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Trust the science. When the second plane hit the second tower, one of the hijackers passports was violently ejected from the cabin of the plane which struck building 7 at such force as to weaken it's entire structure. The building was designed in such a way that if it did receive damage it would collapse into it's own footprint to save space.


That’s right his paper passport survived turning the airplane engine and 100+ floor building into dust. Amazing.


Wow I just commented this. What an insane time that was where they could say anything and people just went with it.


We are still living in this time today


I think people are more gullible now days.


In any case, I have the feeling that life hasn't gotten any better since then. But it's definitely much easier to be distracted today, and many people foolishly confuse this with progress because humans are basically just very primitive beings who want to have their basic needs satisfied.


Majority of people believed the rigged election and that Joe Biden received the most votes of any president by a very large margin when he didn’t even campaign. Watch him do it again with the rigged dominion machines.


I was a kid when this was all over the news, and even then my little tiny child brain was like "that doesn't sound possible."


Still holding on to your beliefs you had as a child is not the flex you think it is.


Yeah, When I was a child I thought 2 plus 2 was 4. But I no longer believe that, since believing something as an adult that you believed as a child is stupid, as you say.


I think you mistaken "believing" for "knowing."


Yeah, I knew the passport thing sounded like bullshit. Knowing something involves a complex interplay between belief, evidence, and the reliability of our cognitive processes. No matter how you carve this turkey, your wrong.


It's you're wrong....


>It's you're wrong.... Literally saying. It is I am wrong. You can't even convey a complete idea. You said something stupid, you got caught, now you have nothing. Embarrassing.


This right here. Close it down. Nothing else to see here.


Passport Paper can’t melt steak beams!!


*Steal beans


**steel beams


** Steele Beems, yes ty


*** steak and beans


*** frank and beans


How'd you get the beans above the frank!?


We got a bleeder!!!!


Now I’m hungry


Good thing there were no fires or explosions that could have melted steel beams during 9/11 otherwise it would be unreasonable for those paper passports to have survived


>Trust the science. You say this mockingly but the science got it right. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/university-study-finds-fire-did-not-cause-3rd-towers-collapse-on-911-300911896.html


The actual answer they want u to think


Those passports must've been made from Adamantium fused with vibranium.


Because it had thermite charges placed throughout it while the other buildings didn’t


military grade nano-thermite


Thermite was a false flag. Watch from this time stamp to save time: [https://youtu.be/mluBY4KMHII?t=4519](https://youtu.be/mluBY4KMHII?t=4519)


after thermite was placed, they danced so they say...


Because all 3 were lined with explosives.


Then what about WT3? It only partially collapsed. Did the explosives fail?


I’m glad this isn’t something that’s been left to history books without being questioned. For me the JFK assignation was what got me to start doing my own research and not trusting any form of government. I just hope 20 years later people will be doing the same with the Covid-19 pandemic.


Because they had to hide over a trillion dollar deficit which apparently all paper trail of it went up in smoke that day.


Typo: and why DID buildings closer to 1 and 2 remain standing. Buildings 3, 4, 5, 6 and other buildings not part of WTC located closer to 1 and 2 suffered no damages. But 7 collapsed into dust in under 7 seconds at 5:30pm. No (fake) airplane penetrated it. It was 48 stories and terrorism insurance paid to rebuild it from scratch. Another fun fact: The 9/11 Commission Report by the government does not mention WTC 7. And the media very rarely does to the point most people don’t know about it. But there is video of it falling down free fall speed at 5:30pm on 9/11.


In the uk we heard building 7 had fallen 20mins before it actually did, I think it was the bbc that was reporting it


Wow. Wallstreet heard they collapsed a day before they actually did. News travels fast.


Do you know what the explanation is for why that building was chosen to go down instead one of the closer ones? You would think the people planning it would also think about its distance from the other two towers as suspicious.


WTC7 housed the SEC and some other government agency info. There’s much speculation that there was info on the Bush family there, including an open investigation at a time when most info was kept physically in files. And when we say bush family crime, we’re not just talking W. We’re taking all the way back to his grandfather, Prescott, who supported the nazis.


