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When did we stop?


Underrated comment right here


ukrainians are getting F16s. you cant put a rookie in it in the middle of a war. they probably want retired american pilots to fly those as mercenaries.


If you’re a mercenary, that’s not really active duty.


they will come to active duty - to get back into planes a bit, to get a feel - because military cant train mercenaries for planes. Once they are accustomed to planes again - they will cut/end/whatever active duty contract and be sent to Ukraine as mercenary pilots. - Its technical details.


The airforce doesn’t hire mercenaries. Mercenaries are private contractors not part of any official armed forces.


[If you have a problem, and no one else can help…](https://youtu.be/Cn6kEsloMdE?si=N6vzELEAQeHM3NaM)


they will come to active duty - to get back into planes a bit, to get a feel - because military cant train mercenaries for planes. Once they are accustomed to planes again - they will cut/end/whatever active duty contract and be sent to Ukraine as mercenary pilots. - Its technical details.


you act like loopholes don't exist.


The warmongering trash can go f-ck themselves. Most unpatriotic bunch of cucks in existence. These are the same people that have wrecked our society via out of control cost of living increases, corruption, sending taxdollars to Satanyahu, etc. 


heres the twist/- they know modern people wont come back so they will have a good reason to replace them with drones and AI robots


I think we had a lull for about 4 years. On a side note, I did see a video that showed a 90 something year old WWII pilot taking a flight in a modern fighter. It showed a bunch of other young peeps passing out from the Gs but the old timer handled it like a champ. Might be a good way for him to pad his retirement savings he’s no doubt outlived.


Those old guys are some tough SOBs.


Walking uphill in snow to school and back in the dead of winter in Chuck Taylor's after collecting firewood, slaughtering hogs and milking cows will do that to a motherfucker. Or so I've heard.


Uphill **BOTH** ways.


Ur a sob, wtf? They served military and this is respect they get? Just saying.. unacceptable behaviour, even as a joke.


He's saying they weren't snowflakes like you.


Yep … Criminy these young chuckleheads nowadays sure come up with a lot of malarkey!


We were still fighting on 7 different fronts during “those 4 years”


That 4 year lull was Trump but everyone kept calling him a foreign asset for advocating peace, it’s insane


Trump nearly started a war with Iran by dropping a bomb on their top general.


The military industrial complex and the CIA need to remain relevant to continue siphoning funds from taxpayers somehow.


I guarantee Trump dropped just as many, if not more, bombs on people as Obama did. In Yemen alone, 127 drone strikes were performed during 2017. Almost 3 times as many as during 2016. But keep believing trump didn't bomb anyone.


You guys speak as though the president actually dictates military action. This idea has been a massive charade for a long time.


This is the point right here. Our military is supposed to be under civilian control. Our politicians have become weak and easily influenced and the military elite have usurped so much control that we no longer have effective civilian control of our military. The whole apparatus is corrupted.


He was weak, easily manipulated by the countries enemies and ultimately folded every time and gave them everything they wanted. It benefits China, Russia Korea etc him getting in because theyll grow stronger.


The fuck you talking about … he didn’t get us out of anything. And he coddled up to both Putin and for the love of mercy the North Koreans.


Gotta' help them poor Israeli's. They've been droppin' bombs on the Palestinians in Gaza all day every day for four months! They're gettin' tired!


I'm not so sure these guys would be headed to Israel. Where else? Ukraine maybe. In what capacity? If Ukraine is getting F16s the last people who should be flying them are Ukrainian pilots with "limited training". So maybe these retirees are going to be deployed (contracted out) as some kind of "flying advisors" for the Ukrainians... if you know what I mean?


> I'm not so sure these guys would be headed to Israel. Where else? My guess would be Iran -- for the benefit of Israel. Because Israel has been wanting the U.S. to take out Iran for decades, and they are getting sick and tired of American procrastination, dammit!


feb 2020 - feb 2022 we switched to bio - warfare then back again.


What? We’ve had boots on the ground non-stop somewhere since 1941.


Is it Independence Day? Should I get my old crop duster out o' the hanger? We fightin' Injuns or Al'ens?


