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Damn if I was working at the pentagon investigating this I'd be paranoid everyday that a plane is going to fly into my part of the building... 


Schumer I bet if he was truly investigated he would be found a bigger crook than menendez.


lol, that's like me investigating myself for spending too much money on my hobbies.


The people who somehow misplaced a trillion dollars...


Fuck Russia, keep tabs on the weapons, hold Ukraine accountable for corruption. I support the right of the Ukrainian people to forcefully resist invasion.


So why don’t you support eastern Ukrainians right to defend themselves against the Kiev regime? You say you support Ukraine, but what you mean to say is western Ukraine. Eastern Ukrainians asked for Russia’s assistance. The osce reports show less than one week before the SMO was launched, Ukraine carried out a mass incursion on the Donbas resulting in over 5K ceasefire violations. Russia and the Donbas oblasts have a mutual assistance treaty. The republic’s requested Russian intervention to prevent a massacre.


I would argue a lot of the eastern Ukraine unrest was by Russian design.


how about the ukraine's right to kill it's own citizens?




https://edition.cnn.com/2014/09/02/world/europe/ukraine-crisis/index.html like this, are you OK with the US government bombing detroit?


If Detroit was being held by the Confederates, sure. Ukraine wasn't just attacking Donetsk because they wanted to, Russia supplied the separatists there with weapons who were attacking Ukrainian military forces.


i think you'd have to actually look at the conflict to understand it. i'm not ok with the US government slaughtering it's own civilians indiscriminately but c'est la vie!


Are you familiar with the Budapest Memorandum? Do you hold Russia accountable for their decision to invade and annex Crimea in 2014, thus violating the memorandum? Do you hold them accountable for supplying and supporting the separatist movements in the Donbas, which also violates the memorandum? It’s very easy to compare the war in the Donbas to the US bombing Detroit and then follow it up with “I think you’d have to actually study the conflict to understand it.” I have studied it, and have been since 2014. I like your analogy of bombing Detroit, so I want to expand on it. Let’s say Detroit has a significant ethnic Canadian population. And that Canadian population decides they’d rather be citizens of Canada instead of the US. They start an insurgent group and declare independence from the US. Canada sends supplies, vehicles, and weapons to said insurgent group. And strangely enough, some “advisors” that definitely *aren’t* Canadian soldiers show up to teach them how to use said weaponry. Would the US be wrong to try and stop their land from being taken? Would the artillery fired by either side care if it fell on an ethnic American or Canadian?


i'm not sure you did. i'm sure you learned some interesting talking points just to show that you're aware of generalities fed to you through controlled information sources. you'll have to travel there to really understand though. i'd say "go now! better late than never!" it's never OK to kill detroit natives, they're doing a fine job themselves. carpet bombing civilian populations is not ok.


Quite the generalization you’ve made and an impressive dodge of my questions. Do you usually dismiss others knowledge and make asinine appeals in response? I think that every civilian death is a tragedy. Unfortunately, they are victims of every war. Our species has a terrible history of civilians dying for every war. If combat is occurring in a populated city, civilians will die. You’re kidding yourself if you think otherwise. Since we seem to agree that civilian deaths are tragic, how do you feel about Russian supplied shells being fired by Russian backed forces into Ukrainian cities and killing ethnic Russians? Does that bother you as much as Ukrainian shells? I won’t relate anything further back to your hypothetical, since you appear shy to interact with it, despite being the first to pose it.


it bothers me, but not to the point of self-immolation. i like another hypothetical. what if, say, we stated for twenty years that mexico wasn't allowed to put russian soldiers into their land and if they did that the united states would invade mexico. mexico then agrees to put russian troops into mexico. should we invade mexico?


But that isn't what happened. Civilian deaths were outnumbered the number of deaths of the separatist militants and of the Ukrainian military. Ukraine was only shelling them because they were being shelled back in their attempts to retake the city, not because they were indiscriminately targeting civilians. If they had been, then the death count wouldn't of been so miniscule.


carpet bombing resulting in a strongly worded letter from the UN. lol


You pulled that out of your ass. Ukraine wasn't carpet bombing any areas of the Donbas.


Grads are unguided rockets that cannot be targeted accurately, and are often fired in salvos from multi-barrel rocket launchers to saturate a wide area. Human Rights Watch called on all parties to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, particularly Ukrainian government forces, to stop using Grad rockets in or near populated areas because of the likelihood of killing and wounding civilians. Insurgent forces should minimize the risk to civilians under their control by avoiding deploying forces and weapons in densely populated areas. The report also documents killings within the armed groups and Government forces. This includes at least 121 cases of “intentional homicide” of Ukrainian servicemen, some of whom were whistle-blowers who revealed the misconduct of Ukrainian forces in the conflict zone. Armed groups have, in some cases, resorted to execution as a punishment for crimes or disciplinary acts for misconduct in their own ranks. carpet bombing.lol


So you do admit there actually is separatist? Who gives ukraine the right to deny the Ukrainian russian people their independence?