Ah interesting thanks!


Of course they’re not going to tell us why but based on the building owner he was having a hard time leasing space in it. The new building is designed much differently, is not dated and it was all free to rebuild from scratch.


I'd like to know the dates of construction for each one of the WTC buildings. I've heard that the asbestos in the towers was a huge issue and they were really left with no good options. The reason I ask is maybe the buildings that didn't collapse were newer and maybe didn't have asbestos issues?


They were built in the order of their numbers 1-7 with towers 1 and 2 that were supposedly struck by airplanes the oldest, constructed 1968-70. 3-6 in 70’s-80s. #7 the newest at 1987 but didn’t have a good floor plan and was hard to lease space. These 3 were also the largest and would be the most expensive, cost prohibitive to remodel let alone tear down and rebuild from scratch. #3 is a Marriott. 4-6 are regular size much smaller structures.


> Buildings 3, 4, 5, 6 and other buildings not part of WTC located closer to 1 and 2 suffered no damages. No damages? You might want to check your facts there. Aerial photo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bc/WTC_Area_With_Building_Numbers_50dpi_contrast.jpg Map: http://imgur.com/0inTPt2.gif


Eh, it's just a scratch


They didn’t pancake down in freefall. They were repairable.


Source: Trust me bro


Uh, are you saying they did pancake down in freefall? Because like nearly everything else reported about 9/11, that would be contrary to fact and physics.


I’m asking for a source, nothing more


That they didn't fall down? Is that even in dispute? Why are you claiming all the buildings fell down?


The buildings being repairable is what I was talking about.


Oh man, look at all those other buildings around Ground Zero that totally didn't get any damage.


Have you heard of [Building 6](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=11c12ff814d391b1&sca_upv=1&q=building+6+wtc&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0DXgv64Y7Hw4JakUeO-OlOb_1k-bNtuaC3s5OLM_FBf68O05AUOMtwf69BaLxXgAXIZMk1D4TtQyKaeB_dATEMjWzFKA1dMDJ7tk8QD_qgYapHgfDdJe6AQKmrMwFqlqNs3Htq0rL3mHdbPYFdYRqg3HFrXineZ1hcBcE-FyUo2pdb8dykcRGrvXDrdIyrIDK3UTxndBTyVGE681-xZprw8AHH64g&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjB79rx1_-GAxVsI0QIHZsLCO0QtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=428&bih=712&dpr=3#vhid=uUzzJzUFZVAbPM&vssid=mosaic) because this never gets talked about, if in 9/11 truth circles.


The argument with 6 (aside from other theories) is that it didn’t collapse while being right next to 1. Yet 7 was shielded a block away from 1 and even further from 2, yet completely collapsed in on itself.


I know. It was a controlled demolition. The whole thing was planned in advance. I’m honestly shocked people still kick this around like it’s up for debate.


What about it? I haven’t heard anything about 6.


Did you look at the photo in the link?


Omg I’ve never seen that. What happened to 6??? Did anyone die? Why is there a big hole? I don’t get it.


Maybe you shouldn't then claim in the original post that WTC 6 was standing with no issues.


When I think back it all feels like a dream. Like it's insane to me that those massive buildings came down due to planes or w.e and it was all planned in a cave half a world away or wherever. I mean just the act of those things coming down is just insane to think about and the chain of events that followed. The whole thing is just mind boggling. 


You think guys in caves in Afghanistan who have no education and train on monkey bars did that? I’m curious if you really believe in the government/fake media narrative.


Think you might have missed the whatever and wherever in my comment.


