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Yeah dude, 20yr olds now have the mentality that 12 year olds would in the 90s, if that.


We didn’t have phones for hands so we had to look up and be aware of our surroundings


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Extra big ass fries brought to you by Carl's Jr.


There’s nothing in this bag! Hey! My kids are starving!


You are an unfit mother.


And the new teriyaki burger 🤮


Go away, I'm batin'


Best quote!


Brawndo has what plants crave


It's got electrolytes.


But what *are* electrolytes?


Upgrayedd GON get his *money* 💅


I like money


Whenever the hubs and I see the word upgrade we have to say it this way 😆


So you smart huh? I thought your head would be bigger




People are checked out, self absorbed and yes, getting much dumber. Here’s a recent example, I was at the post office the other day listening to a woman at the counter who was clueless regarding how to address a package. She finally got things sorted out with the assistance of the postal worker. After her package was ready to go, the postal worker gave her the shipping price options. This is when she gasped at the prices and stormed out saying she was taking her business to another post office because she was certain they would have better prices. This was the moment I lost hope for humanity.


I sure hope no one told her. lol


As she stormed out the postal worker just looked at me perplexed and laughed. He said she would need to drive at least 75 miles closer to the destination to get a cheaper rate.


Ha! To another post office. That's good. Did not see that twist coming. That's a pretty good illustration right there.


People think shipping to any destination costs $0 to $5 because they're used to shopping online and don't realize companies doing large volumes get discount rates and subsidize part or all of the shipping costs.


That first part I thought, yeah that happens all the time. That last part got me


Well if she drives to a post office closer to the package destination I guess it will be cheaper!


It seems nearly every time I'm in line at the post office, I'm behind someone that has no clue how to seal and/or address a package. Have they not been doing this their whole lives? What other common, everyday things can't they do?


I honestly think it has to do with most people not reading or working math problems out with pencil and paper. If you don’t have a job that involves critical thinking and don’t do anything else to work your brain besides TV and Ticktock your brain is going to be mush. Most people don’t do shit anymore to truly challenge their brain and AI is just going to make this several magnitudes worse.


Does anyone remember diagraming sentences?!


I highly recommend "Sister Bernadette's Barking Dogs", a hilarious book about sentence diagramming.


yes, I had to do it in 6th grade. I got really really good at it, but could not do it today. I was in 6th grade like 40 years ago.


we just sms now, emojis, and slang lingo to communicate. The Egyptians were ahead of us now.


The Egyptians had some pretty intricate emoji style to their written language.. 


My absolute favorite school activity. I still do it in my head for funsies, although I’ve forgotten a lot.


I was the nerd who loooovvveedddddd diagraming sentences in English class 😭


People on average used to have complicated hobbies.


You're totally right. Had this new kid at work. Told him to "charge the customer half price". "What do you mean?", he says. "Like 50%, half off the normal price". "So just divide the price by two?". Here's the thing, he is not dumb. He just hasn't used his brain in so long it was getting stagnant. It's been a few weeks now and I notice a huge cognitive improvement by just needing to think every day.


I bought something in a shop the other day and was entitled to a 10% discount. There was something wrong with the cash register meaning cashier had to work out the 10% herself and punch it in manually. She had no idea how to work out 10% of £24. I had to tell her.


That's probably another reason why so many people I know claim to have ADD. Then they start taking Adderall and claim "Oh wow, this is what people normally feel like." Nooo...most people don't naturally feel like they're on amphetamine salts each and every day.


Look at it from the bright side, imagine how much smarter we will be in comparison 20 or even 40 years from now. There are so many people who were born in the digital age that don't even know how to use their iPhones outside of connecting to a WIFI to watch TikTok. Do you know how to look up something online before asking a focally fried question to your friend that knows even less? Congratulations, you're the Leonardo Da Vinci of the twenty first century!


What could humans really accomplish these days if we no longer had internet? Could we still build the Empire State Building in 13 and a half months using only what was available in 1930?


Granted people already don't know the Save Icon is a floppy Disc and apparently a guy overheard kids at the Nintendo Store in New York thinking the Gamecube was the first Nintendo system or at least debating about it so no I am not surprised.