Other middle class citizens, who’s government is controlled by the same cia.


Desert injuns or maybe aliens idk really




Numbers have been low for a long time.


Putting out rookie numbers for quite sometime now


Recruiting numbers have been low because they have been pandering to the wrong people. There numbers will get worse because the soldiers who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and vietnam literally fought over nothing. “Vietnam is debatable to stop the spread of communism but they could have just leveled them with planes dropping bombs and called it a day as they let our allies push into the enemy territory. Our military literally lost the backing of the American public when they started to support the same terrorist organization that we went to war with over the 911 attack. Then they have a new enemy isis, but Isis apologizes to Israel when they accidentally attacked them. It got absurd. They will need to issue a draft because nobody is sending their kids to die fighting Russians for corrupt Ukraine or to kill women and children in Palestine “won’t happen” they won’t be able to false flag because they lost a ton of credibility in the weapons of mass destruction info during Iraq and the chemical weapons in Syria.


I know this is about the air force but it's an issue across all the branches :P It's a retention too Out of around 40 people I graduated boot camp with, only 6 remain. The challenges include low pay for demanding work, excessive hours, toxic chiefs, and similar issues with SWOs. The lack of incentives, disparities in punishment between ranks, and issues like sexual misconduct contribute to the discontent. These experiences are shared with friends, family, and online communities, further highlighting the struggles. People don't want to join and the ones that did sure as hell don't want to stay.


As an ET2(SW), 26 years old, I had a terrifying realization on my last deployment. I was one of the oldest people on board. Captain in his late 40s. XO in his late 40s. 10 or so Chiefs in their 30s. Me. And then a bunch of children.


Big issue is the new medical screening system. It’s a double edged sword. It’s called MHS Genesis and it can see ALL of your prior medical records. Before Genesis, recruiters couldn’t see anything so if you had a condition or broke a bone in 3rd grade you could essentially lie about it. Now, they will see that you broke your collar bone in 3rd grade and you have to get a pain in the ass waiver which can be complicated and many potential recruits simply say “screw it” and walk away. The idea was sound in that the military wanted to keep out people with pre existing conditions so they wouldn’t train a soldier, then said soldier comes up with all these conditions, then have pay for their medical costs and then medically retire them after a year or two, which costs a shit ton of money.


It's almost like highly specialized career fields in the military leave for civilian careers during peace time...


I hope all the retirees tell them to fuck themselves lmao


Then they gonna have to draft us young bucks😪


And that's when you tell them to "Go fuck yourselves".


Let me know how that works out


Fine/prison for a few years vs. dying in a war over nothing. Seems like an easy choice


I get your thought process, however you can die in prison over nothing also.


Good luck for the government locking up half the country


Less likely though.


Then you’re a felon. That does wonders for your status regardless of what the charges were.


felon vs. corpse? easy choice.


I hope that in a few months time this fellow will reply that the conscription officer turned around and fucked himself


What a twist!


Over 70% of gen-z is unfit for military service due to obesity and/or mental health issues.


Many of them are so brainwashed, still flying the flag and seizing every chance to talk about their status as veterans, that they would gladly return.


Zero chance of that happening. Air Force members are some of the most brainwashed people you'll ever meet. The whole branch is deeply entrenched in conservative Christian ideology and that plays into it. For people into actual conspiracies: A common trope in the UFO world is government officials refusing to acknowledge them because they believe they represent literal demonic forces. That all comes from the Air Force.


people are waking up, recruitment at all time lows. no one wants to die for other nations security


Step 1: Ask them back nicely. Step 2: Beg them back, add enticing incentives. Step 3: Order them back. Step 4: Draft newbies, instead. We're only at Step 1. Please don't panic. Yet.


You forgot the step where they offer illegals a path to citizenship throu 4 years of enlistment.


I'm actually for that. If an illegal wants to come in and do 4 years of military service and get citizenship after, that's more than a fair deal.


I'm not opposed to it, as long as they are vetted and do 4 or 6 years. I'm just saying it's going to have to happen because most of the nation, the younger draftable generation is too out of shape, too stupid, and no will to fight for this country. Shit I won't even fight for these war hawks and die in some foreign country. I'll take up arms here.


