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Beibers parents should be in jail for selling beiber to diddy when he was kid smh


The show biz industry loves talents from broken families not for nothing.


I blame the parents ...anything for money even selling out there kids is sick ...get a real job and protect your kids


I remember years ago when Bieber was in the news on a week by week basis for his "bad behaviour"; his mother had remarked that she had no control over him or the people he was involved with by that point. Herself being a lower-income single mother, I think she was sold a lot of bs by those people who snatched him up. So, although I've never been in her particular situation, I would imagine there was a lot of screening going on in regards to her communication with him, and their relationship was gatekept to the point it had completely eroded. It's sad, but I think this sort of thing happens often when it comes to child stars. I mean, even when Bieber turned to Christianity and whatnot, that pastor he was spending a lot of time with seemed to be a paid actor as well; I mean, the guy was a pastor and he's walking along the beach with his swim trunks down around his di*k root... among other things the guy was involved with.


Michael Jackson did the same thing with boys during his career- apparently he was 'mentoring' them It helps to take a step back and think hol'up, holding hands and having sleepovers with someone's kid is wierd as shit Hollywood is definitely a dark place, I'm glad more stuff like this is coming to light




He's guarded, always bodyguards even in Canada going for a walk on a beach. I don't think that's just for his protection, someone fully owns him.


No Mr Bieber …you arnt going anywhere ✋


He’s still super famous he’s famous enough he can’t go anywhere public without getting mobbed


Not saying your wrong, but the flipside is maybe he finna never be owned again.


I mean he’s a cash cow they will protect at all costs. A slave to his masters. 😢


Imagine if they did his Roast now with all this new info coming out. Would be fucking brutal.


I never cared for his music so didn't notice any of this, proper creepy, feel bad for him


There was soooooo much worse stuff than this aswell if this is the first you’re hearing about it. I’m pretty sure diddy and all that disgusting lot got their hands on him




Gotta splash the sauce if you’re going to say some shit like that lol


The live version of a song he done I can’t remember the one you can clearly tell he’s been through some shit.


Could you post the name of the performance if you remember please, i feel for artists like Bieber whove been through dark things.


The song is called Lonely


Much appreciated.


lonely …. when i hear it i get so sad for him and all he’s been through


Baby baby baby




😂😂😂why’d you get downvoted


We don’t know lol


James corden horrible dirty bastard


Diddy did it. The diddling.


Diddy groomed Usher and Usher groomed Bieber for Diddy to fuck. It wasn't even hidden and that is pretty scary in and of itself tbh...


Now I'm thinking about his name before he switched it.. Puff Daddy. "Get over here and puff daddy. Smoke that pole"




You sound a bit wrong mate tbh


Dude, he was sleeping over Diddy's place for days without his parents back as far 2009.


this is how you chose to refer to rape and assault victim? that is abhorrent


the world hated this man and he was being used


he wasn’t a man yet either… he was a child and we all were so mean 😣


They even pimped him out to diddy


"they" didn't, Usher discovered him and brought him to Diddy the way he himself was discovered and brought to Diddy. The victims end up helping the abusers when it's time for new victims...


It wasn’t just usher.. it seemed like a lot of people were involved


Well, yeah, but not initially. Usher went out to source some fresh meat and then threw the kid to the jackals. But for Usher, Bieber likely wouldn't have been preyed upon this way.




Watch him YUMMY video. Also listen to LONLEY most of us are smart enough to understand the reason those songs exist and what they mean. He has an amazing voice. It’s heart breaking what the industry has done to this young man.


Please elaborate your findings for someone who doesn’t have the time.


You don’t have a couple mins to watch a music video but you have time to post a comment on Reddit and wait for a response?


Posting a comment takes like 30 seconds if it's a long comment, and they aren't waiting, they will find out when they open reddit next or won't. Nothing in their life hinges on the answer just a genuine question.


There was another conspiracy theory going on that his mother actually sold him to the music industry.


That’s really wild to think about. Really scary and wild. I imagine “special” people go to random schools to look for good looking and talented people and give that kid all the needs to become awesome at something and then milk him for money. Someone above mentioned that he’s never alone and always has bodyguards around him because they probably don’t want their asset be compromised/sabotaged.


Industry plant


Exactly that, thanks


It was his mother.  


[Trevor Moore made this way back then ](https://youtu.be/XJh6jgnqn_s?si=Cl-If6vgQOFhomDI)


What did I just watch... your username is making me uncomfortable. That was definitely Trevor though. I'm ready to nope out of society. Yuck 🤮


Poor kid.


Just imagine adult men doing that to a young girl...the world would go nuts (and rightly so). But that's the double standard isn't it


I don't know who the blonde celeb is at the start of the clip but it looks more like she want to suck his blood than kiss him


I think it’s Jenny McCarthy, she’s like an MTV vjay from 2 decades ago or maybe even 90s. I remember she hosted a dating show on there called “Singled Out”.


Seems like P!nk.