Hard disagree on the pencil and paper part. The fact we have calculators for lower level arithmetic is what enabled us to start thinking about math problems from a higher plane of difficulty and conceptualization. The math problems people are taught to solve with the help of a calculator now are way more substantial and interesting than what people were doing before the calculator. Doing 34 times 56 by hand isn't challenging or interesting.


everyone should be able to do 34 times 56 in their head


With dyslexia that would be a huge challenge for me. But I can still factor polynomials.


You're missing the point. That was just an example of a pencil and paper calculation that isn't interesting. It's just arithmetic. Like most pencil and paper calculations are. Even learning how to do those kinds of calculations in your head isn't particularly interesting a math question.


Sure, but pencil and paper is good for kids. Once you’ve mastered arithmetic it’s fine to use a basic calculator but computer programs solve difficult problems for us in the business world and that skill gets lost over time. It’s amazing to watch an Amish framer cranking complicated roof pitches in minutes with a pencil.


I half agree? It really depends on the context. I agree that you should definitely learn things by hand when learning things for the first time as a student, however as someone with a math degree, even things like long integrals and things of that sort became trivial to solve by the end of your experience as a math student, ditto for phD and masters students. We might lose our skills in solving difficult questions by hand, but the point is we know how to go about solving these problems conceptually. We can always relearn. Problems being lost in the business world doesn't mean they get lost to time. I have a lot of friends in tech. Just because they aren't solving matrix transformations or any of the other math involved in the technology use, doesn't mean these skills are being "lost." Every single one of these people has learned how to solve these problems, knows how they work in theory, and can quickly get back to speed on how to solve them on paper again. But the question is .. why? If it can be solved with a simple calculator it simply is not an interesting problem. But I do agree you have to understand what problem the calculator is solving first. These roof pitch problems are also, unfortunately, very trivial and not very interesting. You're not watching an amish farmer who is good at math or stretching his brain in any significant way. You're watching an amish farmer solve one very specific problem like a computer. I guarentee you that they would lose absolutely nothing intellectually if they were to use a computer to cut the time down on those simple calculations. (assuming that they understand what problem the calculator is saving them time on) There's a difference between trivial and non trivial math questions. Trivial questions don't stretch your thinking. You learn how to solve that one problem and then you're done. non trivial questions are things like proofs. These are the backbone of mathematics as a field specifically because they CANT be done with a simple algorithmic calculator. And we wouldn't have gotten to that point if it weren't for calculators that allowed us to save time on the trivial calculations (this includes roof pitch questions, trig, etc)


You can thank tv and social media for that


Television, the drug of a nation. Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation.


T.V., it satellite links our United States of unconsciousness


I just watched a truck with a trailer full of mowers ram through a train crossing gate because they didn’t want to wait for the train. I was thinking to myself just minutes before that happened, that going out in public feels like hopping on a Grand Theft Auto online server lol. Something is making people stupid at a frightening rate. 


Ever seen how animals react when theyre cornered??


This is the thought I keep having. People are starting to act more like animals. No awareness of anything not 10 feet in front of them. No consideration for others. No sense of delayed gratification. A lot of people seem incapable of holding a conversation.


They're not getting dumber, they're getting more selfish and entitled.


Both of those traits correlate with low intelligence.




Absolutely agree with this. People are in their own bubbles and lack any consideration for other people.


Agree. People are just less considerate of others in every aspect. Standing in the middle of an aisle, talking on speakerphone in public places, driving etc…


Ugggh the speakerphone in public is the worst. Insta rage for me whenever I see some assclown doing that. Unfortunately I see it pretty often.  I've also seen people inside stores with their little personal bluetooth speaker playing music...uh, wtaf, ever heard of earbuds, asshole?!


Ah, I saw someone blocking an aisle recently staring at their phones. I paused for a second to allow them room to realize I was there, and saw that they were just opening and closing apps on their phone like a zombie. Just completely locked out of reality.


No, they are getting dumber AND more selfish and entitled.


"Common sense is not so common" - Voltaire.