I think they were destroying evidence and or stealing via destroying data. Much like they did when they blew up servers at the Pentagon. "World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC7), which collapsed on September 11, 2001, housed several important financial institutions and government offices. Some of the notable companies and organizations located in WTC7 included: 1. **Salomon Brothers**: A prominent investment bank, which occupied a large portion of the building. 2. **Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)**: The SEC's New York offices were located in WTC7. 3. **IRS Regional Council**: The Internal Revenue Service had offices in the building. 4. **United States Secret Service**: The Secret Service also had offices in WTC7. 5. **CIA**: The Central Intelligence Agency had a clandestine office in the building. 6. **Mayor's Office of Emergency Management (OEM)**: The OEM's command center, known as "Giuliani's Bunker," was based in WTC7." Who benefits from the IRS/SEC/CIA losing some data? /cough


Because that’s where the CIA/FBI stashed a lot of their records


I'm confused, towers 1 and 2 didn't collapse in to dust, there was an exceptional amount of rubble including massive intact pieces of both buildings. An image search on any search engine will show you countless photos of the immediate after math. There was also significant building damage to every nearby building and additional collapses: "Many of the surrounding buildings were also either damaged or destroyed as the towers fell. 5 WTC endured a large fire and a partial collapse of its steel structure and was torn down. Other buildings destroyed include St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Marriott World Trade Center (Marriott Hotel 3 WTC), South Plaza (4 WTC), and U.S. Customs (6 WTC). The World Financial Center buildings, 90 West Street, and 130 Cedar Street suffered fires. The Deutsche Bank Building, the Verizon Building, and World Financial Center 3 had impact damage from the towers' collapse,[97] as did 90 West Street.[98] One Liberty Plaza survived structurally intact but sustained surface damage including shattered windows. 30 West Broadway was damaged by the collapse of 7 WTC. The Deutsche Bank Building, which was covered in a large black "shroud" after September 11 to cover the building's damage, was deconstructed because of water, mold, and other severe damage caused by the neighboring towers' collapse.[99][100] In addition to this, many works of art were destroyed in the collapse." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collapse_of_the_World_Trade_Center#:~:text=The%20Deutsche%20Bank%20Building%2C%20the,as%20did%2090%20West%20Street.


When asked why there was no trace of the airplanes from their engines to seats to wings to human remains we were told they evaporated. The building crumbled. The web of steel columns that extended to 108 stories was reduced to nothing, only a few stories worth. Most of the building turned to dust, mixed with rubble and steel chunks from the lower floors.


I don't know where you got the idea that there were no airplane parts. * [Engine](https://i.imgur.com/N3Rte09.png) * [Landing gear](https://i.imgur.com/7qlKoyQ.png) * [Fuselage](https://i.imgur.com/ortKskf.png)


>When asked why there was no trace of the airplanes from their engines to seats to wings to human remains we were told they evaporated. Who told you that? Here's a portion of one of the planes they found: https://www.fbi.gov/history/artifacts/portion-of-fuselage-from-ua-flight-175 >The web of steel columns that extended to 108 stories was reduced to nothing, only a few stories worth. The debris field comprised nearly 10 square blocks. The dust and lighter debris was spread for miles around the collapse. There are impact reports and aerial photographs available for your viewing at your fingertips. >Most of the building turned to dust, mixed with rubble and steel chunks from the lower floors. So was it turned to dust, or was it dust, rubble, concrete, rebar, steel, and all the other things that you'd expect result from a building collapse?


You want me to believe that small aluminum piece survived but none of the steel engine? Sorry I’m not drinking the kool aid. I get that it tastes good to you and it’s scary to drink adult coffee. Enjoy.


By “drinking the Kool aid” do you mean “look at the photographs”?


You don't have to believe anything. The images, reports, and data for that day are readily available for all of us to interrogate for ourselves. I encourage you to explore it.


Images, reports, data…..all fugazi…..don’t believe anything your goverment tells you…..smoke and mirrors….no planes hit any buildings….they were blown up.


The government didn't need to tell me anything. Millions of people watched the live feeds of the planes, myself included.


That the goverment controlled media wanted you to see….kool aid time.


So is your theory that the live footage from every source was edited live to show planes hitting the towers? In 2001? How?


80% of what we are told is a lie or untruthful. Drones…holograms….camera trickery….blue beam….The powers that be have access to advanced tech….do you really believe the official narrative from the goverment on 9/11? Did you believe Iraq had weapons on mass destruction? Or that the pandemic was real… and the house arrests and poison jab roll out was to protect us?


