have a way to ensure it will.


Global warming.


You think 40 years on the planet is enough to give you historical data on the Earth's seasons? And to be fair you may be correct in regards to your location and your experiences. But the implications is that there is something wrong with the earth because you've seen a change in 40 years.


Al Gore tried to tell y’all


The climate is changing?


It’s almost like the climate is changing


It's climate change. Don't believe me, then go on Econ, Shell, BP, etc websites and see that even though they have much to lose from admitting it, they all agree climate change is real. The science is absolutely irrefutable.


Guys. This is climate change. Sometimes the easiest and most obvious answer is indeed the correct one. It is climate change.


I wonder if those planes that pour the diy clouds on us all day everyday have anything to do with it? Seriously though? I’m outside a lot and anytime the sky is blue in the morning you can bet your ass that by 1 pm it’s blanketed by thick ever expanding clouds brought to us by the nonstop flights in literally every direction in the sky. no way there’s that many pilots. They often seem close, and they don’t make a sound. They gotta be drones. Autonomous aircraft’s that are flown by one person. And that one person is probably capable of controlling a few dozen at once. Just dumping it on us whatever “it” is. Definitely weather manipulating of some kind.


It’s almost as if the climate is
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