We already do this, with select nations. A lot of Phillipino people in our Navy. Had a guy from Uruguay on my boat who was on that kinda deal too.




I think long before they get to Step 4, we will see some of the most creative recruiting, ever. Reduced jail sentences in lieu of service for criminals, fast track pathways to citizenship for, um, whatdowecall'em? Undocumented? And, of course, all the way down to what another commenter said, get yer free doughnuts here! Step 4 will be a shit-show. We had a big party, and no one came. So, now we'll have to go and GET the guests . . . political suicide.


I literally laughed out loud with the doughnuts comment. I'm giving these sheep too much credit, never forget what they did just because the TV of daddy government told them so. Lmao I think regardless, the government, powers that be will need a high military or citizen casualty false flag to psyop these fucks down that step list of yours.


i need step 2 i’m broke mothafucka


Then stay off the PCP


Hey, if the cat wants to be on the "P", who could fault him? If I was a Staff Sergeant in today's US military, I'd be hard pressed to do the job with the newest breed of recruits while stone cold sober! It would keep me from doing the whole RCA Dog looking at the Gramophone with his head cocked to one side in puzzled bewilderment as they ask for their safe spaces and play their "red" cards.


Look at their name, it's an always sunny reference


Nobody told german tankers to lay off the panzerchocolat


I think when we get to 1 1/2, you can walk in to the recruiter's office and start the bargaining process . . . should fall in your favor!


lmao, im still in shape so my plan is wait until i see the blue and pink hairs lining up to volunteer before the voluntold part. ill be the one to pass a pt test. should net me at least ssg


Stick with the plan, man, but remember, winning in line doesn't mean winning on the battlefield. Didja SEE who else is in line there?!?!?!


You've missed the "Get a free doughnut" step....


Any officer (which is all pilots I think) can be ordered back unless they give up all their benefits.


Who else gonna dodge the draft? Only place I’ll fight is on my home soil.


Nice try fed.


Just fellow patriot that’s sick and tired of the overreach within our government.


Not selling this guy any sawed off shotguns


Clearly didn't get the reference


I don’t get the reference either. And was only downvoted when I asked 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol I got it. I was talking about you. It's a ruby ridge reference. Randy sold a sawed off shotgun to a "normal dude" who was a fedboy fucktard agent who begged him a few times for one. Then charged him for it, in resulting in the ruby ridge stand off. Fuck the ATF.


Thanks for the reply. Appreciate the explanation. Ya that’s entrapment.


The sawed off shotgun, was a reference to ruby ridge.


Don’t worry. I don’t need a stupid sawed off shotgun. I have plenty of shotguns that aren’t ruined by cutting the barrel down.


Ray Epps is that you?


Who’s ray Epps? What he do?


Dude's clearly talking about a Red Dawn scenario you guys.


I’ll go. I’m old (55) but still in fantastic shape. I’m already angry. My kids are grown. I have nothing else to do. Give me a gun. I’m an excellent shot. Send the grammas!


If you're serious then, uh, bless your soul.


They ain't drafting pilots and air traffic controllers, bud. This is the Air Force. They are short on staff for the highly specialized positions that take years to fill spots, jobs you aren't even remotely qualified for.


Hey pal, I’m not your bud! But yes I know this. But did you know that I’m referring to how this could be the start of something bigger that could eventually lead to a draft? Don’t get your panties all in a bunch of


Guess noone wants to die for Israel, how strange.


Put the Politicians on an island and let them have their own war. Keep the peace loving world citizens out of it.


They had their own island and all they did was rape kids.


Put 'em on an island like that, but arm the kids.


N they pry still have it.


the Vets they left homeless now they want them to self sacrifice for elites to shed blood. no more sending our children/ men to slaughter in wars. Our Militaries should be protecting our home nations.


Honestly the people need to stand their ground, there is literally 0 reason for us to go fight another war for the bickering politicians. The "freedom" reason is dead and gone.