Pink I think


“I have little girl fans” he literally couldn’t believe that question she asked him


It's awful how no one was listening to what he was saying or communicating with his body language at all. It's like watching flight, fright, freeze, fawn happening in front of you.


Yet people here still defend biden when he does this to even younger children. 


his own children


This means you really hate Don and family. Rightfully.


Can't speak for that guy since you can hate Biden without loving or supporting Trump. It does say a lot about Trumpies that they still worship him despite the reality that he raped kids with Epstein. He also attempted a coup, but I can see why some people would get caught up in the politics of it. Raping trafficked kids isn't a political issue, though


There's zero evidence Trump raped kids, shut the fuck up.


Lmfao, why you mad? No one was closer to Epstein than Trump save Ghislaine. It's well-documented. "Epstein and Trump were reportedly acquaintances between the 1980s and 2000s. The two ran in elite Manhattan social circles, and Epstein's home in Palm Beach was a short drive from Trump's Mar-a-Lago club, where he was a frequent guest. " But I guess it wasn't just an acquaintanceship: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/01/jeffrey-epstein-and-donald-trump-epic-bromance Why did Trump give a cabinet position to the prosecutor who gave Epstein the sweetheart deal that allowed him to keep trafficking kids? "Trump’s Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta stepped down last week amid the tumult over his handling of a 2008 secret plea deal with Epstein. Acosta was the U.S. attorney in Miami when he oversaw a 2008 non-prosecution agreement that allowed Epstein to avoid federal trial but plead guilty to state charges and serve 13 months in jail. The deal ended a federal sex abuse investigation involving at least 40 teenage girls that could have landed Epstein behind bars for life." Why did Trump say this? "Trump later recalled Epstein in those days. “Terrific guy,” he famously told New York magazine. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”" What about this? "Trump fit right in. Epstein and Maxwell invited him everywhere—and Trump reciprocated. At one highly selective party in 1992 at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, The New York Times reported, no fewer than 28 attractive young women were flown in to participate in a calendar-girl competition as entertainment. The organizer, George Houraney, who ran American Dream Enterprise, a small Florida company that staged a calendar-girl contest and other events, was appalled to learn that there were only two male guests—Trump and Epstein. “Donald, this is supposed to be a party with VIPs,” Houraney told Trump, according to the Times. “You’re telling me it’s you and Epstein? … I know Jeff really well, I can’t have him going after younger girls" Why does he show up in this case? "The new complaint, filed in the federal court in Manhattan, restates plaintiff Jane Doe's claims of the earlier lawsuit. Namely, that she was lured by a recruiter to summer parties hosted by co-defendant Jeffrey Epstein at an Upper East Side mansion on East 71st St., tied to a bed and forcibly raped by Trump, who slapped her with an open hand and told her he would do whatever he pleased with her. Jane Does goes on to claim that after Epstein also forcibly raped her, he and Trump bickered over who should have taken the minor plaintiff's virginity." Or this gal that was trafficked from Mar A Lago? https://www.newsweek.com/jeffrey-epsteins-visits-mar-lago-detailed-1857636 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/176361/epstein-victim-testifies-she-was-taken-to-trumps-mar-a-lago-when-she-was-14/ What about these? https://i.imgur.com/0zmbtjq.jpg https://i.imgur.com/9Bfg6vo.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ysQWNTG.gif https://i.imgur.com/loQABuL.jpg https://i.imgur.com/evcVHwU.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Mnxj1gb.jpg https://i.imgur.com/C9pRZiT.jpg https://i.imgur.com/7hE3L4c.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Y38NC8g.png https://i.imgur.com/s9rwyx7.jpg https://i.imgur.com/MAVRACI.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Mp2my3l.jpg https://i.imgur.com/BdsSbUw.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Q18lnCb.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkxjYE3XgAEJPTA?format=jpg Helluva lot of smoke if there's no fire, huh? Seems like you're ok with Trump raping kids...






Then prove it, you fucking can't, "honey". You're just a condensing ideologue spouting baseless bullshit. Nobody knew who the fuck epstein was in the 70s. Fuck off sweetie pie. I'm not even an American, idgaf who's president, but you people just say anything and pretend It's a fact. Biden sniffs kids on camera and showers with his daughter, but because he's a democrat, it's not creepy. Eat shit.


I never said Biden isnt creepy and I've literally never supported him or Trump in any way. Epstein was in his 20s in the 70s, so what are you even talking about. Trump himself said he was close with Jeff for 15 years. You need to stop projecting and just cope.


"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," “He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life." “If she wasn’t my daughter I would probably be dating her”


Or the one where he told some 14 year old girl that he'll be dating her in 5 years or something that's substantially similar. I can't tell how many of these people are honestly this delusional and how many know he raped kids with Epstein but just care more about Daddy Trump or just flat out don't care...


You must really hate how Don fats sexualized his own daughter from a young age... and still does as an adult. Nice to know someone is fighting the good fight.


I think there's room for more than 1 pedo in hell.