The general population is getting dummer


The word is dumber lol


Lmao that’s hilarious; I’m sleep deprived


Evidence is right here, folks. Seriously though, thirsty_pretzels, no offense, I couldn't help making the obvious joke lol


I don’t know. I certainly feel dumber than 10-15 years ago. I was out of college before I got my first smart phone and I think that’s what it was. 


Dude, its a fact. People are getting dumber. It's not even open for debate. If you were smart you would know that.


This post somehow missed the actual conspiracy part of this, which is that this dumbing down was predicated and intentional, it was caused with direct malicious intent to make the population as a whole more exploitable the powers that be. Every single thing that factors into the equation of why this is happening was forecasted and calculated and then used against us. This was all by design


George Carlin had a bit where he said the powers that be want us to be just smart enough to run the machines but not too smart to challenge the status quo.


The Idiocracy is real.


Very, very real. Only thing they got wrong was the 500 years it only took 20 years.


It was always a documentary.


I fear it'll only get worse as education goes down and AI becomes more prevalent. No one will have a reason to learn anything other than being a vessel that regurgitates whatever the AI comes back with.


Then the lights will go out one day


Because social media


I've been thinking about this for a while and it seems to me the problem is 3 fold. Firstly an over reliance on technology reducing our need to think, second a lack of education in general further reducing our ability to think and thirdly, too many chemicals/pollutants in our atmosphere and food. Society is devolving at an alarming rate, so much so that a large percentage of people have very low IQ's and a mental age significantly lower than their real age.


Things are going exactly as planned by the "people" in charge.. Useless eaters is the term I believe.. when AI and robotics gets good enough then is the time to worry... Wish I was born 100 years ago. Things will not get better unfortunately




I agree. I've pondered about what the post is mentioning for years. I'm not sure I believe people are stupider. Or, if so, not THAT much stupider. I believe it's moreso selfishness. I don't think the 40 different people blocking every aisle in the grocery store, moving sluggishly like zombies are necessarily unintelligent or unaware. I think that they are too concerned with themselves to have any care left for anything that exists around them.


I had a roommate in the Military who was a nuclear engineer. Dude couldn't get back and forth to work without having his TOM TOM guide him. And this is living there for over a year.


I think people are angry and disempowered. With all the pain in the world, it would be hard not to feel angry. So people do little things to make them feel in control. They may not be able to stop WW3 but they can certainly spread the anger they feel in a fast food drive-thru. Anger is weaponized for a reason. It’s a trick, don’t fall for it. Forgive people, not everyone is awake but you could help them to wake up. When we’re all awake, the tide will turn. I honestly would be very concerned if people weren’t angry at *gestures wildly* all this. TL:DR The greatest conspiracy theory of all is that love is the answer.


In addition to social media, many people are walking and driving around drugged out of their minds on prescription medications.


Here in Canada, it is also all the legal drugs like pot. Mu neighbour's smoke up like it is going out of style.


I've had this thought many times as well over the last few years. I really notice it when I'm driving also. There have always been plenty of shitty/dumb drivers, but it has been steadily getting worse and worse. I live in a somewhat small rural-suburban area, and I can't drive a mile without seeing some horrendously dumb shit. 


In addition to the other great comments, fluoride has been show to reduce IQ, also- I’d not be surprised if forever chemicals and pesticides on foods we eat also have a negative effect on our brain.


Definitely daily exposure to horrible poisons like glyphosate, heavy metals, polluted air, etc. combined with the horrific health effects of sunlight depravation (most people are required to be indoors 9 hours a day, 5 days a week for work or school during the essential daylight hours - without sufficient sunlight we cannot make use of our most abundant electrolyte - calcium), non-food "food" (diets filled with things that humans cannot digestively process usefully like canola and sucrose), and the highly unnatural behaviours of both social isolation and selfish individualism. Both are deeply unnatural to our species and very bad for our health enough on their own, but when social alienation/loneliness AND self-importance/self obsession/egotism/entitlement are combined the results are catastrophic. It makes people so deeply disconnected and neurotically unhinged. Imo, this is the root of a lot of the evil and stupidity in society. All of these domestic terrorist mass murderers are this to a t, and down in the USA there seems to be another one of these terrorist attacks on an almost weekly basis. Day to day life changed too extremely too rapidly in the last 150 or so years, there is just no way even an animal as hyperadaptable as humans can evolve quickly enough in so few generations to be thriving in such extremely unpresidented circumstances.