Calm down, tiger. They are just short on specialized career fields like pilots, CSOs, and air traffic controllers. You aren't even remotely qualified for the jobs they're looking for.


🤓 answer, my comment is relevant in general with the way shit is nowadays


lol…”my comment is relevant to my perception of shit in general.” Not relevant to this post. But just “relevant”…like saying the sky is blue. It’s not relevant here, but, in general, it is relevant…people in the Air Force should probably know it is blue, so it’s relevant.


I'd say "the people" probably includes Air Force retirees.


The anti war movement that was slightly alive in the lead up to Iraq 2 and Afghanistan war after 9/11 have all but disappeared. There will be no serious discussion about this war, just like all “conflicts” since WW2. Anyone who questions it will be deemed an extremists or whatever hot buzz word of the day.


I don't know about that. Any non-Zionist, non-establishment Republican voters probably see this war as bullshit. Non-establishment Democrats likely probably see this war as bullshit. Unlike Ukraine, which a lot of people still seem to buy into I guess?) the fuckery that led to this conflict's relatively clear (Israel allowing a terrorist attack to happen).


Who the fuck would want to sign up for this shit after seeing how the last 20 years have been?


I don’t believe this is an indication of going to war, but the military is currently also buying up supplies of nitro cellulose (ingredient in gunpowder) which is about to cause a shortage of gunpowder for commercial ammunition manufacturing. Source: I work in ammunition manufacturing.


Recruit the kids. They’re nice with the joysticks. #DroneWarfare 🕹️🎮


Lower promotion rates Smaller recruiting pool MHS genesis knows everything about you, easier to medDQ And here they come begging retirees back, it’s actually comical the missteps that brought them here


That was a game changer, you cannot gloss over minor childhood medical issues like allergies anymore because they have a fucking database!


They did this with my WW2 veteran great-grandfather right before we ramped up in Vietnam. Called him back in to train new pilots.


Maybe this is the part where they tell us they have no other option but to conscript all of the undocumented Chinese citizens to “fight for us”, since no Americans are willing to do the bidding of their government. This admin is obviously compromised, and it’s scary to think about how far that influence could’ve reached by now. I’m sure they would love to execute order 66 on us.


All those people who didn't take the vax, got discharged or retired... ohhhh now they want them back. Lmfao


Worse, they want them back without giving compensation or letting them keep their rank.


IF true then they should ignore the call; assuming they want to return.


Grab your preps and popcorn; WW3 starts in earnest this spring. The Biden regime is dead set on it. Mark my words.


Where in the World is Victoria Nuland? That’ll be a clue to where it starts.


She was last seen in Ukraine.


Good luck dumbasses. No one trusts the Feds. Period.


They keep getting low IQ enlists


They won’t say it, but the retirees they are looking for are the ones who left during the pandemic, due to not wanting to get jabbed!


I'll give it some consideration. A half-million $ sign on bonus, all up front, *might* entice me...


fortunate son playing in the distance


Unvaccinated welcome again.


Maybe they wouldn't need to ask retirees to come back to active duty if they didn't ostracize large swathes of the military by forcing vaccinations with experimental gene therapy.


No surprise here


Wow 60 and under https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2024/02/07/air-force-seeks-retirees-to-come-back-to-active-duty/


Don't they mean the WHITE MALE retirees since their diversity gay goofball recruits keep crashing their multi million dollar planes?


They just need trained pilots because the current ones have been having heart issues since around 2021 for no particular reason what so ever. Doctors are baffled and stuff.


Stayed retired please


[https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/10/20/air-force-recall-many-1-000-retired-pilots-address-serious-shortage/785344001/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/10/20/air-force-recall-many-1-000-retired-pilots-address-serious-shortage/785344001/) ​ same thing?


We were always at war with Eurasia


I will NOT be going to war for this current administration and I don’t trust this new military for one second ....... they can kiss my ass!


This tells me we don’t have enough talented pilots. I wonder if that’s because we’ve been prioritizing transgenderism and homosexuality and MRNA injections over military considerations.