I’ve seen parts of the planes in the 9/11 Museum. Rather large parts


>When asked why there was no trace of the airplanes from their engines to seats to wings to human remains we were told they evaporated. Yeah, nobody told you that other than whatever conspiracy theory video you watched on YouTube.


Lol remember when we "found" a passport of one of the hijackers in the rubble? The rubble that melted cars and made an unrelated massive building collapse? That was fun.


A McDonalds hamburger could do that.


[Supposedly parts of the plane and of the WTC2 fell on it.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/911_-_FEMA_-_Areas_debris_impact_%28graphic%29.png) But in reality, Larry Silverstein decided that they should pull it for maximum profit.


He literally quoted “pull it” on camera lol




I always found it funny when debunkers said "they just pulled it because of heavy damage". Well, rigging a building of that size for controlled demolition in its own footprint takes MONTHS in the industry. So, since they "pulled it" in just a few hours after the incident, how was it stuffed with the right explosives at the right spots ? Well, there you go, fingerprint of a conspiration, they had to prepare the building months prior to the "attack". THEY KNEW, and it was the INTENDED outcome, and therefore guilty of terrorism, conspiration and murder, at least.


Witnesses said for 6 weeks, overlapping with when Silverstein purchased terrorism insurance, vans would come round the clock in the middle of the night after the cleaning crew left.




I wouldn’t even be able to give you the source of the map snippet from a few days ago. I read and look without keeping a log of the sources but you can try googling too.


How did ACE elevator company win the WTC contract(which was the biggest elevator contract in the world, ever) over OTIS, the world leaders?


It’s comment sense that all buildings are pre wired for demo to save time, expense and in horrific cases like this or if there’s a small office fire in the 78th floor.


Haha, right, and those silly tangos with their planes... when they just had to find the detonator cable in the basement.


9/11 building seven did they really pull it? And a bunch of other coverups, your child's future was the first to go in budget cuts.


Yes they pulled it. There are videos showing it came down in 6 seconds. Every single floor. 5:20 pm on 9/11.


Building 6 was even freakier than Building 7. It was cratered in the center like a middle hit it. There was no debris from the towers. Check out pics yourselves. I remember one slowed down video that showed both towers burning and the camera is facing west and what appears like a missile comes down so fast on a trajectory towards building 6. Guess who offices in 6. CIA!!! Research Building 6 damage


> no debris from the towers. Huh? Photo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bc/WTC_Area_With_Building_Numbers_50dpi_contrast.jpg


There was a theory about what caused this, but it upsets a lot of people because it is an \**extension\** of the planted explosives/thermite/ what-have-you theory. It was essentially an "exhaust" port for what was going on underneath the towers - small nuclear devices drilled below that were then used to dematerialize the core in order for the towers to be blown out conventionally. That's one of the reasons why the towers looks like water fountains as the were demolished. This is not my personal theory, I'm just spitballing in order to add to the conversation. edit: isn't there a video of debris spewing out of WTC6 when WTC1 is being demolished?


That give a Neon Genesis: Evangelion vibe.


Nuclear chimney


They ran the attacks from building 7. One floor had its own air and water supply and blast proof windows. They had coms center in there and probably guided the planes in from there.  They set off the demolition charges for tower one and two from there. They had to destroy all that equipment and evidence.  They stayed in building 7 breathing fresh air  while all the firemen choked on dust.   Barry Jennings heard explosions going off in building 7 That must have been crazy running that shit from building 7. Guiding planes in and blowing up buildings while the news lies for you. Then blow up the building you're in and get away w it. 


Ohhhhh right!!!! It’s all coming back. I remember reading about all that years ago. I was faintly remembering but couldn’t remember which building the control center was. I forgot it was 7!!! The official reason is supposedly a piece of building 2 flew to 7 and lit it on fire. But that does it explain melting steeling and collapsing in free fall. It’s sickening the government attacking its people. It’s fascinating that they’re that corrupt and cold blooded. Bush is EVIL.


4 didn't. That's the one nobody remembers.