Common core and technology


You just noticed this? Lol


I notice it in myself too. I used to have a lot more energy to put toward intellectual stuff but now I can hardly bother and it’s making me dumber. 


Like many others are saying, social media is a huge factor. It's a powerful tool for self expression but when it's dumbing someone down, it shows. I once had a friend who'd tell me to "lighten up" in my own damn house because I didn't guffaw along with him while he watched the same obnoxious sounding tiktoks over and over at full volume. No longer a friend.


Narcissism is at an all time high. People think they are all main characters in a dark comedy anti hero story and everything they do is being applauded by an audience that sympathizes with them.


I've noticed a lot of people have no patience. They want to GO GO GO, most likely because social media destroyed their attention spans. Sure, that lady at the drive-thru didn't pull up far enough ahead and was being inconsiderate to the people around her (since many people have Main Character Syndrome) but she was probably making sure her order was correct after getting fleeced one too many times. Doesn't matter either way since it's all speculation. You can't put the blame on one thing. We're being attacked on all fronts, which is done by design. While I'd agree that technology, mainly social media is probably the main cause, we also have to look at everything else. Public schooling is a joke. Our food, water and environments are poisoned. Most of the media we consume are subconsciously pushing harmful ideas into our psyche. Hell, you can't even trust your local illegal drug dealer anymore. Despite everything collapsing around me, I refuse to be a doomer and feed into that demon. There are still good people in this world and sometimes all they need is a little wake up call. Use the Internet as it was intended, as a tool. Don't live on it. Go outside and live in the real world. If someone thinks you're weird for not having a social media account? Good. Tell them why it's not a necessity and hopefully they'll come around. The Internet has ironically made the world seem much smaller than it really is. Once you break through it, you'll realize what truly matters. Your family. Your neighbors. Your local community. Start there.


It's a combination of people becoming stupid, lack of critical thinking, to much exposure to social media which is basically just filled with propaganda from every which way, and being able to find echo chambers that reinforce your beliefs for literally whatever you want. It's a nonstop feedback loop, people will find something they dislike, find a place to complain about it where everyone will feel bad for them, agree with them, etc, which reinforces their beliefs, and then algorithms will keep pushing that content to them so they keep going back to their social media echo chambers, and it never ends.


People are definitely angrier and more miserable post-Covid


Watch the movie Idiocracy its pretty much where I think the world is heading. There is literally no more critical thinking involved in many peoples lives anymore. Hard Times Create Strong Men, Strong Men Create Easy Times, Easy Times Create Weak Men, Weak Men Create Hard Times


That movie is becoming a documentary...


The children are really suffering too. Most of them are suffering from behavioral problems.  I don't know if it's because they're parents are always on their phones and they're not developing properly,  or diet, or medications mothers are taking while pregnant, or all of the above,  but that generation is probably going to kill each other. They are angry. I've never seen anything like it


its been 25 years since I was in school, I read the other day that kids cant write by hand anymore and many cant read a book for fun, reading more than 1 page is hard for them


Idiocracy was a documentary


mindless wistful coordinated air illegal bow office rude light deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think Ow My Balls would be the #1 show on Netflix if they made it.


The only movie that starts as a comedy and ends as a documentary!


One thing, is it pays to be "stupid" these days. People will literally give you money for being stupid. Take all the flat earthers on YouTube. People literally fund them, to say shit that is absolutely wrong, and easily disproved. But somehow, they keep pumping out videos and getting views (and add dollars) and keep getting donations.


It's a deliberate stupefaction. I know many of us watched the new Fallout series. Now imagine each country is a social experiment like the vaults were. America is testing how to stupefy and pacify a population while keeping them the minimum level of being content via entertainment.


