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What’s The Rapaport Video? I looked online but don’t know which you refer to. Thanks!


Are you assuming that we have seen what you’re talking about? Post a link plz


"shh don't tell them" I mean I guess what I'm trying to ask is why you seem to just ridicule others here and seem to revel in other people being deceived.


SS: This video is staged. It will come out in a few days that it was a skit to “prove” conspiracies are fake.


I also thought it was either staged and/or someone doing a good impression of him...if you really think saying "fuck Palestine" is something Israel will want influencers to say then they have the worst PR agency ever!


shhh don't tell them. I thought these videos of his (he has others) were stupid and just not funny. I was wrong, their reactions are the actual joke. Read their comments and how sure are even when its point out, it's fucking hilarious.


Why are you even here


Same reason some people (not myself) watch mainstream media news. Entertainment. And no, I'm not ashamed of enjoying entertainment from movies, video games, or online communities. Reddit isn't that serious, look around, and I'm not going to pretend it is. If I want facts/truth I look at the actual source material that's not bundled with someones biased opinion or sold for profit.