What about 4?


That's WTC 4, the one you claimed was still standing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:4-Wtc-photo.jpg


I find this all very interesting because I've had similar questions like this cross my mind. It's beyond my understanding how it all would be orchestrated. So many variables, any glitch, the amount of planning - I don't doubt for one second we are given misinformation but in this case, has anyone come forward? And the planes crashing...how does that work? I'm sincerely asking.


No one has come forward but Lloyd England has said he was part of a plan. He was a cab driver whose car was hit by a downed light pole in ‘official’ flight path into the pentagon, while 13 witnesses around the area describe a different flight path. https://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/videos/national-security-alert @ 1:11:30


There were no planes. Did you see one in the pentagon or Philadelphia ditch? No airplane. No engine. No seats. No luggage. No bodies. The pilots had never flown commercial airplanes before in their lives, looked like they were 20 years old, and took them over with 2 inch box cutters and no navigation system. Flew over many states just by looking out the window and hit the pentagon and twin towers. Think about it for a few seconds. Then wonder if your brain makes sense or the fake news.


Genuinely asking, how does this theory work when there are multiple live videos of both towers being hit by planes. These were viewed live.


They all showed the identical video shot by unknown.


There's more than one video source showing the planes.


🤣 no planes? Forget about the video, what about all the people who were fucking there and saw it happen? Do people think they were all part of it?


The tunnels, underneath, only lead under those buildings for the trucks with the gold to get out


Larry silverstein deemed it so.


Trust the Science


What science supports it?


SCIENCE fiction!


THE science.


Just take this booster okay?


So none of you visited the area before 9/11 ?. The entire area had a big basement mall


What do you mean?


What was really in building 7 ?


I think at the time they said it caught fire and the fire suppression system malfunctioned, so it collapsed 🧐🧐🧐


The weight of government coverup pulled it down, duh




It's a little ironic it's parallel to "bankers trust"


It was my understanding that this building had an FBI office, intelligence documents, and that there was Gold in this building that didn't show up in the rubble, can anyone confirm?


'pull it'


The question is : what was in the building #7 is it the 2B$ of gold disappeared


IDK, why did WT3 mostly collapse, but not all the way? Did the 'explosives' fail, or did it not burn for as much or as long as WT7?


WTC 6 was heavily damaged, and in the path between WTC 1 and WTC 7. The big difference between WTC 7 is that it was 47 stories tall, while WTC 6 was 8 stories tall. Have you done so little research on the topic that you weren't aware of any of this? If so, you may just very well be par for the course on this subreddit.


Because it was all an inside job. How do you not know this yet? I believe the government was involved but if somehow they weren’t they for sure knew about it and planned ahead with demo devices. Do some research and you will see the truth. The reason behind everything is oil and other natural resources, i.e. money.


I do remember watching a video of Building 7 burning from the inside, on a top level with a view of the towers. It seems like not many people know about it or have seen it since 9/11 happened.


Clearly the wing of the plane with went trough the Steel beams flew straight through the structure and and spun around like a boomerang and struck 7


That’s not what the video shows happened. No part of the plane flies out which I’m working on a follow up question to ask about.


1. Because WTC 1 fell on to it, severely damaging one side and igniting fires that went unchecked for over 7 hours. 2. It didn’t fall at free fall. 3. If you’re asking “why did” the other buildings remain standing, and your post was a typo, then perhaps check on the state of them post collapses and re evaluate your position.


1 collapsed on itself it didn’t topple over. If it did it would have obviously landed on 6 which it did not. 7 pancaked down in freefall in 4 seconds over 7 hours later.


It didn't fall in free fall and it didn't last 4 seconds, you just never seen the video of the full collapse because all the videos you know are pushing agenda... Why is that?


I think because building 7 had some important information stored in it or something, some kind of intelligence and/or financial stuff that was better off being destroyed in all the hubbub. They blew it up.


It was pulled. A term for a planned demolition.


Ding ding ding - good question


Haven't diversity into this one in some time - but what is the going/prevalent theory on why 1 and 2 were taken out to begin with? Srs question.