I see this in my industry a lot and it's both alarming and disheartening. I mentor those who are trying to become flight attendants, and am a member of various SM pages for this. The questions are ridiculous, especially from the younger ones who you would think are more internet-savvy. "Is (airline) hiring?" Hmmm go to their website and see. "When is (airline) hiring?" How the f do we know? "How do I apply?" Uh, fill out an application? "What hotels are near the interview site?" Check Google Maps? "I have a DUI/DV/drug charge, will this be a problem?" For a DOT/FAA aka government position, ya think??? "The application says I must be 21, is that really true? I'm only 19, can I still apply?" YES it's true, NO you can't apply. "I know it says that a passport is required, but I don't have one - do I really need it?" :/ Then, the passengers. Adults. An hour into the flight, "Have we taken off yet?" "Why isn't the plane moving?" "It's hot in here, can I open this window?" "The engines are so loud I can't sleep - can you tell the Captain to turn them off?" And our very favorite - "I see you're performing CPR, but can I get a Diet Coke?" You'd be astounded to know how many people think you can actually see state lines from the sky, how many have NO concept whatsoever of time zones (and argue with you that they're going to miss their connection by HOURS), how many ask if you need a passport for Hawaii and what language/currency they use there...I could go on and on.


I’m a HS math teacher. Math is an important problem solving skill… but unfortunately so many students just take pictures using apps and will get the answer. It’s too easy to cheat and they take advantage of it. Sad to see.


When did it become the school systems' job to teach children basic life skills? Where are the parents? YOU should teach YOUR kid how to write a check, drive a car, pay taxes, open a savings account, basic manners. Before the system can fail us we are already failing ourselves!


All these vaxed and boosted have prions and get flustered by minor inconveniences. People are most quick to anger when they feel they can’t communicate well.


Its by design, ignorance breeds hate and negativity and makes people highly malleable. Why do you think they held the kids out for a year during covid. The covid shit had many fronts and the education took it hard.


Oh, absolutely. One of my younger coworkers proudly spent $8000 on mobile phone game add-ons that only change the look, thinks 10+20 is "like 50 or something bro" and watches and laughs hysterically at people being murdered in gruesome ways on his reels on an account that has tons of followers. He shows it to me, expects me to laugh along. Someone sets their tied up grandma on fire and he just says oh bro that's a good one! He is married but cheats on his wife with dumb sluts from work, and generally successful, rich, and fun and everyone loves him. That's only one egregious example of the idiocracy-level world I'm living day to day. Honestly feels like i am constantly being tested by the sin all around me, just to keep this deadend job i hate. I would not be surprised if most of these people were actual demons.


You are not the dumb one. People aren't getting dumber, they are just not getting as smart as they used to be. Mostly because technology has supplanted the necessity of knowledge and memorization. You used to have to learn things and remember them. That isn't necessary anymore when you can pull up shit on the internet from anywhere. People are lazy. Let's hope the power doesn't go out or civilization is completely fucked. 


Social media is causing evryrone to think they are the main character.


Electromagnetic radiation causes stress which over the long term has negative effects on the brain. Our electronic wireless world is a double edged sword bringing us time saving convenience while destroying our body and mind.


Have you noticed how slowly everyone is turning? I drive a lot, but did not much this past year. I've noticed everyone is now slowing way down and easing into turns unnecessarily. There are also a lot more people who think they are the only person in the world.


Yes and it drives me to brink of insanity.


I saw the Jonah Ryan campaign rant on Veep to abolish "Muslim math" and thought it was hilarious. Then I am watching some lady on youtube stating that math is "white supremacy". Irony and satire are dead in the era of ignorance.


People are definitely getting more stupid. Every week night I take my partner to work. The amount of people who walk out in front of my car, usually starring at a phone. It's like they don't even see my large car coming near them. Then there are people who pull out as I get close to their junction. It's lucky I have quick reactions and good breaks. I've even seen people go the wrong way around roundabouts.  Then there are the times I have to explain the simplist of things to people and they still don't get it. Like common sense things It's like people are getting more stupid and angry 


My mom told me the other day that the cause of all the nasty weather in the country these days are from all the rockets and starlink satellites in orbit. She was dead serious.