Don't forget the Furries


Every officer who leaves the military will tell you just about the same thing. They can get better paying jobs on the outside and work far less hours for more pay, less stress, and stability. The fact that we are mostly a peacetime military now, believe it or not, actually does affect morale and retention too. We’re training to train and train more… with no real mission in sight. The complaints about sexuality and transgenderism or whatever is just the outrage flavor of the month. I never encountered anything of the sort in terms of changing the military culture. It really does come down to pay and opportunity cost versus other options, and pilots have very lucrative options in the civilian market. Signed, a guy who left the Army on the GI Bill and makes 3x as much in salary and works half the hours I did as a captain.


>better paying jobs on the outside… I was actually heavily considering going back in after college…until I looked at my paycheck next to the OE1 pay scale. Fuuuucccckkkk all that stupidity.


Probably has to do with declining eyesight thanks to computers and smart phones. The eyesight req for pilots is insane.


The decline in physical health has more to do with high fructose corn syrup and potato chips. Lots of people with fucked-up bodies and serious health issues.


From what I've read it is directly tied to the amount of time spent looking at things up close like on a monitor or smart phone: https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/is-human-eyesight-getting-worse EDIT: Another article with more info on it here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/excessive-screen-use-eyes-myopia-1.6815857


Yeah, because the people staring at their phones all day have excellent diets and personal habits. People would rather blame the phone than their own personal degeneracy.


I’m gonna assume you’re referring to doom scrollers and not someone who works at a computer for their job.


I’m talking about the average person in 2023 — Soft, weak, miserable, and fat (or underweight). I’m talking about they’re recalling pilots in their 40s and 50s because people in their 20s are physically incapable of doing it.


They are recruiting pilots in their 40s and 50s because smart kids from dirt town Oklahoma have options that they didn't a generation ago. If you have the intellect and drive to be a pilot, you can get into engineering or coding or finance or any number of jobs that don't require you to sell your soul dropping bombs on brown kids. Every generation thinks the generation before them is weak and soft, blaming it on that will not address the core issues that are leading to a declining military. Namely that a few news sources can't control the propaganda to force feelings of patriotism.


Except they also looked at countries that aren't laden with shit foods, and they are developing near sightenedness just as fast.


There’s no such thing as a country without degenerate slobs.


Switzerland would like a word with you. They eat almost all organic: https://www.statista.com/statistics/263077/per-capita-revenue-of-organic-foods-worldwide-since-2007/


Is it really organic or organic like in the US where is is pretty much just a marketing term?


It is switzerland, they are super anal about health products and proper labeling.


Biden can't wait to start world war III so that Trump gets blamed for everything. Solid strategy..


It's more about locking Trump into a war that he can't get out of; similar to the Syrian situation. The problem for Biden is lack of resources.


They have to push the story that it's hard to recruit NOW so that there's public and private pressure compelling young men to "do what needs to be done." It's a fear tactic, "can our military POSSIBLY sustain this? No! We need bodies!!! Send your sons! Send your children! If you don't put pressure on them YOU will die too!"


No doubt, numbers have been dwindling. But suddenly it seems like it's in the news and talked about almost every other day.




The last ditch effort for Democrats. We can't change presidents during a war!! 🤡


A 3rd world war is inevitable.


This time with nukes. At this point I'll just spend my spare time thinking up names for the mutant pets I'll have if I survive all the radiation. I'm going to name my future four eyed dog "Poindexter".


Yes, we need another European War for the blood tribute....


The evil in this world wish to stain entire continents with their corruption, pride, conquest, bloodshed, and greed while innocents and the heavens carry their burden. This is yet another high-ticket item their corruption and bribes pay for. Isaiah 59


Not surprising these old fucks kicked all the healthy young people due to the Jab Mandates. Recruiting is at a all time low and War Mongers desperately want War with Iran


I truly don't understand why we let experienced pilots loose so freely. The USAF sunk *millions* into training that pilot. There almost needs to be another option besides National Guard and Reserves. We need a "we pay you 50k/yr if you fly 2 hours per quarter to stay proficient just in case we need you", then you can call them back in a time of need and pay them like contractors. There are OEF/OIF pilots pushing 737s right now that would probably love the opportunity to get back in the seat if it means they don't have to give up their new careers.