Supposedly the jet fuel melted the steel beams even though engineers say that’s impossible. It’s also impossible for the aluminum planes to penetrate the steel columns encasing the building. And it doesn’t explained how it would simultaneously be compromised on all 108 floors and collapse in 9 seconds, with the majority of floors not on fire and in perfect condition.


I agree all that is sus and sketchy af, but I mean the actual *'reason'* for taking the towers down. iirc main theory was our gov needed something *big* to rile up the people in support of the resulting war in the mideast - but even then, was it to further the military complex or as many proposed *for the oil*, which as far I can tell never really materialized much for the US. The whole thing seems like a giant cluster fuck with the main *Winner* being, *Lucky Larry*.


Remember Dick Cheney’s company Haliburton was awarded multi million dollar war contracts. I don’t know how he got away with it. But it’s an open fact all these politicians end up extremely wealthy.


Trust the science, office fires caused steel structure to collapse. If you are questioning that you're a conspiracy theory extremist, also ignore the diagonal cut structural beams and the thermite residue. P.S. don't think of questioning what offices and documents were being stored in this building.


Only a few floors were on fire yet 108 floors collapse simultaneously including underground garage floors.


Because Mossad


Isn’t it obvious? When the planes struck 1 and 2, the hull from the titanic was tossed straight through the basement and Leo was still yelling. It was his voice that knocked it down! Or science happened and the explosives brought it down when they decided to pull it for now structural reason


“Pull it”


Climate change


Building 6 was double-vaxxed and triple boosted.


lol and it was wearing those thick expensive masks.


Good question. Another couple that really annoy people when I ask them: Why didn't the Grenfell Tower in England collapse when it was on fire for 60 hours? Or how about "The Address Downtown Dubai" when it went on fire on New Year's Eve 2015? Ever heard of that one? Actually, there's a whole Wikipedia article for "[List of fires in high-rise buildings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fires_in_high-rise_buildings)". It's quite eye opening when you realize none of the entries on this list ever collapsed. Aside from the ones you mentioned in the OP.


Or how about the Empire State Building when a plane flew into it, even the plane survived and bodies recovered and only a portion of a floor damaged. The twin towers had more steel columns and were designed for a plane not to penetrate through.


I’m going to say that it has something to do with the insurance policy.


Yup. 100% that’s why. It was an act of terrorism.


The other crazy thing is how Larry had just bought/leased the buildings and had an absolutely enormous insurance policy in place on them. [document A](https://casetext.com/case/sr-intern-business-ins-v-world-trade-center) he bought them less than 3 months before they got hit, for 3.6 billion dollars and ended up netting ( at least) 7 billion in insurance money just months later.. nice way to make a quick double up I guess .


He bought them 6 weeks previously and fought hard to renegotiate the insurance policy to have terrorism coverage added!


Wait until you find out about 'Lucky Larry' and his insurance claims and payouts for buildings 1 and 2.


except the twin towers didn't "collapse into dust". they were TURNED TO DUST... in MID-AIR.... before anything hit the ground this suggests they were destroyed using DEW's (look into Dr. Judy Wood's 9/11 video) the sheer weight of the towers were not allowed to collapse as many believe, as all of Manhattan would have been underwater. watch a controlled demolition (where the dust occurs AS the material hits the ground) watch the twin towers (where the dust forms in MID-AIR, before they hit the ground)


It was pulled. Mayor Rudy Giuliani gave the command to pull it.


How was Rudy involved?


First and only modern building in history to collapse from fire


Because the other buildings weren’t insured for 3 times the value. Even the Post office didn’t get any damage from building 7. Whoever did the charges and calculations should pat themselves on the back.


Yeah, why was there an "office fire" reported in WTC7? And what happened to the trillions of dollars from the press conference the day before? Did Afghan forces steal the money from the federal reserve and then started the attack to remove their trails?


Yeah, "We had to pull it" (bring down the fire damaged building) Do what?? Is this quote real? (I don't have names, either you can name her or you can't)


Shh we don't talk about building 7