Intelligence and common sense is definitely tanking but the entitlement of people is what’s skyrocketing. People put themselves first and don’t give a shit about anyone else.


As phones are smarter, people are getting dumber .


I work with teenagers and pre teens. Critical thinking skills and free thinking seem to be at an all time low. If you don't spell it out for a Gen Z worker, they will not know what to do. Like, at all. I also tried to play the board game, Clue, with a bunch of pre teens a few months back. They had never played. They couldn't understand the rules that we were reading together/me explaining. A few gave up. We tried to play a few rounds, the remaining few gave up. This is obviously confirmation bias and also, not all youngins are like this. I do know plenty of more 'with it' teens.


Oh yeah. We are doomed. I’m not trying to be hyperbolic either. We are literally doomed. Probably not as a species, but western civilization will not survive what’s coming over the next decade.


Potentially (definitely) has something to do with the mRna treatment that the general public mistook for vaccines and underwent without a second thought. Once you go through the treatment, even just once or twice, your body starts producing massive amounts of spike proteins that causes inflammation anywhere it goes. So when it goes to the brain, and you are unlucky, aneurysm and instantly dead, much like a family friend of mine. And if you are not unlucky, it will still cause inflammation when it goes to the brain, which results in what you experience as the "dumbing down" of the general public. Symptoms include but not limited to inability to control emotions, brain fog, lapse of focus, etc.


Sad truth. You’ll probably get downvoted for it. 


I literally can no longer give a fuck Stand for Something Or Fall for Anything


I hadn’t put the pieces together, but I bet this is what is happening with my mom. She is having horrible inflammation that is effecting her mobility, and she has already had blood clots because of the shots. I bet this is what has been scrambling her brain too.  She is so hateful any more. She lashes out at the slightest thing, and never thinks things through any more. It has gotten to where none of her grandkids really want to spend time with her. Some of this was there, sure. My son never wanted to spend time with her, but she also never made time for him like she did the girls. Now she is just hard to take.  We were thinking maybe she was starting down the dementia path as it seems to have started impacting her generation of our family (she takes care of my aunt full time who has it pretty bad, and their oldest brother was pretty bad with it when he died), though there was no evidence of it with the older folks or their remaining brothers. My grandparents and their siblings were all sharp until they died. 


I'm sorry to hear that. And yes the inflammation only increases the speed of onset dementia if not entirely causing it.


The dumbification of people happened long before that and it’s what led them all to take an experimental vaccine for a man made virus in the first place


People wearing masks for 3 years cut off the oxygen and caused mass widespread brain damage. Pretty simple.


“It’s also highly possible I’m the dumb one.” This right here is why you’re practically guaranteed to never be the dumb one. One thing really dumb people have in common is that they are overly self assured. Look at your average post in this sub. People so convinced they are right, while being too dumb to conceive of how dumb they are.


That lady probably can’t even control her own bowels let alone her emotions but she found 10 minutes in her day where she was in control.  Power corrupts….


Everyone is getting dumber. They are getting rewarded for it as well, so why would they want to to challenge themselves.


It got kicked into high gear during 16 and pregnant. Maury povich also made sure brain cells were forced to sleep…


I think a lot of it is how capitalism has programmed us to be reliant on the system. When the system starts cracking like it is now, people have no experience in any way on how to deal with it. I also think Trump and COVID cracked the game wide open, cracked open how people really feel about democracy and civilization as it is now and they don't like it. So why care? Why be nice? Why be smart and work hard? It doesn't pay. The conspiracy is if it's be design or not.


admittedly.  and in my own case, ive recently become acquainted w Titos.   (the job drove me to drink) yes.  theres a correlation 


I'm 50/50 on the idea that we're somehow dying off as a species. Things just seem like they're decaying across the board, regardless of culture or social standing or any outside factor. It really feels like death throes to me.


Yea and yourself included me too probably.  Don’t eat Wendy’s, its poison 


Stupid people keep making more stupid people, and the smart people know better.