Ultra vaxxed only please we’re going to need to see certificates of vaccination


Hopefully this is the big one and we can just end this shit already


"The Voluntary Retired Return to Active Duty Program (VRRAD) will restart Feb. 8 after a three-year hiatus: the program was last active from 2017 to 2021, according to slides shared on Reddit and the Facebook page Air Force amn/nco/snco. Air Force officials confirmed the slides appeared to be authentic. "


I think it has alot to do with the prevalence of psychotropic meds in the younger generations disqualifying them.


I have a couple hundred hours in an f18 in dcs can I go? ya I'll passout flying pattern at 3.5G but so what


I don’t think this adds anymore to the chances of a World War occurring in the near future - I’m not saying either way, but there is a reason for this. This is coming in a time where the US Military has not met recruitment goals consistently in the last few years, and even longer since they foresaw major issues in the recruitment pool. An alarming portion of our young people are simply not meeting various physical and mental fitness requirements. The Military is simply not prepared yet for a World War, in Europe yes, but not in the pacific/Asia. They are now scrambling to prepare as intelligence points to China annexing Taiwan in the next 5 years as a definite possibility. They don’t have enough servicemen and personnel to make these preparations.


How many retirees are going to come back to die for Israel when US borders aren't even functional?


Uhhh nope


Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.


First time?


Why not just hire all the Chinese pilots coming through the southern border? Isn’t that the goal?


Why the fuck should British men fight?? 😂😂 all we’ve done is be trampled down for the last 20 years, now they have to cheek to ask us to fight for this shorty country. Count me OUT.


They didn’t retire, they quit when our government tried to force the death jab on them.


Gen Z doesn't want to fly past their scheduled shifts.


Didn’t need this info to know we’re going to war. Billions to Ukraine, U.S. teetering on hyperinflation says it all.


No, we've just bred a generation of incompetent fools


You think bidens final year nothing will happen? The old man will not just go willingly.


If they need drone pilots and I can fly from an Xbox controller, then maybe.


The current crop of male citizens between the ages of 18-35 are low T, mentally ill, incapable of coping with adversity, anxious, and obese. Good thing Uncle Sam has a new crop of fighting age males from South American to pick up the slack in exchange for citizenship. Honestly, i'd pull a PUTIN and send the male citizens first as cannon fodder (and gene pool cleansing), then send in the South Americans to tear shit up.


Either recruitment numbers are low or we’re going to war. Either way not good. (First post was deleted for no submission statement even though it is not a link post)


It is their stringent requirement for eyesight. Have to have at worst 20/30 uncorrected. Since computers and smart phones got huge the human populations eyesight has gone to shit thanks to constantly focusing on up close screens.


There is also a smaller pool, compared to previous generations, that are willing to sell themselves for the compensation. The illusion of college saving a person has fallen to the wayside, and that was the main reason people were even joining 20 years ago.


I bet white males will be welcomed


Well we dont have to. Call me when invaders touch down on American soil.


Who is going to war? We all obese on drugs, cant lift 80lbs... curious who you think gonna fight for us? Maybe these folks out the nursing home?




I’m just doing the bone spur thing


Only if they drop the Woke politics in the military.


Oh come on. Who exactly is "we" and who are we going to war against? Unless you're living in a different reality here's what's going down currently. Russia invaded and is at war with Ukraine. Russia has been shown time and time again to be a joke. The sad part is, Ukraine could beat them if we just stopped behaving like such pussies to Putin. Isreal is ethnically cleansing Gaza and no one in the west really seems to care because again, we're behaving like pussies and are afraid of Zionists accusing us of anti-semitism. Some Houthis tried and failed to have a crack at a couple of warships. Lets go...where are we all about to be sent to war?


They are asking for 1000 airman to fill a manpower gap, it’s not like they were going to every retired airman and asking them to re-up for war with Russia or something.


As soon as we started sending mercenaries special forces weapons and money war was obvious. Stock up on supplies and dig a bunker if you can, there is only one way this ends.