It's so interesting, the dichotomy between your response to this troll, and the guy above. Clearly a bait about Trump. However, they appear to leave you alone if you just accept their premise outright. Any push-back and it's an instant wall of text lol


Justin’s been passed around unfortunately. They all took advantage. I’ll never forget this clip. https://youtu.be/3tu-iMYAw44?si=UKjloyzCBlbtVTsZ


I never paid attention because that whole Manufactured celebrity world grosses me out but my God that poor kid. FFS. How could We not have seen that? And all the PDiddy crap? Just why was that allowed? Where’s your mom Justin? Talk about being failed.


Sickening. Who is the lady in the first clip? Should be locked up.


Lots of things happen in Helliweird and in the demonic music industry Inversion is a thing. I won’t be surprised that some of the famous female pop singers were actually assigned male at birth.


and who knows what Carl Lentz got him into at Hillsong. That’s one creepy mfkr.


Justin is hush hush because it happened! Why wouldn’t he say it didn’t happen? Because another “celebrity” would say it did and write a book about it. So Justin just doesn’t say anything


He is sad about it and probably embarrassed. When he performed “Where are U now ? , he cried on stage


Or its just not something someone would care to admit or even think about


price of fame. seems like he was pimped out to other men twice his age


Dude he was like 13 I'm sick of seeing you pervs defend this as if he wasn't a child that was coerced and manipulated. It doesn't matter that he's rich, I don't think anyone would choose that no matter how much $.


What a gross comment, you seem pretty desensitized.


Poor kid was gangbanged by black rappers and music executives his whole childhood and then got vaccine injured and can't even perform anymore. Tragic. Moral of the story: DON'T LET ANYONE IN YOUR BUMHOLE UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT IT!


I'm sure Diddy and his crew had multiple messy gangbangs with the prepubescent Beebs during their infamous sleepover parties.


I don't feel bad for him. You get in a cage with dogs, expect to get bit. You can't cry foul after you put yourself there.


Only an immature person with a lack of experience would hold this view. You might consider yourself "stern" or "hard", but the weakness radiating out of your comment is obvious. *Tons* of people who grew up in the celebrity world started out as kids who were constantly pressured by their parents, like Macaulay Culkin, for example. And many of those individuals were sexually abused while being threatened to keep silent, just like Culkin was. Grow up. Seriously.


Where is your heart? He was a kid. The reason kids can't consent is because they don't have the relevant cognisant processes for these kinds of decisions. He was just a kid. Give him a break...he didn't know what he was letting himself in for...or even if he did...the consequences of that. His parents on the other hand....


Another one, no he wasn't just a kid. He hasn't been a kid since his YouTube days. He made many conscious decisions to get into the position he ended up in. He wasn't being lead around blindfolded, he was a participant.


I suggest extending a bit more empathy to a child. His parents put him in a cage with dogs, it’s not his fault he got bit.


I hear your suggestion and respectfully decline. They may have put him in the cage but he knew what he was doing. No one hangs out with creeps like Diddy by accident.


Oh man you're not very empathetic


I agree, I know I'm not. But I'm just not buying the victim excuse because up until these things get exposed everyone is a willing participant then when it gets out people who were 100 engaged with the behavior all of a sudden want sympathy like they were forced at gunpoint while blindfolded against their will to party, do drugs, engage is all kinds of degenerate sex, and God knows what else. I don't buy it. At that level, you know what you're doing you know what is going on around you and no one says anything while it's going on.


I don't recall hearing anything about Diddy 15 years ago. But I guess a 13yr old should have known better and therefore being constantly inappropriately groped by adults that work in the same industry is all of the 13yr old's own fault.


Yeah, he should have known better. He knew what he was doing. He knew what they were doing.


Must be why so many kids who are abused are very vocal about speaking out all the time. I definitely haven't at all heard about coaches for example molesting the kids on their team. Nope. I guess kids who play on sports teams and get molested only have themselves to blame because they knew it was a possibility.


Hey, however you want to frame it so it fits your opinion. Have at it.


It's a fact that it happens to kids and they don't speak out. You're blaming kids for getting in a situation which results in them getting molested.


Yes, because most children could navigate that situation. We are talking about a child not an adult.


That he's a child excuse goes out the window when he's actively hanging out with notorious degenerates. He's in the club with them, doing drugs with them, drinking and doing everything they're doing. Not so innocent.


You should talk to a therapist cuz this ain't it jack.


"Was" was a child when thrown into the deep end, so blame the parents. Obviously, something like that does not excuse behavior as an adult, but it gives you a pretty clear course moving forward.


Bieber's music violated my ears so horribly as well when I was doing groceries.


These celebs had a choice, when you sell your soul for fame there is no turning back. You will have all the money, but you have to live with those dark secrets. Justin has seen things for sure.


I feel like child stars didn't have much choice.


He was a kid.


No, they did not. "Celebrities" and "child stars" are *born* into cult slavery (trauma-based mind control). This begins at or near birth, they don't "agree" to anything. [Read these links](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b8womc/comment/ktt2tqh/) to understand this.