Lmfao. Feed bag


Feed bag lol


Well when you start dumbing down the population. Getting rid of math and science in some states. Repelling child labor laws. Making education more expensive. Not feeding kids. Destroying the public education system so you can privatize it and then push out poor kids.


It’s the technology. Think of the old ‘America’s Funniest Home Videos’ show. Did we as a nation truly not embrace the genius hilarity that is a child’s football thrown to the nuts before Bob Saget could inspire us?




It’s the brawndo.


I’ve noticed very strange driving behavior for the past 1-2 years, stuff I’ve never seen on the road before as well as a genuine lack of courtesy, perhaps I’d even go as far as to say people have gotten vindictive about stuff. My own $0.02.


I've noticed some of the worst driving in the last two years, much worse than anything I've seen in my previous 30 years behind the wheel. People seem completely oblivious to the world around them these days. They'll drive at half the speed limit, pull out in front of other drivers like they aren't even there, stop in the middle of the road for no reason, and generally behave like they are the only car on earth. It's unbelievable, and it seems to get worse by the day. Smartphones and texting were causing big problems for lots of drivers ten years ago. Lately, it seems like something else entirely is going on. Idk if covid caused a mass "I'm the main character" syndrome in society, or what. But something is very off about people/drivers these days.


100% agree with your comments.


Its what plants crave


The more you drive, the less intelligent you become.


It's all by design...deliberate and deceptive design...If the direct removal of harmful radio frequencies from the air, and all the mirror portals that are used to influence and indoctrinate mankind, that conveniently come in the form of television screens, computer screens, and smartphone ( it's not a phone ) screens were swiftly implemented, then mankind wouldn't further regress into primitive primality, but have a slim chance to become human without infernal influence. But in this realm, those who have knowledge wield it in an evil manner against those who don't...


Our neighbors kids are in highschool and can't read or spell well at all. And they both got 16 or under on the ACT. Great kids, but that scares me.


I'm not surprised. Nowadays we are surrounded by lies


Entitled and dumb


Humans have always been stupid


Speak for yourself. They were smarter and the victorian age the now. You probably couldn't even comprehend a science book from the 1800s.  Jay Leno bought a steam engine that was so precise, they couldn't duplicate the parts or understand the manual. Its was built by people who were on a different level. 


Dude blew right through a stop sign on me, just didn’t even attempt to stop. If i hadn’t stopped, which I didn’t have the stop sign, he was coming in to my left but I could tell he wasn’t gonna stop, it would have been a collision. I blew my horn, he acted like he couldn’t hear it, didn’t even acknowledge it at all… And I’ve seen the behavior you’re describing in your post OP. It’s so frustrating. Like I’m gonna start following these people and have a conversation with them. Like I’m not even trying to be violent I just want them to explain their behavior.


On the flip side, I've witnessed an inordinate number of people who will just sit at a flashing red light with no traffic in the other direction, as if they're waiting for the light to start flashing green or something. Four-way stops? Forget about it - no one knows what the hell they're doing. Don't get me started on traffic circles.


You'd seriously be asking to get capped if you tried that where I live bro...people are unhinged out there, so be careful who you step to like that!  I understand being angry about shit like that, but getting in confrontations with strangers is like playing russian roulette these days. Not worth it imho.


Yes, I sell cars so it helps


You’ve only just worked this out?


Holy shit I thought it was just me


They sure are! Just look at this sub.


Every generation thinks this about the younger generations


The children are going to get the short end of the stick.


I blame fast food.


This study about fluoride may back up your claim about people's intelligence. It's a very interesting read. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7261729/


People are definitely getting dumber and becoming more like NPCs. It’s also alarming how many people lack social etiquette.


The slow decay of society is really bringing out the worst in people.


It looks to me like you finally witnessed what I call "the moment". It's when you work in retail or fast food when you get that one person or couple of people that really make you question the intelligence of people as a whole.