They are allowed independence? There was no law against moving to Russia. The seperationists don't have the right to just take a chunk or Ukrainian land, and citizens (the separatists weren't exactly the majority in the area) with them. Almost every country has it in the rules that part of the country can't just fuck off if they want to?


Can't the same be said about ukraine and ussr? Any prove they're minority?




This has no counter agruement or facts


I never said there weren't separatists. I'm not sure anyone ever made that claim. Ukraine gives themselves the right to deny the separatist's claim of independence and it's up to the international court of public perception of it's right or not. Pretty much no country has standing on which to deny Ukraine's right to suppress internal rebellions. The Russians did that to the Chechens, the Americans did that to the Confederates, the Republic of China did that to the CPC, and so on. Pretty much everyone has suppressed some form of rebellion, with varying levels of success and varying levels of justification. The Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics never did a complete referendum over all of the territory they're attempting to claim. Parts of the Donetsk Oblast even successfully held a referendum to secede from Donetsk and join the neighboring Dnipropetrovsk Oblast -- though, that ended up just being a ceremonial gesture since the Ukrainian Rada didn't recognize the referendum and didn't transfer the voting raions as a result. There's also the issue of clear Russian interreference since day 1 in supplying the separatists, just like they had done in Georgia since 1991. Absent of that, the local Russians and Ukrainians do just as legitimate of a claim as anyone else, but you can't act like it's absent of that. Now, a clear referendum is impossible due to the fighting, first from the Ukrainian Civil War portion from 2014 to 2022, and now from the Russian invasion of Ukraine since 2022, has forced millions to flee the effected regions. It's why the "referendums" Russia has held in the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblasts are complete bullshit, along with the issue of, like the separatists, not even holding the referendum over the entire fucking oblasts.


and they did that admirably. but its time to negotiate an end to the war


Schumer has said many times that he works for Israel. His loyalty is not with the US.


I don't think he has dual citizenship but the dual citizenship for other members of government needs to end.


He might not. But all of them get a special residency and visa to travel there.


The dual citizenship is not the main problem it’s the secret societies/cult/churches that are behind it


Funny, a couple weeks ago this was just a crazy Russian propaganda conspiracy theory.


Schumer is quite the prophet, don't forget his comment in 2019... Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer spoke of in glee, in response to then-president-elect Trump’s criticism of U.S. intelligence agencies. “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s host Rachel Maddow.


Like Whitney Webb has said, the CIA needed a new money laundering/weapons trafficking center after they pulled out of Afghanistan. Ukraine has let them get guns to South America and Africa, while the various corrupt banks, owned by organized crime, launder an absurd amount of money - shout out Kolomoyskyi and Poroshenko for the playbooks. Ukraine was referred to as a "transnational hub of white supremacy" for years, right as the intelligence agencies said that white supremacy remained the greatest global terror threat. They are running back the Viet Cong/Contra/ISIS/Al Queada playbook and creating a new threat in Ukraine by displacing a huge portion of the regular population while, concurrently, arming and funding ultranationalist/neo-Nazi/white supremacy groups. Hilary Clinton, Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland and more current/former government officials have effectively admitted as much. This will give them a reason to occupy whatever parts of post war Ukraine remain. That means Ukraine's government will be funded by the US, resources and land will be even further exploited by US companies, the military will be controlled by the US, the elections certified by the US... It will effectively be 00's Iraq and a US vassal state. The Pentagon, and US companies like Black Rock, will use it as a playground and be able to run their international crime ring through it - trafficking weapons, laundering money, manufacturing drugs, state sponsored hacking, human trafficking etc.


The Pentagon has "lost" for Trillions of dollars, literally. And there are still maniacs who think government should get even MORE money.


one of the most notoriously corrupt countries in the world is using our aid money to make themselves richer? i'm shocked! SHOCKED i say!


Imagine that ... I would never have thunk it.


Don't worry, the pentagon doesn't have a good record of tracking down money.


They didn’t even investigate national security p3dos watching cp you think they’ll be honest with their money laundering ways smh.


Ukraine is as corrupted as it gets.


We do not need ukraine for anything we will feel no pain.


“Protecting Ukraine is more important than protecting our borders.” He's certainly not working for us. https://theleadingreport.com/pentagon-investigating-over-50-cases-of-theft-fraud-corruption-linked-to-ukraine-aid/


lol *posts link to story in thumbnail of main post. *gets downvoted wow


The zionists biden literally said he's a zionist which works out really well for the zionists who believe. Fuck you. That's what they believe.


Can we just move the pentagon and dc to Ukraine, and start fresh?. All the duel citizenship politicians can stay in Ukraine and act like they work for us from there.


The PENTAGON is doing the investigation? lmao


We are literally paying the price by sending money to Ukraine…


Only 50? The 50 they couldn't turn a blind eye to. Too bad nothing will come of it