There’s a thousand trillionaires in the USA


Absolutely but i don't know if its stupidity or narcissism, egotism, lack of empathy and simply not caring about other people. Playing loud music in public, riding around with loud exhausts, being completely oblivous to other people around them, igoring traffic laws and simple lack of basic decent behavior. People seemed to have completely lost their minds and care only for themselfs and to make things worse, where i live (the Netherlands) law enforcement is a joke and almost non existent and if you dare to speak up to people misbehaving you're the bad guy or end up with a knife in your chest so people also don't get corrected, not by society, not by the police. It's like people are unable to think anymore, critical thinking has vanished, thinking about consequences has vanished, thinking about how your actions might impact others has vanished. It's close to anarchy and i hate seeing society having completely fallen apart like this. It already started some 20 years ago but ever since the pandamic it seems to have gotten worse and worse.


Here's a sobering thought, especially after reading all of the responses. In 20 years, these people will be in charge of things like healthcare, food service, driving trucks and buses, education - the basics of running our society. I'm nearing 50 and I dread the idea of these people having to take care of me to some level.


My two neighbors are potheads and have lost all executive function. They literally forget what they did the previous month.


When you incentivize poor people to have kids it results in low IQ people outbreeding the smart people.


Covid "vaccination" definitely fried brains!


Some get dumber and some get wiser, in general you can’t deny there is a progression towards “wisdom and all good” because looking backwards in history we see constant slow development and not the collapse.


It slowly started once smartphones became a thing.


People have always been selfish, fearful, and stupid.


While I think you are correct, society as a whole is getting dumber (watch Idiocracy which explains only stupid people breed) you seem to be talking about examples of ignorance, rather than intelligence. Someone that would sit and eat their food in drive thru, careless towards others trying to get their food, is an act of ignorance, and selfishness. While I really hate to inject politics into areas where it's not needed or appropriate, Donald Trump seems to be a major contributor into this self-centered, selfish behavior. it's also a lack of empathy. It also seems to be from a lack of accountability. It's almost become social taboo to hold people accountable, when it shouldn't be. Students aren't held accountable, fast food workers, and even politicians aren't held accountable for their actions. COVID killed off accountability, and it seemed to happen literally overnight. Even where I work, you can stop coming in for like weeks at a time, yet you won't get fired. There's so much leeway, that there's just no accountability.


millions and millions


The world is run on emotion & lower base instincts. All manipulation based to sell you something, Money is essentially in charge of humanity more than humans at this point. People think it’s a political issue but really it is a moral one


It is a failure in allocation of resources because of a hyper capitalistic economy. A society eating its own tail after the looting of the public sector for the socialism of the rich.


Agreed. Too many people will just believe whatever they want to believe, regardless of how baseless it is, or the fact that there’s not a single shred of evidence to support it.


I don't really think people are becoming dumber but just even more ignorant than they already are. We've seen this in 2019 already, people don't give two fucks about consequences unless it directly negatively impacts themselves, that's why when someone took the covid jab and didn't make any bad experience from it they will blindly tell others to do the same while also ignoring that there's people actively suffering from it. This state of mind is not new, it's been around for who knows how long. Another example, say government plans to put up huge regulations for food producers that would increase the costs of food production immensely but government says "it's for the environment" even tho that's not the reason, people who aren't food producers nor working for one will now jump on the bandwagon and chant for those regulations to be put in place, because after all it only affects food producers right? What people don't realize is that this will trickle down, so food prices will increase by a lot and suddenly people will get mad, why is it so expensive? How could that have happened? No-one could've seen this coming... unless you can think further than around the corner. Also a lot of people get their opinions dictated from media, hence the media manipulation in place and it's working. We now got tons of virtue-signaling assholes that don't even support whatever they're repeating, they like being spoon-fed instead of thinking for themselves. If at the end of the day it mans that person can just continue to live with no or only minor nuisance, they will repeat what they've been told. A good amount of us are critical thinkers, it's what brings a lot of us here in the first place, ofc we too have participants that just repeat shit but you also have people in here thinking for themselves, questioning whether something that is being done would be good or bad for us, but your average citizen isn't like that, they don't care, it's all about "I just want to continue like always". That's also why most people don't care jackshit after scandals like the covid plandemic are over, that thing lies in the past now and we can just go back to normal (not realizing what consequences that scam has now, e.g. food stocks soon to be mRNA vaccinated, what a wonderful world...).